小妹特別翻譯成中文希望能幫助到英文苦手的玩家們 !
General Achievement Information
“Get to sector 5.” | 抵達第 5 星系。
“Get to sector 8.” | 抵達第 8 星系。
“Beat the boss on Easy.” | 簡易模式, 打贏最後的Boss船艦。
“Beat the boss on Normal.” | 普通模式, 打贏最後的Boss船艦。
“Unlock every playable ship.” | 解鎖鎖有船艦。
“Collect 10000 scrap across all games.” 收集一萬個廢料
“Defeat 1000 ships across all playthroughs.” 擊沉 1,000 艘船艦
Going the Distance
“Get to sector 5 without firing a shot, using an offensive drone, or teleporting.”
抵達第 5 星系 ( 只可以使用無人機 或 逃跑 )。
“Get to sector 5 with no system/reactor upgrades.”
抵達第 5 星系 ( 不可升級, 系統 & 電力 )
“Get to sector 5 without repairing at a store.”
抵達第 5 星系 ( 不可在商店進行維修 )
“Get to sector 8 without using missiles/bombs.”
抵達第 8 星系 ( 不可使用, 彈類 / 炸彈武器 = 要消耗飛彈類的 )
“Get to sector 8 without using drones.”
抵達第 8 星系 ( 不使用任何無人機 )
“Get to sector 8 without buying at a store (Repairs are ok).”
抵達第 8 星系 ( 不可在商店消費, 但是可以維修 )
“Get to sector 8 without losing a crewmember.”
抵達第 8 星系 ( 不能失去任何船員 ??? )
Skill and Equipment Feats
“Have every square of an enemy ship on fire simultaneously.”
“Fail to evade 5 shots in a row with a full powered and upgraded engine.”
“Have a single boarding drone kill 4 crewmembers on one ship.”
使用無人機器人, 登艦殺死四個敵方船員
“Use the Weapon Pre-Igniter augmentation to destroy an enemy ship in one volley before the enemy can get a single shot off.”
Weapon Pre-Igniter (武器預熱)
到達新的地點後所有武器可以立即發射,不包括聯邦巡洋艦的射線炮擊(artillery beam)。
“Defeat an enemy ship with all of your crew aboard it.”
登上敵方船艦, 並擊殺所有敵人
“Hit every room of a ship with at least one beam in under 5 seconds.”
“Empty the oxygen (Net level less than 5 percent) of a non-automated, hostile enemy ship.”
使敵方船艦中的氧氣, 剩下不到5%