Divided in sections of Character-Based, Story-Related, Game Completion, Sidequest, Loot Crystal, Collectible and Miscellaneous.
The following 4 achievements are related to Harkyn, the main character, and are unlocked by levelling up attributes, spells and re-gaining experience upon death. Without rambling any further, here are the achievements we are looking at:
The following 15 achievements will all come with story progression, so as long as you finish the game these should be pretty much unmissable. The only exception to this is the âShe was the last woman hereâ achievement which is MISSABLE! It requires that you make a certain decision regarding the giant monster chained (select the dialogue option “Ok, Iâll let it live”) during a conversation just before fighting the Annihilator boss in the Rhogar Temple.
Hereâs a list of said achievements in order of appearance and some tips against the bosses:
- Against the First Warden is fairly straightforward. He uses a giant sword and shield, and will swing at you two or three times in a row. Depending on your class selection and agility, you can shield against these smaller attacks while moving around behind the Warden to attack his back.
- Against Commander, stay close to him, just waltz a little with him until he smash his shield in the ground. Roll away from the tremor and go in to attack. You will only be able to sneak in 1 to 3 attacks depending on your weaponry (using your gauntlet is also a viable alternative).
- Against Worshiper, try to avoid the stun and get a good hit on him then immediately raise your shield. He may also do a ground stinger where he slams the blade into the ground and stabs you from the ground, just run around those. Try to take away his health until you hit the first marker. Then he will start using a special when he will kneel down and charge to do a global attack and the only way to protect is to be on one of the altars in the area.
- Against Infiltrator, you can easily sit in between one of the left or right legs and his back leg and attack him. Wait for him to use his second attack, then you have a good opening to attack him while they recover from the 3rd attack. You can also attack the Infiltrator while he is healing, just be wary of the traps, which cripple you.
- Against Champion, plant a tower shield down to stun him if he runs into it, giving you an opening to attack. His rage meter fills up every time he attacks or is attacked. Attacks with poison and fire will assist in filling up his rage meter.
- Against the Beast, attack his legs until the yellow bar is full, he will then fall over so his head is exposed. Attack his head when he is down for massive damage.
- Against Guardian, the best opening from him is to attack when he charge and start a melee combo. To encourage the boss to perform this attack, try to stay at range until the boss charges, avoid it, then run up behind him and do your combo!
- Against Annihilator, stand back at medium distance and waiting for his hammer throw animation. Roll out of the way just before the projectile leaves him and you’ll dodge it in time. You can now run in and perform your combo!
- Against the Lost Brothers, they will switch back and forth after a while. When the Lightning brother comes down, stay just out of his range and wait for him to finish his swiping combo, then attack. For the Fire brother, strafe to the left to dodge his flame breath and attack in that window.
Game Completion
There are six achievements that are related to completing the game. Unfortunately, you can only receive a maximum of two of them from a single playthroughs, so multiple runs through the game are required to earn all six.
- Complete the game with all the magic classes. The title and descriptions on the game’s page are wrong as you need to complete with Brawling, Deception and Solace magic classes selected, not the base class.
There are three endings in this game. Which ending do you get depends from what you do with the Rune of Adyr that you will get. After getting the rune, talk with the blacksmith and then you can choose what you do with the rune:
- To ‘God is dead’ achievement, apply the Rune of Adyr to a piece of armour or shield and defeat the last boss. To ‘Faith is weakness’ achievement, apply the Rune of Adyr to a weapon or the gauntlet and defeat the last boss. Remember that you need to put the rune in to your weapon/gauntlet/shield/armor the same way you put other runes in them. Talking with the blacksmith about putting it doesn’t put it to your equipment. You need to put it yourself manually. Also, you need to use the equipment piece in the final boss fight.
- To ‘Whole world in his hands’ achievement, choose to give the Rune of Adyr to the crafter or don’t do anything with it and complete the game.
There are 6 achievements tied into the side-missions available. Each of them are fairly self-explanatory, but can be tricky to locate as the game never points these side-tasks out to you.
Here are a list of the achievements that fall into this category and what needs to be done to unlock each of them:
- Complete part 1 of the Injured Monk sidequest. Speak to the injured monk as you leave the Monastery and agree to cut off his hand. After the scene, speak to him once again and give him a potion – youâll need to do this to unlock another couple of side-quests and another achievement down the track.
- Complete the Injured Monk side-quest. If you cut off the monkâs hand and gave him a potion early on in the game, youâll bump into him again in the Keystone Citadel. Speak with him here and heâll ask you to clear out his work space in the Southern Watchtower. If you head to the South Watchtower, you will find a spider inside in need of eliminating (you can actually do this right at the start of the game if you are keen). Once you have killed it, return to the monk and tell him its all clear. Youâll now be able to find the injured Monk in the South Watchtower where the spider was located. Speak with him here and heâll ask you to bring him Tyrant Hearts. Bring him four hearts and he will give you 2,000 XP, upgraded potions and the achievement.
- Find and collect 25 Human Skulls. There are 30 Human Skulls in the game and youâll need to find and collect 25 of these to unlock the achievement. You should have no trouble getting all of them as they appear along the way through the game.
- Have a boss destroy a statue in the Square of Heroes. For this achievement youâll need to grab the Shard of Heroes from the secret room in the Monastery. You’ll need a tower key to enter this secret room. During the fight against the Commander or the Beast, place the Shard of Heroes into one of the three statues in the courtyard. The boss will go and knock down the statue you played around with, earning you a new weapon upon completing the fight and the achievement.
- After defeating the Beast boss, you can enter the Old Quarters of Citadel. Here you will be able to find the Cursed sword. Take this sword to the graveyard, and place it in the open grave. Defeat the Ghost that appears and youâll earn the achievement.
Loot Crystal
The Loot Crystals act as a reward of sorts for defeating each of the gameâs bosses. Each of the Loot Crystals becomes active once the associated boss has been killed and opens a portal to a side-area allowing you to find some loot. There are three types of Loot Crystal: Treasure Rooms, Infinite Void Challenges and Proving Grounds. Completing all 10 Loot Crystals will earn you the three related achievements.
These 5 achievements are tied into collecting a number of different items throughout the game including: Audio Notes, special weapons, armour sets and different weapon types. Most of these should be obtainable before the end of the first run through the game, although one achievement âMy Private stashâ requires that you kill bosses within certain parameters, which can be tricky and can be attempted on New Game+ or New Game++ as your equipment will carry across.
These are the collectible achievements in Lords of the Fallen:
- These two achievements are tied into collecting the collectible audio notes in the game. The âBookwormâ achievement requires you to find one and the âBy the Bookâ achievement is awarded upon collecting 60 of them. You should have no problem getting 60 before reaching the final boss. If you do not earn it on your first paythrough, additional audio notes will appear on New Game+ and New Game++ and these notes will also contribute to your total.
- Collect one of every weapon type. There are 11 different types of weapons in the game: axe, dagger, fist weapons, greataxe, greathammer, greatsword, hammer, polesword, short sword, sword and staff.
- Find 20 complete armour sets. This achievement requires players to find and acquire 20 complete armour sets. Complete means that you have found all four pieces of that particular set (Chest, Head, Legs and Wrists). There are 24 total armour sets to be found in your first run through the game, but additional sets become available during New Game+.
- Collect 12 special weapons. There are a 15 unique/legendary weapons in the game that provide players with special properties and the vast majority of those available are obtained via defeating each of the gameâs bosses whilst satisfying a certain condition whilst others can be found either from completing sidequests or are located in hard to find areas. It should be noted that although the description reads weapons, shields will also count towards your total. Below, the list with their names and conditions:
The following 7 achievements require you to do a few in-game challenges, kill every type of enemy, kick enemies in certain places and find a bunch of hidden areas.
- Defeat a boss without taking any damage. This can be tricky, however the Beast and Annihilator have fairly easy to read and well telegraphed moves and fairly limited movesets meaning they can be easy to dispatch without taking damage with a little practice on your first run through. It is much easier on New game+ however as you should be able to kill the First Warden boss easily with your Gauntlet. Youâll also have a better understanding of how to approach each of the boss fights the second time around!
- Defeat a boss with 20,000 unspent XP. This is easier to do towards the end of the game and into New game+ when a new attribute or spell point costs in excess of 20,000 XP. Simply carry the XP into a boss fight and kill the boss to earn the achievement. If you are unable to do it first time, quickly run in and re-acquire the XP upon death and try again until you get it done!
- You need to get the killing blow on the First Warden boss with the Persistence Greatsword. Unfortunately, the First Warden will drop this sword when you kill him so you wonât be able to do it again in the first playthrough! Once you complete the game, start the new Game+ and equip the weapon when you fight the First Warden boss. Make sure you land the killing blow on him with the sword and youâll earn the achievement.
- This achievement requires you to kill all 15 types of Rhogar enemies in the game (excluding bosses). These include: crossbowmen, demon hounds, dimensional beasts, forgers, fire/poison beasts, fire golems, golems, knights, marauders, rogues, shieldmen, spellcasters, spirits, tyrants and wardens. The only tricky enemy in this list is the fire golems because when you encounter them, they usually attempt to kill you by self-destructing. This will not count for the achievement. Instead, you need to damage them with melee or gauntlet attacks until they die from health loss.
- This achievement requires that you find and enter 15 secret rooms. Secret rooms include: walls that you can break down, doors opened by pressure plates and open doorways hidden behind bookcases.
- Kick an enemy off a cliff. To enable kicking, youâll need to have Harkyn switch to the two-handed stance and hit the secondary attack button (used for shields/gauntlet) to have Harkyn kick. There are several places to kick enemies into pits with the walls around Keystone, a bottomless pit or two in the Catacombs, the spider cave in the Rhogar realm and the spider room in the Chamber of Lies all eligible options.
- You need to throw a corpse down the bottomless pit in Catacombs. From main entrance of Catacombs, walk using main path, then in big circle room use left path and in first room on your right you find body laying near the bottomless pit.
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