Half-Life Guide

Adrenaline Gamer mod [English] for Half-Life

Adrenaline Gamer mod [English]


Adrenaline Gamer (AG) is a Half-Life multiplayer mod that adds match functions and extra gamemodes.There’s 2 guides already but they both are in russian, so i made a 3rd one in english

About the mod

Adrenaline Gamer (AG) is a Half-Life multiplayer mod that adds match functions and extra gamemodes. This mod is used to host league games and 1v1 matches, often played by “pro” players, but also by average players who want to improve at this game.

(not my pics)

If you’re starting to think Half-Life is way too easy, this mod is for you.

AG includes modified gameplay features that include old physics (uncapped bunnyhopping) and movement speed slightly fastened

As described on the mod’s steam group:

Adrenaline Gamer is a full Half-Life Deathmatch replacement mod and is considered to be the OSP mod for Half-Life. For those of you who are unfamiliar with Adrenaline Gamer, think of it as an extension to HLDM which offers more choices, more control, more options, more features… and ultimately more fun!


Since this is a Half-Life mod, you obviously going to need HL installed already.
You can get the mod here:
Page provided by YaLTeR from SourceRuns
(click on full mod package)

Extract the “ag” folder into your Half-Life directory, aka where hl.exe is

After that, restart steam and you will see the mod listed on your game library as “Adrenaline Gamer Steam” or “OpenAG”

You can also copy your custom HLDM maps to AG from


AG includes extra gamemodes aside of the regular DM one, you can vote for them by typing the gamemode’s short name in console (tdm, ffa, ctf, etc)

Took this info from the mod’s documentation file

Free For All (ffa): Standard Deathmatch settings.

Team Deathmatch (tdm): A 20-mins team based match. The team which ends the match with the most kills wins.

Capture The Flag mode (ctf):Team-based gamemode where you try to capture the opposing teams flag.
Player score system in CTF:
4 points for each capture.
1 point for returning your teams flag.
1 point for killing the opponent that carries your flag.
1 point for stealing the other teams flag.
1 point if you kill your opponent while defending your flag.

Last Man Standing (lms): You start with a subset of the standard weapons and battle it out until one man remains!

Last Team Standing (lts): You also start with a subset of the standard weapons and battle it out until one team remains! Think of this one as Quake’s Clan Arena.

Arena (arena): A one on one mode where you start will all the weapons. When a player dies he goes to spectator mode
and the next in line is spawned after a countdown. If you just want to
watch you can change your ready status in the commandmenu, or also you can type ready/notready in console.

Arcade (arcade): Warmup mode to get the feel for the weapons before a match. You
always spawn with all weapons and ammo. If you kill someone you get a refill
as a reward.

Instagib (instagib): One shot one kill!

Client vote commands

agstart – Start a match, locking the teams and moving whoever joins after to spectator mode.
agallow name – Allow a player into the match if the match was started already.
agpause – Pause server.
agmap (map) – Starts a vote for a new map
agnextmap (map) – Set next map.
agnextmode (mode) – Set next mode.
ag_spectalk 1 – Vote this to 1 to allow spectators to talk to all if the match started already, 0 to disallow them again.
agkick – Votekick a player
mp_timelimit XX – Votes to set a timelimit, useful to extend a map
mp_fraglimit XX – Votes to set a frag limit

Client commands

+commandmenu – Shows a menu with commands, i recommend binding this to a key since you can do a lot of stuff with this menu, like voting and toggling stuff like netgraph and viewmodel

help – Lists and explains all commands in your console.
spectate – Toggles spectator mode.
timeout – Call 1 minute timeout in matches, if the server allows it.
ready/notready – Set ready mode in arena/lms/lts.
settings – Shows server settings.
dropitems – Drop flag in CTF mode.
agrecord – Records a demo to an unique filename. (For example: boot_camp-20161008-134149) You can find the demo files inside Half-Life/ag folder

Config: HUD customization

You can customize your hud with the following commands:

hud_color “255 160 0” – Changes color on the HUD. You can use any color you want, just specify the RGB value for it.

con_color “255 160 0” – Changes color on the Console text. You can use any color you want, just specify the RGB value for it.

hud_centerid 1 – Centers player id below crosshair. 0 moves it to the left.
hud_timer 1 – Displays the timer. 1 is time remaining, 2 is time elapsed, 3 shows the system clock
hud_timer 1

hud_timer 3

hud_weapon 1 – Display the current weapon as a sprite (good for viewmodel off).
cl_scores 2 – for a mini scoreboard direct on your hud. Set it to the amount of teams/players you want to see.
cl_scores_pos “30 30” – Controls where the mini scoreboard is draw on the screen (X Y). Default is top left.

Config: AG client-side variables

Recommended settings (1 is on, 0 is off if not stated otherwise)

hud_playerid 1 – Displays the player identification.
hud_settings 1 – Display the server settings.
hud_takesshots 1 – Takes screenshot after every map change.
cl_autowepswitch 2 – Autoswitch to better weapon when you pick up. 1 enables it, 2 uses an improved weapon switch and 0 disables it
cl_only_team_talk 0 – You can turn off all public talk with this variable.
cl_show_colors 1 – Set to 0 to turn off the colors.
cl_ctf_volume 1 – Controls the volume on the CTF sounds.
cl_lc 1 – Lag compensation.
cl_lw 1 – Client side controlled effects.

Config: Weapon binds

Default controls involve using the 0-5 keys or scrolling your mousewheel to move through the weapons menu. This is not a good idea, because it slows you down and makes you an easy target.

If you want to take down your enemies faster, then you may want to be able to switch weapons faster too. To achieve this you can bind all the available weapons around your movement keys (WASD). For example, this is what i use:

bind 1 “weapon_9mmAR”
bind 2 “weapon_shotgun”
bind 3 “weapon_rpg”
bind 4 “weapon_hornetgun”
bind 5 “weapon_egon”
bind q “weapon_gauss”
bind t “weapon_crowbar”
bind f “weapon_357”
bind x “weapon_crossbow”
bind ctrl “weapon_9mmhandgun”

1 for 9mmAR/MP5
2 for Shotgun
3 for RPG
4 for Hornetgun
CTRL for Glock
5 for Gluon/Egon
Q for Tau Cannon/gauss
T for Crowbar
F for 357/Revolver
X for Crossbow

To assing a key to a specific weapon, the first thing you need to do is open the console using the (~) key (the one above TAB). After that, type the following command in there:

bind “key” “weapon_name”
For example [bind “q” “weapon_shotgun”] will assing the key Q to the shotgun

More detailed info about key binds on this guide:

Config: Helpful scripts

Various common scripts that can be used in HLDM:AG, you don’t have to use them if you don’t want to.
To use them you need to copy/paste the script content into userconfig.cfg or autoexec.cfg in your Half-Life/ag directory

Makes jump timing less punishing, allowing you to jump around easier

alias “+decentjump” “+jump;wait;-jump;wait;+jump;wait;-jump;wait;+jump;wait;-jump;wait;+jump;wait;-jump”
alias “-decentjump” “-jump”
bind “key” “+decentjump”

-Double-duck (box jump)
Have you ever seen some players that can climb boxes in stalkyard at an impressive speed? They are doing the doubleduck trick. It works by ducking, then quickly releasing duck and then ducking again resulting in a small elevation from the ground, allowing you to climb small boxes faster.

alias “+doubleduck” “+duck;wait;-duck;wait;+duck;wait”
alias “-doubleduck” “-duck”
bind “key” “+doubleduck”

-Longjump script
If pressing duck+jump is too hard for you, you can do a longjump with a single key using this script

//longjump (default)
alias “+longjump” “+duck;wait;+jump”
alias “-longjump” “-jump;-duck”
bind “key” “+longjump”

-Quick bow script
inb4 hurr durr xbow cheats
It isn’t really a cheat since you can do the same thing by switching to a different weapon then back to the xbow after shooting
This one works by zooming, shooting, then switching weapons back to the crossbow, almost instantaneously.

alias “+quickbow” “+attack2;wait;+attack;wait;-attack;wait;-attack2”
alias “-quickbow” “wait;lastinv;lastinv”
bind “key” “+quickbow”

Source: [link]
You can find more scripts there
