Overview of all cheats in AoE 2 HD and The ForgottenTrick to get easy Achievements
Cheats for Age of Empires II: HD Edition
To use the codes press Enter while your in-game, then type in the following codes for the desired effects.
Cheats for The Forgotten
To use the codes press Enter while your in-game, then type in the following codes for the desired effects.
Command Line Codes
To use the codes from the table, go to your steam library, right click on Age of Empires II: HD Edition and open properties -> “Set launch options”.
Type in the code you want to use, with a minus in front.
e.g. -NoStartup -NoMusic
- If you use these cheats you will not get any achievements.
- To use cheats in multiplayer you must first “Allow Cheats” in the lobby of the multiplayer game you are creating.
- Units will all spawn at your first town center.
- NATURAL WONDERS – gives player the control of all animals but lose control of everything.
Easy way to farm Achievements
There is an easy way to speed up the way to get the achievements in AoE 2 HD. There is no need for additional downloads/scripts…
All you have to use is the Map Editor of the game.
- Go to the Map Editor and create scenario.
- Now build what you need for your achievements.
- Save your map and leave the editor.
- Start Single Player, Standard Game.
- Choose Scenario…
- Load your map.
Enjoy your achievement hunting 😉
Note: Keep in mind, this does not acquire any skill to get all achievements. It is more fun when you get them in a REAL game.
Age of Empires® III: Complete Collection and Age of Mythology: Extended Edition
Age of Empires® III: Complete Collection
Age of Mythology: Extended Edition
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