Terminal Hacker Guide

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[AHK] Quick and easy 1000 hacks


AutoHotKey shenanigans.


Here’s the achievement in question:

1337 Hacker

— Hack a total of 1000 passwords
This will take 5 minutes at most.

For this one, we’ll need some help: AutoHotKey is a freeware script and macro platform, with many varied uses and applications. You can download it here[www.autohotkey.com]. From its endless number of tools and usage, all we’re going to need is a simple hotkey assignment.

AHK isn’t a GUI-oriented software. Installing it won’t bring up a nifty window to record and save macros or scripts, but rather make your computer able to recognize and run .ahk files at their full glory.

If AHK isn’t available to you (e.g. on Macs), any other macro software should probably work all the same.

The code

After installing, open up any usual text editor (notepad works fine) and copy+paste the following:

send abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{return}
GetKeyState, exit, F2
if exit=D

Save it as something like “spammmm.ahk” (with quotes) and later open it. A new tray icon will appear to warn that the script is up and running. Right-clicking its icon will allow you to kill the script, edit it or reload it (after changes have been made on the script), among other options. For more info on AutoHotKey usage, check its help guide included with the install and remember that the internet is your friend[google.com].

If you choose to create a script file via Windows’s templates (right-click on some folder or desktop > New > AHK Script), make sure to edit it later and delete the line (or comment it using a semi-colon) containing “SendMode Input”, as it’ll make the script not work with the game.


The script simply types out every character from A-Z to “hack a password” in-game, then presses Enter to confirm and proceed to the next one to bypass, then repeats infinitely. This results in an average of 240 words cracked per minute.

Once everything is set, go for broke. Select Practice mode, Script Kiddie difficulty.

Then press F1 to fire up the script, go grab a drink or something and wait until the counter reaches a thousand, then hold F2 to stop the loop. That’s it. Easy 1k hacks in less than 5 minutes.

Don’t forget to exit AutoHotKey from the taskbar when you’re done.

Closing notes

There we go. If this guide has helped you out, don’t forget to rate it. And if there is any way that I can make it clearer, do comment.
