Alien: Isolation Guide

Alien: Isolation 100% Achievement Guide for Alien: Isolation

Alien: Isolation 100% Achievement Guide


100% Completion Guide for Alien: Isolation.


Hello there, I decided to make an Achievement Guide for those who need 100% completion for Alien: Isolation.

If you have any question, please feel free to leave a comment below.

Enjoy it!

Story Related

Complete the first mission
This is a story related achievement that cannot be missed.

Welcome to Sevastopol
Complete the second mission
This is a story related achievement that cannot be missed.

A Hunt Begins
Complete the third mission
This is a story related achievement that cannot be missed.

A Perfect Organism
Encounter the Alien in Sevastopol for the first time
This is a story related achievement that cannot be missed.

You Shouldn’t Be There.
Complete the fourth mission
This is a story related achievement that cannot be missed.

How Do You Feel?
Complete the fifth mission
This is a story related achievement that cannot be missed.

Caught in the Trap
Complete the sixth mission
This is a story related achievement that cannot be missed.

An Outpost of Progress
Complete the seventh mission
This is a story related achievement that cannot be missed.

Not the First
Turn off the beacon
This is a story related achievement that cannot be missed. You will earn this achievement towards the end of mission nine, “Beacon.”

Complete the tenth mission
This is a story related achievement that cannot be missed.

Hazard Containment
Complete the eleventh mission
This is a story related achievement that cannot be missed.

A Synthetic Solution
Complete the twelfth mission
This is a story related achievement that cannot be missed.

Complete the thirteenth mission
This is a story related achievement that cannot be missed.

Throwing the Switch
Complete the fourteenth mission
This is a story related achievement that cannot be missed.

The Message
Complete the fifteenth mission
This is a story related achievement that cannot be missed.

Complete the sixteenth mission
This is a story related achievement that cannot be missed.

Free the Torrens
Complete the seventeenth mission
This is a story related achievement that cannot be missed.

End of the Hunt
Complete the eighteenth mission
This is a story related achievement that cannot be missed.

Ripley, Signing Off
Complete the game on any difficulty setting
This is a story related achievement that cannot be missed. You will earn it upon completing mission nineteen, “Isolation.”

Shock to the System
Use the stun baton
You will earn the stun baton automatically as part of the story. At the start of the sixth mission, you’ll have to remove one that’s jamming a door in order to proceed with the mission objective.

Light ’em Up
Use the flamethrower
At the start of the tenth mission, you will receive the flamethrower as part of the story.
Use the flamethrower directly on the Xenomorph before it gets too close. 40-50 flamethrower fuel should be enough to cause it to retreat. When it runs away, you’ll also get the secret achievement “Back Off”.

Use With Caution…
Use the shotgun
You will come across the shotgun in mission eleven. After running into a locked door that needs to be accessed with a keycard, turn around, move forward a bit, and look to your left on the ground for a body. This body will have the keycard on it, along with the shotgun.

Every Bullet Counts
Use the revolver
In mission three, “Encounters,” you will have to find a keycard in order to progress through a locked door. The keycard is on a desk in a brightly lit room that’s connected to the locked door by a small corridor. The revolver is on top of the keycard so you will have to pick up the revolver before grabbing the keycard.

This Should Work
Use the bolt gun
You will earn the bolt gun as you progress through the fourteenth mission, “The Descent.”

Difficulty Related

Complete the game on the hardest difficulty setting
You are not required to play on nightmare for this achievement. You can still play on hard and earn this achievement if you wish to do so. In hard, enemies are more alert, they take more damage before dying, and they deal more damage to you.

It’s not as bad as it seems. As long as you spend most of your time sneaking through and crouch-walking you should be fine. Another important thing to remember is that you must keep moving. Never let the Xenomorph or other enemies trap you in a room for half an hour.

Always avoid running and do not hide inside of lockers or cabinets unless you find it absolutely necessary. Stick to hiding by walls, behind boxes, underneath tables, and so on. It’s quicker to maneuver this way.

Mercy or Prudence?
Complete the game without killing any humans
You are able to kill as many androids as you like, but you must not kill any humans. If you kill a friendly or hostile human on accident it is still possible to earn this achievement upon completing the game, as long as you reload a previous save as soon as you kill someone.

The human AI is pretty poor in comparison to the Xenomorph AI.

Enemy humans can spot you from greater distances when playing on hard difficulty, but if you use flares or other craftable items like smoke bombs, flashbangs, and noisemakers, you’ll be able to distract humans with ease.

If you use noisemakers or flares, the human AI will notice it and will orient themselves so when they run up to the distraction, they will only focus on the distraction and ignore everything in their peripheral vision. If you get too close to their central vision/near focal vision they will start attacking you, but if that happens you can simply reload a save and try out a different approach.

There is no way to knock out or stun humans for long periods of time other than using flashbangs, but even flashbangs don’t buy you a whole lot of time. The maintenance jack (basic melee weapon) and the stun rod will kill humans, so avoid using those. If you need a distraction just resort to the craftable items that aren’t pipe bombs or Molotovs.

If you throw a noisemaker or flare to distract humans, the Xenomorph slides down from the vents to investigate, and then the Xenomorph proceeds to kill the humans, those kills will not count against you. Hostile androids can also kill a human if one steps in the path of the android, but those kills will also not count against you.

One Shot
Complete the game without dying
“I can’t lie to you about your chances, but…you have my sympathies.” ok…

General Preparation:
There are no great strategies for this achievement other than what’s already been mentioned. As the Xenomorph AI is very dynamic, sometimes you just don’t know what to expect with it.

It is recommended that you attempt the achievement on an easier difficulty, as on hard the Xenomorph seems to have a tendency to walk outside of the vents more often.

Always crouch-walk around enemies and avoid running. Stock up on medikits to heal yourself if you need to. You are able to carry up to six at a time. You should also look for flares. Construct noisemakers to distract the Xenomorph and the humans. Don’t forget to use the EMP mines/pipe bombs/stun baton to take care of the androids. Save flamethrower fuel and Molotovs for the Xenomorph and the Facehuggers. Also save bolt gun ammo for the androids that wear raincoats later in the game.

Stuff That Can Catch You Off-Guard:
There are a few things that can take you by surprise in Alien: Isolation, and it’s not a good thing to get caught off-guard while attempting the “One Shot” achievement. You never know if you’ll fumble the controller and lose precious time.

Some of the worst enemies can be the androids that appear deactivated on the ground. A few are still active (you can tell by the glowing eyes). Do not get too close or else they can grab you and do a significant amount of damage. If you want, you could take these androids out with revolver shots to the head, but it’s better to save ammo and walk around them.

Facehuggers are one hit deaths. It doesn’t matter what difficulty you play on. If they jump, it’s game over (man!). You’ll start to see them appear in mission fourteen once you head down to Sevastopol’s reactor core. When a Facehugger notices you, they make a pretty distinctive sound compared to everything else in the game. So have the flamethrower ready once you hear that sound. After the fourteenth mission you will encounter a few more during the rest of the game. These Facehuggers will burst out from behind a stack of cardboard boxes.

The Xenomorph can toy around with you at times. Occasionally you’ll hear it hiss from a random vent up above, and you’ll notice drool dripping down from the vent to the floor. Avoid walking underneath the vent or else you’ll be killed. Keep an eye on the ceilings.

Do not mess with the friendly humans either, like the ones at the Colonial Marshall Bureau or the two you encounter in the Lorenz system lobby at the start of mission ten. It is possible to kill them, and if they die by your hand you’ll get a game over screen.

It is possible to get a game over screen in the timed sequences from missions twelve and fifteen. In mission twelve you must manually disconnect the cables to stop APOLLO’s communication with Samuels. If you don’t remove the cables quickly enough or remove them in the proper order you will die. In mission fifteen you must shut off the Anesidora’s fusion systems to prevent them from overloading. If you don’t do the prompts quickly enough it is possible to die there too.

In the middle of mission eighteen there are some runaway trams you will encounter due to the way Sevastopol is tilting from the damaged gravity stabilizers. The first tram will appear as soon as you step close to a door. You’ll be able to hear it coming so hang back until it passes. As for the second tram, you must remain crouched underneath it as it passes just above you. There’s no time to get up the next little set of stairs, so remain crouched by the stairs then go up when the tram has passed.

Pause/Reload Abuse:
If you think you are about to die (you hear the Xenomorph shriek and stomp toward you, humans start shooting at you etc.) quickly pause the game, then reload a save.

If you load a save during a death animation before you see the cassette tape save icon in the upper right corner of your screen, you will know that you reloaded quickly enough.

Important: There is always the chance that you may not be quick enough to pause the game and you end up seeing the cassette tape save icon recording your death. When this happens, reload your “previous save” rather than “current save.” By reloading the “previous save” your death will not have been registered and you can still earn this achievement by the end of the game.

You must make it to the next save station and save there after getting killed and loading a previous save. If you die, load the previous save, then die before saving at the next save station, you cannot load the previous save and still get the achievement. If you load the previous save and you are killed before you get a chance to save at a save station, you’ll have to go to the main menu, load the mission save, and restart the mission where you were killed.

Also notice: You can save multiple times at the same save station. After saving once, you must wait 90 seconds before saving at the same station again. If you keep doing this as you play the game, you can keep reloading the current save.

Kill Related

Knock down a human or stun an android with a non-lethal attack
To knock down a human, throw a flashbang at him/her. To stun an android, chuck an EMP mine at it.

A great opportunity to get this achievement is during mission four, “Seegson Communications.”

Once you reach Internal Communications and get the cutscene with Samuels, you’ll find a save station towards a small side room on your right. Next to the save station is a blueprint of the EMP mine on a table.

Construct the EMP mine and toss it at one of the androids when you make your way back to the elevator.

Self Defense
Kill 10 humans
A decent place to grind this out is near the very beginning of mission seven, “Seegson Synthetics.”

Enter the vents. When you drop down you’ll be at another elevator. Save at the save station just outside of this elevator, then turn around and move to the area with the three hostile humans. Pop a flare and toss it in one of the corners of the room to distract them. Wait for the humans to group around the flare, and then throw a flashbang or smoke bomb at them. Walk up from behind and strike them down with the maintenance jack.

This is a more stealthy approach to killing the humans here, so if you are attempting the achievement to complete the game without dying you can do the above maneuver. However if you are coming back to this mission through mission select you can always take out the humans with a Molotov, a pipe bomb, or with the revolver. But remember that the noise can easily attract the Xenomorph.

Reload the save and repeat the procedure above until you’ve got your ten kills.

Fault Detected
Kill an Android
Simply kill an android. You can get this in the fourth mission if you hit with a wrench, the first android you meet then run away and repeat.

My Turn Now
Kill an android using only the maintenance jack
The maintenance jack is your melee weapon and you will find it in the second mission. To use it, tap

A simple place to earn this achievement is right at the start of the fourth mission, “Seegson Communications.” You will encounter an android with his back turned to you near the very beginning of the mission.

Crouch-walk up behind the android, hit it twice with the jack, and then run back to the starting area before the android can hurt you. Wait a few seconds, and the android should return to its original position. Keep repeating this process until the android is terminated.


The Missing
Collect an ID tag
See The Taken achievement for greater detail.

The Taken
Collect all ID tags
There are a total of 50 ID tags that must be collected for this achievement.

The game will automatically save any collectible you pick up, so if you collect something, die, and load an older save, you don’t have to worry about getting that collectible again. All collectibles found will carry over to your next playthrough as well, regardless of the difficulty you choose.

Text and video guides to all collectibles in the game can be found here.

Here’s another one.

Collect 10 Nostromo logs in the main campaign
The game will automatically save any collectible you pick up, so if you collect something, die, and load an older save, you don’t have to worry about getting that collectible again. All collectibles found will carry over to your next playthrough as well, regardless of the difficulty you choose.

Text and video guides to all collectibles in the game can be found here.

Here’s another one.

A Record of Disaster
Collect an archive log
See the Voices of Sevastopol achievement for greater detail.

Voices of Sevastopol
Collect 100 archive logs
There are a total of 151 archive logs that can be found in Alien: Isolation. As the achievement description states, you only need to find 100 of them. Archive logs can come in a few varieties, such as an email/diary entry in a terminal or an audio recording.

The game will automatically save any collectible you pick up, so if you collect something, die, and load an older save, you don’t have to worry about getting that collectible again. All collectibles found will carry over to your next playthrough as well, regardless of the difficulty you choose.

Text and video guides to all collectibles in the game can be found here.

Here’s another one.

A True Engineer
Construct one of each craftable item
In order to craft an item, you must first find the blueprint for that item.

Once you have a blueprint, hold ‘B’ to bring up the radial menu. Choose which item you want to craft with ‘LB’. From there you can see which materials are needed to craft a specific item. Once you have finished gathering and applying all necessary materials, press ‘LB’ to craft the item.

There are seven craftable items altogether. You can find more versions of the blueprints throughout the game, each item has three different blueprints.

Here’s a guide where you can find the blueprints.


Just out of Reach
Contact your team and escape Comms without being attacked by an android
This achievement is obtained during mission four, “Seegson Communications.”

You can be spotted by the androids and they can follow you around in a hostile state, but you cannot be touched by one.

To remain undetected, you must crouch-walk for the most part. Take mental notes of where the androids are pacing and sneak by them when they’ve got their backs turned to you. Avoid running at all times, this way you will be harder to detect. Only run if you’ve been detected, and run just enough to get out of an android’s line of sight so you can hide.

Right before the Internal Communications room is another smaller room with an android that appears to be flat on the floor, deactivated in a corner. If you walk into this room and get too close to android, there is a chance that it can grab you and do some damage. So steer clear from the android on the floor there.

If you get caught in a tricky situation where two or more androids have blocked your way forward and backwards, pause the game and revert to an older save before they can touch you. This way the achievement will not be voided.

Not a Scratch
Escape from android combat without taking damage
This is an easy achievement, simply annoy an android and take no damage in the process. You can get this in the fourth mission by hitting the first Android you see with a wrench and running away.

Retreat From Fire
Cause the Alien to retreat using a molotov
Once you have constructed a Molotov, throw it directly at or very close to the Xenomorph and it should run away.

She’s in the Vents…
Use the vent system 20 times
You will get this achievement through natural progression in the game since you will be using the vents a lot.

I Admire its Purity
Detect 30 targets with the motion tracker
You will receive the motion tracker in the beginning of the fourth mission, “Seegson Communications.”

You must detect 30 unique enemies for this achievement, you cannot keep tapping the ‘RB’ and whip out the motion tracker 30 times on a single enemy.

As you progress through the game you’ll earn this achievement with no problems. Most people should unlock this naturally during missions six or seven.

Back Off
Cause the Alien to retreat by using the flamethrower
This can be done once you earn the flamethrower in the tenth story mission. Spray the flamethrower directly on the Xeno before it can attacks. 40-50 flamethower fuel will be enough to make it retreat.

Build to Survive
Construct an item
You will get this in the second mission when you first come across the medkit blueprints and some supplies. Hold down ‘B’ and select the medkit, then select the parts needed and press ‘LB’ to craft it and the achievement is yours.

Mind Your Step
Navigate Reactor Maintenance without dying
This achievement is obtained in mission fourteen, “The Descent.”

Towards the end of this mission you must overload two cores in a Xenomorph nest then head back to the elevator. As with the previous level specific achievements, it’s best to constantly walk/crouch-walk and remain stealthy. Avoid running at all times and use the flamethrower or Molotovs to fend off enemies.

While in the nest, you will encounter Facehuggers for the first time. If any one of them jumps on you, it’s an instant death regardless of the difficulty you are playing on. The Facehuggers make a distinctive sound when they notice you, so when you hear that, stop moving and ready your flamethrower. A quick burst from the flamethrower will take care of the Facehuggers easily.

Also, if you encounter any unopened eggs, burn them with the flamethrower or a Molotov from a distance, as Facehuggers can crawl out of those.

Seegson Security Bypass
Perform 10 successful hacks
In the third mission, “Encounters,” you will pick up an access tuner. This device allows you to bypass some locked terminals and doors.

This achievement will unlock naturally as you play through the game.

Whenever “hacking,” you are basically matching up a sequence of images. There is another hacking event where you have to line up three moving white squares within three white bars, and each bar is smaller than the previous one.

Seegson Systems Expert
Complete 10 minigames successfully
This achievement is story related and cannot be missed. Most people should be able to earn this just before clearing the fourteenth mission, but if you go through the fourth mission very fast you will earn this achievement during mission sixteen.

In mission four when you have to head over to the Internal Communications room to get in touch with Samuels, an android can come over and deactivate Samuel’s communication. When this happens, you must reactivate the terminals by doing three mini-games. If you can make it to Internal Communications quickly before that android can deactivate Samuel’s communication, then you won’t have to perform the three mini-games. So if that happens you will earn the achievement in mission sixteen.

Whenever you use a computer terminal and you have to fiddle with the face buttons on your controller to get some garbled assortment of text to stay on screen, you’re doing mini-games. You aren’t breaking out the access tuner to hack the terminals for these.

Power Games
Access 10 different rewire points
A rewire point allows you to redirect power to things like the lighting in a room, air purification, locked doors, vent access, and so on.

There are numerous rewire points scattered around the walls in the game. You should have no problem unlocking this achievement in your first playthrough.

100 Times Too Many
Get killed by the Alien 100 times
You might unlock this naturally. If you finish off all other achievements and you still have this one left, just boot up Survivor mode. Run out of the starting area, keep running around until the Xenomorph kills you, then continue to retry the challenge until you unlock the achievement.

Hide. Run. Survive.
Complete the fifth mission without being killed by the Alien
This achievement is obtained during mission five, “The Quarantine.”

In this mission you will come face to face with the Xenomorph after watching a small scene where it drops from a vent. Hide behind a nearby gurney and the Xeno will move away after a couple of seconds.

For the most part, just rely on the motion tracker to direct you through the rooms and navigate around the Xenomorph. Avoid running at all times. Walk or crouch-walk.

Given as to how random the Xeno AI can be, there aren’t any great tips as to how to get through this mission other than crouch-walking and using flares and noisemakers.

If you know you are about to be killed, then simply reload the current save before you die. If you do end up dying you can reload the previous save and try to continue from there.


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