Long Live The Queen Guide

All about Moods & Skill Training for Long Live The Queen

All about Moods & Skill Training


A simple table that shows you how each class is affected by the various moods. *Update* Now with tons of extra information on moods, training, weekend activities, outfits and MATH


In “Long Live the Queen” the outcome of almost all decisions depends on the levels of your skills. The skills are increased by attending classes. And the gain of your classes is determined by your mood.

So before you can train the skill you want, you have to make sure that you are in the proper mood.

Maluses(-) should be avoided, Neutral moods are okay, but if you are a MinMaxer you definitely want to be in the bonus mood for (almost) every class.

The Table

Royal Demeanor
– –
– –
– – –
– – –
– – –
– – –
Animal Handling
– – –
– –
– –
– –
– – –

The table should be pretty straight forward. “+” denotes that you get a +1.0 bonus when you study a topic with the beneficial mood, “-” means -1.0 malus, “–” means -2.0 malus and “—“, of course, stands for a -3.0 malus.

Mood selection

Only one mood will affect you at any given time and that is the one displayed under “Current mood” in the “Mood” or “Skills” tab. The rule that determines which one is quite simple:
1) The most extreme mood is chosen.

2) If there are multiple moods that are equally extreme, then the leftmost is chosen.

3) There are two special cases:
a) You are injured during an event. This mood overwrites any other and will last a single week.
b) You have every mood at +-0 which makes you ‘neutral’.

Weekend Activities

After a week of intense studies Elodie can choose how she wants to spend her weekend. She can choose a single activity and by doing so she can adjust her mood. The effects of some activities change depending on her original mood and a few even influence hidden traits.

The activities that can always be chosen:

Attend Court
  • +1 Depressed
  • +2 Yielding
  • +1 Pressured
Explore Castle
  • +1 Afraid
  • +1 Lonely
Play with Toys
  • +1 Cheerful
  • +1 Yielding
  • +1 Lonely
Sneak Out
  • +2 Willful
  • +1 Lonely
  • (+1 Depressed, if father is dead)
Visit Tomb
  • +1 Afraid
  • +1 Depressed
Walk in the Gardens
  • +1 Cheerful
  • +1 Lonely

Some activities have requirements that have to be met before Elodie can engage in them. Most of these also vary in their effects depending on Elodie’s moods:

Attend Ball
Dancing > 50
If Pressured == 0:

  • +1 Pressured
  • (+1 Noble Approval)

If Pressured > 0:

  • +1 Depressed
  • +1 Pressured
  • (+1 Noble Approval)

If Pressured < 0:

  • +1 Cheerful
  • +1 Pressured
  • (+1 Noble Approval)
Attend Service
Not neutral in the first two ‘mood bars’
If Mood == Angry:

  • -1 Angry

If Mood == Afraid:

  • -1 Afraid

If Mood == Cheerful:

  • -1 Cheerful

If Mood == Depressed:

  • -1 Depressed
Horses > 50
If Angry <= 0:

  • -2 Afraid
  • +1 Depressed
  • (+0.5 Cruelty)

If Angry > 0:

  • -2 Afraid
  • +1 Cheerful
  • (+1 Cruelty)
Reflexes > 30
If Lonely <= 0:

  • +1 Angry

If Lonely > 0:

  • +1 Angry
  • -1 Lonely
Tour the Barracks
Strategy > 40
  • -1 Willful
  • +1 Pressured

Sometimes Elodie can also choose to participate in an event which is denoted by a star symbol. This replaces her weekend activity and may or may not influence her mood. For brevity and for my own sake I won’t list them here.

Training Skills Calculations

Training a skill is not only dependent on the mood, but also the knowledge you already have in the whole topic.
Your gain is calculated as follows:

1) The game checks your current levels of all the sub skills in the topic.
2) It adds them all up and divides the result by 100
3) Depending on the current mood a bonus or malus is added. (check table above)
4) The Result is the number displayed next to the topic
5) You will also receive a bonus from the whole category (Social, Intellectual, Mystical…)*. This bonus is displayed next to the category name.
6) The result and this extra bonus will be added to your training on each day, so you get [(the result + category bonus + 2 base points) * 5 days] added to your skill.

We want to increase ‘Ciphering’ which is a skill in the topic ‘Intrigue’.

1) The other skills in the topic are ‘Internal Affairs’ and ‘Foreign Intelligence’.
2) We add 81.5 + 98.7 + 57.5 = 237.7 and divide 237.7 / 100 = 2.377
3) Luckily we are in the bonus mood and add 1.0. 2.377 + 1.0 = 3.377.
4) The game only displays 2 digits after decimal point, so we only see 3.38 (rounded)
5) Our category bonus is 0.248
5) So training will gain us: (3.377 + 0.248 + 2.0) * 5 = 28.125 ~= 28.13 (rounded)

*The category bonus in turn is calculated by adding all skill levels of the category up and dividing by 1000.


When Elodie reaches at least 25 in all skills of a topic she receives an outfit. Whenever she wears that outfits she gains a bonus of +10 to these skills. But important to note is that this does not buff the rate at which you improve your skills. If you are at 25 on every skill and wear the appropiate outfit you have 35 for skillchecks, but still only 25 for the calculations above.
