Cradle Guide

All Achievements Guide for Cradle

All Achievements Guide


A guide for all the achievements available in game.

History Related Achievements.

***The following guide has spoilers***

  • The listed achievements in this part of the guide are hard to miss since they are obtained over the normal flow of the game and the objects obtained are needed for the game history to advance.
  • If you skip any cube pavilion puzzles you will miss the achievement for the skipped pavilion.
  • The achievements will be registered on your steam account on the very moment you exit the game (Bad achievement implementation from the developers of the game).


First achievement you got, unlocked after feeding Ongot’s and changing his vest.

Treasure Hunter

Unlocked after finding your buried toys. (Look outside of the yurt, aim left until you see a group of trees, in the center of those trees you’ll see a tree that lacks any leafs with an engraved arrow pointing to the hidden place where your toys are buried).


Unlocked after activating Ida. Pretty easy to do.

Sand Warrior

Unlocked after getting inside and completing the Endless Sands Pavilion in the Gerbera Garden.

Unconditioned Reflex

Unlocked after inserting the Breath Module you got from the Endless Sands Pavilion into Ida’s M-Body.


Using the genometer, point at the center of the flowers to get their Genetic Quality Index, you will need to collect 2 red gerberas with a 70 or higher, 1 orange gerbera with a 80 or higher and finally 1 yellow with a 90 or higher gene index, after that place them into the phytocopier and packet them back to Tabaha, the Gerbera Flowers can be located outside the Gerbera Garden in the flowerbeds.

Tropical Warrior

Unlocked after getting inside and completing the Tropical Islands Pavilion in the Gerbera Garden.


Unlocked after inserting the Screen you got from the Tropical Islands Pavilion and the lens from Tabaha into Ida’s M-Body.

Celestial Warrior

Unlocked after getting inside and completing the Cloudy Country Pavilion in the Gerbera Garden.

Positive Charge

Unlocked after inserting the Battery you got from the Cloudy Country Pavilion into Ida’s M-Body.


You will need to gather all the three car batteries and connect them in series, grab the solar energy cell, and install it on the roof of the yurt, then grab the remote controller located down in the floor between the Phytocopier and the table were Ida’s is, point the remote controller to the NERGUI Network Terminal to turn on the Internet receiver and TV.

Underwater Warrior

Unlocked after getting inside and completing the Magic Lakes Pavilion in the Gerbera Garden.

Contact Established

Unlocked after inserting the Synchronizing unit you got from the Magic Lakes Pavilion into Ida’s M-Body.

To The Roots

Final achievement near the end of the game’s history, you will need to use the drawer key that you got from Tabaha’s in the chapter “In the ring of silence”, open the locked drawer next to the bed and the large yellow trunk, take the blue round flashlight attachment from the drawer, next go and read the two books in the drawer just under the Buddha statue (above the large yellow trunk), after that use the round blue attachment in the flashlight; go outside the yurt and locate grampa’s Batjin grave, and shine the flashlight on the ground behind the grave to reveal a sun/moon sign with arrows indicating where to go, follow the sun arrow, on the next sign follow the moon arrow, again follow sun > moon > sun > moon > sun > moon until you find a sign with the question you need to know, after it follow the arrow to a postal box where you could activate it with the right question, read the message that grandpa Batjin leaved for you and grab the key, with that key open the lock on the large white chest on the yurt, empty so you can move it and open the red chest below it, once done, read the letters and speak to Ida.

That’s it you have unlocked all the non miss-able achievements for Cradle.

Miss-able Achievements.

  • The following achievements can be miss-able.

Pretty easy to obtain; in the chapter “Foreign Letters” when you finally can open the large trunk where you can find the letters that mention Ida’s past, you will find a small toy rocket, take it and put it anywhere outside the yurt, once done it, press the red tip of the rocket to activate his launch.

Master of Creation

Another easy one. In the puzzle pavilions use the colored cubes on the white ones, repeat it 50 times to unlock this achievement (easier to do on the Endless Sands Pavilion).

Master of Destruction

Just like the Master of Creation achievement, use the colored cubes in the red ones, repeat it 50 times to unlock this achievement (easier to do on the Tropical Islands Pavilion).


Another easy one, but time consuming, to unlock it just destroy the dark swirls made from Desperatoxin, that forms inside and in the surroundings of the Gerbera Garden, the two forms to destroy them are:

  1. Throwing wooden sticks at them or any useless object found in the game.
  2. Using the holographic sword against them (You can find the holographic sword in the floor of the Gerbera Garden where you put Ida’s in the “New Beginning” chapter to power her up with a lightening bolt).

This one can be a bit tricky, just complete all the puzzle pavilions without fall in the water at the bottom of the puzzle room.

Bad Day

You can obtain this by falling down 5 times from the platform outside the “Magic Lakes Pavilion” (number six), it must be done in a single game, if you load a saved game you will need to fall 5 times to the achievement to unlock.


Another tricky achievement, will take skill to unlock, you’ll need to complete the four pavilions in the game in 4 minutes or less, using the white cubes to create new colored cubes comes here real handy, so use it.

Saddle Up!

For this achievement you will need to go to the train station where you meet Tabaha, looking at the Gerbera Garden Dome turn rigth, and advance following the rings track for the train, you will need to pass six rings and the river, in the last six ring turn right and the horse will be laying down in the floor next to a couple of tress, ride it up and get amazed at his movement speed.


To unlock this achievement, first go outside of the yurt, face from the yurt to the Gerbera garden Dome, from this turn left and walk straight, the torn page of the magazine with the article about the Ugly people will be found next to a cluster of stones near a group of trees.

Qualified Employee Achievement

Qualified Employee

For this one, you will start looking at the large pool like structure with only grass just outside the Gerbera Garden Dome, to identify is the one with an “U” shaped side in the middle of his rectangle form, in this one you’ll found the first instruction paper.

The second instruction can be found by heading left and checking the withered tree at the base of the first curved steel joist structure you encounter.

The third instruction is at the end of the next steel joist structure if you continue heading left, the instruction will be in the ground between the two steel joist.

The fourth one is pretty close, next to a steel joist and a withered tree, so continue left and towards the dome.

Keep advancing left, past the rocky open stretch, and when you near the next steel joist structure coming off the dome, look for a small group of withered trees to find the fifth instruction.

Head to the tip of the steel joist you could see from the fifth instruction’s location, and you can locate the sixth one next to a whithered tree, some trees and bushes.

Continue left to the next steel joist structure and then go straight towards the outer fence to find the seventh instruction in the bushes and trees over there.

The final instruction page is close to the Gerbera Garden entrance, turning right and heading next to a withered tree, look a the screenshot for a better idea.

The Babylonian Achievement.

The Babylonian

The first document page is a few steps to the left where you use the tree trunk and wooden plank to access the Gerbera Garden for the first time, the page is lying in the floor next to the fence with a Desperatoxin Warning.

The second document page is located ahead following the fence next to a tree an some bushes.

Keep going ahead following the fence, the third document page is located next to a whithered tree and a few rocks, rather close to the fence.

The forth document page is located ahead, next to a group of trees and bushes, this time is a bit far for the fence.

The fifth document page is again ahead, but this time is closer to the fence, again next to a cluster of trees and bushes.

The sixth document page is ahead, this time a bit far for the fence and between a cluster of stones.

The last document page is onwards again a bit close the fence next to a group of stones, a tree and in the fence you can see another Desperatoxin Danger sign.

Once you have read all the document pages and exit the game the Babylonian achievement should be unlocked.