Portal Guide

All bugs in Portal for Portal

All bugs in Portal


ΰΌΊβ€’This guide is in developing. New bugs are coming! β€’ Comment if you know a bug I didn’t write. Thanks! πŸ˜‰ β€’ And also, comment if I did a mistake somewhere πŸ˜‰

Test Chamber #00

1. Immediately after waking up, we can put the radio in a cryogenic capsule and it will stuck.

β€’And also, you can die of it if you jump on it πŸ˜€

2. All of items in the first room can be teleported throw the glass walls. Such as radio and cup

3. If we throw the radio in the lamp it will stuck in the roof.

β€’Also, we can throw the radio in the lamp, after it was stuck, and it will stuck in the lamp that was stuck by the radio πŸ˜€ “Thank you for helping us help you help us all” – GLaDOS

4. If we take the radio and put it between doors, doors will try to close.

So, we can jump into a fire…first room and see that closed doors have no textures on it’s back.
There’s more, you will stuck here FOREVER!

5. We can get around the triggers due to radio placed near to wall. We need to jump on it, then jump on the doors and then jump on the floor as far as possuble. GLaDOS won’t notice it and will not give a cube.
6. If we take a cup and throw it on the floor near to annihilation field we’ll have 3 parts of a cup that passed throw the annihilation field.

7. If we put a weighted storage cube on it’s corner near to the doors, then open doors and cube will stuck. If this cube bounce to the side with an elevator we’ll stack here forever!

8. Catch a cube while Vital Apparatus Vent is open. And while it’s still open crouch with cube in your hands for 0.2 second. Here we go! It’s stuck in Vital Apparatus Vent forever!

9. Also, what a hell is that? How is it working?

10. You can see this bug with textures without doing anything.

Test Chamber #01

11. If you jump on a glass wall with radio or if you strafe here, GLaDOS will never begin the test.

12. You can repeat bug from 00 test chamber. Place a weighted storage cube on it’s corner near to the doors, then open doors and cube will stuck. If this cube bounce to the side with an elevator we’ll stack here forever!

Test Chamber #02

13. You can strafe here and take the radio. Then, stuck it in portal gun. You have a small chance that it will shoot a portal in this place. But still, I did it within 5 minutes. We can go to an elevator and we’ll stuck in the next chamber forever!

14. You can see textures of a wall in the doors here and here.

15. When you take the Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device it’s platform will stuck in the black floor. No racism, btw πŸ˜€

16. You can place portal in the air :/

17. If you get under this stairs you will see an interesting wall without textures.

  • And piston stairs without red light. I mean, it’s to bright to be under dark red lighting. I think it have no textures, only mirrored world.

18. Now, short guide in the big guide. Place blue portal here and jimp on that galss. Then, place portal here, start crouch walking in the glass and shoot the portal in another place. You can stuck or go throw this glass.

  • And also, when you get stuck there, you can see yourself in the wall XD

19. Here we have triggers that opens elevator doors. But you can miss them if you’ll shoot portal on that wall.

20. Now I think this doors are too bright πŸ˜€

Test Chamber #03

21. Ohohoho… Look on top of this test… and also, jump on it ;D Then, place the portal near to you aaaand…stuck here forever! again…

22. Place blue portal here, go here and you can see…here, that this two pistons don’t have textures on it’s back.

23. And also you can see that you placed portal on unportable wall (I mean no-portal-wall) and this stairs have no textures on it’s side.

24. Do you remember about bad placed triggers that opens elevator doors? Here we have the same bug.

Test Chamber #04

25. I don’t know is that bug or what, but this camera falling very interesting.

26. Also, we can stuck this camera in this glass wall.

27. Broken portal wall -_-

28. Place portal under glass wall or above the wall and you can see that it have no textures.

29. And another short guide how to stuck yourself forever. Place a portal under this glass, then take the cube and look up while entering the portal. Tadaaaaam! Interesting fact once I repeating this bug I lost this cube :/

30. I thought I said about all bugs, but I found an inexplicable bug. You must stay here and aim near to the button. When you’ll see that you can place the portal, you need to shoot. If you did all right, you will place the portal, but it will not place. o_0

Test Chamber #05

31 In spite of reasonableness of this test you can stuck here forever. You know what will happen if you drop the cube in the next room, right? Doors will open. So, firstly, you need to place a potal in the next room and take 2 cameras. Place one camera on the floor and place two cubes on that camera and the second camera you need to throw on the platform with a portal. Then, go to the orange portal and grab 2 cubes with you. Then put one of the cameras on the floor and place one cube on top of that camera and the second, on top of first cube. Place your blue portal in the main room and you will stuck here forever!

32. I found a new bug right now. Stay between the doors and then do small step with crouching to the second room. Doors will try to close, but it can’t do it becuase of you staying between them. You can leave this room now and do anything you want now. You can also try to stuck you if you’ll throw the cube in the doors. GLaDOS still saying that you’re not a good person :/

33. If you place blue portal here while doors are closing you can see black background in one of two rooms.

34. A very small bug. When you come to this test, you can her two sounds of portal opening.

35. You can place portals on this glass.

36. You can place portal throw anti-exprapriation field.

Test Chamber #06

36. You’re able to place portal on this thing :/

37. If you place radio between floor and this platform, radio will stuck a bit.

Test Chamber #07

38. You can repeat bug from test chamber #03. Place portal upper the sign and then, place the portal near to you aaaand…stuck here forever! again…

39. Stay on this part of rails and wait for your train. What do you think, what will happen? Spoiler: you will die without any reaslistic, when the platform will touch you :/

  • It isn’t works on other side, you will die only when platform will push you to the end.
  • But If you crouch here you will see something interesting.

Test Chamber #08

40. Is it shadows and blur on the water?

41. No textures on the side of a wall, again.

42. Texture of the wall in an enrgy ball taker.

43. You can throw the radio in this thing also.

44. If you look down with radio in your hands while elevator activating you will learn how to fly.

45. Go under this elevator with crouching and you can see the same bug from test #07

Test Chamber #09

46. The Enrichment Center apologizes for this clearly broken test chamber, but if you place portal behind Vital Testing Apparatus Vent and try to go throw with a cube throw the portal, cube will stuck in the Vent forever and you will stuck in this test forever!

47. And somehow, doing this bug I found a new bug with broken textures :/

48. Go on the Vital Testing Apparatus Vent and place a portal near to you and you will stuck in this luke forever!

49. Wanna stuck again? πŸ˜€ So, listen up, boy. You need to repeat bug from Test Chamber #00 Let me repeat it to you πŸ˜‰ Catch a cube while Vital Testing Apparatus Vent is open. And while it’s still open crouch with cube in your hands for 0.2 second. Here we go! It’s stuck in Vital Apparatus Vent forever and you stuck in this test forever!

50. If you are very attentive you can see that this observation room is completely different to that one that you can see while trying to escape the testing area. But you can see an easter egg from escape area, but why?

  • Easter Egg: You can see in this room test subject with #234 number. This is our number as you can see on our cryogenic capsule in the beggining of the game.

51. Hey, buddy, wanna stuck here again? πŸ˜€ So, you need to repeat another bug I told you earlier.
Place a portal under this glass, then take the cube and look up while entering the portal. Congratulations! You stuck here once again!

  • And how abot this glass? You can do the same bug.

52. Another buggy door.

53. Place a portal between doors while it’s open and you can go throw the blue portal and then go throw the orange portal. You will teleport to the corridor with an elevator. (sometimes this your portal will close after you unpressed the button)

54 Hey, I think you didn’t know all ways how to stuck in this test XD So…listen another guide XD
Place your cube that you didn’t lost in this room while testing bugs, and come back to orange portal. You need to jump on the corner of platform with an orange portal and place portal behind the doors. Then go throw the portal and elevator will not arrive before you didn’t find triggers to activate it.

Jump in that pit! Quick! Don’t panic! You can place portal on the floor.
Start panic! Because when you’re listening to an idiot person, who said that you need to jump into that pit you’ve touched the triggers and now the elevator have invisible wall in front of it’s doors XD Sometimes it can go up without you inside πŸ˜€

55. Somehow, you can see white line while staying in front of this line.

Test Chamber #10

56 You can repeat bug with stucking in the Test Cahmber Sign. You know what to do, so if you want, you can check it out πŸ˜‰

57. And also you can repeat bug with stucking in the glass of observation room. Just jump on the side of portal, then jump with crouching on the glass. And place some portals near to you.

58. I found new bug with stucking! Now it’s stucking in the roof XD So, you need to stay on this camera and also open portal on the roof. Then, you need to stand on the camera without crouching, that’s why you need that portal. Aim to the portable wall, start walkin on the camera and shoot in the wall you’re aiming.

59. If you go under stairs, you can see that developers forgot about holes for small piston heads.

60. Now, next room is completely broken. So, how to get some bugs? First of all you need to follow next instruction. Crouch in the orange portal and shoot in the next room floor. If you are still in this portal you can enter it and appear in the next room, but doors is still opened. Now, go to the next room and place portal on the ground before orange portal will open. Now you’re able to do some stuff…like stuck here forever or do a new bug.

61. You can place this portal as you want and you can see bad placed invisible walls.

62. And the last one is the most incredible! So…Meet the unlinkable portals.

You need to do all things from 60th bug, but you need to place your portal on the wall behind you, not on the ground, before the orange portal will open.

Test Chamber #11

63. Place portal on the wall, then stay between 2 portals, shoot in this place and you need to teleport in the next room before portal you shooted will open. In this place you can see that this corner don’t have it’s textures.
64. Do you see that black cube in the elevator? You can place portal on it. So it’s the easiest way to get portalgun without using energy ball.

65. If you go to the room with energy ball with new portal gun, GLaDOS will delete this door. Not open, she will delete it before she’s replice ends. First of all, press the button and be sure that you have an orange portal behind you. So, there are 3 different ways to see this bug:

  • Place portal on the wall on front of the button, press it and jump throw the portal and place your portal in the room with an energy ball. Now, you can level-up your portal gun and open second portal.
  • Place the portal on that black cube, click on the button, go to the portal and upgrade your portal gun.
  • Press the button, shoot blue portal in that area with an enrgy ball, go to the portal and jump to the portal gun. Now, you can open orange portal and go to that area.

66. If you get here, you can repeat bug with stucking in the glass.

67. And also, you can see that pistons in this room don’t have parts of bars with holes and these pistons reflecting acidic water, but how?

68. If you die…XD If somehow you get under water, you can see that this part of the bars have other iron bars inside.

69. If you step on this thing your character will start running and you can’t leave this thing before you’ll jump.

70. Sometimes you can see effects and other things throw this glass.

71. If you take new portal gun before it will shoot, it’s platform won’t go under ground

72. But if you didn’t do that you can also see that this it’s going throw the black hole.

73.. When you take a portal gun you can go under invisible wall if you crouch walking to the button. So, if you try to jump you’ll understand that you are under invisible wall.

74. Strange that portal gun on the platform won’t shoot in the energy ball receiver, because you can place portal inside this thing.

75. you can place portal above this field.

Test Chamber #12

76. This is very fun, because they forgot to place rounded holes in the bars under all of these pistons except of one big here XD

77. And they forgot to add it here…no wait, they didn’t. But how is it working?

The further we are from these textures, the worse it can be seen. lol

  • It works on all pistons in this room.

78. When this platform rose up you can’t place a portal on it for 2 seconds.

79. You can see throw this small pit untextured world.

Test Chamber #13

80. Just no comments ._.
81. We can repeat bug with stucking cube in the observation room. And also, if you take 2nd cube and go to this room, you can push it throw the glass too. Here we go, we stuck here forever!

82. if you stay on this camera with portal on the roof, you can teleport in very unusual way.

83. And also, if when you start walking on this camera and replace portal on the roof, you’ll stuck in the wall.

84. If you leave your last cube in the room with an elevator or in the first room, you will stuck here forever!

Test Chamber #14

85. Before the doors of elevator open, you can go throw this doors and shoot throw this doors.

86. If you go under this stairs, you can see that they forgot about pits for pistons.

87. Also, this iron bars aren’t connecting with walls.

88. And also, you can place portals on it.

89. if you place portal on the wall before stairs will rise, you can see that this stairs don’t have textures on it’s sides.

90. if you place cube in this thing it will go throw the textures.

91. If you go to this glass of observation room, you can touch that chair, that is near to the glass.

92. All itmes can go throw the energy ball reciever.

93. When you get the cube and pressed the button this door will broke if you place a cube far then this place. Well, it looks strange.

It’s even working when you standing on the button and you throwing cube away.

94. And again, they forgot about pits for pistons and change mirroring world for this side.

95. If you place portal near to this observation room you can now go throw this glass.

96. I just remembered about stucking in the test sign. Yeah, it’s working here too.

97. If you didn’t broke the doors, but took the cube you can throw it on the elevator. If it lieing there for 5 seconds GLaDOS will open door for you. EVEN you are standing here and holding this cube in the arms.

How can you get here? Well…If you place portal under elevator and jump throw the portal with enough kinetic energy.

  • But, if you destroy this cube in the field GLaDOS will be silent.

98. Valve, are you seriously? Can you even place this field right?

Test Chamber #15

99. You can miss the trigers and GLaDOS won’t say anything.

100. Happy hundred bug! You can place portal behid these signs.

101. Hmm…I think we need more then one wire, that also went throw this pipe.

  • And also, we have broken, unconnected pipes.
  • And we have…bloody hell…what is wrong with this thing?

102. Aaaah, the most stupid bug ever, I think. This thing haven’t 1 side of textures, really. Sometimes I think that developers forgot about crouch system in this game :/

103. Same bug, but in another wall.

104. You can go throw this energy ball reciever “hands” , fall into this thing, and go throw it’s textures, when you are in there.

105. Bad placed ati-exprapriation field.

106. As always, you can stuck in the observation room.

107. I died when trying to repeat that bug with stucking in the roof, by placing portal on that place again.

108. They didn’t forget about this textures for this places, nice. But wait, what’s that? They forgot about this place XD

109. You can place portals behind energy ball reciever.

110. But most important, you can go inside this thing. Just strafe here
111. You can see that this elevators dissapearing when they gets to.

  • And also, you can see this end of an energy line, that’s not realistic!

112. But, the stupidest thing of this, that we can get in that hole if we crouch-jump there.

113. If we jump on these pillars it will push us very far.

114. Again, no rounded pits. I know it makes no sence, because it’s under acid water, but it still have iron bars for this piston. So, they thought that we can see it.

115. You also can go throw this energy ball receiver! 3/3 ten out of ten! πŸ˜€

116. Very small untextured place, but. When you traped yourself in this room and this floor will move off, you can see this place.

117. If you go under these platforms it will move very strange.

118. Are you kidding me? You just placed this field incorrect again!

119. You can see this small texture hole on back of this sign.

120. 20 bugs… I don’t think it’s enough for this test, so…While you are trying to fall from this platform it’s pushing you back.

Test Chamber #16

121. You can place portals on these doors and see a wall that went throw this door inside.

  • I don’t know is that bug or what, but if you try to get around first turret very carefully it will drop. It isn’t working with any other turret and can be found in the second Portal too. There, it’s more noticeable, I think it’s just a script. Oh, yeah, it’s working with noclip too. It’s just a script, but what for?

122. Stuking in the glass of observation room… not interesting…

123. I see it…no rounded pits for pistons XD

124. This place is very atmosphere, but…no rounded pits for pistons…

125. If you place portal under this bars, you can see that it have no textures. But anyway, how did I placed portal there?

  • This things too.

126. This is a bucket…but there’s mo’… If you put it on your head on it’s side, you can see, throw it.

127. These pistons sides mirroring two different places :/

128. If you put something on top of small objects it will go throw this…unportable parts of walls.

129. These items are levitating :/

130. You can stuck these cubes in the Vent.

131. I just tried all of turrets on this button and do you know what? ALL of them can press the button, instead of the first turret :C It’s very annoying when you’re spedrunning this test. That’s because that first turret has code separately for that script I told you before.
132. Isn’t it need to be lighter?

133. Unusual way teleporting camera + stucking in the roof camera

134. You can place portals throw this field.

135. And…after so many bugs…do you remember about bugs from Test #00, like bug about cup? You can repeat it here.

  • What a hell? Levitating cup!

136. But the funniest thing, that you can exprapriate this parts of a wall πŸ˜€

137. I brought all items I could in this test and I hope it will make something interesting if place portal on the floor and portal on the roof.

Yes! I pushed them to the elevator room! Now I have friends for the next test :3

Test Chamber #17

138. You can stuck your Faithful Companion Cube in the Vital Testing Apparetus Vent.

139. If you take your Rightly Companion Cube and leave “him” alone on that platform, back to the Apparetus Vent and you can see how it’s dissapearing.

  • You can also troll GLaDOS by this way. If you leave your cube on that platform, back to the Vent and take new cube, GLaDOS will always repeat her replic.
  • But stupidest thing, that you can take it from this high.

140. If you place your cube under this arrow, or farther, and back to the Vent, you will stuck here forever.

141. If you place cube farther then these stairs, game will open stairs to you in the first room. But it have black textures. I think it should always happen, when player wants to throw a cube too far, instead of deleting cube when player is looking on Apparetus Vent.

  • If you place portal on the wall behind you, place another portal in the next room and take your cube with you, so you can skip those triggers. And then, if you go back to the Apparetus Vent, you will stuck there forefer!

142. We can stuck our lovely cube in this observation room.

143. This room don’t have floor textures, so you can see it if you stand on your cube. Of course, If you didn’t stuck it in that room πŸ˜‰

144. If you place portal on this wall and then look at the left corner of your portal, you can see that you can place portal inside this observation room.

  • Here you can place portals on the door and behind the monitors πŸ˜€
  • But the strangest thing, that this room have all textures of it’s walls and back textures of this glass. This is the only room that have all of this things and you can get into this room without noclip.

145. You can place portals under this platform and you can see, that it has no textures.

146. You can see a wall inside this door.

147. You can push comapnion cube, camera, yourself or a radio, throw this energy ball reciever.

  • You can do this with all recievers.

148. You can see a part of a wall inside this thing.

149. There is a way how to pass big part of this test. Just place portals like me πŸ˜€

150. Or do a pyramid of cameras, like this.

151. You can see this untextured floor if you build a pyramid here.

152. You can see what’s going on under this button.

153. You can collect all trash from this test… or from previous test ;D And drop it to the Aperture Science Emergency Inteligence Incenerator and it will not be destroyed, like companion Cube.

  • Intersting fact. If you throw turret or deffault cube in the APEII GLaDOS will think that you dropped your faithful computer cube πŸ˜€

154. If you fall in the APEII you can see that it have no texture on it’s top.

155. When these doors are open, you can see that one half changed it’s color to black on it’s back. Yo!

156. I found…well…I don’t know what’s this…Do you see this line? Come closer.

If you turn to the right this circle will be orange. If you rotate to the left, this circle will be blue.

Test Chamber #18

156. I found one of these untextured cubes, again.

157. If you are kamikaze enough, you can jump in the water and see…that this bars don’t have rounded pit πŸ˜€

158. That’s looks strange…All of this fence’s parts connecting strange. You can look by yourself.

159. If you shoot in this door something will go wrong :/

160. This is the only water, where all of the stuff can swim.

  • If you place a portal near to this water, items you’ve dropped here, start boiling :/

161 As always, you can stuck in the test sign.

162. As always, you can stuck in the glass of observation room.

163. You can place this portal inside this sign and door.

164. They forgot about one light beam.

You can see differnces when you are inside the walls.

165. You can place portals under this pillar and see throw it.

166. While you are flying to the cube, you can see untextured floor in that room.

167. If you crouch on this pillar, you can go throw the elevator, again

168. If you go in this room GLaDOS will say that you are stuck, but you are still able to leave it, becasue the doors are still open.

169. You can throw the only cube in the energy ball receiver and it will stuck there and you will stuck here πŸ˜€

170. As you remember, turrets can press the button, but no, they can’t.

171. If you stay under this platform you will not die of it.

172. If you try to jump there you will be pushed off by invisible walls :/

173. If you leave this cube in the next room you will stuck here forever.

174. Biggest pistons in the game! And they don’t have rounded pits XD I mean,
seriously, they’re doing iron bars for these pstons but not doing holes for it.

Test Chamber #19

175. You can shoot portals and go throw the elevator doors.

176. Unusual way teleporting camera.

177. This is looking very strange.

178. Okay, it’s look OK, but if you look on these beams been under it, they look strange.

179. I jumped in the water to find my favorite rounded pits, but who are you?

180. As always, you can stuck in the test sign and glass of observation room.

181. If you lost the levitating platform you can wait for the next one. You can see how it’s appearing from the void, going throw the wall and aslo doing this without special light beams :/

182. If you step on these pillars they will slowly push you into the water.

183. If you place portal here you can see that back of this platform have no textures.

  • This thing too.

184. In some places this water damage 50 HP / 100 HP per second, but it’s need to bee 25 HP / 100 HP.

185. This laser is completely broken.

186. I think this water need to be depper.

187. In this place your platform going throw this beam.

188. All of this things placed too high, as you can see.

189. You are too fat for these stairs, but if you place this barrel and step on it, or stand on this handrails you won’t broke this stairs.

190. This turret is too low, you can see it from that room.

191. What is wrong with this texture?

192. You can break these big fans with a small wrench. Seriously? You can’t even broke it if you try to break it by yourself.

193. You can place portal under this door

194. You can place portals throw this glass pipe.

195. You can take this fence, but you can’t take that part of fence that you broke earlier.

196. If you place chair between doors, close it and go to these doors you will start rotating.

197. If you place one portal on the floor, you are able to place portal in that area take something.

198. They placed two keyboards inside of each other.

199. There are so many trash on this map, so you can throw it in this pipe and just stuck here forever!

200. Happy 200 bug! I think that’s too much and this game needs an update, but who will update it? So, a bug…If you place one portal in the room, before you jump in the pipe and then place another portal after this, you can repeat procces with transportation. And when you’re falling to the test you can hear noise of broking Vital Testing Apparetus Vent. But you didn’t brak anything this time.

201. If you place portals like this and jump into this sign you will stuck here forever :/

202. As always, you can stuck in this glass.

203. This particles was moved farther.

204. You can see a beautiful world from this corner.

205. for some reasons you can place portal in this place and see untextured sides of these pillars. Why did they placed this white wall here?

206. If you crouch here you will go throw this piston.

  • And also, if you jump under this piston you can see throw it.

207. I remembered that we can see a part of a floor under this button in a previous room.

208. If you jump under this lamp you can see that it’s not solid.

Escape 01

209. When this map was loaded you need to go back to previous area. I don’t know how, but when I looked down I saw right in that moment, that floor under this pipe is different to that one, that was before we’ve loaded next map.

  • But there’s more. If you loading the next map by going into those triggers by your back, you can see that they added (deleted) two pillars and part of a floor.
  • I can explain these changes. This map, that we have loaded was in the beta. Why am I thinking so? Well, if we look to the beta version of Portal in 2006 we can see that VALVe used the same textures of unportable wall for a floor, so we can see it in this room too.

210. Okay, let’s back to our problems, not problems like “What is beauty?” Because that would fall within the purview of conundrums of philosophy. We are talking about problems with the game process, for instance: “What will happen if we shoot a portal on that wall?” It will be placed.

211. Place portal on the roof and when this piston hit it, go to the portal you’ve placed on the wall. You can go inside this piston and lag your game very hard.

212. When you fell down here, you can see these iron slabs. You can take it and see, that it have a black texture on it’s bottom. And it’s always going throw yourself and throw each other.

Somehow, doing walkthrough I got the bug while all of items I’m touching are going under the map. I don’t know, how it’s working. Here’s exact errors:
Can’t find the world
Ignoring unreasonable position (531.000000,-101.000000,-175367.234375) from vphysics! (entity prop_physics)
That’s mysterious :/

213. When you get here you can see a white room and working pistons inside. Yes. this is a bug, beause this pistons are from the next room.

214. And also, you can see ghostly wires, that become invisible, when you are going too close.

215. When you are staying between these pistons you can see that big piston goes throw the walls.

216. You can shoot throw theese pistons.

217. When you are looking up here you can see throw this glass without glass effect.

218. Hello, and…again… They forgot about iron bars for these pistons.

219. If you take those iron platforms, you can drop them into the next map loader and see that they mysteriously disappeared.

  • I tried it with all items I could get (like radio, bottles, cans) and could get with commands (like cube and sphere) and they are loading to the next level.

Escape 02

220. Touch these triggers, go back to the first room and you’ll stuck there forever!

221. This thing is ghostly on one side. So you can jump throw it.

222. If you fall on these barrels GLaDOS won’t notice that. So, you can grab another barrel and place 2 portals in 2 different corners. Then, put a barrel a bit in the portal reopen this portal and then, take this barrel and it will come to you from another portal. Wow, that’s a very strange bug.

223. If you throw one of unworking turrets it will fall very strange trying to fall on it’s legs.

224. If you take part of broken stairs it will teleport on 5 meters from you.

225. Black textures, again.

226. You can place portals throw this feild.

227. You can place portals on the lanterns.

228. You can place portals under the button.

228. You can place portals throw this glass.

229. You can place portals on this glass.

230. You can place portals throw this glass too.

  • Did anyone even try to check this map?

231. This light is blinking, but this lamp is not.

232. The only door that opening in one direction.

233. If you place portal on this wall you can see that wall has untextured side.

234. When you break this glass pipe you can take the cube, place a portal behind it and throw the cube in there. It will be pushed in that room and you will stuck here forever.

235. If you jump in the water you can see that’s not enough water, but you’re still dying of it.

236. And when you’re dead.. .~she is still alive…
And when you’re dead you can see that these pipes are levitating in the air.

237. You can miss trigers if you place portals like me. Just be careful and don’t fall in the water.

  • So, you can see that lighting was changed.

Escape 03

238. You can place portals here.

239. And if you jump in the water you can see that these pipes are still levitating.

240. If you place portal under this bridge and go in it, containers will open.

241. You can place portals on invisble walls here.

242. If you stand under this turret it will go throw yourself.

243. But the interesting thing that it won’t go back while you are in the turret.

244. Perfectly placed pipes demonstrating that turret’s laser can’t go throw these pipes.

  • And also, they can’t see you throw these pipes.
  • And also, you can’t shoot throw these pipes.

245. I don’t know, this steam is going in wrong directions.

246. These big generators are levitating above the floor. I know, I’m using noclip, but you can see it while playing.

247. I just realized that these things going throw the pipes and other things, while looking on sturcture of this iron bars.

248. You can see that these things are levitating too.

249. And just about bars. I’m sure it’s need to be connected to something or need to be broken, because these pipes are broken.

250. You can place portals behind these things.

251. If we place a chair in front of that room, where we took this chair, we can see that it’s roof don’t have textures.

252. These textures of stairs is very pixelized and blured, I think it’s just an imperfection.

253. This field trigers starts here. It makes no sence because we can’t do something new even if it would be placed right.

254. But there’s more, it makes no sence, because we are still able to place a portal when these doors are closing and go back to testing area πŸ˜€

255. You can see that all of items desappeared. But, it’s still desappearing. So, if you try to take something with you in that area you just came from. And it’s a problem, because, if you take one of GLaDOS’ cores with you it will be destroyed and you will never end this game πŸ˜€

256. You can place portals on the ventilation lukes.

257. You can place portals inside this thing.

258. You can see throw the Aperture Science Emergency Intelligence Incinerator.

259. You can place portals under these stairs.

260. And the most interesting bug, that GLaDOS can be shooted by a turret.

Loading Screen

1. We can see that timers on a loading screen are different with in-game timers.

2. Also, we can see an item that was deleted after beta version of the game.

The End?

No, but it’s all for now. I have some more bugs I didn’t find before writing this guide, also some bugs in game mechanic and in bonus maps ;3 Thank you guys for reading, please write if you found a bug or some mistakes in this guide.

Don’t forget to share it with your friends and leave a like. Goodbye!