Armello Guide

All Cards And Their Animated Art for Armello

All Cards And Their Animated Art


This is a collection of all Armello cards featuring their animated art.


Armello cards belong to 6 following subcategories:

  • Items
  • Trickery
  • Spells
  • Followers
  • Treasure
  • Palace


Item Cards are drawn from the Item Deck and have yellow symbols. Items marked as “Equippable” are equipped to a Hero directly, and will provide the designated effect as long as they remain equipped. “Consumable” items, however, only provide an instantaneous effect, and are discarded immediately upon use. Most Item Cards cost gold to play or equip, however, some may cause you to gain rot upon using.


Trickery Cards are drawn from the Trickery Deck and have red symbols. They work much the same as Spells, dealing ranged damage or performing special actions from a distance, with the primary difference being that the cost is represented in Gold, Prestige, or Rot rather than Magic. Also like Spell Cards, they may be played on an enemy directly or on a tile as as Peril.


Spell Cards are drawn from the Spell Deck and have green symbols. Spells can be used to either deal damage or cause ill effects to an opponent from a distance. They may be played on yourself or another Creature for instantaneous effect, or placed on a specific tile as a Peril. Most Spell Cards cost Magic to play.

Special Decks

The Special Card Decks cannot be drawn from like the Main Decks, and instead will be drawn from randomly by the computer in certain situations. For example, if a treasure is rolled via Dungeon Exploration, a Treasure Card will be drawn randomly from the appropriate deck and presented to the finder. (This also applies to rolling a follower.)


Follower Cards have blue symbols and can be found in Dungeons and through Quests, and may be recruited to a Hero’s party to provide unique bonuses. A Follower Card must be “equipped” to a Hero to take effect, and require the Hero to pay the indicated cost to use them.


Treasure Cards (often just referred to as Treasures) are shiny equippable Item Cards that shimmer with bright golden rays. Treasure Cards differ greatly from other equipment cards because their effects are usually much, much more powerful and unique, and furthermore, most Treasures cost nothing to equip. (Rot Treasures like Raven’s Beak Dagger, Poppet and Bane Blade are exclusions to this rule.)

Note: Treasures are also rarer than Item Cards, and can only be encountered by successfully completing Quests or by Dungeon Exploration. (Amber’s Hero Ability makes finding Treasures much easier.)


These Royal Cards are unique peril/treasure cards that are entirely their own type. Each Royal Card is unique to the King of Armello or his castle grounds, and they cannot be drawn from the three main decks, won in Quests, or received by Dungeon exploration (drawn from the Special Decks). Royal Cards include the four Palace Perils and the King’s equipment. As the King is entirely immune to spells and trickeries, the effect of his equipment cannot be changed; the Palace Perils, however, can be intensified or lessened with cards like Expendables and Cursed Lands at any given moment.

All Items

There is a total of 40 cards.

All Spells

There is a total of 41 cards.

All Trickery Cards

There is a total of 45 cards.

All Followers

There is a total of 18 cards.

All Treasure Cards

There is a total of 19 cards.

All Palace Cards

There is a total of 7 cards.


If anyone has large animated cards under 2 mb, that appear small in this guide, please share.

I wish I could use all cards in large sizes, but since each picture has to be under 2 mb, that becomes a hard task.


If you have questions regarding this guide or just got something to say, leave me a comment below.

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