SPOILERS AHEAD! This guide deals with the locations of each of the Cassettes available to find in Grapple Force Rena. Now get your music glasses on and get jamming! Note: This guide is a WIP, and is open to revision and improvement.
All Cassettes
The following three tapes have no location in any of the thirty levels, and are unlocked by default:
- Title Theme – By Jarad Moloney
- Grapple Force Go! – By Jarad Moloney
- Reticle – By Scooblee
The remaining thirty-two tapes are found in levels, and are locked by default:
- Trouble Brewing – By Jarad Moloney
- I’m The Strongest (Hurgh’s Theme) – By Jarad Moloney
- Tussle Through Town – By Sean Evans
- Exposition Expedition – By Jarad Moloney
- Boiling Over – By Jarad Moloney
- I’m Your Next Opponent! (Miniboss) – By Jarad Moloney
- Hugeness Supreme (Hurgh Boss) – By Jarad Moloney
- Memories of Some Imagined Place – By Jarad Moloney
- The Next Step – By Jarad Moloney
- Sword and Spell (Pine’s Theme) – By Jarad Moloney
- Steady Pressure – By Jarad Moloney
- Beat the Black Knight! – By Jarad Moloney
- The Hard Way (Pine Boss) – By Jarad Moloney
- Sharp Schemer (Lueh’s Theme) – By Jarad Moloney
- Card Czar (Cesar’s Theme) – By Sean Evans
- Sand-swept Sunset: Riders of Mesa Town – By Sean Evans
- Up the Antechamber – By Jarad Moloney
- Stacked Deck (Cesar Boss) – By Sean Evans
- Royal Pain (Prince Arc’s Theme) – By Jason Lord
- Sylvan Saudade – By Michael Staple
- ERR_$A04003H – By Michael Staple
- Confiscation of Power (The Archmage’s Theme) – By Solar Dokuro
- Auburn Winter – By Will “Ultigonio” Bowerman
- Like a Bell (Arlet’s Theme) – By Will “Ultigonio” Bowerman
- Cold Forged (Joules’s Theme) – By Michael Staple
- Mass Production – By Jarad Moloney
- Strike the Iron (Joules Boss) – By Michael Staple
- Skybound Siege – By Michael Staple
- One Last Grapple – By Michael Staple
- Demonstration of Law (Final Boss) – By Solar Dokuro
- Demonstration of Law (Pinch Mode) – By Solar Dokuro
- Nothing Really Ends! (Credits) – By Michael Staple
World 1 – Hunting through the Home Village
There are five Cassette tapes available in this world.
Found in the very first level. After opening the door with the eggplant statue, head up towards the ceiling of the area just outside and you will find it.
Found in 1-2. There are two waterfalls cascading down from the top of the village – the second of them contains the music track.
Found in 1-3. This music track is easy to spot, and easy to go down to. Simply head down the little hole and you’ll reach it!
Found in 1-4. The entrance to the required path to get to the Cassette, as well as the Cassette itself, are shown here. Simply follow the path to get to it.
Also found in 1-4. Later on in the level, a segment with hanging ruins will appear. The Cassette is inbetween the first two hanging ruins.
World 2 – Searching the Glass Caverns
This world has six cassette tapes to collect.
Found in 2-1. Chances are, in regular gameplay, you’ll see an NPC up in a closed-off corner. With him is a Music Tape, so let’s go meet him!
The first thing to do is reach this area here. It’s just a little down and to the right of the previous screenshot.
Next, you’ll need to reach above. One problem – it’s guarded heavily by Propella Fellas! It’s quite risky to jump in and take them all out, so, instead, lure each of them out and take them out individually.
Once you’re in, head to the left and meet with the NPC, and your prize! Remember his wise words.
This one isn’t too far away from where the previous Cassette is found. Drop down out of the room and head left to find this hole. Entering it and following it will lead you to the cassette.
Found in 2-3. This Cassette is found on the right side of the level, above the location of an Imitation Crab. The entrance to the Cassette location itself is guarded by a pair of Propella Fellas. Take them out and climb up to reach the cassette.
Also found in 2-3. This Cassette is found near the top of the level, and is guarded by a Mace Face. Taking the Mace Face out will not only provide two Maces to help weigh down the door, but also allows for you to climb up into the hole in the ceiling and grab the Cassette.
Found in 2-4, at about mid-point. This Cassette is nothing complex to grab – simply climb up and get it!
Also found in 2-4, this time right before the end. Like the previous tape, it is not hard to grab – simply head leftward along the ceiling and grab it in its little spot.
World 3 – Mesa Town Music Search
There are five Cassette tapes in this world.
Found in World 3-1. At the end of the first Aether bike section, there is a ceiling. Swing up and to the left, and continue doing so until you reach a wall.
Climb up the wall and you’ll reach five gems and the music tape!
This Cassette is found right at the end of the first section of 3-1. Simply use the Sand mound below to grapple onto the wall and climb up to reach it.
Found on the level’s upper path, this cassette is found in a room guarded by two Propella Fellas. Use the wooden ball to open the path into the room, and you can enter it… but watch out for the Propella Fellas!
After the first encounter with a “Scoops” enemy, head to the right. You’ll notice a small, winding path – this is the path you want to take to get the Cassette tape. Be weary – it is guarded by two Hollow Soldiers, a Hollow Vanguard and two Cool Bombs!
This Cassette tape is pretty noticable in normal gameplay. Instead of using the boosters to head up to the final Lucky 7 room immediately, instead take a detour to the right to grab the Cassette!
If you are following this guide in chronological order, you’ll also get the achievement Cassette Collector by this point.
World 4 – Secrets of the Fairy Forest
There are five cassette tapes in this world.
Found in 4-1. To start, climb up the wooden log next to the first Gondola, and head on-top of it.
Once the Gondola reaches its destination, jump up and swing on the leaves of the tree. Climb up the wall…
…and drop down the gap inbetween the leaves and the next log to reach the cassette.
Found in 4-2. At the right edge of the level, near two of the pipes. Simply swing up to the highest branch on the orange tree to obtain it.
Found in 4-4. Near the start of the level, after the fairies, there is a section with two Hollow Soldiers, a Hollow Vanguard and a Clingmajig. Rather than heading left to continue on with the level, climb up the right-side wall and swing up onto this platform to collect the theme.
Also in 4-4. Shortly after meeting Cesar for the third time, there is another portal available for use to the right. Rather than instantly using it, drop down to the right of the tree to obtain the Cassette.
Found in the third quarter of 4-5. After reaching the segment with the floating platforms from 4-4, climb up the right wall to claim the tape, but remember the time limit!
World 5 – The Music of the Solstice Yard
There are five cassettes in this world.
Found in 5-1. On the far right side of the stage, there is a series of hanging pillars with “fruits” on them. Swing across to the far left one, get onto its left side and climb up to reach it.
Found in the first area of 5-3, shortly after the disguise segment. Climb up either wall and you will notice a hanging piece of scaffolding, with the cassette under it.
Found in the first area of 5-3, shortly before the end of the area. This cassette is pretty noticeable in regular gameplay – the ideal method to grab at it is to decouple from the spinning vortex at the correct time to fly into it.
Found in the second area of 5-3, on the second upper key path. In regular gameplay, there are two chutes containing “Scoops” enemies as so:
The one closest to the key is the one you need to travel up. Once the “Scoops” enemies are dealt with, grapple onto the wall of the chute and climb up to reach the room containing your prize.
Found in the first area of 5-4, on the top path. Double jump onto this platform after dealing with the surrounding “Scoops” and Propella Fellas to be able to reach the tape.
World 6 – Confiscation of the Capital City’s music collection
There are six cassette tapes in this world.
Found at the very top-center of 6-2. Simply reach the platform it is situated upon and collect the cassette.
Found near the start of 6-3. After being dropped off at the starting point by Jette, simply head left past the cannon and carefully scale the airship wall to collect the cassette.
Found near the start of the first area of 6-4. After solving the second switch puzzle using eggplant statues (or wizards) head to the waterwheel and swing up the wall to the left of it. The cassette is on a platform slightly above.
Found near the end of the first area of 6-4. Before using the scaffolding to reach the area to the right, climb up the wall to the left…
… to reach a new platforming segment!
This platforming segment contains gimmicks from 3-3, World 2, and World 5. Passing the segment will reveal the cassette on a pillar to itself.
Found in the middle part of the third area of 6-4. Upon reaching and using (or, in my case, skipping) the final gondola, instead of following the ice slopes, climb up the wall to the left of it.
After a while of climbing, you will notice a hole in the ceiling. Begin climbing up that to reach the cassette.
Found in the very last room of the third area of 6-4. Instead of facing the wizards and guards below or exiting the stage to the right, take a detour to the left. There is a small gap in the ceiling that can be climbed through to reach the required segment. From there, simply fall down to the bottom and head to the right to collect the final cassette tape, and earn the Cassette Completionist achievement!
I hope this guide has helped you in your Cassette-collecting days!
Video Guide
To be added to.