All encompassing guide covering basic gameplay, weapons, skills, powers, enemies, bosses, getting high ranks and more!I have used pictures from the trading card previews and the artbook for visual representation of the icons,images,creatures I refer to. I do not claim credit for any images in my guide.
Gameplay Basics
Fire button = Normal attack/shoot
Alternative Fire = Heavy attack
Numbers are for changing weapons or using scroll on mouse.
– Image with details coming soon
Left part of hud has a progress bar for karma, once it fills up you get a karma point to spend.
The bottom left is your sprint that circles around your health.
Your health is the circle part only.
Bottom right is for weapons, with two of the power weapons (demon heart/demon head) are also displayed.
Jumping can be useful in this game weather its escaping blasts shot by range enemies or taunting the berserkers who try to charge at you.
- You can jump over tiny immoveable objects in order to easily stun berserker.
Dash is a great way to be constantly on the move to avoid being hit its more reliable than the default sprint.
- You can dash (left or right) then up to avoid being hit by berserker if done right
- You can dash into a crowd of enemies to position yourself for iron circle
- you can go near a suicider (Mother) and dash out of explosion range
Sword is very powerful and something you will most likely be using 98% of the time your playing regardless of difficulty.
- Hunger Skill adds vamperism
- KI Attacks are more powerful than normal attacks
- KI strikes have (far-cone, aoe, range) attacks that are verstile.
The guns are good in situational conditions mostly taking out flyers or killing the armor on bosses.
- Explosive weapons are great for combos and gaining alot of karma.
- Good for triggering environmental objects from any range.
- Good to setup crossbow sticky bombs on multiple targets to chain with environment that leads to big bonuses
- Great for breaking armor off bosses and dealing damage to them.
There is a great variety of ways to heal…
There is a skill in the game that allows you to heal your health based on your base HP. With 130 base hp you can heal up to 104.
Souls you can get from slain enemies, while this is not a reliable way to stay alive, it does save you from time to time.
Medpacks allow you to heal above the base HP all the way to 170, if you have 130 base HP and doctor power. You can find medpacks scattered throughout levels and helps to get patched up before fighting in the next battle.
Rewards offensive playstyle greatly. Being able to heal from using KI strikes is really useful since the sword is so verstile. Since you can hit multiple enemies at once with Ki strikes just charge up your sword and drain a ton of HP!
Heroic you do not have checkpoints.
Katana upgrades are automatic in story mode, however in survival you must buy them as upgrades.
Note: Engraved Blade does not unlock in survival (its exclusive to chapter 17).
- Good against shooting flying types down
- Great against breaking armor on bosses
- Akimbo during chapter 12 is useful to get past the train part without dying.
- Great against shooting down multiple suiciders (mothers)
- Sticky bombs is useful to chain explosive damage with environmental damage
- High-Strain is useful against boss but since its a projectile a tad harder to land
- Aiming down and making a line of fire allows you to put multiple enemies on fire.
- You can burn yourself, without the fire resistant perk so be sure not to step on any flames.
- Multi-Launch is good against bosses since you can charge up to 3 rockets at once and plummet the weakness
- Heavy Warheads is helpful in making sure all the rockets register with boss weakpoints (especially on last boss in chapter 17 go to boss section for further detail)
Having this is great for boss battles where you can avoid being one hit killed by getting medpacks that spawn around the arena.
Souls that come out of slain enemies help restore your HP.
Increases your survivability as long as there is minons within the area, however if there is only mini bosses left this will not help you much. If the mini boss is low HP then you can indeed kill it before dieing unless its a berserker which are notably harder to kill since they have a specific weakpoint.
You will be immune to the damage over time flames that you will see time to time on the ground due to environmental objects exploding or your own flamethrower.
Rage can help you get out of a tight spot with that extra damage boost against something like a mini boss or a minon that is in rage mode.
Control Pain gives you a bigger base HP. This makes it possible to heal even higher (max 104). It also makes you able to use vamprism till you hit cap HP (130 when maxed).
Divider of Heavens is very movement based, that is to say you can constantly be in motion while usnig it. Circle of Iron locks you into a circle animation so be more cautious about using this (vamprism helps).
This skill is very important since you can heal to your max base health (100-130). It also allows you to be aggressive in combat as both a offensive and defensive move. You are being rewarded for taking risks to hit multiple enemies by restoring your own HP.
Lower Demons refers to: Crawler,Birdman,Spear,Warper,Mother
Greater demons refers to: Warlord, Shaman, Berserker.
Demon heads will fall from the warlord boss.
This can help you get upgrades quicker in the game for your weapons, so clearly the earlier on you get this the more upgrades in your playthrough you will be able to get.
Warning: This is like trading karma points for money, so in a sense you are losing 2 points you could have used on skils for more upgrades weapon wise.
Stamina is nice to have especially when you are in later chapters against the berserker mini boss who is known for charging at you.
Same reasons to get this as above.
Path 2 you should take thanks to how it blocks all damage and from all directions once maxed. That way if you accidently dash into a boss when going backwards or simply being snipped you reduce the damage.
Path 1 is more potent against bosses since you will not be attacked from unseen enemies behind you.
Path 2 you will be able to heal up to 104 health (assuming your base is 130). This is helpful for when you need healing between sections before grabbing a medpack. It is also helpful if you are low on HP and there are enemies who can fly since vampirism is not helpful when they are out of reach.
Path 1: is recommended for calm pool, since it allows you to stop enrage enemies and suspend them in the air.
Path 1: Is great for removing rage from enemies especially when facing warpers who can deal alot of damage to you with their charge jumps.
Lesser Demons
- Sometimes can reduce crossbow damage by blocking
- Can only melee
- They will charge up to hit you by dashing straight for you.
- They can block crossbow shots more often
- KI strikes are very effective against them
- Group them up using tiger to get rid of many of them at once with explosive weapons
- Crossbow grenade sticky them, and wait for them to get close to environemtanl objects for lots of damage and a good battle rank.
Normal: Ground Type
- When they go to hover prepare to dodge a blast with dash or you can be aggressive and kill him before he unleashs it.
- They shoot 3 projectiles in a row so simply dashing left or right will make you dodge them.
Rage:Ground Type
- They shoot two bolts at once instead of 1.
- KI Strike can go through walls so if they get stuck behind something (this happens at least 1-2 in any playthrough of the whole game)
- Crossbow is very effective in killing them in long rage especially when they try to rage and they are stuck in the air.
Normal: Flying Type
- They shoot fireballs from the sky.
- They try to stay out of range of your Ki stikes
Rage: Flying Type
- They spin into a ball and fly down towards you and explode.
- Pistol, crossbow are good options to shoot them down
- In some areas you are close enough to just Ki strike them down
- Some areas they are bunched together use rocket launcher to clear them
- Shield to protect themselves from damage when facing you.
- Range attacks mostly when they have their shields
- Destroying the shields makes them go into melee range.
- They do alot more damage but are not faster
- Crossbow can destroy shield from far away [1-2 shots]
- Divider of Heavens strike is good for taking them down.
- Target the ones with shields to force them into melee mode
- Tiger is a good way to calm them down to avoid being hit for alot of damage.
- They take 1-2 seconds to explode when you get near them.
- When they rage be careful they will roll into a ball and dash towards you to explode.
- Use heaven of divider [with vamperism] to strike them down and gain hp
- Use heaven of divider through obsticles like pillars to hit them with some safety from explosions
Normal: Dual Katana Type
- They jump at you if you are to far away for up close melee.
- They teleport next to you and sometimes end up blocking your movement
Rage: Dual Katana Type
- They deal alot more damage especially with their jumps
- Dodge left and right to avoid their jumps since its predictable in the sense that they cannot suddenly shift direction mid jump
Normal: Shuriken Type
- They tend to turn invisible and run away for a set period of time and turn visible again.
- They throw shurikens from a good range at you
Greater Demons
General Strategies
When a mini-boss loses a arm use flamethrower on him, then try to finish him off. Losing a arm means they are very close to dieing and getting bonus karma is helpful.
Sword Range + Vamperism
When two mini-bosses are near each other remember that divider of heaven for example has good range so you can actually hit both if they are close enough to each other which if you have vamperism will heal you for quite a load.
Warning: Trying this on berserkers is not recommended since you increase chances of missing weakpoint.
Mothers (suiciders) should be killed as soon as possible.
Warpers are second most important to kill since their rage form has good damage output
- He has a few close melee attacks with AOE smash
- He can stun with grapple and bring him towards you
- He has a range attack that shoots a row of fireballs.
- He can force two guys into rage to attack you.
- Always keep moving or you will get grabbed with their ranged stun which will drag you into range. If they get you be sure to back dash to suffer alot less damage.
- Aiming for them arm will reduce their variety of attacks so they are more limited.
- Remember your KI strikes can damage through objects and monsters so be sure to aim for explosives behind them.
- Can summon skeletons
- Has a stun that has good range like the skill Flux
- Has range fireball
- Kill summoners last since their skeletons are good for vamprism + Ki strikes which will allow you to heal if you are fighting other enemies at the moment.
- Currently Testing: If shooting sticky grenades on them before they put shields up allows you to do damage to them, while they are in the bubble.
- When they stand up to rawr they will charge you after if you are not behind a obsticle.
- They use aoe attack if you are close to them/
- Use little obsticles you can jump over lke a tree stump in order to confuse the berserker
- Go near them (when you see them put arms in the air) backdask and once their attack is complete go dash to the back of them and smash their back repeat this until dead.
Aim for his arm weilding the axe. This will destroy his arm and make him unable to use the axe.
- Makes him have less variety of attacks he counts on and is easier to predict
- Makes him use ranged attacks alot more
- Gets rid of one hit kills on you.
- Break off the arm where he wields the axe it will get rid of his most damaging move.
- I am not sure if rage does more damage against bosses (i will get back to you on this and try to confirm it first)
- Heal up before he tries to charge at you, he will do alot of damage if your unable to dodge.
Horse Guardian is the only boss that doesn’t persa have a weakness. His weakness is the fact that his hitbox (armor) is really easy to hit since its his body plate and than his wings.
- When you have to use multiple seals its a sign that he is going to have his wings as a weakness, be sure to charge up rockets if you have the upgrade to land 3 rockets into his wing as he lands.
When you first encounter this boss be sure to lower the armor he has on each part before breaking one part. Recommended: Use rocket launcher and aim for miiddle of body to count as hits on all his armor, assuming you have the range upgrade.
- Makes final encounter off boss easier
- Shifts all the importance of boss to start of the level which is important in heroic especially.
Battle Ranks
Battle ranks are from the diverisity you use to kill enemies in quick and efficent ways. it is ideal to chain combo kill as many as possible by using environments,spells, and explosive weapons.
Bonus Karma from base of 100 karma points
Multipliers are a good way to earn a high battle rank and get lots of bonus karma.
Multiple Enemy Multipliers: Nailed, Massacre, Raiden, Demolition Man, Beheaded
Single Enemy Multipliers: Shreder
Shreder – For destroying limbs off enemies
- Flux gives you a shredder bonus for headshots with crossbow that go up to 9x
- Shotgun is a great way to blow through many limbs of enemies.
- Explosive weapons are a great way to shred enemies
Beheaded – For taking heads off with either guns or sword…
- Iron Circle is a good way to behead multiple enemies at once.
- Divider of heaven is good to headshot enemies while staying in motion
- High-strained attachement with crossbow is especially good against shield guys since they run in a linear line towards you.
Raiden – Killing enemies while they are being stunned by electricity.
Massacre – Killing multiple enemies quickly.
- Iron circle is a good way to kill multiple enemies at once
- Tiger spell is good to have enemies grouped closer to each other, and use explosive damage OR environment to kill multiple enemies at once.
- Take your crossbow weapon and stick 3 enemies with sticky grenade. Lure them towards environemental objects and denontate to blow up their surroundings along with them.
Nailed – Shoot a enemy with the crossbow and nail him to the wall.
Survival – Coming Soon
Wave One
I recommend using environmental damage in order to kill them fast.
Warning: If Skeletons spawn most likely will the mothers (suiciders).
Berserker dead in 30-40 seconds on insane
Chapter 9 – start with 5 enemy troops
Dev Comment about Dieing when Dashing off Stairs
Lo wang moves at 7.1 meters/s while walking and about 17 meters per second while sprinting.
While dashing his /a/ (acceleration) is /Δv/ (the delta of velocity) divided by /Δ of time/.
So if Lo Wang speeds up from 0m/s to 17m/s in 0.78 secs it’s 17/0.78 ~ 21.79 m/s2
It’s about 22g or even more, what is lethal for a human being, ninja or not. (I’m not a mathematician or a physicist so, I may be wrong).
“We’re taking all your opinions under account – but this thing is unfixable sadly.”
Source: [link]
Solution: “Tried the roll move? (holding the crouch key when you’re about to land) It negates a lot of the fall damage.”
Question: Does sword fighting also have the same things in mind? That is to say will dashing while doing a Ki strike amplify the damage?
Experiment: I have tested this by dashing down the stairs into the shield guys and while it seemed to do more damage, I will have to keep testing to make sure this is a consistent thing.