I’m going to be making a guide for EVERY hole, as the ones that currently exist are either outdated or unfinished.
Full power, hit the curve.
Around the 3 in “Par 3”. You’re trying to bounce off the back wall and into the hole. It’s not consistent, but you’re close enough for an easy putt after.
Around the centre of the T in “Stroke”, you want to go SLIGHTLY right. You should get in every time, but you may need a little bit more power.
Very end of the 2 in “Hole 2”. Straight towards the hole.
Full power. As soon as the first bar that comes up starts to go down, hit straight towards the curve. It’s possible to spin around and go out, but it doesn’t happen often.
Method 1 (Possible Albatross, but hard)
At the end of the 5 in “Par 5”, you want to go slightly right and try to land on top of the curve.
If done correctly, you can then hit towards this exact place at the beginning of the T in stroke to bounce off the wall and go straight into the hole. If you don’t, you just have an easy putt.
Method 2
Go slightly less than full power directly where I’m aiming.
Try and hit the corner as *close* to the edge as you can. You don’t want to go back towards the slope, you’re bouncing off.
The end of the K in “Stroke” towards the end of this checker will bring you next to the goal for an easy putt. It’s possible to go straight in here, as well.
Full power as close to the left wall as possible without hitting it.
Full power. Try and bounce off of the back wall into the hole.
T in Stroke, straight forward.
Full power, hit the slope.
4 in “Par 4”. Slightly left. You may not get in, but you’ll be close.
The checkerboard pattern where you start is NOT lined up with the hole! Go for the S in stroke, and aim slightly right.
There’s no reason to have a guide for this one. Hit every curve and you’ll get to the goal in par.
Hit all curves and putt into the goal. No images yet.
Full power. Click straight on the hole.
Full power, hit the curve. Putt for the next stroke.
Putt as far to the left, full power, as you can. You’ll get a hole in one.
Line up the support beam of the structure in the distance with the centre of your screen and full power towards the right side of it.
As far to the left as you can, full power. Should get you in, if it doesn’t, easy putt.
Full power, straight out of the map. You’ll land on the bottom part next to the goal
1 in “Hole 13”. Straight towards the goal.
S in Stroke, straight forward.
Full power to the left side as soon as you’re able to.
Middle of the black circle towards the goal. You can also try to bounce off the moving wall in.
No images yet, but you have to aim slightly to the right at the “S” in “Stroke”.
Where the green and blue sections meet, straight forwards.
You want to hit at the beginning of the T in Stroke right as the bar is hitting the left (Non HIO) side.