Hey there i can see you are having trouble remembering all the Isaac transformations and how to make them well i have the guide for YOU.
What are transformations?
Transformations alter Isaac’s appearance and grant him special abilities.
A transformation occurs when obtaining at least three collectibles from a particular set of items.
These collectibles always share a particular theme that corresponds with the transformation.
Transformation Items.
1 ???’s Only Friend.Summons a big attack fly that can be controlled with the shooting direction-keys.
2 Angry Fly.Spawns a fly familiar that orbits around a random enemy and deals 2 damage per tick to enemies it comes in contact with.
3 BBF.Spawns a familiar that flies around the room in a manner similar to the Boom Fly and explodes on contact with an enemy. Respawns after ten seconds.
4 Best Bud.When hit, summons a white attack fly similar to Distant Admiration for the current room.
5 Big Fan.Spawns a large orbital familiar that blocks enemy projectiles and deals slight contact damage to enemies.
6 Distant Admiration.A red attack fly circles further out than the Halo of Flies / Pretty Flies, but closer than Forever Alone. Deals more damage than Forever Alone.
7 Forever Alone.Spawns a blue attack fly that orbits a long distance from Isaac.
8 Halo of Flies.Spawns two pretty fly familiars that block enemy shots and deal contact damage to enemies.
9 Hive Mind.Increases the size of blue spiders and Blue Flies and doubles the amount of damage they deal.
10 Skatole.All types of fly except Boom Fly and Red Boom Fly become passive and slowly move towards Isaac. Does not prevent contact damage.
11 Smart Fly.After Isaac takes damage, this fly will deal continuous touch damage to whatever enemy caused the damage until it is dead. The fly will then systematically attack 1 enemy at a time until the room is cleared.
13 The Mulligan.Tears have a 1/6 chance of spawning allied blue flies when they hit an enemy.
14 Infestation.1-3 Blue flies randomly spawn every time Isaac gets hit.
15 Friend Zone.A white orbiting fly which deals 3 contact damage per tick to enemies. This familiar orbits Isaac at a middle length distance somewhere between Distant Admiration and Forever Alone.
16 Papa Fly.A blue fly familiar follows Isaac’s movements on a 3 second delay. Papa Fly will fire tears at nearby enemies.
17 Obsessed Fan.A purple fly familiar that follows Isaac’s movements on a 3 second delay and deals contact damage to enemies.
Form Stats: *Flight.*Converts small enemy flies into blue flies.
Transformation Items.
1 Guppy’s Head.Spawns 2-4 blue flies to damage enemies.
2 Guppy’s Paw.Removes one red heart container in exchange for gaining 3 Soul Hearts.
3 Dead Cat.Sets the amount of red heart containers to 1, but gives Isaac 9 extra lives. After dying, Isaac is teleported to the last safe room. New heart containers can be obtained after picking up this item, but after each death, the number of heart containers is set to 1 again.
4 Guppy’s Collar.Grants Isaac a permanent 50% chance to respawn with 1/2 of a red heart after death.
5 Guppy’s Tail.Increases chance of finding gold chests and normal chests, but reduces chance of finding pickups.
6 Guppy’s Hair Ball.Loosely follows behind Isaac. Can be swung like a flail by rapidly spinning Isaac in a circle. Grows bigger by killing enemies.
Form Stats: *Flight.*Spawns a Blue Fly each time a tear hits an enemy.
Transformation Items.
1 Bob’s Rotten Head.Upon use, Isaac holds a poison bomb which can be thrown towards any of the four cardinal points and explodes on impact.
2 Bob’s Brain.Spawns a familiar that charges forward when shooting tears, explodes upon contact with an enemy and poisons them. Respawns after a few seconds.
3 Bob’s Curse.Gives 5 bombs and grants all bombs poison effect.
4 Ipecac.Replaces tears with explosive and poisoning projectiles fired in an arc from the mouth.
Form Stats: *Isaac gains a green trail of poisonous creep.
Transformation Items.
1 Brother Bobby.Follows Isaac around shooting normal tears.
2 Harlequin Baby.Spawns a familiar that follows Isaac around and fires two tears at once in a V-pattern.
3 Headless Baby.Familiar that follows Isaac, leaving blood creep on the ground.
4 Little Steven.Spawns a familiar that follows Isaac around and fires homing tears.
5 Mongo Baby.Summons a familiar that copies the tears of Isaac’s other familiars.
6 Rotten Baby.A familiar that spawns blue flies.
7 Sister Maggy.A familiar that follows Isaac around shooting blood tears.
Form Stats: *When attacking, the tumor faces shoot tears diagonally outwards, similar to the effect of The Wiz.*-0.3 damage.*Slightly decreases tears.
Transformation Items.
1 God’s Flesh.Tears now have a random chance to apply a shrinking effect, causing enemies to shrink in size and also run away from Isaac. Shrunk enemies can be crushed and killed by walking over them.
2 Mini Mush.Increases Speed and Shot Height and decreases Isaac’s size, but lowers Range.
3 Magic Mushroom.Increases all stats and enlargens Isaac.
4 Odd Mushroom.Increases Tears and Speed while reducing Damage.
5 Odd Mushroom.Grants an empty heart container. Increases damage, range and shot height while reducing speed.
6 1up!.Gives an extra life. Upon death, you will respawn in the previous room with full health and lose the 1up!.
7 Blue Cap.Grants 1 heart container and increases tears, but decreases shot speed.
Form Stats: *+1 heart container.
Transformation Items.
1 The Nail.Adds one soul heart and allows the breaking of rocks and damaging enemies by simply walking over them. Increases damage and decreases speed. All effects except for the Soul Heart wear off upon leaving the room.
2 The Mark.Increases Damage and Speed, plus adds one Soul Heart.
3 Missing Page 2.Gives 1 black heart. Upon taking damage that reduces Isaac’s health to one heart or less, activates The Necronomicon effect, dealing 40 damage to all enemies in the room.
4 The Pact.Increases damage by 0.5, tears by 0.7 and grants two soul hearts upon pickup.
5 Pentagram.Increases damage and increases the chance for a Devil or Angel Room to appear.
6 Spirit of the Night.Grants spectral tears and flight.
7 Maw of the Void.+1.0 Damage Up. After continuously firing tears for 2.5 seconds, a red cross appears on Isaac’s head that, upon releasing the fire button, creates a black ring that rapidly deals damage equal to Isaac’s tear damage to any enemies in contact with it.
8 Abaddon.Tears are replaced by a laser beam that pierces through all enemies and obstacles in its path and deals high damage. Can only be fired after a short charge-up period.
Form Stats: *Flight. *+2 black hearts.
Transformation Items.
1 Flush!.Changes all enemies in the room into poop. Does not work on all enemies (Knights and bosses are immune). Instantly kills Dingle, Dangle, and Brownie.
2 The Poop.Spawns a pile of poop where the character is standing and knocks nearby monsters back. May yield pickups like regular poop.
3 E Coli.Gives “Turdy Touch” Effect. Enemies that touch Isaac are changed into poop.
Form Stats *Whenever a pile of poop is destroyed, health is replenished by half a heart.
Transformation Items.
1 The Bible.Upon activation, Isaac gains flight, allowing him to pass over all obstacles in the current room. Instantly kills Mom, Mom’s Heart, and It Lives when activated, but will kill Isaac when activated while fighting Satan
2 Dead Dove.Grants spectral tears and flight.
3 Guardian Angel.Spawns an orbital familiar that blocks enemy projectiles, deals contact damage to enemies, and increases the speed of all orbital familiars.
4 Holy Grail.Grants flight and one heart container.
5 Holy Mantle.Automatically negates first taken damage in every room.
6 Mitre.Grants a chance of converting any red hearts pickups into soul hearts instead.
7 Rosary.Adds 3 Soul Hearts and increases the chance for The Bible to appear in any item pool.
8 Sworn Protector.An orbital angel which does 7 contact damage per tick and blocks enemy shots. When it blocks a shot, it has a very small chance to drop an eternal heart.
9 The Halo.Grants one Heart Container, +0.3 Damage, +0.2 Tears, +0.25 Range, +0.3 Speed, and +0.5 Tear Height.
Form Stats: *Flight. *+3 soul hearts.
Transformation Items.
1 Adrenaline.Increases damage based on how many empty heart containers Isaac has.
2 Euthanasia.Adds a chance to fire needles. If a needle kills an enemy, it bursts into more needles.
3 Experimental Treatment.Randomly increases and decreases some of the character’s stats. There will always be at least one stat increase and one decrease and the same stats can be increased/decreased multiple times.
4 Growth Hormones.Increases damage by 1 and speed by 0.4.
5 Roid Rage.Increases speed by 0.6, range by 5.25, and tear height by 0.5.
6 Speed Ball.Increases speed by 0.3 and shot speed by 20%.
7 Synthoil.Increases damage by 1, range by 5.25, and tear height by 0.5.
8 The Virus.Inflicts poison to enemies who make contact with Isaac. Speed down.
Form Stats: *+2 damage. *+0.15 speed. *Spawns a random pill upon transformation.
Transformation Items.
1 Mom’s Bottle of Pills.Gives Isaac a random pill, and will cause him to drop any held Q-slot item (If any). The player will only receive six different pill types in one playthrough.
2 Mom’s Bra.Upon use, petrifies all enemies in the current room for approximately 4 seconds.
3 Mom’s Pad.Upon use, inflicts fear to all enemies in the room for 5 seconds.
4 Mom’s Wig.Adds a chance to spawn blue spiders when firing tears. Restores 1 red heart.
5 Mom’s Eye.Allows Isaac to fire tears from the back of his head.
6 Mom’s coin Purse.Allows Isaac to hold 1 additional trinket.
7 Mom’s Contacts.Adds a chance to shoot petrifying tears, which stop enemies in place and prevent them from moving or attacking. Range up.
8 Mom’s Knife.Isaac’s tears are replaced by a knife that pierces enemies, can travel through obstacles, and can hurt enemies while Isaac is holding it. Holding down the fire button before firing increases its range and power.
9 Mom’s Heels.Increases range.
10 Mom’s Eyeshadow.Tears have a chance to charm enemies.
11 Mom’s Perfume.Adds a chance to shoot fear tears and decreases tear delay by 1.
12 Mom’s Key.Spawns 2 keys. Generates additional pickups from chests.
13 Mom’s Lipstick.Increases range and shot heigh
14 Mom’s Underwear.Increases range.
15 Mom’s Coin Purse.Spawns 4 random pills around Isaac.
16 Mom’s Pearls.+1.25 Range Up. +0.5 Tear Height. +1 Luck Up.
17 Mom’s Razor.Spawns an orbiting razor that damages enemies it touches and inflicts bleeding on enemies, causing them to slowly take damage over time.
Form Stats: *Isaac gains a stationary knife that trails directly behind him. It synergizes like Mom’s Knife would.
Transformation Items.
1 Bum Friend.A portable beggar who follows Isaac, picks up coins for himself, and occasionally drops a pickup after collecting a coin. Does not spawn collectibles.
2 Dark Bum.Spawns a familiar that follows Isaac around and collects red hearts. For every one-and-a-half red hearts collected, Dark Bum will generate one soul heart, one hostile Spider or one friendly blue spider.
3 Key Bum.Spawns a portable key master that follows Isaac and collects keys, giving random chests in return.
Form Stats: *Replaces Bum Friend, Dark Bum, and Key Bum for Super Bum.
He collects any of the other beggars’ pickups, and offers twice the rewards.
Transformation Items.
1 Anarchist Cookbook.Spawns six troll bombs around the room.
2 Book of Revelations.Adds 1 soul heart, increases the chance for a Devil or Angel Room to appear, and increases the chance for the next boss to be a Horseman (except on XL floors and floors with fixed bosses such as Mom).
3 Book of Secrets.Upon use, gives the effect of Treasure Map, The Compass, or Blue Map for the duration of the current floor.
4 Book of Shadows.Upon use, creates a protective shield nullifying all types of damage for 10 seconds.
5 How to Jump.Gives Isaac the ability to jump (over gaps, spikes, etc.).
6 Monster Manual.Summons a random familiar for the current room. Can summon familiars not yet unlocked.
7 Satanic Bible.Upon activation, Isaac gains a black heart.
8 Telepathy for Dummies.Upon activation, grants homing tears for the current room.
9 The Bible.Upon activation, Isaac gains flight, allowing him to pass over all obstacles in the current room. Instantly kills Mom, Mom’s Heart, and It Lives when activated, but will kill Isaac when activated while fighting Satan.
10 The Book of Belial.Upon use increases damage by 2 for the current room and by a further +50% if the character also has the Blood of the Martyr.
Removed in Afterbirth Guarantees a Devil Room or Angel Room will be open after beating a boss while holding it.
Added in Afterbirth Increases the chance for a Devil or Angel Room to appear by 12.5%.
11 The Book of Sin.Spawns a random pickup, pill, card, or trinket.
12 The Necronomicon.Damages all enemies in the room significantly.
Form Stats: *Roughly 50% of the time, Isaac shoots an extra tear, like 20/20.
Transformation Items.
1 Box of Spiders.Summons 2-4 blue spiders.
2 Mutant Spider.Grants quadruple shot but decreases tears.
3 Spider Baby.When hit, spawns up to 2 blue spiders.
4 Spider Bite.Adds a chance to shoot slowing tears, reducing speed of enemy movement and any projectile fired by them.
5 Spider Butt.Displays Isaac’s tear damage and enemy health bars. Spawns a gray spider familiar that wanders around and inflicts a random status effect on any enemies it comes into contact with. Occasionally spawns a blue spider upon clearing a room.
Form Stats: *Spawns a spider familiar that applies random status effects to enemies it comes in contact with.
Transformation Items.
3 Puberty pills
Form Stats: *Grants a heart container.
Transformation Items.
1 Leo.Allows you to crush rocks when you walk over them.
2 Magic Mushroom.Increases all stats and enlargens Isaac.
3 One Makes You Larger pills
Form Stats:NONE *Taking damage has a chance to spawn rock waves.
*I would like to thank my dear friend Nick the Thicc for giving up some of his time to help me create this guide(Steam name ΜΑΝΘΟΣ ΦΟΥΣΤΑΝΟΣ)
*Subscribe to my channel and my friends we would really appreciate it
Mine/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvXR8w7JPtfM4mwMEaZmRnA?view_as=subscriber
Nick the Thicc’s/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCepwBZahhNOrsxRefpSaWcA
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