This will get you all the very very PayDay Goats!
Trophy mutators
Magical Headbutt- 5 trophies- headbutting an object turns it into something different (pulls random object from game’s library)
Hogtie- 10 trophies- Throw cable ties with Special. If it hits somebody on the way, that NPC will be hogtied. This means that the hands are bound to each other, and the NPC is now squirming to get free.
Scale Goat- 15 trophies- hold Special to get bigger (first hold) or smaller (second hold)
Helicopterkin- 20 trophies- become a human, Special changes which human you are. Works only in Payday map.
Prank mutators
Dynamite Goat- complete “Exploding Cake”- Special to throw dynamite.
Attachable Rockets- Found next to the cheese sandwich in “Super Security” for completing “Drill for Cheese”- Special to fire rockets. If they attach to something, that object flies of until the firework explodes.
Slapstick- complete “Drive-in Saturday”- Randomly, a laugh track will play. DO NOT PLAY WITH THIS ON UNLESS YOU HAVE THE SOUND OFF, IT IS SO ANNOYING TO PLAY WITH!!!!!
Cat- at the hidden cat temple unlocked for completing “Catastrophe”- a cat will randomly come across your screen.
Balloon Goat- complete “Make Pigs Fly”- lick something, then special to make it float. Will not work with Italian Dinosaur Goat.
If there are anymore, please comment in the comments where it is and how to unlock it.
Special Mutators
Babasuka- by the cheese sandwich in Harvest and Trustee- Special to make a smaller copy of yourself. Licking a copy will make it like a Slendergoat, TAB back to the character or special at the original to revert back.
Limb Ragdoller- bring a human to Ragdoller Test Center- Special fires a needle that makes an NPC go numb there, makes for some funny walking animations.
Bag- go into the bag machine- be a bag and lose all other mutators. Just restart the map or switch to another character, and you should be fine.
Drillcopter- get the drillcopter- run into an NPC, then special to fly. Jump to release the NPC, mouse controls how high you go.
Oil Spill- Go into the Drive In Liposuction place- Special to spill oil, you slip on it.
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