Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove Guide

All Red Skulls and Wisps for Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove

All Red Skulls and Wisps


A guide for those who seek all the red skulls and wisps.


Welcome to my guide, If you’re having trouble finding Red Skulls or Wisps, or just want to have all of them while you’re doing your playthrough then look no further then this guide.

Each section contains all 10 Red Skulls and Wisps, Skulls are shown first, with each corresponding Wisp, shown at the bottom of the specified section

Red’s Wife, Scarlet can be any of the 100 Red Skulls, she’s easily noticeable since she has a Wedding Veil on, grab her if you see her.

Any questions can be asked in the comments


3 Skulls

-This skull is right here where I’m jumping

-This skull is in a breakable wall just next to Legion

-This skull is just below Manny, in this breakable cage

The Tower includes no Wisps, However if you somehow happen to miss any you can buy them for 4,000 Gold each from Missy


10 Skulls – 1 Wisp

-The first one is right here in this breakable wall

-This one is easy, just dash slash up these two lanterns to reach it

-Fairly easy, defeat the skeleton and wall climb up to the skull

-Dash slash to the other side to reach this one

In Order to reach this red skull you’ll have to break this wall

-It’ll be just to the right of this area (be wary of bottomless pits!)

-This skull is located right next to this green dragon, just dash slash the dragon to reach it

-Dragons will be flying around this area, just dash slash one of them to reach this skull

-To easily obtain this one, stand where I am and wait for the bubbles to rise, dash slash and you’ll get the skull

-Dash slash forward, turn back and then dash slash backwards into the skull

-When you reach the final checkpoint turn left and dash slash the dragon upward onto the cliff, just to the right of this is this skull, dash slash the bubbles and wait for them to rise again and then dash slash and climb up to reach the skull

-This wisp is located just to the left of this checkpoint

Lich Yard

10 Skulls – 1 Wisp

-The first skull is here in this breakable wall

-This skull is in this dug out roof, just jump to reach it

-I grabbed the skull on accident in this screenshot but it’s right where im standing

-After the 2nd checkpoint, 2 grave guys will spawn and there will be a breakable wall to the right of them, break it and climb down, the skull will be down there. all you need to do is wait for the platform to lower, jump and dash slash to the ladder, but be wary another enemy is hidden inside this breakable wall

-This skull requires that you hit this mushroom, climb up, hit it again and dash slash up here

-The skull is on the very far left, near the ghost

-This skull is located just below me, drop to the ladder and dash slash it to reach it, but be careful about the ghost hitting you into the water

-When you reach this area, just go on as usual, just walk towards the skull and it’ll be yours

-This skull is also just below me, drop down kill the frog, extinguish the flames and dash slash the skeleton to reach the skull, extinguish the flames to make it back

-This skull is in an area with 2 grave guys and 1 ghost, break this wall and grab the skull

-The final skull is located here, near all these flames, jump and attack the first 2-3 flames and extinguish the ones on the bottom and continue to extinguish the ones on the top until you can climb safely to the skull

-The wisp is after this breakable wall

-Climb the ladder and attack the flames, jump on the platform and jump again to attack the next set of flames, and continue until you reach the wisp

Pridemoor Keep

10 Skulls – 1 Wisp

-Go left at the beginning of the level, and dash slash to the left side, you’ll find the skull here, and if you break the wall you can find the YCG logo

-This skull just requires a forward and backwards dash slash

-When you climb up here, break this wall and grab the skull

Break this wall

-The skull will be just ahead

-When you drop down, you will see two wizards, use their projectiles to reach the red skull

-After the two wizards, you’ll drop down and a breakable wall on your left will contain the next skull

-Climb these boulders, and jump at the right moment, dash slash and grab the skull

Break this floor by jumping

-Slowly dash slash into this skull, wall climb and return to the other side

-Stand on this Boulder, hit the book, and wall jump off when you get the skull and back on to the boulder

-This one is just below me, just drop down, jump onto the blocks and jump up and to the right so you don’t fall into the pit

-dash slash all the propeller rats to reach this wisp


10 Skulls – 1 Wisp

-This red skull is located near these exploda-rats, just climb up avoid the rats and grab the skull

-This skull can be obtained by wall jumping the platform constantly

-Break the floor by jumping to obtain this Skull

-Wall jump to this wall to get this skull

-Pay attention to the platforms, you’ll be able to make it, just be quick

-Wall jump from the left and up onto this platform to reach this, watch out for the spider-bowl enemy

Break this wall

-Be careful and be quick, maneuver properly and you’ll reach this skull

-Dash slash one of the shadow birds to reach this skull

Break this wall

-Run through these flames and grab the skull

Break this wall

-Scale the first two walls quickly, and be aware of the memmec chest near the skull, defeat it and wall climb to reach the skull

Hit a potion to reveal this hidden wall

-Traverse through this area, and defeat the Spider-Bowl enemy, and the wisp will be yours

Lost City

10 Skulls – 1 Wisp

-Break the boulder and grab the skull, but watch out for the knight

Continue to the right of this checkpoint, but don’t jump until you’re on the last boulder so you can reach the edge and climb it

-The skull is in a breakable wall in the right of this room, be wary of the Memmec too

-Jump onto the slime boulder to reach this skull

-Wall jump up to this one

Wall jump up here

-Continue to the right, and dash slash through all the jumping fish, the skull will be near a chest

-Stand here, break the wall and grab the skull quickly

-Break both boulders and kill both fire slimes, push the green slime ball to the right and jump on top of it to reach it

-Use the big beetle to reach this Skull

-Push the green slime ball here, jump on it and climb the cliff

-This is rather easy, just jump onto the walls and climb up, on the next part, just fall in and climb it, on the final part, drop to the skull, walljump off and rush back to safety

-Carefully land on the slime boulders and traverse back to safety after nabbing the skull

Break this wall by pushing the green slime ball over and jumping up to hit it

-The wisp is just to the left of these boulders, be careful as getting hit by the fire will cause the boulders to break

Iron Whale

10 Skulls – 1 Wisp

-Head to the far right in the start of the level, use the orb to reach the upper right ledge, and continue onward to this area, use the orb to also reach the red skull just ahead

-Drop down onto the platform and then drop down to the skull

-Dread claw these enemies or let them out from the boulder and nab the skull

-Jump past the tentacle and dash slash up to the skull

-After going down from the previous screenshot a breakable wall is on the right, break it and you’ll reach this area, just dash slash the tentacles to reach the skull

-Jump but let go of your jump button mid-way

-Go the more dangerous path and then you’ll have this skull, otherwise just keeping hitting the shell to have it hit the boulder

Break this wall

-Carefully jump through this area to reach the skull

-Fall with the anchor and then wall jump this to get this skull and jump back onto the anchor

Climb this wall

-Tread carefully.. and reach the skull

Break this wall

-The wisp is to the very far right of this area

Clockwork Tower

10 Skulls – 1 Wisp

-just drop down and walljump to get this one

-Push this pillar down and then climb up to get the skull

-Carefully jump over these pillars to get this one

-Dash slash the lantern to reach this one

-Dash slash this lantern to reach this skull

-Push the pillar down and rush to the left side and wall climb up to the skull

-Hit the lever and run back to this one, jump to reach it

-Break this wall to get the skull here

-Let the cog reach you, hit it and dash slash to get this skull

-Just jump over to get this one

-Just before the side-scrolling section, there is 2 boulders blocking you from going up, climb up and go all the way to the left to find this room, the wisp is just on the other side

Stranded Ship

10 Skulls – 1 Wisp

(Hidden Wall near a Ice Wizard)

(Another Hidden Wall)

(Jump Backwards after the Boss Checkpoint)

(Wisp is Located Here)

Flying Machine

10 Skulls – 1 Wisp

Break this wall

-Skull is on the left

-Just break these boulders

-Break a hidden boulder behind this wall to reach this one

-Walljump to the left to reach this one

Break this wall

-Traverse carefully

-Skull is right here

Break the middle boulder and dash slash to the top left part to reach a new room

-jump carefully to reach this skull

-Dash slash to the skull

-Carefully wallclimb this one

Break this wall

-Jump and fall, and dash slash the cannonballs to reach safety (grab the checkpoint in the next room just to be safe)

-Just go through the level and you’ll spot this wisp, just dash slash to the wall on the left jump and then dash slash again

Tower Of Fate: Entrance

5 Skulls

-Use the wizard’s projectiles to reach this

Hit this Fish and the book and then hit the fish back to platform to find a hidden wall

-nab that skull

-Break this hidden wall and grab the skull inside it

-Break this hidden wall and nab that red skull

-Use the orb up ahead to get this skull

Tower Of Fate: ????

2 Skulls

-After the first elevator, just walk left and this wall will appear, climb it

-The final 2 skulls await you here

Notes & Conclusion

Welcome to the end of the guide, this took quite awhile to make was 185 mins, so please leave a comment if this helped you out even if it’s the slightest. this entire guide was completed in just 1 session

Things you can obtain from getting all the skulls and wisps:

  • You’ll get 2 achievements

  • Donovan’s armor, and relic

  • All Curios including upgrades with the money you’ll have

  • Find Red’s Bride and get to watch them dance (you get to watch them again at any time, just talk to Scarlet)

thanks for stopping by and have fun

Blight The Earth!