Goat Simulator Guide

All score bonuses and special messages (including DLCs) for Goat Simulator

All score bonuses and special messages (including DLCs)


From Michael Bay to Stephen Hawking, here lists all special bonuses/messages you can find in Goat Simulator

About this guide

We’ve got excellent Goat Simulator guides for achievements, quests, Easter eggs, etc. on steam, but it seems to me that no one has mentioned those funny score bonuses (or special messages since in some DLCs you don’t get score). So I decided to make this one. Please let me know what you think about this guide or if I miss something worth saying here!

What is a score bonus (or a special message)?

In Goatville, Goat City Bay, and Goatz maps, when you complete a hidden objective you will receive a special score with a message on your screen. The name of the bonus appears under the score bar, mostly in purple but with some exceptions. Many bonuses also come with a big title on the center of the screen as if you just completed a quest. Some bonuses can appear multiple times in a game while others only appear once unless you restart your map.

Each bonus has a different score, from 1 to 1,000,000. In MMO simulator and Payday, there is no scoring system so you can only see the big titles (I call them special messages). I have included these special messages here as well. In Waste of Space, the scoring system is replaced by a crowdfunding system. When you complete a bonus objective you will receive a random amount of money as reward (typically a few hundreds to a couple of thousands).

Some bonuses/messages are linked to a quest, an achievement, or a mutator, but others are pretty independent task objectives. I tend to think this is the last piece to form a complete set of the in-game quests. Hope you enjoy reading this and exploring the world of Goat Simulator!


  • Super secret tunnel: 50 pts, one time, no title. Enter the cement pipe near the spawn location.

  • Regular family dinner: 1000 pts, one time. Go to the dining room in the house near the spawn location. Headbutt the table, the people, and other stuff nearby. This bonus, however, does not appear every time. If you have messed the dining room but don’t see this purple words, you may need to restart the map and give it one more try.

  • Treadmilling:100 pts, repeatable. Step on the treadmill in the garage near the spawn location.

  • Epic!!!111oneone: 300 pts, repeatable. Get ejected by the same treadmill and land on the closest trampoline.

  • Goats for the goat throne: 2000 pts, one time. Return to Goatville by stepping on the throne in the Goat Castle. You will also complete the quest “Goat Castle”, the achievement “Goat Queen”, and the goat queen mutator along the way.

  • Power pitcher!: 1000 pts, one time. Touch and equip the pitcher.

  • Trash the goathhenge: 750 pts, one time. Knock down many, if not all, stones of the stonehenge. Not really sure about what exactly triggers this bonus, but I feel that at least it has to be done quickly, likely in a few seconds.

  • Fight!: 1 pt, one time. Enter the fighting ring. Automatically starts round 1 for fight.
  • Round 2: 200 pts, one time. Win round 1. (Headbutt the opponent goat out of the ring)
  • Round 3: 200 pts, one time. Win round 2.
  • Round 4: 200 pts, one time. Win round 3.
  • You are such a badass: 1337 pts, one time. Win round 4. You will also get the “Alexander Goatstafsson” achievement and the ripped goat mutator.

  • Daily routine!: 1000 pts, one time. Enter the outhouse near the crop circle.

  • Mangled: 200 pts, repeatable, no title. Get smashed by the harvester.

  • Owned by hillbilly: 100 pts, repeatable, no title. Get hit by the drifting car.

  • Michael Bay!: 2000 pts, one time. Headbutt any gas pump and explode the gas station. The best way to do this is to lick all gas guns down before hitting the pump — if you explode the gas station by other ways (for example, tossing an object to the car there), you would be less likely to get the bonus. Also completes the quest with the same name if you haven’t done so.

  • Like Baggio: 1 pt, repeatable, no title. Fail in a goal shot with a basketball.
  • Like Zlatan: 100 pts, repeatable, no title. Make a successful goal shot with a basketball.

  • ♥♥♥♥ the police!: 100 pts, one time. Infiltrate into the low gravity testing facility.

  • Goats > skaters: 100 pts, repeatable, no title. Go through the ring at the Ragdoll Skate in the low gravity testing facility.

  • Flap: 100 pts, repeatable, no title. Get hit by the fan on the roof of the low gravity testing facility.

  • Space goat!: 500 pts, repeatable, no title. Get launched by the fan in the ventilation duct of the low gravity testing facility.

  • Reach for the stars!: 2000 pts, repeatable. Raise yourself very very high. There are many ways to do this but I personally recommend the Excaligoat and/or Antigravity mutator from the MMO map. You can also get this in Goat City Bay.

Goatville – part 2

  • Hit by car: 100 pts, repeatable, no title. Pretty much self-explanatory. You can also acquire this bonus in Goatz.
  • Hit by truck: 150 pts, repeatable, no title. Again pretty much self-explanatory. You can also acquire this bonus in Goatz.

  • Jetpack!!: 400 pts, one time. Equip the jetpack in the construction site.

  • Look mum!: 100 pts, repeatable, no title. Ragdoll and toss yourself with the water slide.

  • Party crasher!: 1000 pts, one time. Headbutt the people and the dining table at the party. Again I am not sure what exactly triggers the bonus as it does now show up every time I try.

  • I am bread: 1337 pts, one time. Headbutt the toaster, find and bring 2 slices of bread back there, and jump on the toaster. Completes the quest “I Am Bread” and the achievement with the same name. Also applies the bread mutator to you.

  • A goat among legends: 1000 pts, one time. Enter the Coffee Stain Studio.

  • Gather the Sacrifices: 2000 pts, one time. Reach the sacrifice area. This is the only Goatville special bonus that appears in white.
  • Blood for the blood goat: 2000 pts, one time. Bring 5 people/goats to the sacrifice area. Also completes the quest “Ritual” and the achievement “Devil Goat”. You’ll get the devil goat mutator as well.
  • Toast for the toast goat: 1337 pts, repeatable. Bring a slice of bread (which spawns after headbutting the toaster) to the sacrifice area. Also completes the quest “The Eucharist.” You’ll get the toaster mutator the first time doing so.

  • Dodge this: 1000 pts, one time. Take the Boulder of Death and destroy the drifting car. Also unlocks the “Dodge This” achievement.

  • How?: 5000 pts, one time. Take the Boulder of Death and destroy the hang glider.

In the older versions there seems to exist other score bonus like “It’s a trap!”, “Do no harm”, and “The wonder of Science!” but these were likely removed from the game as I have no way to make any of them appear.

Goat City Bay

  • !: 10 pts, one time. Enter the hat shop “Weathers”. It’s also one of the only two score bonuses that appear white instead of purple (the other one is Je suis le baguette).
  • Hat simulator!: 500 pts, repeatable. Pay at the counter with money. Money can be found at many locations, such as Capra Restaurant & Bar, “sugar” house, and the house where “Jack pot” is located. Also completes the quest “Buy A Hat”.
  • R u a wizard?: 1000 pts, one time. Pay at the counter (see Hat simulator!) and jump onto the green stage with a wizard hat.
  • #SWEG: 1000 pts, repeatable. Pay at the counter (see Hat simulator!) and approach the stack with sunglasses.

  • Je suis le baguette:1337 pts, one time. Headbutt the toaster, find and bring 2 slices of bread back there, and jump on the toaster. It completes the quest “Je suis le baguette” and you get the baguette mutator. It’s also one of the only two score bonuses that appear white instead of purple (the other being “!“).

  • It’s a trap!: 1 pt, one time. Drive the yacht (by licking it) near the Put-in Hotel to the secret island.

  • Deadgoa7: 1000 pts, one time. Go to the roof of Put-in Hotel and approach DJ Deadmou5 at the concert. Completes the quest “Highjack the Concert” and the achievement “Goats ‘n’ Stuff”. You can now party too.

  • Weee!!! fireworks!: 500 pts, repeatable. Approach any fireworks. Also available in Goatz.

  • Eeeeeeew!: 300 pts, one time. Enter the sewer where the “turtles” live. You’ll get the repulsive power and complete the quest “Find the Sewer” and the achievement “Disgusting” if you haven’t done so.

  • Goat rider 300 pts, one time. Step on the horse ridge in the amusement park. Someone will approach you and become a goat rider like what the quest asks.

  • Power overwhelming!: 10 pts, one time. Approach the power supply of the roller coaster, near its elevator.
  • Power up!: 10 pts, repeatable. Bring a battery here. This would speed up the roller coaster every time and you can do it six times.

  • Builder goat unlocked: This one doesn’t give you any bonus but I include it anyway. Touch any minecraft cube (there are 3 kinds in total) and you can start to build your block empire.

  • Gained grappling tongue: 150 pts, one time. Enter Uncle Fred’s Workshop and touch the blue crystal. Unlocks the achievement “A Story About My Goat” too.

  • Found the wind altar: 300 pts, one time. Approach the wind altar (entrance near top of the longboard ramp).
  • Gained tornado powers!: 300 pts, one time. Find the wind statue (on top of the second wind turbine) and bring it back to the altar. Completes the achievement “The Savage” as well.

  • Bring a towel!: 100 pts, one time. Find the UFO (near the dam).
  • Not again!: 100 pts, one time. Take the towel found at the outside mid-level of Put-in Hotel and go back here. Unlocks the achievement “Don’t Panic and you will gain the ability to hitchhike (a.k.a. summon whales).

  • Sugar rush!!!!: no score, repeatable. Lick the “sugar” in the house with a swimming pool. You get temporarily hyped up and complete that quest as well.

  • Jackpot!!: 1000000 pts, one time. Locate a white house with a garage and go to the bedroom in that house. Lick the pot with the name Jack on it. Unlocks the achievement “Vegas, Baby”!

MMO Simulator

In MMO there’s no score but instead exp points. Here I list all the special messages except for Acquire new quest, which appears when receiving a new quest. None of the messages gives you an exp bonus though. All of the special messages listed here only appear once in a single game.

  • I awaken!: Lick the magic lamp hidden in a corner of the beach area.
  • Three wishes!: Automatically appears after I awaken!
  • Wish cannot be granted!: Choose the wish on the right (good looking).
  • Wish granted!: Choose the other two wishes. Each of them has a special subtitle (see screenshots). The wish on the left grants you an annoying companion too.

    These four messages are in blue!

  • Goat of time Head down deep into Bullgrurzh and headbutt the Wheel of Time. Now you’ve got the power to stop time and the achievement “Wheel Goat”.

  • Gained anti-gravity powers! Climb (or being ejected by lava pools) onto the tower with a magic force field in Old Goat Mountain. Now you can turn off the gravity. Gravity goat achievement unlocked too.

  • You are worthy: Pull out the Excaligoat in Alvesta. Just lick it and walk away and you are all set. Gained the magic sword power and the achievement “ExcaliGoat”.

  • It’s a trap! Complete the quest “Portal to Riches” (see this guide) and enter the portal next to DumbleDoor the Grey. It’s the only purple message in the MMO. Unlocks the achievement “Not Again…”

  • Not so secret cow farm: Go to the Twistram Cathedral and headbutt the altar table. Drop down into the hole beneath the table, and enter the portal in the end of the tunnel.


  • Knock knock: 100 pts, one time. Knock down the tombstone as indicated on the back wall of the church.
  • Goalie’n one: 100 pts, one time. Enter the church, and drag Charles the chainsaw psycho down into his coffin.

  • Goat simulator: 10 pts, repeatable. Enter the goat farm.
  • So you want to be a goat?: 1 pt, one time. Stay in the goat farm, baa and eat grass for a while. Grants you a true goat power and completes the quest “Goat simulator”.

  • Madness!: 300 pts, one time, no title. Locate the alien who sells disgusting celery. Throw him into the black hole besides him.

  • Potluck: 10 pts, one time. Approach the cauldron on Voodoo Island.
  • Medicine, man: 1 pt, one time. Add a businessman into the magic potion. You will acquire a special power for shrinking heads and the achievement “Masterchef”.

  • Complete the cook: 10 pts, one time. Approach the desert RV.
  • Time for a taste: 1000 pts, one time. Bring 3 blue barrels to the RV, and enter the RV after it explodes from within. Now you’ve done your Desert Vacation and become Heisenberg.
  • Crystal breath!: No points, repeatable. Lick crystal blue powder. Go freeze some zombies!

  • Leap of fail: 400 pts, one time. Fall straight down from the hill tower and land on the car in the bottom, in Green Screen Studio. Completes the quest “Fly Like the Eagle”.

  • Headbutt of the joke: 1000 pts, one time. Headbutt Conrad O’Ryan (talk show host) in studio #1. Completes the quest “Get the Last Laugh”.

  • Disco!: 50 pts, one time. Switch studio #1 to disco mode.

  • Plastic goat: 100 pts, one time. Stand on the green zone in studio #2 and get shot by cameras. Now you have learned the way of fashion and can summon chihuahua.

  • Iapples: 10 pts, one time. Enter the apple shop in the mall.

  • Window shopper: 10 pts, one time. Enter the window shop in the mall.
  • I love windows: 500 pts, repeatable. Pay at the counter with money.
  • Excellent choice!: 1000 pts, repeatable. After you pay, walk to any window to finish the transaction.

  • That escalated quickly: 200 pts, one time. Break the power box of the escalator in the mall, and take the escalator up.

  • Piñata!: 2400 pts total (1800+300+300), one time. Break the Piñata at the zombie costume party.

  • Homelesswrecker: 300 pts, ome time. Explode the truck at the homeless’ makeshift home.

  • The all seeing stone: 10 pts, one time. Enter the prophet’s tent.

  • Weak: 10 pts, repeatable until you get Strongest goat alive!. There is a game at the circus to test how strong you are. Score ~300-400 points. You can just jump from ground for this score range.
  • Pretty good: 50 pts, repeatable until you get Strongest goat alive!. Score ~600-700 points in the same game. You can jump from the top of cage for this score range.
  • Strongest goat alive!: 1000 pts, one time. Hit the bell in the same game. To do it you can jump from the roof of the main tent. Completes the quest “Strong Goat”.

  • The animals are loose!: 300 pts, one time. Break the fence and free the animals at the circus.

  • Cannon fodder: 250 pts, repeatable. Climb into any cannon at the circus and boom!

Goatz – part 2

  • Whiplash!: 10 pts, repeatable until you finish the Whiplash course. Approach the Whiplash course start point.
  • Whiplash!: 200 pts, one time. Finish the Whiplash course. Unlocks the achievement “Big in Japan”.

  • Ten outta ten!: 99 pts, repeatable. Dive in front of those judges. Whatever pose. And you’ll become “Goat of the Year”.

  • Bullseye!: 50 pts, repeatable. At Whiplash there is a water slide pointing offshore. Slide down from there and hit the offshore big target.

  • Super slide: 1337 pts, one time. At Whiplash there is a water slide pointing to the bar restaurant. Slide down from there and hit the kid’s pool. You might want to use feather goat mutator for this one. The other reward is the achievement “Warm bath”.

  • Devs are full of bull: 200 pts, one time. Swim to Dev’s Island, press the red button and launch the cannon.
  • Goat in the eye: 500 pts, one time. Touch the target on Dev’s Island. If you stand in front of the cannon after pressing the button you can get this bonus as well.

  • Bleat now: 200 pts, one time. Headbutt the bride or the groom at the beach wedding.

  • Back in business!: 666 pts, one time. Head to the goat trauma recovery center (at the hospital) and explode any helium canister there.

  • Hang out, in the sky, with diamonds: 1337 pts, one time, no title. Go the roof of the commercial buildings near the five-star hotel. You should be able to find an used paraglider and a rotating bag. Touching that bag will grant you this bonus and the paraglider mutator.

  • *Bzzt*: 100 pts, one time. Go to the roof of Golden Tower and jump on the rusty stretcher. Now you are an almighty prototype goat.

  • Goat of the hill!: 200 pts, one. Kick Ronald Hump out of Golden Tower!

Goatz – part 3: after outbreak

These special messages are only available in the outbreak scene.

  • Rude awakening: 200 pts, one time. Enter the coffin shop and walk toward the coffin in the middle.

  • Mission accomplished!: 200 pts, one time. Headbutt the governor near the Golden Tower plaza. This is the only special bonus in the whole game that uses more than one color in its title.

  • No money, no help! 10 pts: one time. Approach the drug store near the hospital. Strangely, nothing happens when you bring your money back.

  • No money, no crate: 1 pt, repeatable. There is a crate shop at the top of the building closest to the Whiplash restaurant and bar. Approach that shop.
  • It puts the money: 1 pt, repeatable. Bring money to the crate shop.
  • It places the wallet: 10 pts, repeatable. Put the money in the block on the left.
  • Now it buys: 10 pts, repeatable. Put the wallet in the block on the right.
  • No refunds!: 10 pts, repeatable. Put the big wallet in the middle block. And you get 6 crates in exchange.

  • Minifun: no points, one time. Equip minifun. It can be occasionally found in a supply crate.

  • Crafting complete!: no points, repeatable. Craft anything.

  • The gumshot: no points, one time. Equip Gumshot.
  • The heartbreaker: no points, one time. Equip Heartbreaker.
  • The relaxer: no points, one time. Equip Relaxer.
  • The antiquer: no points, one time. Equip Antiquer.
  • Mind controller: no points, one time. Equip Mind Controller.

Payday – part 1: quest related

Special messages in Payday are displayed in a text box. Some messages are more like quest hint and only show up when you are doing a prank. I don’t include them in this guide. That is, here only lists messages you can unlock even when you are not following any prank quest from the Baa Machine.

You can check the details of the quests mentioned here:
None of these messages gives you cash rewards. Most of them only appear once in a single game, with only a few exceptions.

  • It’s payday!: Repeatable. Put on your mask.

  • Still funny: Finish the quest objective of Chocolate Factory.

  • Cream terrorist. You can now throw dynamites: Finish the quest objective of Exploding Cake. Note that the dynamite won’t spawn until you visit the birthday party. This bonus also grants you the ability to throw dynamites.

  • The police signing out…: Finish the quest objective of Mess with the Police.

  • Now go deliver a few bergs: Drop a trashbag or trashcan into the hole on the roof of the burger shop.

  • Find two more cats: Bring a cat to Kittyland Love Center.
  • Just one more cat: Bring two cats to Kittyland Love Center.
  • A hidden cat temple!!: Bring three cats to Kittyland Love Center.
  • You are now catified: End the cat temple and approach the cat statue. From now on you can see those cat spirits on the screen.

  • Darn it, another vault, well find another drill: Use a drill to open the first vault door in the security company.
  • OMG, a third door: Open the second vault door.
  • Expiration dates are just tricks.: Open the third vault door and enter the vault.
  • Attachable Rockets!: Equip the rocket device found in the vault.

  • Yay you saved Pilgor!: Complete the quest objective of The Godmother.

  • Gather gas canisters to get high: Connect a police officer to the hot air balloon.
  • Hopefully they’ll get the hint to leave you alone: Complete the quest objective of Make Pigs Fly.

  • You just framed the payday crew!: Complete the quest objective of Cops and Robbers.

  • Films suck, go video games!: Complete the quest objective of Drive in Saturday.

  • Up, up, and away!: Complete the quest objective of Buried Games.
  • It’s a trap!: After doing Up, up, and away!, lick the pirate ship and let it send you to the moon. Unlocks the achievement Le Voyage Dans la Lune. It’s also the only purple message in the Payday map. The other way to reach the moon is to use the flamingo and fly high enough.

Payday – part 2: others

  • You are now a bag: Step into the bag transformer next to the bag shop (near gas station).

  • Bag tosser!: Two people are in the bag shop and one of them is taking care of a stage. Put a bag on that stage and see how far it can fly. You might have to try multiple times or restart the game to get this bonus.

  • Just one more cat for the record – breaking cat sausage: Get a cat processed in the cat sausage factory.
  • Nice! A sausage made from 80 cats: Get the second cat processed in the cat sausage factory.

  • Bring a test subject: Approach the Ragdoll Test Center.
  • Let them go limp!: Bring a person to the Ragdoll Test Center. Now you can shoot syringes at people.

  • Donate a little money to hear a sick beat: Approach the music folks outside the bank.
  • Wait for it…: Repeatable. Donate $10 to the music folks. If you hear the full song you can unlock the achievement The Song of my People.

  • Find a drill to get the vault open: Approach the vault door in the bank.
  • You are now the almighty babushka goat: Break into that vault and touch the Babushka dolls.

  • These guys need a boombox: Walk to the guys outside the burger shop.
  • Gangsta bounce!: Bring a boombox to them. A boombox can be found at the flea market (near gas station) or the gym. Completes the achievement “Bounce it!”.

  • You are now really greasy: Enter the building behind the burger shop. You will gain the power to shoot fatty, greasy buckets.

  • Wow, did they just happen?: Donate $10 to a homeless near the cinema.

Space – part 1: Crowdkicker, Colony

In Waste of Space, most of the special bonuses only appear once in a single game, with several exceptions. All of them give you a random amount of money, around hundreds to a few thousands. It has the most special bonuses in all maps so here I break this part into several sections.


  • K.O!: Buttress the ladders.

  • Sell Sell Sell!!: Baa at the podium.

  • Scrooge McGoat: Dive into the money pool in Money Bin. Now you have transformed into a piggybank…


  • A hopeless romantic: Headbutt the couple outside the Crowdkicker HQ. They are lying on a picnic blanket surrounding by lots of candles.

  • Earth is no more: Install a battery on the radar dish. Completes the quest Radar Dish. The cutscene is kinda cool.

  • Race failed!: Repeatable. Do not complete a race.
  • Race completed!: Repeatable. Complete a race.

  • ROADKILLED!: Hit by hoverbike.

  • Rained on her parade: There is a place called Grounds Keeper near the hoverbike race center. Jump onto the garden there.

  • This goat is on fire!: There is a small building called L:01 near the quarry. Behind the building is a bonfire — jump into it.

  • See the World!: Free a Garl’eek by kicking it out of a large container. It is located near a coffee spot, next to the quarry.

  • Tea Party!: Outside of the Test Chambers you can see a coffee spot with a person sipping something. Headbutt that person.

  • Toxic avenger Find a green toxic barrel near the podracer and bring it to Vault 1 (between research dome and main dome). The hatch now opens…!

  • Good goat: Push the poor human sacrifice down to the ball pool. Good goat you have become.
  • Good, young Pilgor!: Push the human sacrifice down to the lava pool. Embrace the dark side of the force.
  • This Vulcano: Drop down to the lava pool.

  • Big baller: Knock down all the cardboard figures at the bowling land, near Librar-e.

  • An apple a day: Process a channitatium ore the first time near Librar-e.
  • Take this: Process a channitatium ore the second time near Librar-e.
  • Here you go: Process a channitatium ore the third time near Librar-e.
  • Crates?: Repeatable. Process a channitatium ore the fourth time and so on near Librar-e.

  • Heavy lifting: Move the big meteorite (in west of the Academy dome).

  • Bows don’t kill: Headbutt a giraffe hunter near the meteorite.
  • Trophy hunter: Headbutt the giraffe.

  • You’re fired!: Accumulate to $100,000 and enter the Dining Room. Now it’s time to kick the butt of Lawrence S. Windler and you can make money much faster after that. Unlocks the achievement “Fund this!”

  • Hang OVER: Between Academy dome and Museum dome you can find a bachelor party where a drunken boy is hanging on a cliff. Headbutt/lick him down to the bottom.
  • Who are you?: Save that boy by licking and toss him back to the top of the rock.

  • One man’s past: Near the bachelor party is a cemetery. Headbutt the man who is digging there.
  • Forget the past: Knock down all the tomb stones in the cemetery.

Space – part 2: Quarry, Chambers, Aliens, Museum

  • Piece of ore: Repeatable. Toss a small Channitatium chunk into the ore processor.
  • Chunk of ore: Repeatable. Toss a big Channitatium chunk into the ore processor.
  • Spend money: Repeatable. Toss a money crate into the ore processor. Unlocks the achievement “Spend money to make money”.
  • Mastermind: Repeatable. Toss anything else into the ore processor.

Test Chambers
  • Fridge: Destroy the wall in chamber #3 with a fridge.

  • LAZORED!: Touch a laser beam in chamber #5. Note some of them are fake!

  • Flying Cars: In the burger restaurant, headbutt all three cars.

Alien Infestation
  • You’re free!: Free 2 human hostages.
  • Run Foster, Run!: Free 4 human hostages.
  • No more probing!: Free 5 human hostages.
  • You saved the humanity!: Free 7 human hostages. Finishes the quest Invaded Territory.

Museum Dome
  • Take Your Wares Elsewhere!: Headbutt the street vendor near the main bridge.

  • Italian plumbing: There are four red bottoms around the pond, two on the left and two on the right. Go to the right of the bridge and push the bottom on the right.
  • Wishing well: Go to the right of the bridge and push the bottom on the left.
  • Water!: Go to the left of the bridge and push the bottom on the right.
  • Dolphins!: Go to the left of the bridge and push the bottom on the left.

  • GG lozerz!: Enter the sports center and headbutt P1 and P2 gamers.

  • My turn!: In first floor of the Museum, headbutt the person who is on their knees behind a large cardboard so that you can squeeze your head in and pretend to be an alien immediately.

  • Master of the universe: In second floor of the Museum, release an asteroid and make it crash into the Earth. Completes the quest The origin of spaceflight museum.

  • Flameboyant: In second floor of the Museum, step on the red button.

  • Ex files: In second floor of the Museum, take down all the UFO proofs.

  • AstroNot!: In second floor of the Museum, mess up every astronaut statue.

  • TURDIS: In second floor of the Museum, headbutt the blue restroom.

Space – part 3: Academy Dome

  • Jailbait!: Drag a person into Cell 01 in the prison and leave the cell. Now the world is your canvas.

  • Donut thief: Headbutt the donut table in the police station.
  • All done dunkin’: After you become a donut thief, fight the police officers for a while.

  • Riot!: Mess the jail up by headbutting inmates, exploding things, etc.

  • Access…: Get hit by the boom gate next to the police station.

  • TURDIS, again: After you get the TURDIS bonus, head to the central plaza and you will see Turdis (the blue restroom) hitting a statue. Headbutt it.

  • Tiny men in a mailbox!: Near the central plaza, locate a black wall with a skull grafitti on it. Headbutt the mailbox next to the wall.

  • Freeeeedom!: Sprint onto a wooden ramp (which can be found near the black wall we just mentioned) and jump out of the fenced area.

  • Fish tacos!: Repeatable. Toss a dynamite into a pond with a no-fishing sign. The pond and lots of dynamites are close to the corridor to Research dome.

  • Unlocked goat of many hats: Head to the central plaza and find the hat shop. Lick 3 hats there.

  • Graduation: Approaching the stage at the graduation ceremony. And you get the hat.

  • Workout?: Near the graduation ceremony, there is a group of people doing yoga. Headbutt one of them.

  • You want the G!: Repeatable. Jump on the Hi-G ride.
  • 1 G: Repeatable. Stay on the Hi-G ride.
  • 3 G’s: Repeatable. Stay on the ride for a while.
  • 5 G’s: Repeatable. Stay on the ride for a longer while.
  • 10 G’s: Repeatable. Stay on the ride for a super long while.
  • 20 G’s: Repeatable. Survive 10 G’s without being tossed out. Congratulations now you earn The puke machine Achievement.

  • True Hero!: On the way from the central plaza to the Pit, you can see two bullies and a victim. Headbutt one of the bullies.

Space – part 4: The Pit

There is an area in Academy dome called the Pit. You can do massive kinds of exercise here and earn lots of different score bonuses. That’s why we need a separate part here. Here I assume you enter the pit from the starting point. Some of the bonuses cannot be triggered if not entering the Pit this way. Many of the bonuses here seem to be repeatable as long as you re-enter the Pit through the start gate, but I didn’t test them one by one. Also, once you finish the Pit challenge (i.e. getting Winner’s Circle), all of the bonuses here won’t be triggered anymore.

  • Walking the plank: Jump from the first beam to the second beam and walk on it til the end.

  • This works: in the first track, there is a structure where you are supposed to go under the net. If you jump onto the net you will get this bonus. It doesn’t prevent you from getting all the other bonuses.

  • Alien scum (1): When you go under the net an cardboard target would rise. headbutt that target down.

  • Cheater!: When you are still in the first track, jump over the separation net and land on the second track. Now jump onto features there and head toward the finish point. Since you are supposed to go to the opposite direction in the second track, the action you are doing is regarded as cheating. However, it doesn’t either prevent you from getting all the other bonuses or completing the Pit.

  • Really?: Reach the end of the first track and turn left. Jump on the highest beam of the feature in front of you.
  • Itsy bitsy: Ditto.

  • Out of bounds: Jump onto the highest separation net between the first and the second track.

  • You landed it: Reach the end of the first track and turn left. Jump and wall run through the wooden ring and land on a wooden stage in the second track.

  • Bouncy: Once you land on the stage (see You landed it) turn left. Now you need to jump from there to 2 bouncing nets and finally land on the entrance of a wooden bridge.

  • Wow: Pass the wooden bridge.

  • Over, under, over…: After the wooden bridge there are 4 horizontal bars. You have to go over, under, over, and under these bars.

  • Alien scum (2): After passing the horizontal bars, turn right, enter the third track and turn right again. Go ahead and before the tall net you should see another cardboard target rising up. Knock it down.
  • Alien scum (3): Pass the high net and now the third target rises up. Hit it hard.

  • And no ground was touched: Bounce all 4 rubber tires in the third track.

  • Getting wet: Pass the bouncy tires and jump in the first pond you see. From there visit all 4 ponds by jumping from one to another.

  • Alien scum (4): There is a moving gate in the end of the third track. You have to go through the gate and headbutt the last cardboard target.
  • Alien anihilation: Knock down all 4 cardboard targets in the Pit.

  • Play dead: Climb on the last platform near the end of the Pit, and get ready to ragdoll down.

  • Winner’s Circle: Ragdoll down from the last platform and Hooray!

Space – part 5: T-xas, Carrier, Research

  • Make the slate: Detonate the bomb to destroy the wall of T-xas.

  • Hoarding: Drive a Garl’eek back to its own pen.
  • Your team is assembled: Drive 3 Garl’eeks back to its own pen.

  • That’s a wrap: Enter the tinfoil wrapper in the barn and you’ll be wrapped.

  • The flags of our bucks: Mess up all flags on T-xas buildings (there are three of them).

  • Wibbly wobbly timey wimey: Get TURDIS bonus first, and on the way to the gravity control panel you can see Turdis appearing again. Headbutt it.

  • Zero G!: Head to the gravity control panel and disconnect all of the cables there.

  • Food fighters: Go to the canteen and headbutt the chili pot.

  • Private quarters: Go to the living quarters and enter the farthest unit.

  • goat? GOAT!?: In your private quarter, there is a small, dark tunnel that leads to bathroom. enter the tunnel and you’ll find yourself covered by a cardboard box.

  • One little goat (1, 2, 3, 4, -1): There are five little goat collectibles in the Carrier. You can check the video for their locations.

Research Dome
  • Liftoff: Launch the rocket (near the main bridge, Academy corridor side).
  • Houston, we have a problem!: Launch the rocket and wait for a while.

  • Victimless crime: Copy an object in the 3D printing service.
  • Not the same goat: Copy yourself in the 3D printing service. Now you are a 3D printer too.

  • Thank you: Drop a thing (except for people and goats) into the particle accelerator.
  • Black hole!: Drop five things into the particle accelerator. Look at this Stephen Goatking!

  • It’s bigger on the inside!: First you have to complete TURDIS in Museum, TURDIS, again in Academy, and Wibbly wobbly timey wimey in Carrier. Then go to the parking lot near the 3D printing building and you will see TURDIS and now its door is open! Completes the quest Turdis.

Space – part 6: Badehaus

  • Forgot to bring a towel: Enter Badehaus. Unlocks the achievement splishy splashy wibbly wobbly timey wimey. And your lower body is now censored. Sometimes the game glitches and it is not possible to get this bonus when entering Badehaus. One solution you can try is to ragdoll around TURDIS and see if that works (just like my screenshot).

  • Revengeance: Headbutt some bullies in Badehaus into water. 4 or 5 should do the job.

  • Sushi fountain: Break the water tank and see fish happily dancing on the pool!
