All Skin
Download Link :
How to install skins :
download archive file and drop Costumes in :
Windows: C:/Users/(UserName)/AppData/LocalLow/InvertMouse/Clea/Costumes
Mac: Library/Application Support/com.invertmouse.clea/Costumes
Linux: config/unity3d/InvertMouse/Clea/Costumes
When you launch the game, the above folders will be created for your platform. Create the Costumes folder on your own, place your spritesheet inside, then restart the game and you are all set. In game, on the costume selection screen, navigate to your costume using those left and right arrows.
Skin list :
Ayano Aishi
Ayano Aish (Bloody)
Student wear (Blue)
Student wear
Clea Halloween
Gothic princess
Clea Cursed
Miyon (Cursed Sight)
Natsumi Moe
Tayo (The Last Birdling)
Weedy (Unhack)
Vinty (Without Within)
War Maiden skin
Story achievements :
Chapter 1
Pass the 1 Chapter.
Chapter 2
Go through Chapter 2.
Chapter 3
Go through Chapter 3.
Chapter 4
Go through Chapter 4.
Chapter 5
Go through Chapter 5.
Chapter 6
Go through Chapter 6.
In the final, follow the left path.
Forever together.
Open a good (full) ending (open all the locked doors) [Gluey, Edmond, Florina, mom, dad.]
In a trap.
Open a good (incomplete) ending (Don’t open all the doors) [Gluey, Edmond, Florina, mom, dad.]
Unlock a bronze, silver, and gold award on one of the chapters.
Run, Clay!
Remember the doors that contain parts of the keys to complete the Chapter in less than three m
Stronger than chaos.
Go through the first Chapter in chaos mode.
The first Chapter is completed in arcade mode.
The passing of mysteries
How to open the last door in the first Chapter
From parts of the key you need to create the key itself which will be called MT so you can go further.
Location of key parts :
Assembly sequence :
Chapter 2 the first riddle, you need to activate the pictures in the correct sequence.
sequence of images :
after that key that opens the garden drop
picking up part of the key along the way
In the garden will lie the missing part of the key, collect the full key but do not rush to move on to another Chapter.
Also on this level there is another key(it is from Florina’s room)to get it again you will have to click on the pictures in the correct sequence
Here is the sequence :
the key falls, we pick it up and run to Florina’s room
complete the mini-story and get your first upgrade.(travel speed is the best choice)
Assembly sequence :
Open the key door LX and go to the maze
The passage of the maze
In the maze you will meet the war maiden she repeats your route you will need to collect 3 keys and open 3 doors
Chapter 3
easy puzzle, you need to click in each of the five rooms of the button for example 123 in the same sequence you need to click first 1 then 2 then 3.
in the 5 room there is a secret door, we take the key from there to the Clea room.
after pressing the buttons in all 5 rooms the key to the last floor drops
Open the room Clea and take there the key to the cameras
The key to Ed’s room is in this corner.
Open ed’s room go through the history (the necessary potion will be in room 2) and take another 1 Improvement
Go to the door of the cells and complete the Chapter
Chapter 4
In chapter 4 it will be necessary to press the levers to pick up the keys to the doors after all the levers are pressed take the key to the room of Dad and Mom
do the save before going through the story of mom and dad to get trapped end later.
Chapter 5
take the key two the main hall open it
now you have the HARDEST CHOICE IN YOUR LIFE if you go to the left you get the ending suicide if you go to the right you get a good full ending if all the additional stories have been completed
Easter egg room
In the maze there is a secret room to open it we pass through the leaves