
An Always Up-To-Date Guide for All ULTRAKILL Lore, with some developer insights from the ULTRAKILL Discord Server

— Introduction and Guide Updates —

Currently: Waiting for more lore!

Last updated on June 23rd-25th, for Greed – Fully Updated
Please suggest things in the comments!

Hey, this guide will show you all the ULTRAKILL lore, including entries from the enemy tab, books, testaments and some extra stuff too.

A few Notes before we Start:
This guide will always be up to date, so favorite and rate it if you liked it!

There are major spoilers in this guide!

Massive thanks to Hakita for providing almost all of the text so I wouldn’t need to rewrite them all from scratch

— Lore from the Layers —

This is where you can find lore from each layer. These sections include books and testaments.

Miscellaneous/Extra Lore

How the Pistol, Railcannon and Shotgun have infinite ammoFrom this steam community discussion

Originally posted by Hakita:

The revolver is electrically charged and doesn’t use physical ammo, the multiple “bullets” in the cylinder are cells that recharge after being shot. The recharging process takes some time, which is why there are multiple that are rotated through, so there’s always at least one that’s charged.

The shotgun works by shooting out concentrated heat, the excess of which it then releases between shots through the cores that get revealed when it’s snapped open.

The nailgun does actually require physical ammo, which is why its ammo pool is more limited. The nails are generated from iron harvested from whatever particles are available, most commonly blood. Coins are generated this way as well.

The railcannon uses a similar system to the revolver’s, but all its cells are used at the same time in a single shot rather than individually, which is why the recharge takes so long.

For any questions more specific than that the answer is “future science”.

Why V1 is Flimsier than the other MachinesFrom this guide’s comments

Originally posted by GoBerryYogurt:

V1 is unique among machines because he is the only robot who heals with blood. As compensation for this ability, he is considerably more flimsy than the other machines.

Prelude’s Lore


This shows when you first launch the game, and when you select “yes” when replaying 0-1.
This tells you everything you really need to know about the lore at that moment. You are V1, you’re approaching hell, and you need a weapon.

Prelude Testament:

In ULTRAKILL, testaments are found in secret levels, and contain lore.

As explained by Hakita, “the idea is that each secret mission would have a little “testament” at the end that was written by god that hints at the events that have unfolded in the game world.” This one further expands the game’s universe.
Interpret it as you please.

Layer One’s Lore

Layer One Testament:
1-4 Book

In ULTRAKILL, books can be found around some levels. So far they contain lore and are very rare.

Layer Two’s Lore

Note: 2-S has been confirmed to be NON-CANON, so information about it will not be included here.

2-2 Book

This book can be found in the in the large house in the final room of 2-2.

Layer Three’s Lore

Layer Three Testament (From P-1)


The elevator room terminals are an advanced interconnected network built for the purpose of transferring materials and tools between different areas. They are capable of transferring physical material as information across a radio signal, which other terminals can receive and use to reconstruct the sent object. The original item is lost, as it is transformed into the energy that is used to transmit the material information, and the process is quite slow due to the amount of information that physical matter holds.

An early test of a matter transfer’s accuracy was a mint condition 78rpm vinyl record, which was sent from the lab to all connected terminals. The vinyl was a single of Russ Morgan Orchestra’s recording of the piece Were You Foolin’ (a favorite of the CRO), though the label was removed to reduce the amount of matter to be transferred.
[note: ♥♥♥♥ you tom im so ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ tired of this stupid song and having to listen to it every morning over your garbage intercom]

Soon after, the Hell exploration and excavation project was abandoned and this vinyl record remained the only matter to have been succesfully transferred before connection between the surface and the terminals was lost.

The terminals now use the record to lure machines into a symbiotic relationship (For further information, see TERMINAL DATA 02: [LINK REMOVED]). However, the terminals only play short instrumental sections of the original record for undetermined reasons.

Some researches have joked that perhaps the terminals are simply “too shy to sing”, though rumors have been spreading of mechanics who, after fixing a faulty or broken terminal, said to have heard the terminal play a vocal section when only the mechanic is present with no recording equipment, making this an unverifiable claim.

END OF DATA 01. For more information, see [LINK REMOVED] and

Gabriel Fight

(After continuing past the stats)
Reel 1
Reel 2
Reel 3
Act II Name Reveal
After the Gabriel Fight, this text is shown. After reading through it, the name of the second act is revealed.

Layer Four’s Lore

Layer Four Testament

None yet

4-2 Book


“It has been days since we last saw any angels. Without their oppression, there is no need for us to carry on our punishment. Even the meekest of the damned have abandoned their penance to take up arms. All can see how they have robbed us of our minds, bodies, and souls, leaving us only the hopes of a salvation that will never come, but no longer.

King Sisyphus has acted in secret until now, amassing an army whose strength and numbers swell, but now there is no need to hide anymore. We have lived in the shadow of Heaven long enough to forget the taste of fear. Now the Sisyphean Insurrectionists prepare for war.

I have heard of Minos beginning a peaceful revolution, but our King Sisyphus knows such pacificity will gain no favor from our cruel captors. He knows that one can only fight power with power, and he shall lead us to freedom.

If only we knew the suffering that would befall us next…”
This book can be found in 4-2 in the room in between the red skull and the blue skull room

— Lore from the Enemy Tab —

This is where you can find the lore for all enemies from the ingame enemies tab. Icons for all enemies are included. (Note, strategies are NOT included in this guide, since this is just for the lore)


Lesser Husks

Husks are physical manifestations of the souls of the damned.

The physical form is based on the value of the original soul, which is determined by the strength of its will and its prevalence in public consciousness: the living souls that remember it.

Filth are the lowest form of Husk, whose souls were too weak and unimportant to even form a complete physical body.

Even among Husks, they have the lowest intelligence, driven purely by hunger.

While their tall stature may seem intimidating, Strays are afraid of most danger and will try to stay at a safe distance, only attacking via projectiles formed with Hell Energy.

Although controlling and manifesting this energy is a complicated task, Strays have very low intelligence and are only able to do so via pure instinct.

Nevertheless, humans were unable to replicate this level of accuracy and control, particularily the Stray’s ability to cause the energy orbs to selectively ignore other Husks.

The result of two souls attempting to manifest in the same space, causing an amalgamation of two physical bodies.

Due to the doubled body mass, they’re quite resilient to damage, but have very poor motor control and thus cannot aim with any degree of accuracy, resorting to barrages of energy orbs in the general direction of their opponent.

Soldiers are an augmented version of Strays, whose technological implants have been scavenged from broken machines to channel Hell Energy with greater efficiency.

This increase in power gives Soldiers more self-confidence, causing them to act more aggressively than normal Strays.

Despite the enhancements, their intelligence remains low and it has yet to be determined who or what actually augmented them.

As the Greed layer’s punishment, Stalkers have been forced to carry heavy boulders up the monuments of mankind’s greed for all eternity.

They have carried out their punishment for so long that their bodies have evolved, warped and grown to better suit it.

Their limbs have twisted to give them better balance while carrying boulders on their backs and their skin and muscles have completely dried up, allowing them to survive direct contact with the dunes of gold dust that Greed’s sun has raised to unfathomably high temperatures.

However, an unidentified sentient force has replaced the boulders they would normally carry with high tech bombs that, upon detonation, will transform any nearby blood into the gold dust “sand” that covers the layer’s surface.

Research has shown the technology to be very similar to the agumentations of the modified Strays known as Soldiers, so it is likely both modifications come from the same source.

Supreme Husks

Once the great and beloved king of the Lust layer, Minos has now been reduced to a shambling corpse.

Due to his incredible power of will and status as a just ruler in life remembered even millenia after his death, the manifestation of his soul is the largest Husk to ever have been recorded.

Small traces of the original soul can still be detected in the body, but the corpse itself is animated and controlled entirely by the snakelike Parasites that he once commanded.

Despite once bringing upon the renaissance of the Lust layer, his corpse now only seeks sinners to punish.

The Sisyphean Insurrectionists were an army of Husks gathered and trained by King Sisyphus for overthrowing Heaven’s control of Hell, freeing the sinners from their eternal torment.

During an era of chaos in Heaven, as the angelic watch was absent, Sisyphus began setting his plan in motion as his forces recruited all Husks that were intelligent enough to be useful to their cause and began attacking the demons that wandered the dunes of Greed.

Upon the establishment of the Council and subsequent return of peace to Heaven, Gabriel and an army of angels were sent down to crush the insurrection and subjugate Sisyphus’ army.

Although their battle was well-fought, the inexperienced Insurrectionists could not match the educated strategy of the angels, who quickly descended upon King Sisyphus with great force, eventually overpowering and killing him, leaving the Insurrectionists without a chain of command.

Left scattered and disoriented, the warriors were easily picked off one by one, their bodies cut apart, leaving behind only the bare essentials required to carry on their eternal punishment of hauling heavy boulders up the monuments of mankind’s arrogance and greed.

Although the blood of their enemies still stains their bodies and their grasp still clutches their fallen foes, their will and fierce fury only serve as mental torment in knowing how close they were to freedom.


Lesser Machines

A mass-produced security device built as both a surveillance camera and a security guard.

Though originally built to only use non-lethal ammunition, they have scavenged parts from the defunct machines on the surface for greater efficiency at collecting blood.

Curious by nature, but to keep production costs low, their intelligence is very limited.

Originally built as a way to purify the tainted air of cities after the climate catastrophe, Streetcleaners were made obsolete during the New Peace, and were repurposed as scouts for Hell expeditions.

However, their urge to clean remained, and after the fall of mankind, they began burning any organic matter they came across in an effort to purify the world.

Greater Machines

Its original form is unrecognisable after years of scavenging scrap and rebuilding itself, but among scrapheads, the Swordsmachine is quite famous due to its combat prowess and selfmade form, ugly to most but beautiful to enthusiasts, spawning many copycats.

It wields a selfmade sword with a motor on it that, when revved, will heat the blade, cutting through most organic matter with ease.

Due to its possessive hoarding behavior, it’s one of the few machines still capable of vocalization — an ability most have discarded for more efficient resource management.

Rare but extremely dangerous, the Mindflayer is a machine that has adapted and mastered the use of Hell Energy alongside its own technological prowess.

The machine itself is only the top part of its apparent body, the rest of which is a plastic shell in the form of a human, which they seem to have built themselves.

The plastic body serves no function and is only for aesthetic purposes.

Despite it being a waste of resources, Mindflayers will use everything in their power to protect the plastic body from harm, even if that means destroying itself in the process.

Mindflayers seem to prefer a female form, though very rare occasions of male forms have also been recorded.

Supreme Machines

The V model was built for war, with V1 boasting a new kind of exterior plating that allowed refueling through contact with blood rather than through a seperate refueling process.

Due to its necessary thinness, it is far less durable, but the ability to fix itself and rebuild broken parts on the fly would outweigh the negatives on an active battlefield.

However, during the prototyping phase, the New Peace was established and war became irrelevant.

V1’s planned production was cancelled and an updated model, V2, was developed instead, using the standardized plating, since durability was far more important during times of peace when no bloodshed was necessary.

Neither model ever reached mass production due to the end of wars completely draining any demand, so it’s likely only a single prototype build of each model remains in existence.


Lesser Demons

Demons are creatures born from the mass of Hell. They are most easily recognisable by their hard stone-like exterior and slow movement.

Demons have higher intelligence than Husks, but are still incapable of rational thought and communication. No demons have been able to pass the mirror test, though studies are limited due to their hostility.

Malicious Faces are the most common type of demon, but are incredibly dangerous, especially in swarms, due to their mastery of the use of Hell Energy as a weapon.

Although they do not resemble the mythological three-headed dog, this name was chosen due to their nature as protectors of Hell. However, it’s not yet known why some stay dormant despite provocation.

Despite the fact that keeping an energy orb stable takes a considerable amount of focus and effort, they seem to always keep one in hand, possibly due to symbolic or sentimental reasons.

Greater Demons

Hideous Masses are a rare occurence, when an excessive amount of Hell Mass is poured into a single shell, causing it to overflow and burst at the seams.

Due to the broken seams allowing for mobility without having to bend the exterior, the stone has hardened more than the shell of most demons, making it completely impervious to all currently known attacks.

Its belly remains exposed, however, making it and the thin tail excellent targets.


Lesser Angels

The basis of a lesser angel’s forming are quite similar to that of the Husks’, wherein the physical manifestation of the soul is dependant on its value, though unlike for Husks, virtuosity also acts as a factor for angels.

Lesser angels come from human souls, which are formed into abstract or animalistic shapes, making them distinct from the humanoid bodies of greater and supreme angels, who were created as such and are considered purer and placed higher on Heaven’s societal hierarchy.

Little is known about the specifics of angels, as Heaven is exclusionary and segregated due to wanting little to no direct contact with God’s human experiment.

Supreme Angels

One of the most respected and feared archangels, Gabriel earned his reputation through power and efficiency.

Regardless of the task given, Gabriel would always perform it quickly and efficiently, earning him the title of Judge of Hell after dethroning Minos and ending the Lust renaissance.

Despite answering to the Council, he is far more popular and beloved among angels due to his radiant personality and active nature, especially compared to the Council that strictly follows and upholds the dogma of the Faith.




A prime soul is an incredibly rare occurence in which a soul amasses so much power that it no longer requires a Husk as a vessel to manifest physically.

As manifestations of pure will, prime souls are incredibly powerful, to the point that even the prideful angels see them as a threat and will use any means necessary to stop them from forming.

King Minos felt that eternal suffering was an unfair and unreasonable punishment for those whose only sin was loving another. After the Disappearance of God, as angels were lost and Heaven was in chaos, Minos began his efforts to reform the Lust layer.

The Lust renaissance was prosperous, as King Minos guided its inhabitants to come together and build a new civilization. The combined efforts of the countless who had been damned to the second layer bore great results as the grand city of Lust grew and grew.

However, after the Council took control of Heaven and brought stability to it through their iron fist rule, they saw that Minos had gone against God’s will by freeing sinners from the punishment that God had designed for them.

Gabriel, the brighest of the angels, was sent to kill Minos. The king, rather than fight back, tried to reason with him, but Gabriel mercilessly struck him down without listening.

As Minos’ will was strong enough to attempt to stand up to Heaven’s rule, the angels chose to imprison his soul in an attempt to stop it from forming into a prime soul and appointed Gabriel as the new Judge of Hell.

From the prison inside his own body, Minos helplessly watched as his soulless corpse, now controlled by parasites, tore apart everything he had worked so hard to build, cursing his own weakness for failing to protect his people, vowing to take revenge…




Very little is known about this creature.

Some speculate it to be a Husk, but due to its elusive and extremely hostile nature, no one has been able to confirm the hypothesis.

Only one has ever been observed and it has never been seen leaving the section of the Mouth of Hell in which it currently resides.


Flesh Prison is an uncategorized organism created by the angels to imprison Minos’ soul after he was slain by Gabriel.

Although it is similar to Husks, it does not possess a soul or any amount of thought. All of its actions are purely predeterimned reactions to stimulus, making it more of an organic machine than a living being.

In order to make it as impenetrable as possible, it was given both divine power and hell energy, which makes its attacks erratic and chaotic.

— Conclusion and Closing Remarks —

Thanks for reading! Hopefully this helped you learn more about ULTRAKILL and it’s lore. If you have any questions, or if I missed something, please ask in the comments!

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I’ll be keeping this guide up to date whenever new content is released, so favoriting is a good way to find the guide again easily and support what I’m doing 🙂

Thanks again!

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