An Idiot-Proof guide to obtaining every unique weapon and every unique variant of every weapon in the base game and its DLCs.
~~~~~ Legend ~~~~~
[WW] – Wild Wasteland Only
[NWW] – Does not spawn with Wild Wasteland
[DM] – Dead Money Only
[HH] – Honest Hearts Only
[OWB] – Old World Blues Only
[LR] – Lonesome Road Only
[GRA] – Gunrunner’s Arsenal Only
[Ho] – Normal Holdout Weapon (can be brought into casinos, excl. Ultra-Luxe, where they can be brought in with Sneak equal to or higher than 50)
[IHo] – Improved Holdout Weapon (can be brought into casinos with Sneak equal to or higher than 50)
Gun Runners
For use in multiple sections.
The Gun Runners are located here. Vendortron is inside the glass; talk to it to buy weapons that it sells.
~~~~~ Ballistic Weapons ~~~~~
A Light Shining in Darkness (.45 Auto pistol) [HH] [IHo]
A Light Shining in Darkness can be obtained by killing Joshua Graham (not recommended, as he is a powerful opponent), or by completing the DLC. You can find it in the footlocker that spawns at the Southern Passage following the completion of Honest Hearts.
Abilene Kid BB Gun (BB gun) [WW/NWW]
The Abilene Kid BB Gun can be found in Field’s Shack near Nellis AFB in the northeastern corner of the map, under the underpass that leads to the access road to Nellis.
The gun will be laying on a metal shelf in the back left corner of the shack.
The gun can also be found with the Wild Wasteland trait, while still allowing you to get it in the method seen above.
You will first need to get Rex as a companion (follow the G.I. Blues questline, and then Nothin’ But A Hound Dog, both given by The King). After a bit of wandering he will begin a dialogue tree marking Jimmy’s Well on the map directly in front of Field’s Shack.
The dialogue tree will begin with him starting the conversation like this:
The gun will be laying next to the skeleton at the bottom of Jimmy’s Well.
All-American (Marksman carbine)
To prevent this guide from being absurdly long and laggy, another guide has been created for the All-American, found here.
Big Boomer (Sawed-off shotgun)
Big Boomer is carried by Old Lady Gibson at the Gibson Scrap Yard north of Novac.
It cannot be pick-pocketed, making killing her the only method of obtaining it. This can be done with a Stealth Boy and a silenced .22 pistol at low levels in order to do so without alerting her dogs. However, she is useful for several side quests, so I would recommend obtaining this towards the very end of the game.
Originally posted by God-Emperor of Mankind:You can shoot Big Boom off of Gibson if you aggro her and holster your gun once you acquire it so there
Bozar (Light machine gun) [GRA]
The Bozar can be purchased from Vendortron outside the Gun Runners compound for just short of 22,000 caps with maxed Barter skill.
Christine’s CoS silencer rifle (Sniper rifle) [OWB]
Can be found in a ruined building to the north of Little Yangtze. Upstairs, leaning against the wall next to an ammo box.
Codac R9000 (Unique)
The Codac R9000 is not a weapon per se, but it is capable of being equipped like one. It is a quest item for the quest Classic Inspiration given by Michael Angelo in Michael Angelo’s workshop at the southern end of The Strip.
After going through some of the dialogue, you will see a medicine speech check. Choose this option whether you are able to pass the check or not; either way, it will begin the dialogue pertaining to the quest.
Starting Classic Inspiration will give you the Codac R9000.
CZ57 Avenger (Minigun)
The CZ57 Avenger is found in the center of The Devil’s Throat located in the northeastern region of the map, east of Ranger Station Bravo.
It is found in the blue truck, laying next to a dead prospector wearing a party hat. There will be centaurs and their evolved counterparts, so come with some ammo to spare.
Dinner Bell (Hunting shotgun)
Obtained by completing the quest Bleed Me Dry given by Red Lucy at The Thorn.
FIDO (K9000 Cyberdog Gun) [OWB]
FIDO can only be created from a K9000 Cyberdog Gun. To craft it, you must obtain the blueprints from the X-8 research center and use it to upgrade the K9000 Cyberdog Gun in a workbench (Guns 75+ Required).
The K9000 Cyberdog Gun can be given to the player in the beginning dialogue if your Guns skill is both over 50 and higher than your Energy Weapons skill.
EDIT: You can actually get the K9000 even if your Energy Weapons skill is higher than your Guns skill. Just do both speech checks to get both the extra sonic emitter and the K9000 Cyberdog Gun.
It can also be found on a Y-17 Trauma Override Harness in the X-12 Research Center.
The schematics for FIDO can be found in the X-8 research center kennel; however, to access said kennel, you need a key that can be found in the X-13 research facility. To access it, you will need to complete the quest Sonic Emitter Upgrade, which is given upon completion of Welcome to the Big Empty, and have the sonic emitter with you. Use the upgraded sonic emitter to disable the forcefield and retrieve the key from the suitcase to the right of the table.
Now, go back to the X-8 research center. When you enter, go to the right and follow the hallway until you reach the test room. Go to the left hallway that is labeled as the kennel. Use the key to open the door, kill any nightstalkers inside, and retrieve the blueprints from the desk at the end of the room.
Finally, you can go back to the Sink and use the workbench there to create FIDO, using the blueprint, the K9000 Cyberdog Gun, and a Guns skill of 75 or more.
Gobi Campaign scout rifle (Sniper rifle)
The Gobi Campaign scout rifle is located in a box (Very Hard, you need Lockpick 100 to open it) in the Sniper’s Nest, just up the hill from Cottonwood Cove. It is hard to find, but look for the map marker and the small plateau along the hill.
La Longue Carabine (Cowboy repeater)
La Longue Carabine is found on Corporal Sterling in Camp McCarran (or Camp Forlorn Hope if you have finished the Three-Card Bounty quest)
It cannot be pickpocketed or stolen in any way, meaning that you have to kill him for it. To avoid being immediately vilified by the NCR, kill him in a stealthy way such as with a silenced weapon.
Li’l Devil’ (12.7mm pistol) [GRA] [Ho]
The Li’l Devil’ can be bought from Mick at Mick & Ralph’s in Freeside for abour 17,500 caps with max Barter skill.
If Mick is dead, it can be purchased from Vendortron at Gun Runners.
Lucky (.357 Magnum revolver) [IHo]
Lucky can be found in the Bison Steve Casino. When you enter from the front door, pass the reception and enter the door in front of you and to the right labelled Gift Shop. The revolver is in a Hard (75 Lockpick) locked safe in the floor behind the counter.
Maria (9mm pistol) [IHo]
Obtained through killing Benny at The Tops Casino on the strip or Fortification Hill after taking a route in the story which doesn’t involve killing Benny while he is still on the Strip in the main story.
Medicine Stick (Brush gun) [GRA]
The Medicine Stick can be purchased from Vendortron outside the Gun Runners compound for just short of 22,000 caps with maxed Barter skill.
Mysterious Magnum (.44 Magnum revolver) [IHo]
Can be looted from the body of the Lonesome Drifter sitting next to the billboard directly east of the El Dorado dry lake.
It can also be acquired after passing a Barter check of 50 while recruiting the drifter during the quest Talent Pool.
Paciencia (Hunting rifle) [GRA]
Can be purchased from Cliff Briscoe inside the Dinosaur Gift Shop in Novac for about 13,000 caps.
If Cliff is dead, it can be purchased from Vendortron at the Gun Runners.
Ratslayer (Varmint rifle)
Ratslayer can be found in the Broc Flower Cave, north of Camp Searchlight. The cave can be hard to reach because there is no ramp up. Instead, you must climb to the top of the hill and drop on top of the plateau with the entrance.
Inside, take the first right, down the path with the minecarts.
Follow the path until you reach the large cave filled with barrels. Go down the path with a flaming barrel.
Go up the ramp and walk along the edge, being careful not to fall off, until you reach the gated-off room. The Ratslayer can be found leaning against the metal desk to the left.
Sleepytyme (10mm SMG) [GRA] [IHo]
Sleepytyme can be purchased from Vendortron outside the Gun Runners compound for roughly 9,000 caps with maxed Barter skill.
Survivalist’s rifle (Service rifle) [HH]
The Survivalist’s rifle is found near the Red Gate.
To get up to it, climb this cliff.
The duffle bag containing the rifle is next to the trees atop Red Gate.
That Gun (5.56 pistol)
That Gun can be found in the Dino Bite gift shop in Novac. It can be acquired by purchase from Cliff Briscoe for a little over 1000 caps at max Barter skill, or it can be stolen from the back closet (Very Easy lock) full of souvenir rockets on the first shelf to the right.
This Machine (Battle rifle)
Note: this process will prevent you from doing missions for Contreras.
Go to Camp McCarran, and then go inside the terminal to get to the Concourse, found on the second floor (go up either escalator, and the Concourse doors will be labeled with a large sign, found in the center of the second floor).
Enter the Concourse, then go towards the set of doorways to your left.
Go down the path until you reach the Camp McCarran Supply Shack and enter it.
Inside the Supply Shack, go up the metal stairs to reach the terminal upstairs. Hack it (Science 50 Required) and click Download Weapons Manifest.
Now, leave the Supply Shack and go back through the Concourse to get back to the Terminal. Stay on the second floor; go to your left and down to the end of the hallway, where a man will be standing outside a set of two doors. Enter the door on the left.
Talk to Lt. Boyd. Tell her that you have proof that Sgt. Contreras is involved in criminal activity.
Continue the dialogue until Boyd gives you This Machine.
Vance’s 9mm SMG (9mm SMG)
Go to this location on the map. There will be a metal shack with a smaller shack with a bathtub outside.
Enter the building and do one of two things:
Talk to the woman on the left. Keep choosing the top dialog option until you start repeating the first option; then scroll down and select the speech check. After a short dialog, she should give you the SMG.
Alternatively, you can just go to the safe in the corner behind the man and lockpick it to retrieve the SMG, but the owners will turn hostile unless you are hidden.
~~~~~ Energy Weapons ~~~~~
AER14 prototype (Laser rifle)
Head to Vault 22.
Once inside, head down to the elevator.
Repair the elevator (Repair 50 required; if you do not have high enough Repair, you can take the stairs and go down as usual), and take it down to Level 5 (Pest Control).
Once down, turn to the right and find a door that leads to the common area. The level of lock difficulty varies based on player level.
Up the stairs, there will lay a scorched skeleton. Next to it will be the AER14 prototype.
Alien blaster (Unique) [WW]
Given you have the Wild Wasteland Trait, the Alien Blaster can spawn on one of three aliens near a UFO just north of the Horowitz Farmstead found here:
You’ll know you are in the right spot when you see the alien ship load on top of the cliff to the north.
At the base of the cliff, in front of the ship will be a group of 3 Aliens who are hostile upon contact. One with the name “Alien Captain” will have the blaster and a bit of ammo in their inventory. This ammo is the only of its kind that you can get, so use it sparingly.
Big Mountain Transportalponder! (Unique) [OWB]
Obtained by completing Old World Blues. Can’t be dropped or removed.
Cleansing Flame (Flamer) [GRA]
At the Silver Rush in Freeside, the Cleansing Flame is sold by Gloria Van Graff for roughly 10,000 caps with max Barter skill.
You will have to watch a short scene before being able to speak to Gloria; trying to walk past the guards inside during your first visit to the Silver Rush will turn everybody hostile.
If Gloria is dead, the Cleansing Flame will be sold by the Vendortron at Gun Runners.
Compliance Regulator (Laser pistol) [HH] [IHo]
Found in Fallen Rock Cave. Explore until you find the room with the terminal and workbenches.
Once in the room, go to the tanning racks in the back of the room. The Compliance Regulator will be sitting against one of the racks.
Elijah’s advanced LAER (LAER) [OWB]
The LAER can be found on the roof of the Signal Hills Transmitter. Climb the large rock formation overlooking the building and hop onto the roof to get the LAER. A few lobotomites will spawn once you pick it up.
Elijah’s jury-rigged Tesla cannon (Tesla cannon) [OWB]
The tesla cannon can be found at Elijah’s Watch. It is on the western wooden platform, in front of a laser turret.
Euclid’s C-Finder (Unique)
Carried by Max in Freeside outside of Mick & Ralph’s.
There are a few methods of obtaining it. If you have mods that implement cut content back into the game, the Child at Heart perk can be use to pass a speech check allowing you to get the gun for free.
If not, it can be bought for 1000 caps; or you can pass a barter check to get it for 20 caps.
Holorifle (Unique) [DM]
The Holorifle is added to your inventory at the beginning of Dead Money.
Laser detonator (Laser pistol) [LR]
Found on the roof of the Marked Men Camp. It’s a story item, so you need to pick it up to progress the story.
MF Hyperbreeder Alpha (Recharger pistol) [GRA] [IHo]
The MF Hyperbreeder Alpha can be found in the Dino Bite gift shop in Novac. It can be acquired by purchasing it from Cliff Briscoe for just shy of 10,000 caps at max Barter skill.
The MF Hyperbreeder Alpha can also be purchased from Vendortron at the Gun Runners if Cliff Briscoe is dead.
Missing laser pistol (Laser pistol)
Before heading to the location of the gun, you first have to begin the unmarked quest Pistol Packing.
For the first step, I would recommend that you recruit Veronica as a companion as she can let you into the Brotherhood of Steel’s bunker in Hidden Valley without you having to do a quest which restricts your movement to only the Hidden Valley area. She can be found on the East end of the overpass at 188 Trading Outpost.
Next, you need to travel to Hidden Valley, found here:
After discovering Hidden Valley, I would fast travel to the marker on your map in order to place yourself in a position with observable landmarks, the major one being the hollowed out rock. Shown here.
In the screenshot below, it can be seen that the rock seen previously is on the center left, and the Brotherhood bunker can be seen on the far right.
Bunker Entrance:
Head down to the main corridor of the bunker via the staircase on the right after talking to the Head Paladin. You should be here:
Next, turn right and head down this hallway:
To the left is a shooting range, and to the right is Knight Torres.
To begin the quest you first have to have at least talked to Elder McNamara one time. Then you will head over to Knight Torres who you then ask if she needs help. She will mention that she is missing a laser pistol, offer to help find it. Once you end the conversation, talk to the paladin sitting down at the table in the firing range, ask him about the same pistol.
Now you can head over to Scorpion Gulch. The Missing laser pistol will be sitting on the rock above the dead wastelander in the middle of the gulch.
Pew Pew (Laser pistol) [IHo]
To get Pew Pew, you first need to complete the quest The Legend of the Star, meaning you have to have collected 50 or more Sunset Sarsaparilla star bottle caps. The fixed locations for the caps are listed here[fallout.fandom.com]
Once you have enough caps, talk to Festus in the Sunset Sarsaparilla Headquarters and turn in your caps.
Listen to the story (or don’t) and begin the quest A Valuable Lesson. Navigate your way through the headquarters and into the prize vault. In the back left corner, you will find Allen Marks’ body; next to it is Pew Pew.
Pulse gun (Unique)
If you have a Lockpick skill of 100, skip this step.
If your Lockpick skill is under 100, go to Nellis AFB and enter Pearl’s Barracks (you spawn in there the first time you go to Nellis AFB)
When you enter Pearl’s Barracks (from the door shown in the photo), turn to the right to see the two filing cabinets.
Open the filing cabinet on the left. Take Col. Blackwell’s Key. You will have to steal the key, so be sure you are hidden when you take it.
Complete the guide found here.
When you enter the armory, look in the back right corner of the room to see the footlocker under the shelves.
Open the locker with the key, or lockpick it if your skill is 100.
The pulse gun can be found inside.
Q-35 matter modulator (Plasma rifle)
Head to the Repconn Headquarters.
Inside, either hack the terminal or pick the lock on the door to the right.
Once through, either hack the terminal or pick the lock on the door. However, both have a Very Hard difficulty, meaning you need a skill of 100 in either skill.
There is another route which only requires a Hard lockpick (Lockpick 75 required). From the top floor, find these two vending machines and go through the door in the hallway on the right.
At the bottom of the stairs, head to the left and take the next left.
Head down this hallway.
Unlock the door heading to the main floor.
Down a hole in the floor, the Q-35 matter modulator will be in a display.
Originally posted by Gamerowak:There is another way to get the Q-35 Matter Modulator without investing anything in lockpick:
1. Initiate the tour guide inside. This is important because the tour guide opens an average-locked door at the end of the tour.
2. Once the door open, inside the room with the solar system, go left then upstairs. On the control board by the skeleton will be a keycard to acces the door with the terminal near the entrance.
3. Once the door with the terminal open, make your way directly to 3rd floor. Around the collapsed ceilling you will find a skeleton crushed by the debris holding a briefcase containing 2000 pre-made money and a keycard. This keycard will give you access to the room with the Q-35 Matter Modulator.
Sonic emitter (Unique) [OWB]
The sonic emitter is given to the player at the start of Old World Blues after the initial dialog with the Think Tank inhabitants.
To change voices, obtain the Sink Project: Jukebox holotape from House #108 (second on the left, has loudspeakers above the front door) in Higgs Village. It is on the desk in the second floor room to the left.
Once obtained, go back to the Sink and install it into the jukebox.
Default setting – equipped when emitter is obtained
Found in the X-8 Research Center. Enter the building, take a right, and go down the hallway until you see the large door with the Test Terminal next to it. At the X-8 Test Terminal, select Enter Residential Cyberdog Guard Test.
Go through the door. There will be a large dog named Gabe who will attack you; try to ignore him. Search around for Gabe’s digging spots (they have the same model as graves). In one random digging spot, the audio sample of Gabe’s Bark will spawn.
Found in the same house of Higgs Village as the Sink Project: Jukebox holotape. It is on the nightstand in the bedroom on the second floor (the room to the right).
Found in the Forbidden Zone. Across from the door that leads to Dr. Mobius’ room, there is a desk with the audio sample on it.
Found in Higgs Village, House #00 (closest house on the right). Go upstairs and to the furthest room down on the left. It is on top of the terminal.
Sprtel-Wood 9700 (Gatling laser) [GRA]
At the Silver Rush in Freeside, the Sprtel-Wood 9700 is sold by Gloria Van Graff for roughly 22,000 caps with max Barter skill.
You will have to watch a short scene before being able to speak to Gloria; trying to walk past the guards inside during your first visit to the Silver Rush will turn everybody hostile.
If Gloria is dead, the Sprtel-Wood 9700 is sold by Vendortron at Gun Runners.
Tesla-Beaton prototype (Tesla cannon)
The Tesla-Beaton prototype is located at the Crashed Vertibird, directly west of Camp Searchlight’s Airport.
There will be a lot of hostile robots, so come prepared. The Tesla-Beaton Prototype will be slightly embedded into the ground, next to the vertibird.
The Smitty Special (Plasma caster) [GRA]
At the Silver Rush in Freeside, The Smitty Special is sold by Gloria Van Graff for roughly 22,000 caps with max Barter skill.
You will have to watch a short scene before being able to speak to Gloria; trying to walk past the guards inside during your first visit to the Silver Rush will turn everybody hostile.
Van Graff laser rifle (Laser rifle)
To get this, you will need to go to the Silver Rush in Freeside and speak to Gloria Van Graff about work and begin the quest Birds of a Feather. When you go outside to talk to the Van Graff Thug, you will be given the option of using the Van Graff laser rifle or the Van Graff plasma rifle. For this one you’d choose the laser rifle. Note that if you choose this option, you cannot get the Van Graff plasma rifle.
Van Graff plasma rifle (Plasma rifle)
To get this, you will need to go to the Silver Rush in Freeside and speak to Gloria Van Graff about work and begin the quest Birds of a Feather. When you go outside to talk to the Van Graff Thug, you will be given the option of using the Van Graff laser rifle or the Van Graff plasma rifle. For this one you’d choose the plasma rifle. Note that if you choose this option, you cannot get the Van Graff laser rifle.
YCS/186 (Gauss rifle) [NWW]
Go to this location on the map (east of Brooks Tumbleweed Ranch)
Find the mercenary with advanced combat armor and kill him. He will have the YCS/186 on him. There are multiple other mercenaries, and the one with the YCS/186 will be armed with it, so be ready for a fight.
~~~~~ Explosive Weapons ~~~~~
Annabelle (Missile Launcher)
Annabelle is carried by the nightkin sniper on a radio tower on Black Mountain.
The radio tower is on the right of the entrance.
Esther (Fat Man) [GRA]
Esther can be purchased from Vendortron outside the Gun Runners compound for just short of 20,000 caps with maxed Barter skill.
Great Bear grenade rifle (Grenade rifle) [LR]
Requires that you either nuke just the NCR or both the Legion and NCR at the end of Lonesome Road.
Head to Long 15; the ability to travel to Long 15 appears after the completion of Lonesome Road. The entrance to Long 15 is found at the Mojave Outpost in the southwestern corner of the map.
After progressing through Long 15 a short amount, you will come across this gate.
Near a building and some crates you will find Colonel Royez. The grenade rifle will be in the gun case sitting on the concrete debris nearby.
Holy Frag Grenade (Frag grenade) [WW]
Found in the basement of the church in the eastern end of Camp Searchlight.
There will be two geckos in the basement. The grenades will be in a box on the table closest to the entrance.
Mercy (40mm grenade machinegun)
Be warned, obtaining Mercy will require encountering tens of Deathclaws. Be very, very prepared for Deathclaw fights in tight quarters.
Go to Dead Wind Cavern, southeast of Ranger Station Charlie.
Enter the cave and immediately make a hard right.
Stay straight; do not go down the left path.
Instead, take the left after it, as shown here.
Follow this path for a bit as it curves around. When you reach the room with a skeleton and a duffle bag, turn to the left. Take the path that you see.
In the following room, go slightly to the left. Mercy will be on the ground next to a dead BoS Paladin. Be careful, there is a Legendary Deathclaw in this room!
Red Glare (Rocket launcher) [LR]
Carried by a Marked Men Hunter atop a building in the Marked Men Camp.
It is also found on the same building, but propped against a crate.
Red Victory grenade rifle (Grenade rifle) [LR]
Requires that you either nuke just the Legion or both the Legion and NCR at the end of Lonesome Road.
The Red Victory grenade rifle is found at Dry Wells. The ability to travel to Dry Wells only becomes available after finishing Lonesome Road. To get to Dry Wells, you must take a row boat found at the docks in Cottonwood Cove. You can’t get to Dry Wells on foot.
First, head up this road until you see a path heading to the short cliff edge on the left.
Head up the path and turn right. Head towards the destroyed tent.
The Red Victory grenade rifle will be in the gun case on the ground.
Thump-Thump (Grenade Rifle)
The Thump-Thump is located in the Nellis Array. To enter it, you must talk to Mother Pearl (which happens automatically) after entering Nellis AFB, in the northeast corner of the map, which starts the quest Volare!
Then, talk to Raquel to start the Ant Misbehavin’ quest, following this dialogue tree.
Go to the Nellis Array, found to the east of the hangars.
Enter the array through the door on the south side of the building.
When you enter, go through the door on the left and go through the hallway until you reach the stairs. Go down the stairs.
When you get down the stairs, go to your left and then to the right.
When you get to the large anthill, turn to the left and go to the skeleton between the two broken generators. The Thump-Thump can be found on the ground next to the skeleton.
~~~~~ Melee Weapons ~~~~~
Blade of the East (Bumper sword)
The Blade of the East can only be found on Legate Lanius’ body at the end of the game, by following the NCR, Mr. House, or Yes Man endings. However, the game ends shortly after the weapon is obtainable, meaning the only feasible way to use it is to use mods that allow you to play after the final mission.
Blood-Nap (Bowie knife) [LR] [IHo]
The Blood-Nap is found in The Courier’s Mile, which is only available to visit after launching the nuke during the quest The Launch.
Blood-Nap is found stabbed into a light pole, the pole is to the left immediately after entering Courier’s Mile.
Chance’s knife (Combat knife) [IHo]
For this one you will need a shovel and likely a few anti-venoms, as there will be many cazadors. The closest location is the Tribal village.
From the village, head up the trail heading southeast until you are here:
From this point of view, turn left and you should see a trail heading uphill like this:
At the top of the hill will be Chance’s grave. Given you have a shovel, all you need to do is loot the knife from the grave. If you don’t have a shovel, one can be bought from Chet in Goodsprings for very cheap, or found at the Goodsprings Source well, leaning against the trough..
Chopper (Cleaver) [IHo]
Chopper is found at Wolfhorn Ranch up the road east from Nipton.
You’ll want to head into the Wolfhorn Farmhouse.
Once inside, head over to the oven on your right. Chopper will be sitting on the oven.
Figaro (Straight razor) [Ho]
Figaro is held by Sergio inside the King’s School of Impersonation in Freeside.
Sergio can be found in a dressing room in the back of the school on the main floor.
From the main area, head into a red door in the back.
From the door keep heading down the hallway to the left until you meet a corner like so:
Head down that hallway until you come to a hallway with two dressing rooms and one red door at the end. Sergio will be in the second dressing room closest to the red door.
You can’t get it without killing him, so it is recommended that you use a stealth boy and a silenced .22 pistol with a headshot to take him out. His corpse will contain Figaro.
Gehenna (Shishkebab) [GRA]
Gehenna can be purchased from Vendortron outside the Gun Runners compound for a little over 13,000 caps with maxed Barter skill.
Knock-Knock (Fire axe)
Knock-Knock will be located in the fire station in Camp Searchlight. However, you must first get the key to the fire station from Logan who is in the storage cellar of the church on the western end of Camp Searchlight.
You can get the key from him after progressing the quest Wheel of Fortune. You will need Lockpick 50.
Once in the fire station, Knock Knock can be found upstairs in the bathroom. It will be inside of the stall with the skeletons, it can be a little bit hard to spot.
Liberator (Machete)
The Liberator is acquired by either completing the quest We Are Legion or by looting the body of Dead Sea in Nelson.
Dead Sea is found inside of the building directly north of the crucified NCR soldiers.
Nephi’s golf driver (9 iron)
Nephi’s golf driver can be found on the body of the Fiend leader Driver Nephi. He is found outside the South Vegas Ruins, to the west of the South Vegas Ruins compound.
Driver Nephi has multiple Fiends around him, but they aren’t very difficult. Kill them and take the driver from Driver Nephi.
Nuka Breaker (Rebar club) [GRA]
Can be purchased from Mick at Mick & Ralph’s in Freeside for roughly 8,500 caps with max Barter skill.
If Mick is dead, it can be bought from Vendortron at Gun Runners.
Oh, Baby! (Super sledge)
Oh, Baby! is found in the Charleston Cave north of Jamestown.
After killing a few nightstalkers and making your way through the cave, you’ll come to a room with several dead bighorners.
Laying on the eastern end of the room will be Oh, Baby!
Old Glory (Unique) [LR]
Found inside the crate outside of Canyon Wreckage following the completion of Lonesome Road.
The Humble Cudgel (Lead pipe)
Fast travel to Camp McCarran; but do not go inside the camp. Instead, enter the sewer manhole below you.
Follow these directions carefully, as it is easy to get lost.
- [1] Go down the hallway until you go through the door with sandbags on the left.
X-2 antenna (Unique) [OWB]
The antenna can be found at the top of the X-2 Transmitter Antenna Array. Enter the building through the front door, go up the stairs, and up the ladder. Once on the array, climb one of the struts to get to the transmitter and take it.
~~~~~ Unarmed Weapons ~~~~~
Cram Opener (Bladed gauntlet)
Cram Opener is carried by Little Buster in Camp McCarran.
It can be obtained by either killing him right there in Camp McCarran, or if you complete the quest Three-Card Bounty for Major Dhatri; then after about 2 in-game days his body can be found in Freeside on the traintracks near Freeside’s North Gate, next to Old Mormon Fort.
Talk to Major Dhatri, usually found along the road in front of the Camp McCarran Terminal.
Accept one of the bounties for the Fiend Leaders. After killing any of the leaders, take their named head (or Mangled Head) and bring it back to Major Dhatri, then proceed to do the next bounty until all 3 are completed, which will complete the quest.
Driver Nephi can be found west of the South Vegas Ruins. He is found in a ruined building with multiple Fiends around him.
Violet is found in a trailer park just south of Poseidon Gas Station. She has multiple dogs with her.
Cook-Cook is found in a ruined building right outside the South Vegas Ruins West Entrance. He is armed with a flamer or incinerator, and has a few Fiends with him.
When all 3 bounties have been given to Major Dhatri, the quest will be completed. Wait for two in-game days, then go to the Freeside North Gate. Go straight, and when you reach the railroad tracks, turn left on them and follow them until you find Little Buster‘s body. The Cram Opener can be found on him.
Dr Klein’s glove (Scientist glove) [OWB] [IHo]
Go to Higgs Village in the bottom of the map.
Enter the second house on the right (house #101)
The glove can be found at the bottom of a bookshelf on the second floor, in the room with the computer. The bookshelf is to the hard right of the door.
Dr. Mobius’ glove (Scientist glove) [OWB] [IHo]
Can be found in the Forbidden Zone Dome. In the room where Dr. Mobius is found, the glove is on a table to the left of the base of the wide staircase in the center of the room.
Embrace of the Mantis King! (Mantis gauntlet) [GRA]
Can be bought from Mick at Mick & Ralph’s in Freeside for around 9,300 caps with max Barter skill.
If Mick is dead, it is purchasable from Vendortron at Gun Runners.
Fist of Rawr (Unique) [LR] [NWW]
Found in a cave in the last canyon section before the confrontation scene in Ulysses’ compound.
The cave is behind this water pipe.
Once entering the cave, you can’t leave until you kill Rawr. Note: Rawr is significantly more difficult to kill than a normal deathclaw; only a few hits from it can kill you, even in Remnant Power Armor. Make sure you are well-equipped with chems, stimpaks, and, preferrably, an anti-material rifle. You can also try getting up on the rocks to an area where it cannot hit you, but do note that if Rawr is unable to find a path to you, it will go back to its spawn point, requiring you to come out of cover to engage it again.
After killing Rawr, take the claw from their body. The claw can be used at a workbench to craft the Fist of Rawr. However, you will need an unarmed skill of 75 to craft the gauntlet.
Fist of the North Rawr (Unique) [LR] [WW]
Found in a cave in the last canyon section before the confrontation scene in Ulysses’ compound.
The cave is behind this water pipe.
Once entering the cave, you can’t leave until you kill Rawr.
After killing Rawr, take the claw from their body. The claw can be used at a workbench to craft the Fist of the North Rawr. However, you will need an unarmed skill of 75 to craft the gauntlet.
Golden Gloves (Boxing gloves)
The Golden Gloves are located in the Lucky 38 casino, and can be obtained at any time. From the front door, take the staircase to the left heading up to the bar.
The gloves will be sitting on a shelf on display behind the bar.
Greased Lightning (Power fist) [GRA] [IHo]
For the first step, I would recommend that you recruit Veronica as a companion as she can let you into the Brotherhood of Steel’s bunker in Hidden Valley without you having to do a quest which restricts your movement to only the Hidden Valley area. She can be found on the East end of the overpass at 188 Trading Outpost.
Next, you need to travel to Hidden Valley, found here:
After discovering Hidden Valley, I would fast travel to the marker on your map in order to place yourself in a position with observable landmarks, the major one being the hollowed out rock. Shown here.
In the screenshot below, it can be seen that the rock seen previously is on the center left, and the Brotherhood bunker can be seen on the far right.
Bunker Entrance:
Head down to the main corridor of the bunker via the staircase on the right after talking to the Head Paladin. You should be here:
Next, turn right and head down this hallway:
To the left is a shooting range, and to the right is Knight Torres‘ shop. From her you will buy Greased Lightning.
Important: You will need to progress the Brotherhood’s questline to be able to purchase anything from Knight Torres. Also, if Knight Torres is dead, it can be bought from Vendortron at Gun Runners.
Love and Hate (Spiked knuckles) [Ho]
Love and Hate is carried by a Viper Gang Leader in Bonnie Springs.
They can be difficult at low levels, so come with some gear.
The Viper Leader will be in combat armor.
Paladin Toaster (Zap glove)
Found in Black Rock Cave, directly west of Helios One’s Solar Array.
There will be about 4 nightkin, so bringing strong weapons is recommended.
From the entrance, walk down to the end of the first room and turn right.
Around the corner, there will be a dead prospector on the ground. Their inventory contains the Paladin Toaster.
Pushy (Displacer glove)
Pushy is found inside of Ruby Hill Mine. The place is full of lakelurks, so it is recommended to have sufficient gear to fight them.
Once inside the mine, go to the entrance with the orange mushrooms and follow it down.
At the bottom, there will be a few more lakelurks. The dead Jackal gang member will have Pushy in their inventory.
Recompense of the Fallen (Dog tag fist)
Found in the office of Aurelius of Phoenix in Cottonwood Cove.
It will be inside of Aurelius of Phoenix‘s desk. It will be considered stealing, however.
Salt-Upon-Wounds’ power fist (Power fist) [HH] [IHo]
Salt-Upon-Wounds’ power fist can only be obtained by completing Honest Hearts. Upon completion of the end slides, you will be teleported to the Southern Passage, where you will see a footlocker. The footlocker contains Salt-Upon-Wounds’ power fist.
She’s Embrace (Yao guai gauntlet) [HH] [IHo]
Upon arrival at the Sorrow’s Camp, Waking Cloud will approach you and talk to you. Ask her about her gauntlet; this will start the quest Rite of Passage.
The quest will have you walk to White Bird.
Progress the quest and kill the Ghost of She, a difficult yao guai who can duplicate itself. Upon turning in the quest to White Bird, She’s Embrace will be put into your inventory.
Two-Step Goodbye (Ballistic fist) [GRA] [IHo]
The Two-Step Goodbye can be purchased from Vendortron outside the Gun Runners compound for a little over under 22,000 caps with maxed Barter skill.
Credit goes to the Fallout Wiki on Fandom, as most of the information was pulled from there. We just wanted to recreate the information on the wiki, but with more clarity and easier access for the Steam overlay.
Also, a version of this guide based on unique armors is planned soon.
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