Acceleration of SUGURI 2 Guide

All unlockables (Characters, Stages and BGM) for Acceleration of SUGURI 2

All unlockables (Characters, Stages and BGM)


Everything that can be unlocked in Acceleration of Suguri 2 can be found in this guide!

Starting Word

Hello everyone! I’m Kowii and I’m currently doing Quality Assurance for Fruitbat, I spend alot of time in this guide and I hope you like it! I’m so glad this game is finally out, wanted to write this guide for a while now, and now it’s finally here!

It was said that there was alot of confusion on the unlockables in this game, so this guide will definitely help those that were confused!

There might be a few spoilers here and there, so make sure to watch out for those if you have not yet played Suguri or Sora! (The games, not the characters)

I also want to quickly note, you do NOT need to play normal or higher in order to unlock these unlockables! So if you’re new to the game, you can take it easy and try to get unlockables.

This guide is best to be seen on a computer, some phone resolutions mess up the way the guide shows.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy the guide!

Guide Changelog

very secret change

Guide updated to include a link as to where you can get a savefile and several spelling errors.



You all love your cute little princess, don’t you? Well, she’s not that hard to unlock!
All you have to do is go through Arcade with any Suguri character (Suguri, Saki, Iru, Nanako, Kae and Kyoko) without using any continues or win 30 Arcade games.

*Movelist is screenshotted on Standard controls!

Star Breaker

Yep, you can even play as the Star Blasting fuse herself! She’s alot of fun to play as! And not to worry ofcourse, she’s as easy as hime is to unlock! All you have to do is go through arcade with any Sora character (Sora, Alte, Tsih, Mira, Sham and Nath) without using any continues or win 60 Arcade games.

*Movelist is screenshotted on Standard controls!


And yeah, you can unlock the mastermind herself aswell ofcourse: Sumika! Sumika is not that easy to unlock actually… You will have to go through story mode with EVERY. SINGLE. CHARACTER. in order to unlock. Oh, and have I said you have to do it without using any continues whatsoever with each character? Ofcourse, not in a row, but individual. Or, what if i tell you a way easier method that seems doable? Get 256 wins in Arcade and then do a no continue run of story, that seems a bit easier, doesn’t it? (And yes, one battle in arcade counts as a win so don’t worry about losing 256 times)
*Movelist is screenshotted on Standard controls!
**You actually don’t need additional feathers for Happy Barrel, seems to an error in the movelist


These can be done on any difficulty!

Story Unlocks

Crashed Spaceship

Unlock Conditions: Clear Story with 3 different characters and no continues
Where Suguri saved the spaceship from being destroyed

Sumika’s Hideout

Unlock Conditions: Clear Story with 5 different characters and no continues
Where Sumika hides, presumably her Spaceship

Arcade Unlocks

Guardian’s Chamber

Unlock Conditions: Clear arcade with 2 different Suguri characters or win 15 arcade games

It’s where you first meet Hime in Suguri.

Capital in Flames

Unlock Conditions: Clear arcade with 2 different Sora characters or win 30 arcade games

The aftermath of a laser fired at the capital

Moonlight Dance Hall

Unlock Conditions: Clear arcade with 4 different Suguri characters or win 45 arcade games

A pretty beautiful field with a nice moon on it. Used in the Hime Battle in Suguri

Whirlpool of Malice

Unlock Conditions: Clear arcade with 4 different Sora characters or win 60 arcade games

The place where you fought Star Breaker in Sora, and also Vortex from 100% Orange Juice.

BGM (Background Music)

So I bet this is what you all waited for, the BGM for Acceleration of Suguri 2!
It’s one of the best BGM Music next to Sora, so definitely go buy the soundtrack when you can! It’s available as DLC for the game.


Unlock Conditions: Clear arcade mode with 5 different characters or win 90 games in arcade mode
Played during the Hime or Star Breaker battle in Arcade

Remember Me

Unlock Conditions: Clear arcade mode with 10 different characters or win 120 games in arcade mode
Just a different version of Le Train from Sora


Unlock Conditions: Clear story mode with 7 different characters without any continues.
Played during the Sumika fight

Magical Girl of Miracles

Unlock Conditions: Clear story with 10 different characters without using any continues
Just a song about Tomomo

Save File with all Characters, BGM and Stages

If you’re not interested in doing all this, just grab the save file located in the AoS2 discord and put it in My Documents -> Fruitbat Factory -> aos2.

This way, you won’t have to unlock them yourself.

Link to the discord is: [link]
(Link to the file can be found in the #Beginners-help channel, just look in the pins.)

Final Word

I made this guide to help people know how to unlock stuff in this game, there seemed to be a confusion when there was only the japanese version of the game, and nothing was clear.

A big thanks to one of the developers, Rive for helping me out completing this guide.

Please note that if you ever have questions or problems, that you can always report it over at the Fruitbat Factory Discord[].

Also a big thanks to Sir Pooty Poot for helping me out with several pictures I couldn’t get due to not owning the characters/stages.

Achievement Guide

A friend of mine, Exceed, made an achievement guide! If you wanna know tips on how to unlock most of them, make sure to check his guide out!
