NOTE:Not everything is in this guide i’m not going to do that so instead I have “borrowed” some guides made by other people and by myself to get everything that is about this game into this.NOTE NOTE:I have also made seperate guides explaining things that I decided not to put in this one so go check those out I guessAlso glitches , secrets and other things will be put in a misc guide for no exact reason._______________________________________________________________These are just a few things you may or not know about in peoples playgroundAnd some useless infomation on this gameMaybe you are planning to get the game and want to know some things, well here you goNote: some of these might be removed in the next update_________________________________________________Please if you are going to translate this ask me first-Pilot
Very important note you should probably read
Due to receiving a false permanent ban I am forced to keep this on hold indefinitely
If you want to copy and paste this on a new guide to continue the work
Seperate guides explaining other aspects of the game
important if this doesn’t cover something you need
This is a section where other guides that I or somebody else have created explaining the other features/things that are in this game that will not be covered in this guide
Pink Syringe better explained
Mechanical stuff that can be destroyed
For a more in-depth view of objects that can be impaled.
How to install texture packs (OUTDATED)
How activators work.
How to make humans/androids use weapons:
Controls for idiots who don’t bother to check the controls in settings like come on guys.
Weapon stats
Achievment Guide:
Things I haven’t put into a proper spot
Pumpkin souls
Did you know if you destroy enough pumpkins a soul will come out
I estimated it is a 1/50 chance of this happening they also make like a ghost screaming sound but its not as scary as it sounds it is just like a… calm screaming?
Just a little spooky thing I found
Note: This might be removed in the next update
Destroying the siren while active
If you destroy the siren while its activated it makes a high pitched warning sound.
About decimator
If you don’t know what this thing does then I congratulate you
The decimator basically deleted anything (except bullets) including abnormal objects like radio’s which would cause the world to be “deleted” other items that can delete the world are vents in the snow map and sometimes the lights in the normal maps.
It also makes particles upon deleting an object
Decimator in action
This can also be made into a black hole but check another section of the guide to find that out.
Decimators can also delete tank shells
An actual black hole
Did you know there is an actual black hole in the game
Well if you didn’t know this already somehow if you use a generator or battery on the decimator it will infact turn into a black hole
Note: this might be removed in the next update
It will drag anything and I mean ANYTHING into it sometimes the things will go through the map to get to it
Stuff about humans I guess
Just random stuff about humans that are most likely going to be suggestions from other players.
Humans come at different heights
I tried to get all heights and to stop them moving around but this is the best picture I could get
Blaster random bleed chance
Note I was using the sci-fi texture pack when taking these pictures
The laser blaster has a random chance to not make the human not bleed but its very low,
In the case the Laser blaster doesn’t make the human bleed they have a extreamlly high chance of living unless shot in the top torso or in the head.
In the case the Human does bleed the human has a very high chance of dying in a matter of seconds no matter where shot.
Picture of a hand shot by a laser but not bleeding
Human shot in the chest and still alive
Electrical healing!
Thanks to : Trump2020
For finding this
If you kill a person with electricity (not including thunder and generators) sometimes it can revive a person like how a defibilrator does and can restore their heart beat and make them alive but with only low health / intergrity.
Its hard to capture with pictures but i’m too lazy to find a recording software and won’t do it anyways because most of them cost money to even use.
You can try it for yourself and see how it works
Ready to see some blood? (expanded gore)
(Documented in 1.3)
This is the expanded gore it will probably be removed in the next update (aka 1.4)
Powerful weapons also make body parts vanish
(There is no way to disable this I believe)
Simply just go into settings and find it then activate it and maybe clear your world to make sure it works.
Now whenever you rip a person in half you can see this:
There is also a brain and eyes that can come out
If you shoot somebody in the head with a powerful enough weapon their eyes come out
and if you can blow it up their entire brain could come out!
Eye shot out:
I used a shotgun to reveal the brain in a more gory fashion
A bit more about humans
Didn’t know what else to name this.
Whenever you shoot a human with a powerful weapon (shotgun, sniper, etc…) really close sometimes white bits which I will call mini bone bits will come out and sometimes a body part will dissapear which is like 80% of the time.
Stuff about Gorse
Stuff about the alien thing called Gorse
Gorse can acid spit
Gorse acid spit at humans and Androids
Gorse acid works the same way as the acid syringe
Gorse acid doesn’t seem to affect androids
Gorse spit up to 13 blocks away
Starting from where they are , they can spit acid up to 13 blocks away from their own spot
Stuff about androids and robots
This counts as useless infomation so its recommended you skip this
If you haven’t realized an android is a lot taller than a normal human it if you also didn’t realise is really strong and takes quite a beating
Androids however can’t be injected with a syringe and if you want to fix it use a wrench
Its durability:
It can die from eight shots in the head with a laser blaster and nine to the upper chest (directly under the head) so if you were really good at shooting they shouldn’t be too hard.
It will infact always die almost instanly if shot anywhere with a beam rifle
It cannot survive water at all so if it is dropped in water it should “de-activate” in a few seconds
It can survive pretty much all weapons such as everything except beam rifle and maybe the laser blaster depending where you hit the android,
Thanks to Noabrunelli for this infomation
Androids can be taken down in two sniper shots if you hit its main AI core (Upper torso)
The tank instant kills the android if shot in the chest or head depending on how far the android is
Explosive durability:
It can take a few rocket launcher shots In which i’m too lazy to count how many rockets it takes to destroy one (unless directly shot in the head)
It is basicly immortal to grenades unless it is right next to the head. (It takes two grenades to the head to kill one) although the german grenade can do damage to the androids body and if placed directly on the head it will suffer too much damage and die.
Dynamite will cause extreme damage and will most likely result in the androids death in a single bundle of dynamite.
All explosives above these (general purpose bomb and stronger) will instanly kill this if close enough well except the nuke the nuke will destroy everything
How to repair/heal an android
Simply use a wrench on any part of their body part and that body part will be fixed BUT FIRST
You need to fix the upper torso and head BEFORE you repair the rest of the body otherwise it will not be fixed
How sentry turrets work
The sentry turret always aims for the head first and this is guaranteed to instant kill a human but not an android, the sentry gun turret isn’t strong enough to pierce metals and wood and therefore can’t do major damage to the android infact it will probably do nothing to the android.
If the sentry turret is obstructed from the head it will move to the nearest spot to shoot the human
It can also be mostly destroyed with a nuke. it will basicaly just turn into a few turret gibs.
If the turret is flipped over it will no longer function just like the portal turrets.
Turrets also work underwater even though they would classify as robots.
(Sorry for the dark picture)
stuff about laser sentry turret I guess
They do indeed like normal lasers also reflect off of mirrors
(remember this is a guide on everything even on useless things)
Lasers also bounce off the turret which is cool I guess but I don’t know how that is possible since I see no mirrors on it
They can do a full 360 in order to get to their next target and if a target’s entire body is behind a barrier they can’t shoot the target but if some parts are visible the turret WILL aim for those parts.
(Will add more later probably)
Explosives (WIP)
Everything that goes boom
Atom bomb
Nuke logo
The nuke includes two skins
Atom bomb baby, little atom bomb
I want her in my wigwam
She’s just the way I want her to be
A million times hotter than TNT
The atom bomb is the most powerful bomb in the game (I think) it basically can’t be escaped even if your outside its explosion zone because it will just light you on fire.
The nuke also has the biggest explosion area
Nuke in centre of default map:
Nuke exploded (I would do a gif but it takes time to get to max size)
Item Logo:
Dynamite is the fifth most powerful dynamite and it has a “acceptable” explosion size
It explodes instanly when activated
Dynamite exploding:
Energy Vessel Explosive E.V.E
The E.V.E is to be honest one of the coolest explosives in the game so far in my opinion.
The Energy Vessel Explosive gradually grows bigger until a point while shooting out lasers similiar to lightning just slightly more powerful and cooler.
It eventually reaches a point where it lets out a explosion and disapears.
The firework (one of the lamest explosives) is just a normal firework nothing special
It has a small explosion radius and lets out a little fancy explosion when it does finally explode
So lame right?
Oh and it also sets humans on fire I guess if they are caught in the explosion
General Purpose Bomb G.P.B (W.I.P)
The G.P.B is a standard issue bomb commonly dropped by planes it at a certain height starts going facing downwards due to air or something I dunno Im not a scientist.
The G.P.B explodes upon contact of the ground unlike other bombs, its in my opinion a unique bomb.
Fragmentation Grenade (W.I.P)
Standard issue fragmentation explosive commonly found on Soldiers
It explodes within four (4) seconds and lets out a pretty small explosion radius that can be easily escaped if you can get out in the four (4) seconds
However the bomb is really weak, like jokingly weak (Zooi pls fix) but if close enough it can take off limbs and do serious damage I guess.
Sticky Grenade (W.I.P)
This is a more Unique grenade because it features its own timer and can stick onto things (including humans)
It features the same explosive radius as the Fragmentation Grenade but im pretty sure this grenade is way better.
Pink Bomb (W.I.P)
Zooi’s favourite colour Pink
This instanlly turns people into burnt skeletons (Lame) and has the same slightly smaller explosive radius that thy Fragmentation grenade. (lol cringe xD)
Red Barrel (w.i.p)
The Unrealistic Barrel is a Red Barrel full of gasoline that explodes when shot several times (lame)
It inflicts burning damage.
Die deutsche Version der Granate ist eine etwas stärkere Granate mit dem gleichen Explosionsradius.
Es stammt ebenfalls aus der Zeit des Weltkrieges und wurde viel von deutschen Soldaten benutzt
Land Mine
Its a explosive on the ground
Explodes once the top has been stepped on or pressed
So ready your really nice traps involving these!
Has the second to last smallest explosion radius
(The world record for smallest explosion radius for PPG is the firework)
Explosion Radius:
Explosive light
Explosives make light when activated in the dark
And I mean all explosives (Yes even the EMP)
Just gonna show a few for now.
Rocket launcher missiles can cause light due to their thrusters
And the back of the launcher does things im not a rocket scientist
Rocket launcher:
Rocket Launcher explosion:
Grenade explosion:
EMP explosions don’t work like normal though and once used let out a blue ominous glow for a short period before vanishing
EMP glow:
Pink explosions and other explosions should give their respective colours.
However firework explosions are completely randomized.
Stuff about syringes
Everything about syringes in the game
Acid syringe
The acid syringe does what you would think it would do
Wait did you just think about drugs? no it doesn’t make the people high
It instead dissolves flesh off of people very fast and even comes with its own status thing in the inspect menu
It also makes all the parts of the body no longer connected to each other
(aka making them dismembered)
It is similiar to the Gorse acid but slightly faster I think
Gif of syringe melting a person
Syringe acid damage inspection
Bone eating syringe
Liquifys peoples bones by breaking all of them not actually eating them
So basically you can’t see a human without its bones because this just breaks all of them
Bone liquification in progress
Bones broken include-
Neck bone
Chest bones
Right leg bones
Left leg bones
Right arm bones
Left arm bones
and maybe more I dunno
Death syringe
Literally kills a person (or gorse) that’s it nothing else it just makes then drop down dead the end
Did you expect anything else? of course not because it only kills things
Death syringe doing its thing
Freeze joint syringe
Makes all living things stiff and can’t move their limbs
Acts the same as the rigidfier but doesn’t make the living object blue it justs stiffens their joints
It does however take some time to travel through the body so it might take like one or two seconds before they are completely stiff
Freeze joint syringe freezing a person
Proving the syringe does make people stiff
Knockout syringe
The knockout syringe puts a living object to sleep for a random amount of time or something
Don’t worry you can see how long it take’s for them to wake up by looking at the conciousnes meter in the inspection menu
This also has to go through the body to put all the limbs to sleep but its very quick
Knockout putting someone to sleep
Life syringe
This syringe can heal or resurrect living objects and remove anything that were related to their death making them as good as new no scars just back to normal
(Disclamer: This does not put your eyes back into your skull)
Life syringe magic
(Sorry for the bad gif Im just really bad at making gifs)
Pink syringe
Nobody knows where it came from its just there
The pink syringe is a unique syringe from the other syringes in that its the only one that lets out some frozen dust or whatever its called when spawned and moved around
The pink syringe seems to be a jack of all trades
Side effects of the Pink syringe may include (but not limited to)
-bursting into flames
-regeneration of dead limbs
-targets head forcerd onto the ground
-all bones broken
-ultra strong gyro
-some frozen limbs and snaps into place when moved
-death and short regeneration
-spazems and being flung into the air
-Body parts moving out of place
-Dissolving flesh
[Thanks to Drew for this check out their profile [link]]
Acid syringe effect one
(Major bleeding all over the body but nothing actually happening (this is probably a glitch))
Confusion effect
Ultra strength syringe
Or I would like to call it the seizure syringe
This makes any living creature slightly stronger and their limbs can’t be ripped off
If you stab a living creature twice they will have a seizure and literally die
Ultra syringe doing something I guess
Zombie syringe
Turns people into zombies that act the same way as humans but they just don’t die and can get ripped apart easier
Zombie walking across the screen yayy
Stuff about Powers I guess
This is almost everything about the powers in the game
Powers can be accessed by going over to your tools tab and clicking the powers just below where it says Tools
(Note this can only be done in beta)
The first power in the game
This is what you think it would do… it shoots lightning and produces some electricity
The lightning bolt is really powerful and mostly one shots all humans if it doesn’t kill them from the thunder bolt they will most likely be launched and die from a broken neck because it has some knockback if hit directly
If a android is hit directly in the head or upper chest they have a 100% chance of dying but if hit any where else on the body, they will seem to go dead but will mostly come back to life but weakened heavily.
Thunder striking the ground:
Lightning Idle:
This is a cool looking power but isn’t really that dangerous
This ignites all living entities (and anything burnable) setting them ablaze in an instant and has one of the coolest forms of attack
Both Idle and normal attacks with this ability can set things ablaze
Flame power:
Flame Idle:
This is also pretty effetive tagainst robots
This pulls everything that isn’t bolted down or frozen and keeps it in a not very neat violent ball
Pull ability:
Pull with things in its circle:
Pushes everything away from your mouse that is not bolted down or frozen
Push ability:
Like the pull except it doesn’t pull directly to the source but makes things levitate and eventually launch if they pass your cursor at a certain spot
Lift ability:
Environment settings
This feature is currently only in BETA
Thanks to this user for telling me about this
Open your spawn menu by pushing TAB (It should already be open) then look towards the bottom of it and click Environment
It should then open up a menu that allows you to have,
Floodlights (On by default)
Lightning chance
Gravity has a limit on how low or high you can set it
-40 to 40
Default gravity is -9,81
-40 Gravity:
40 Gravity:
Lights only useful when its dark emit light in the game that’s it
Both the Flashlight and torch can be hold by humans/androids but the others can’t
Lights from weakest to strongest (mostly):
Guns flash:
Flames cause light which eventually die out:
Cathcode lights emit a glow respective to their colour
Cathcode light:
Stuff about lazers
This is everything about lazers
All lasers go through glass
All types of lasers go through glass
Such as (Blaster, Laser blaster , laser pointer, laser sentry turret
Lasers bounce of mirrors
All lasers bounce of mirrors
You could make the lasers stay in the world forever if you make the borders of your world mirrors
You could probably make something by making them bounce off said mirrors
Laser pointer weakened!
If you put up to 8+ glass panels the laser with a battery or generator will cease to do any damage
(This might be a glitch I dunno)
Laser weakened
Thanks to Crungus for finding this!
All support goes to them
(Their steam profile)
Laser weapons and beams glow in the dark
Lasers emit a low glow when in the dark and when shot a glow follows it’s beam
Although some of these are too fast to see their glow on the gif.
Laser weapon glow:
Laser Weapons shot:
Stuff about lame Ion weapons
There is currently only one Ion weapon in the game and I mean its kinda lame ngl
Zooi pls fix
Ion Cannon
Ion weapons are a gas laser as its lasing medium. Like other gas lasers, ion lasers feature a sealed cavity containing the laser medium and mirrors forming a Fabry–Pérot resonator. Unlike helium–neon lasers, the energy level transitions that contribute to laser action come from ions.
wait what
The Ion cannon is the strongest Ion weapon currently in the game
From what I count it can bounce off walls twelve (12) times and causes only burn damage.
It can’t cause bleeding.
Unlike other so called laser weapons it can’t go through mirrors maybe because its a gas laser.
Ion cannon laser
It even bounces off humans!
Ion Weapons glow
Currently there is only one Ion weapon but whatever
They mostly let out a green glow
(Slow motion enabled)
Ion cannon:
Stuff about reconstructor and rigidifier I guess
Stuff about the weakest guns in the game
(Reconstructor) It keeps scars on humans and heals damage
In a nutshell the reconstructor will keep wounds, stop any bleeding and heal the human
If the human was frozen by the rigidifier the blue skin tone will stay so have fun creating smurfs
However using the reconstructor won’t work if the corpse is a pile of bones
(Rigidifier) Stuff about the Rigidifier
The rigidifier makes things rigid and have a blue skin tone
(Note: It does not circulate and you have to hit all parts of the body)
Misc collection containing more stuff
Yeah I moved it be mad mwhahaha
Now comment what you have found and I will probably put it in here
Very important note you should read right now
Due to being falsely banned from PPG I can no longer properly update this
PS: This false ban is permanent so I am going to keep this guide in hold permanently
If you want to you can copy and paste this to continue the work just don’t get a false ban like me