Welcome to the Game II Guide

An Attempt at a Complete WTTG2 Guide for Welcome to the Game II

An Attempt at a Complete WTTG2 Guide


Hello everyone! This is my first complete posting of a guide for any game on Steam. This is meant to try and be a thorough guide to Welcome to the Game II and help provide extra details on the games mechanics for anyone and everyone needing the slightest boost. Or perhaps you are interested in learning more about something in the game. I have used my own experiences to create this guide, as well as, details from my forum adventures. I included some extra information/documents put together by other players to help push this guides details to the maximum. Hope you enjoy!


Welcome. I am attempting to accomplish a few things with this guide. My goals are to provide the players with a comprehensive guide of Welcome to the Game II. The guide is to assist players interested in the game. I am compiling information for this guide from my own gameplay experiences, from my adventures on the forums seeking my own answers, and with some assistance from other players who have created outside documents (not guides exactly).

I do not believe in posting a youtube video guide, I believe people want something to read so they can reference it at a moments notice than hear someones annoying voice.

Let our journey begin.

DISCLAIMER – I only intend to give details to help your survival. Now the exact way to play to ensure beating it.

If you feel you have something to add that is essential. I will be sure to check the comments for the guide. If its great information, I shall add it with credit to you in the guide.

Guide version 1.0 – released to steam

The Room

If your new to the game, a lot is thrown at you right off the bat. In fact, you will probably be completely clueless immediately on what to do (unless you played the first game then you have a basic understanding).

If your new, make sure to listen to what Adam has to say. Adam tells you lots of information, and a good chunk of it details your survival – especially the second time he calls to talk about VPN and DOS coins.

Your Room

You start in your room. It even has a nice balcony to enjoy the outdoor night lights before your death. I feel like there was supposed to be more to the balcony because of its detail but currently only the noir will stare at you from it. I feel Adam could be up to something in the future with the outdoors…

We will get to the computer in a more detailed area.

The Flashlight is over by your bedstand (also a location for your WiFi Dongle).
This should be the first thing you pick up at the start of a new game. If you don’t have your flashlight for when the power goes out – either you will spend a lot of time angry or give up. Some side notes on the battery of the flashlight. It sucks. Flat out sucks. Do not use the light for anything meaningless. In fact, ONLY FLASH the light to get your bearing. If you come across your light to be dead, you can keep going… or quit the game and reload the save. Currently the game still allows you to gain a fresh flashlight after you load a game.

The Closet by the Balcony Door
I, personally, have never hid in this location. In fact, I didn’t even know it existed till I looked at the games trailer. I have watched numerous streams of this game, and I have seen many people die in the closet by Lucas. So I would not suggest hiding here. You can if you wish, I am sure its a great spot to try, I personally just don’t use it. I use the bathroom since I piss myself when Lucas arrives.

The Bathroom
This is the most popular place to hide (I think so I at least). Simply walk in, run into the shower, do NOT look through the curtains, and ride out your home visit. I always make sure to shut the bathroom light off at the start of a game. I read Lucas tends to notice the light, open the shower curtains, shoot your face off.

The Door
Should be kept locked at all times. There is no reason it should be unlocked unless you are gone outside. This is your only prevention against 1 of the games threats. If it is unlocked, the threat will enter and kill you without any warning.

The Lights – Read more about the importance of lighting in The Noir or Lucas sections.

Kitchen WIndow
This is where The Noir will appear when observing you. Be sure to keep a watchful eye on it. More information on The Noir below.

The Computer

I am sure by now you have enjoyed Adams lecture. So lets talk more about the computer.
The top bar (from left to right) displays helpful information – # DOS coins you have, # of backdoor hacks, the time, # of VPN protection, motion sensor information, WIFI status, volume, and power button. Some of this will be detailed out below.

The Top Bar

DOS Coins – You need DOS Coins to purchase items from the markets, you also need 250 coins to enter the Tunnel at the end of the game. To gain coins, as adam said, you can gain them by placing VPNs around the building. When placing a VPN you will have 3 colors to place – RED YELLOW GREEN. Green is the best option to gain the most coins. Adam gives you 1 free VPN that can be picked up in the alley outside the building via drone.

Backdoor Hacks – Another way to gain coins are the backdoor hacks purchased at the ZeroDay market. After purchasing, they aid in giving DOS coins when being hacked. When you are hacked in game, Do Not win the first hack – you must go on to the 2nd hack. Here, after successfully winning the mini-game, you will be delivered a reward of coins stated on the screen.

VPN Protection – In the ZeroDay market you can purchase VPN (Protection) Levels 1-5 with each protecting you from hacks more and more.

Motion Sensor Information – From the Shadow Market you can purchase motion sensors to aid you in dealing with Lucas. They cost 45 DOS coins. To offer good protection, the player should have 2 sensors. One coming from the stairwell, and the other from the elevator. People say, well why the elevator? It’s broken! Well Lucas tends to spiderman his way up it (as I picture it) and come from that direction so its best to have both sides covered.

Wifi Status – This is where the computer tells you what WiFIs you have access to from your WiFI Dongle. It will tell you the strength of the connection, a list of connections, and if you need a password (most do, requiring hacking). More WiFI information, including hacking, will be coming up.

Volume – Some websites include some of the most disturbing sounds you may come across. The volume button assists in muting out those sounds.

Power Button – Is Lucas about to break into your room? He will steal your notes, and some coins, if you leave the computer on while hiding. It is important to shut the computer off if Lucas is coming home.

To turn the computer back on, look to the right of the computer screen for its box and just click to start up.

The Desktop

ANN Browser – Here is the main game. The area where you learn the secrets of the shadow web. Enter at your own free will…

Notes – Save your cracked WiFI passwords and hex codes here. Caution though, the information can be stolen by Lucas or lost if you lose the hacking mini-game. It is best to have a hard copy of these notes (write them down, or notes on your actual computer).

Noir Tunnel – This is the end, the final moment of the game that will bring you to the ending. You need 250 coins and all the codes you have found.

Middle Documents – Details including the threats and mini-game hacks. I would suggest you to make sure you can do the mini-games flawlessly as this will help you gain more DOS coins later on.

The Markets

Shadow Market – Here you can purchase various software advantages for the game.

  • Wifi Dongles – betters the WiFi connection.
  • Motion Sensors – detects threats.
  • Remote VPNs – Generates additional DOS Coins if properly placed.
  • Police Scanner – Alerts the player if the police are on to them.
  • LOLPY DISC – Gets the player onto the lobby computer (essential for the Dollmaker).
  • Blue Whisper – Allows the player to hear from the computer if not near it.

ZeroDay Market – Here you can purchase hardware advantages.

  • Skybreak WiFi Hacking – essential to progress on to password required WiFi.
  • Backdoor Hacks – allows player to earn DOS Coins for properly stopping the second hack.
  • Motion Alerts – used with motion sensors for an audio alert.
  • VPN Alerts 1-5 – assists in preventing the player from being hacked. Each level increases the hack prevention by a certain %.
  • Key Cue – VERY essential, but VERY expensive. This will alert you to keys on websites.

Key Searching/Wiki 2-3 Link

This is your primary goal in the game. Find a set of keys scattered across the deep web.

The locations of these keys are random each time you play the game. They will rarely be in the same spot you last encountered them. Keys can be on any page. Sometimes the key is hidden requiring you to click images, it might be a specific word – just watch for the click icon. Occasionally you will come across a key from a image or word that will place the code on your desktop. So if you think you found something clickable that could be a code but isn’t do anything on the page itself – check the desktop.

The link to the Wiki 2 page is located in the source code of a random website. It will not be encountered on webpage itself, it is only hidden in the source. How do you look at a sites source code? Click the magnify glass on the web browser – it is to the right of the address bar.

The 3rd Wiki link is completed through yet another mini-game but this time its on one of the websites. What site? The Rule of Three. How do you solve it? I will leave that up to you, as I said before I don’t really want to give the game playthrough away as I am just providing external information.

The Building

Unlike the first game, the player has an entire building to walk through compared to just 1 room in the first. You don’t have to repeatedly go through the building after collecting the first VPN if you choose to use a “different” style of play. Some players prefer this to decrease the chances of dying from various threats when encountered in the building at random times. Plus I do recommend trying to limit the amount of times you travel to the alleyway due to the most unforgiving threat of all – the breather.

The Apartment Building

After exiting the room, you will enter the hallway (obviously)…

The building is made up of several floors each connected to the primary staircase. The elevator is busted unfortunately forcing the player to endure a cardio workout climbing the stairs.

Resetting the Power –
At the end of the players hallway, past the door, is the maintenance closet. Here the power can be reset if the players power is cut. When the threat levels are higher, caution should be taken when moving between doors as The Noir/Lucas can often be waiting on the other side.

The Lobby –
After enduring the cardio workout, the main lobby can be located in the center of the building on the first floor. Here you can use the lobby computer but is only useful if hacked with the LOLPY DISC from the Shadow Market. The lobby also includes the doors to the alleyway.

The Alley –
Upon entering the alley, the player is often filled with fear as its incredibly creepy in design. Here is where the hardware from the market is dropped at the end near the gate (corner). Also included with the alley is a room located on the right side (facing the fence). This is where the player is to hide from The Breather.

Placing VPNs –
When placing VPNs, make sure to place them on green zones for best dos coin output. You can go through different floors, even the balcony to find a good pace.

WiFi Hacking

WiFI hacking is essential if you want to be able to avoid the police and have faster load times while browsing the shadow web.

Modem Dongle – in your apartment you have 4 locations to place your internet dongle. Each location offers different WiFi networks to hack into. Locations are – outside on the balcony table, inside next to the window, the bedstand, and next to your computer.

Skybreak – is the program purchased from the market to start hacking WiFI’s. Each upgrade helps you get into the better networks.

3 types of networks assist to hack into, WEP, WPA, and WPA2.

You will be starting with the WEP networks. These are easier to get into. The quick rundown –

  • Scan for networks.
  • Probe the specific network ranging the ports 100-1000 (I have never seen a port under 100).
  • Crack the network using the port identified by the probe.


Same as above, however, we have to use the “inject” command instead of probe. This tends to be much more tedious because we need to run the command every specific amount of time. You have to inject a certain amount of packets after a cooldown timer. Once the cooldown period has based, the network has a window of time before it resets from the injection.

How many packets? Well you can take a guess and go through trial and error. If you use too many, it will shutdown the network. If you inject too fast, the network will shutdown.

Example – network is 5A:GH:6F:VB:KL 3 channels


inject 5A:GH:6F:VB:KL 3 40

Skybreak will display a number counting up the packets. When it completes, it will stop and await the next command.

Here we have to be careful.

  • Each network has a “cooldown” timer that you must wait to pass until able to send the command again.
  • For example, maybe the network has a 12 second cooldown timer. You have to wait 12 seconds before injecting again.
  • Then the network will have another time frame window after the cooldown timer.
  • You may have anywhere from 50-90 seconds depending on the network. All are different.
  • If you wait too long, the network shuts down and resets.

WPA’s usually range 300-500 packets.
WPA2’s range from 500-900 packets. These can be quite time consuming.

TIPOften best to multi-task WIFi hacking. Begin hacking in the background while surfing the web. I do not see there being enough time for a player to spend time JUST hacking the WiFis before time 4am.


Other guides exist that provide extra detailed information on websites (including how many pages, times they work etc) but I am only going to list off…

The Websites that Don’t Work

Bathroom Cams
Black Market
Burned At The Stake
Cheap Surgery
Chosen Awake
Corpses for Sell
Cotton Road
Dream Place
Family Drug Shop
Father Donald
Flesh Trade
F You!
Game Cat
Hail Satan
Happy Family
Hot Burners
Passports R US
Roses Desctruction
Secure Drop
Snuff Portal
Tango Down
The 8th Sin
The Butcher

The Threat – Police

The police are monitoring your WiFi use and will trace you to your apartment. If you have been on a WiFi long enough, they will break into your apartment – throw a flashbang – and take you down (by what appears to be a very angry swap officer too!)

How long do you have per type of network?
*in game time

Free – 5-10 minutes. Maybe 12 on one of them.
WEP – 10-15 minutes.
WPA – 20-30 minutes.
WPA2 – up to 50 minutes.
* I continue to stress the importance of having a police scanner.

The police are a very minimal threat in the game as long as the player is aware of the time that has passed while on a network.

I won’t steal another players hard work, but on another guide is a link to a google document that lists all the WiFi connections and their trace times (e.g. how long you can stay on that network before the police arrive). I wouldn’t take the times for granted but they do offer a good idea on how long to stay on a network.

I prefer to switch networks every 2 websites, depending on the size of the website. I haven’t been taken down by the police in ages since I used this technique.

You won’t have much warning, or any, when the police come which makes them impossible to evade. If the police come, good chance its game over.

If you are outside of your room when the police arrive – they will get you in the hallway at the stairwell door.

Some tips –

  • If the window is open, listen for sirens. Not every siren will be for you if you are aware of your wifi hopping but sometimes you may not want to take the risk and should go hide in the bathroom for a little bit.
  • Be sure to shut down your computer before hiding/leaving the room, or at the minimum disconnect the WiFi.
  • Motion sensors are useless against their presence.
  • I often disconnect for a few seconds between WiFi connections to ensure proper disconnect and trace reset.
  • Buying the police scanner will help give you warning if the police are on to you.

The Threat – Breather

The Breather is a disturbing fellow. I read that he is a hairless psychopath somewhere, and that is enough to tell me to avoid this guy at all costs.

He can be found in the Alley outside of the apartment. He does not appear every time the player visits the alley but expect a good chance he could be waiting for you. He will never be there when you are picking up Adams Free VPN.

When he attacks he usually comes from the area of the alley you come from as he corners you by the fence/gate and stabs you multiple times. I have also experienced him giving me a heart attack when he jumps out from behind the dumpster.

How do you get past the breather?
Earlier I spoke of the little room that’s in the alley. You will want to be in here if you suspect the breather is about to gut you.

Dealing with the Breather

  • When you first enter the alley you may hear either laughter or heavy foot steps that are not yours. Hear any of this, do NOT get your packages, and go straight to the alley room.
  • Upon entering the room, duck down and listen. Wait. If you’re unlucky you will start to hear footsteps walking through puddles.
  • Hold the door handle. It is the only way to stop him, similar to the first game.
  • Right before he tries to break in, the handle will shift just a little bit. This is your moment to click that door closed!
  • Careful on the “stamina” bar. He will break in if you don’t have enough to keep it shut.

You must repeat this a few times before he will give up and walk away. I would suggest to wait a little bit after it sounds like he has walked away in case its a trap for you to come out.

Side Note – if you looked through the window and he saw you, I would suggest you wait longer after he supposedly walks away as this will be trap requiring you to sit and wait a bit longer.

Side Note #2 – If you try to pick up your package and it won’t let you pick them up. RUN AWAY TO THE DOOR! The game is saying YOUR GOING TO DIE. Now I do not know if you can make it to the door since when this happened to me, I died since my brain failed to connect the dots.

Side Note #3 – If you hear the breather upon entering the alley, do not try to turn back to the building – he will kill you.

The Threat – The Noir

The Noir are a cult focused around the shadow web. They are often triggered once you notice your window open in your apartment (in the kitchen). The triggers I have seen include –

  • Going to a website that has the first key you find. This includes going to a website that is only active at a specific time. You may not be able to access the website until a certain time, but it still triggers The Noir.
  • Possibly trying to “force hack” by going to websites that simply do not work to trigger hacks. I believe the developer wants to ensure the player has a difficult time if they are trying to force hack their way through.

Once activated The Noir will stare (as they are in love with the player) from a distance. They can be found (or triggered) in the following locations –

  • The window in the kitchen (most common).
  • From the balcony door.
  • They may be inside the room if you fail to act early on.
  • Any of the hallways, including the stairs.
  • In the alley (from the other side of the fence).

Have no doubt they do spawn behind you. I was walking down a hall looking for a VPN spot, got to the elevator and turned around to almost turn into the guy.

How do you get rid of him?
You turn your back on him, denying his burning love for you.

The document in the game says 30 seconds, many guides say 30 seconds, but you can get away with turning your back on him for just 10 seconds. I have done this many times and have not discovered any misgivings for doing this (doesn’t kill me later on or anything).

Turning back – he will be gone.

What happens if you approach him?

He won’t kill you. But his lover will (jealousy probably). After getting near him, his companion will spawn behind you and kill you with what I believe is a hammer.

Why are the lights important?

I saw a posting not too long before making this guide on Adams twitter that had to do with The Noir and lighting. Many players tend to turn off all, or most, of their lights in the room because Lucas will not search as long if the lights are off. However, this is countered by the Noir becoming more aggressive if the lights are turned off. The more lights, the more aggressive. I personally leave the lights on (all of them) and feel the time differences between Lucas searching longer is not enough for your life. I’d say leave them on.

Plus, if the lights are off and they get in, before making the move to kill you, they will make all sorts of crazy sounds to mess with the player.

TIP If you have not come across a key yet and the window is closed – when you find a web page with a key on it – the window will open, offering a hint you found a key. Sometimes though, that key can be a real pain to find I have learned. It also may not be on the first page, it could be on another page on the website.

The Threat – Lucas

Finally, we made it to Lucas.

Lucas Kumiega is his name and he will mess up your day. I also think he is trained by the same agency that trained Hitman 47. I think Adam has denied this resemblance though.

When does he show up?
I have had a tough time trying to decide when he becomes active. It might be when you have encountered the second key, or it might be after a certain time (11?) – or both. I have cruised a few other guides as well to encounter the same answer.

I would say just start listening for that lockpick sound after finding the first key. (or the sound of the motion sensor alarm)

Preventing Lucas from Showing Up?

Not possible.

However the player NEEDS to keep the door locked. This is the only way you will survive to tell the tale. Failure to lock the door means no audio warning hes about to kill you. Motion sensors may help but I have seen players die from Lucas with no motion sensor going off.

And be sure to set up 2 motion sensors in the hall (both sides of the door) so you can have a warning hes on his way. You could probably put a 3rd in the stairwell as well but I haven’t tried that.

The game tends to F with your brain when you hear someone walking and often nothing ends up happening.

Footsteps you hear while on the computer that are coming from a unknown location can be considered a warning that Lucas is active but not necessarily mean hes about to come on in.

If you hear that lock picking sound, just hide – don’t look in the peephole. If you read the document on the desktop, it talks about someone getting shot in the head via peephole.

Car honking has been said to be a warning of Lucas coming for you. I have not been able to distinguish between 1 or 2 honks as being the arrival of the bald man but I have also not had him come after when a car honks – instead he just randomly shows up for me.

Hiding & Searching

Shut your computer off before hiding! Early in the game a patch had introduced the ability for Lucas to steal your notes and coins if you leave the computer on.

I always hide in the bathroom.

Remember to turn off the bathroom light early on as Lucas tends to realize the player is hiding in the bathroom if the light is on.

Do not attempt to peak at Lucas. Lucas will notice you and shoot you in the head. Also remember the microphone symbol pops up while hiding, if it turns RED it is picking up sound from you and Lucas could hear it and find you.

Lucas will search for you for about 5 minutes if you leave the lights on. 3-4 if not left on. You will hear the door open and close when he leaves. HOWEVER – Lucas will try to trap the player by making it sound like he left. Caution should be taken when thinking Lucas has left.

If Lucas has spotted the player before hiding in time, he will wait for the player to come out from hiding to kill them. This can often be noticed when Lucas enters the apartment but no search sounds are observed.

Lucas can be encountered outside of the room as well. He has been seen shooting players in the head in the stairwell – thus making any package pickup a REAL nightmare. I heard he also occasionally shows up to kill the player when resetting the power but I have not encountered this.

The Dollmaker

If you would like an interesting read, be sure to check out The Dollmaker link. The downside is that your will trigger the most twisted threat of the game.

Tip – only take on the Dollmaker when you have the coins for the lolpy disc. Otherwise you are signing your death away.

After reading the site you should be able to realize that this guy likes to hunt down his girls. As you read the site you will begin to notice the music coming from the hallway.

The Quest

To find beautiful women for his bidding. He will place a skull necklace thing on your door handle. You have to place it on the girl’s door handle. After he is… done… he will place the skull back on your door telling you he’s hungry for another.

One girl is relatively easy to find as long as you read the whiteboard in the maintenance room.

How do you find the others?

As I said earlier in this topic you need to have the coins for the LOLPY DISC. The disc will hack the lobby computer where you can gain information on the other babes in the building.

P. S. You will may be able to hear when he finds his victim…

The Dollmaker will kill you if you take your time.

Failure to do what the Dollmaker says will get you one heck of a jumpscare.

What’s your reward for satisfying his cravings in the end?

Your life.


I hope everyone enjoyed this guide, it was meant to provide additional information for those who wanted to know more. Everyone be sure to thank Reflect Studios for their time making this game!
