This is a list with the codes discovered by the codebreakers on Discord for the 6th Anniversary Event Scavanger Hunt. Source [trello.com]
1. Tropical Terror Nova
Code: 052098-001876-042015-260104
2. Blue Reaper Nova
Code: 051319-006517-102012-201197
3. Blue Diamond Nova
Code: 072516-004934-052015-210599
4. Tawny Therizspinosaurus
Code: 121965-005116-111998-120273
This is a skin and mutation at the same time!
5. Mahi Mahi Spino
Code: 100499-002211-112011-220461
6. Aqua Aurora Acro
Code: 080168-001696-012001-280740
7. Blue Lotus Acro
Code: 032174-006515-032002-291031
8. Yellow-Swing Acro
Code: 121667-001830-101999-080857
9. Ruzek Rex
Code: 122500-004017-101998-241254
10. ACUTUS Rex (Mutation)
Code: 050514-002081-121998-180228
11. CRISPUS Rex (Mutation)
Code: 081162-005027-092000-240345
12. Retrowave Cerato
Code: 121292-001821-092013-200704
13. Aster Cerato
Code: 121584-005098-062010-251135
14. Aurum Cerato
Code: 122064-005753-022008-210949
15. SUCHUS Cerato (Mutation)
Code: 042964-000680-092002-150646
16. CRISPUS Cerato (Mutation)
Code: 042455-003033-031997-200652
17. Vivid Striped Ovi
Code: 071897-004734-071999-130349
18. Crimson Ovi
Code: 071593-002908-122016-120384
19. Marbled Ovi
Code: 072001-006348-112000-230869
20. Scorched Ovi
Code: 060618-008506-092002-021249
21. Volcanic Ash Oviraptor
Code: 061115-005205-112003-200846
22. Wata Cryo
Code: 091411-001980-091997-100941
23. Penumbra Ptera (Playaple next patch)
Code: 021007-001125-032003-111057
This one is not playable for now, but will be added in the next patch.
24. Pink Amorphous Ptera (Playable next patch)
Code: 061022-002120-101993-160869
This one is not playable for now, but will be added in the next patch.
25. Red Devil Assault Cannon (Item)
Code: 122501-007994-062018-310146
26. FIERY Modifier
Code: KR81452
Add this to the start of any skin code from this event to receive a Fiery version of it!
It makes the eyes of the dinos on fire.
Example: KR81452-051319-006517-102012-201197
27. FROSTY Modifier
Code: FMMUV32
Add this to the start of any skin code from this event to receive a Frosty version of it!
It gives the dino’s eyes a snow/frosty effect.
Example: FMMUV32-051319-006517-102012-201197
The modifiers don’t look very obvious on the bigger dinos.
You get extra items in your inventory with these modifiers, they’re considered different skins by the game.