Heroes & Generals Guide

Another beginner's guide for Heroes & Generals

Another beginner’s guide


This is another beginner’s guide which features the basics and concept of Heroes & Generals

Note before reading

This is another guide about the basics of Heroes & Generals. Several in-depth guides concerning some subjects can also be found. I do NOT see myself as a “pro” or “veteran” in the game, rather as someone more experienced enough to share knowledge with others. This guide was also made from the German/United States point of view, since I have almost no experience playing as the soviet union. I will try to make it as global as possible.

English is not my first language, so keep this in mind for possible mistakes.

Without further or do, lets begin! 🙂


Heroes and Generals is an FPS/RTS game that focuses around WW2. In the FPS part of the game you will be able to play as a soldier in the frontlines, capturing control points and killing enemies. In the RTS side you will be playing as a lieutenant (or general) while controlling units on the map of Europe.

In H&G there are three factions available: The United States, Germany and the Soviet Union. Each faction has their own weapons and vehicles, together with pros and cons for each faction. All factions have the same classes. There are 5 available: Infantry, Tanker, Paratrooper, Recon and Fighter pilot. All these classes have their own purposes and playstyles, are for you to master and learn.


If you haven’t already done so, you must choose a faction. The choice is yours. The question of “Which faction is the best?” is very debatable, since all of the factions have their own specialities and abilities. Pick the faction which suits you best or looks the most fun. But it doesn’t stop with one single faction, no, you are able to switch characters in an instant. You can play as each faction with a different character. I assure you, It will take you a long time to unlock everything for each faction.


Now, you have chosen your faction. You will start out as a standard infantryman. You are not able to do much from here, so start your first battle. You will only be able to play in the “Encounter” map mode, which is a close quarter map. Its an ideal map to learn the basics of combat and you get to know your weapon better. Each soldier starts off with an semi-automatic rifle, which is not to be underestimated when used properly. With this gun, you will be able to kill enemies from a distance, and get some fast shots when the enemy is close to you. You will however not be able to win against fast-firing enemies in close quarters.

In your first matches, you will be placed in “bronze matchmaking”. This means you will fight against players who have just started aswell. This is very handy to learn the ropes. Together with this, you will also first fight off against bots.

Now, from this moment, it mostly starts to go wrong. Heroes and Generals is a very grindy game. Do not expect that after playing a couple hours you will have the best gun available. You will have to grind alot. And not only that, because when you will be placed in silver or gold matchmaking, you will be slaughtered. You will die over and over again until you rage quit. Or, you can rather keep going and grind further until you have that strong weapon.


I will now be explaining each class and their purpose, along with some possible loadouts and such. These loadouts shown will represent the possible roles, and may be mixed in reality.


Infantry, the backbone of every battle and army. Without them, a battle is already lost. You will begin your career as an infantrymen, so you do not have to purchase a character for it. However, if you want an addittional infantrymen, you will have to purchase it for the low price of 9200 credits at rank zero. Other ranks differ in price. The class of Infantry is very versatile, and can be fitted to counter all threats.

Infantry is the most expendable resource in battles, but is neccessary. Its main goal is to attack and defend control points while killing enemies.


-The Close-Quarters loadout: This loadout fits the Infantry’s main goal, capturing and defending control points. They are mainly equipped with an SMG and some grenades. This is ideal for fighting in CP’s, as you can quickly dispatch of the enemy and throw a grenade in the enemy’s room. Sometimes a pistol or a spade is included too.

-The Sniper loadout: This loadout focuses on killing enemies from a far distance, with a scoped rifle. Normally, this is the role of a Recon. But sometimes, no recons are present. At the cost of some advanced camo and no in-zoomable scopes you can be a recon with plenty of spawnpoints. These loadouts mostly consist of a semi-automatic rifle or a bolt-action rifle, together with a pistol and binoculars.

-The Focused Anti-tank loadout: This loadout its purpose is to hunt down tanks and destroy them. Unlike the multi purpose loadout, this focuses heavily on destroying tanks. When there are no friendly tankers around to destroy the enemy armor, one must act. This loadout mostly features a pistol, a rocket launcher and anti-tank grenades.

-The “Engineer” loadout: This loadout is very rare but very effective at its goal. This loadout carries anti-personnel mines along with other weapons. Place these mines near doorways or stairs and you will explode enemies. Be careful though, since teammates have the habit to step on these mines aswell, resulting in their death and -10XP for you. Warn them!

-The Medic loadout: This is an extremely important loadout to have in your team. This loadout serves to have medical pouches ready to heal teammates. When you are under constant siege defending that control point and can’t go outside to heal, you will need a medic with such loadout! This loadout normally consists of: An SMG(or pistol) together with a whole bunch of medic pouches.

-The “Perfect” loadout: This consists of a rifle and SMG as loadout. Now, you might wonder, “I thought that you couldn’t have them both in one loadout?” Well, you are partly correct. Unless you lower your ammo on your rifle, you can’t. Together with the Hoarder badge you can compensate for less ammo and get some back. Having both an SMG and rifle is very handy at all sorts of situations. You can snipe and kill enemies from far away and while you are in a control point you use your SMG.

-The MG loadout: This loadout has a MG together with a pistol and a medic pouch. The power of an MG is very high. While defending a CP or camping on a certain spot, and MG will mow down enemies. When you have to reload your MG while fighting, simply take your pistol and finish the job.

-The Multi-Purpose loadout: This is by far the most popular loadout that there is. This consists of the factional “special” weapon (Sturmgewehr, M1 Carbine…) together with anti-tank mines and a medic pouch. This loadout has the power of a strong weapon and the ability to take out tanks in the process. And if you’re hurt you can simply heal yourself up. This is a popular loadout, but hard to get.

(Other loadouts may exist)

Tank Crewman

(Work in progress.) (Guide will be finished.)
