Apex Legends™ Guide

Apex Legends Japanese voice lines with English UI and Menu for Apex Legends

Apex Legends Japanese voice lines with English UI and Menu


This guide is created so u can have japanese voice lines with english subs and menu with english text

Here is a guide for English version on apex legends where u can have japanese voice lines only

Be aware that this might get updated and i only know the steam version on how to do it. If the game ever gets the update the process must be repeated, more on that bellow

1st step

Right click on “Apex Legends” and click properties. Go under Language and pick “Japanese” and let the game update

2nd step

After you download the files right click on your game and go to “Manage” and “Browse local files”

Then find the folder “audio” and then “ship” it should look like this
(SteamsteamappscommonApex Legendsaudioship”)

You should have 2 files with “japanese in the name” like
“general_japanese.mstr” and “general_japanese_patch_1.mstr”

3rd step

The next thing you have to do is rename the files. What im gonna do is add an “_” in front of both files so when u revert back to english language the verification of the files wont delete them.

Switch back to english language under “properties > language”

4th step

After the verification is done go back to the audio folder and remove the “_” in the beggining of the files so it looks like this

now right click on “Apex Legends” and go to “properties”

Under general go to “Launch options” and type “+miles_language japanese”

5th and FINAL step

Now when u run Apex legends the voice lines should be in Japanese but the UI and everything else should be in English. Keep in mind if the game receives an update u might have to repeat the process of updating the audio pack cause the game can keep crashing if you dont.

All you have to do is change the language back to “Japanese” let it update and then do the “_” process b4 turning back to english

Well thats all from me hope u enjoy the new voice lines cause i really like the japanese voice lines over the english ones GL & HF

6th Step (when game gets an update)

If the game itself gets an update u must revert back to the japanese language
Let the game update
Repeat the steps above with adding “_” to ur language files
Revert back to english
And remove the “_” on the japanese files

7th step (if u want to go back to english voice lines)

If you want to go back to the regular english voice lines change the command in the set launch options to “+miles_language english”

What u can also do is delete the japanese files if u want to
