bit Dungeon II Guide

Armor Sets + Weapon Stats for bit Dungeon II

Armor Sets + Weapon Stats


All info i found so far on sites about armor sets and stats of weapons, i put it all together for easier understanding, NOTE: i dont own any of this research, i just want to help ppl that dont wanna search around, i want to say thanks to all that spent time to get this info and if anybody knows something unknow, (marked with ???) plz comment and sry for bad english.


??? – at the start and end means its unknown, not neceserly correct or doesnt exist*

(Grey Items) – NOT MIXABLE
Mage Bonus – Beggar’s Hood / Beggar’s Tunic / Beggar’s Wraps – (16hp / 16 Phase)
Thief Bonus – Thief Hood / Thief Garb / Thief Boots (+16 Dodge / +16 Run Speed)
Bone Knight Bonus – Bone Helm / Bone Cuirass / Bone Greaves – (+16 Parry / +16 Run Speed)

(Blue Items) – NOT MIXABLE
Blue Mage – Pointed Hat / Light Robe / Light Treds – (+16 M.Armor / +16 HP)
??? Blue Thief – Blue Thief Hood / Blue Thief Garb / Blue Thief Boots (+16 Dodge / +32 Run Speed) ???
Blue Knight – Blue Helm / Blue Cuirass / Blue Boots – (+16 Armor / +16 HP)

(Orange “Gold 32 Coin Gear” Items) – NOT MIXABLE
Orange (Gold) Knight – Orange Helm / Orange Cuirass / Orange Boots – Gold Knight – (+16 Parry / +16 Super Cleave)
??? Orange (Gold) Mage – Orange Guise / … / … ???
??? Orange (Gold) Thief – Orange Hood / … / … ???

(Violet “Dungeon Boss” Items) – MIXABLE
Violet Mixed Gear Bonus – Sorcerer – (+16 Magic Armor / +16 Super Magic Proc)
Violet Mage – Hat (+5 Phase) / Robe (+5 Phase) / Boots (+5 Phase) – (+16 Intelligence / +16 Super Proc)
Violet Thief – Hood (+5 Dodge) / Jacket (+5 Dodge) / Boots (+5 Dodge) – (+16 Dexterity / +16 Super Proc)
Violet Knight – Red Helm (+15 Armor) / Cuariss (+15 Armor) / Boots (+15 Armor) – (+16 Strenght / +16 Super Proc)

(Red “Final Boss” Items) – MIXABLE
Red Mixed Gear Bonus – Demon Devil – (+16 Deathstrike / +16 Health)
??? Red Mage – Hat (+5 Phase) / Robe (+5 Phase) / Boots (+5 Phase) ???
??? Red Thief – Hood (+5 Dodge) / Jacket (+5 Dodge) / Boots (+5 Dodge) ???
??? Red Knight – Red Helm (+20 Armor) / Cuariss (+20 Armor) / Boots (+20 Armor) ???

(Black “Light Purple 300 Coin Gear” Items) – MIXABLE
Black Mixed Gear Bonus – The Dark One – (+16 Berserk / +16 HP)
Black Mage – Dark Wizard – (+16 Int / +16 Super Proc)
Black Thief – Dark Ninja – (+16 Super Crit / +16 Berserk)
Black Knight – Berserker Knight – (+20 Armor Gear) – (+16 Stun / +16 Berserk)

(Ramdom “Specil” Items) – MIXABLE
Dungeon Knight Armor – Full Set From Overworld Knights – (+16 Super Smite / +16 Buff)
??? Vampire – Full Vampiric Set + Something Life Steal – (+20 Health Regain) ???


(Grey)/(Blue) Gear
Heavy… = +Str
Swift … = +Dex
Enchanted … = +Int
Blessed … = +Spi
Tough … = +Hp
Deadly … = +Extra Damage

(Gold-Orange)/(Violet) Gear
… of Blood = +Str
… of Thieves = +Dex
… of Madness = +Int
… of the Cross = +Spi
… of the Ox = +HP
… of Power = +Extra Damage

Strong … = +Cleave
Sharp … = +Crit
Magic … = +Proc
Guarded … = +Parry
Agile … = +Dodge
Quick … = +Run Speed

(Light Purple-Black)/(Green) Gear

… of Death = +Str
… of the King = +Dex
… of the Stars = +Int
… of a God = +Spi
… of the Living = +HP
… of the Devil = +Extra Damage

King’s … = +10 Buff
Immortal … = +10 Regen
Evil … = +10 Chop
Vampiric … = +10 Life Steal
Black … = +10 Stun
Demon … = +10 Berserk

(Red)/(Teal Gear)
… of the Titan = +Str
… of the Noose = +Dex
… of the Night = +Int
… of the Sun = +Spi
… of the Hermit = +HP
… of the Accuser = +Extra Damage

Master … = +10 Super Cleave
Hidden … = +10 Super Crit
Archmage … = +10 Super Proc
Paladin … = +10 Super Smite
Thirsty … = +10 Life Steal
Assassin … = +10 Death Strike



Every 5 points in a stat adds 1% chance to do the following:
Strength – Cleave
Dexterity – Critical Hit
Intelligence – Proc
Spirit – Smite

Constitution – adds 5 Health and 10 Stamina
Armor – reduces damage from physical attacks
Magic Resist – reduces damage from magic attacks


Crit – Deal x3 damage
Super Crit – Deal x5 damage
Deathstrike – Deal 10x damage
Cleave – Deal 2x Damage in a small radius
Super Cleave – Deal 4x Damage in a small radius
??? Proc – Deal magic damage on hit ???
??? Super Proc – Deal magic damage on hit ???
??? Smite – Deal x2 Damage. Deals x3.5 Damage when ???
??? Super Smite – Deal x? Damage. ???
??? Chop – Deal x? Damage ???
Life Steal – Restore health on hit. All damaging ‘on hit’ effects take priority over this.
Buff – When activated on receiving damage, greatly increases Armor and Magic Resist
Berserk – When activated on receiving damage, increases attack speed.
??? Parry – Halves damage of one attack ???
??? Stun – Deal ~x1 damage and prevents enemy action for a short duration ???
Block – Block an incoming attack
Dodge – Dodge an attack
Regen – Dodge an attack and regenerate % health
Phase – Dodge an attack and teleport randomly
Run Speed – Gain increased movement speed after moving a fixed distance