A guide to help you get 100% achievements in Art Of Rally. This game is fairly easy to achieve this although the final achievement of completing 1000 stages will take some time to complete.If this guide helped you please comment and rate, I greatly appreciate it! 🙂
Career Achievements
These achievements are all unlocked through career mode. You can also complete some of the other achievements while working towards these ones.
Win your first season
This can be easily achieved in the 1967 season in Group 2. You do not need to get 100% restarts to unlock this. You also don’t have to win both stages but you must come first overall.
Complete all group 2 seasons
RWD Only
Complete all group 3 seasons
Complete all group 4 seasons
Complete all group B seasons
Parallel Universe
Complete all group S seasons
Complete all group A seasons
The final season (1996) takes place over 4 events with 5 rallies in each. This is about 180km of stages and takes just over an hour.
Parking Lot
Unlock all bonuses in career
You can unlock bonus liveries for vehicles by completing seasons without using up restarts. To get this achievement I recommend not restarting any stage you carry out. This is because you will still get the achievements for completing the seasons (it doesn’t matter if you don’t win).
Master Of Rally
Complete the game
Complete all of the seasons in career mode. I will update this when I find out but I’m pretty sure this achievement unlocks when all seasons are completed regardless of the stage wins/restarts percentage. However, it would make sense if this unlocked when all seasons have 100%. Edit: It unlocks when you complete the final season, no matter what percentage.
Online Achievements
Go to online events and complete the daily and weekly events. It doesn’t matter where you finish, just make sure you do finish.
In Like A Lamb, Out Like A Lion
Complete a daily event
Real Roads, Real Fast
Complete a weekly event
Free Roam Achievements
These are to complete in free roam mode. You must get 100% of the collectables to unlock the next free roam area.
Dirty a vehicle to the fullest extent
You don’t have to do this in free roam but I found it easiest to do. You will unlock this achievement while driving around Korkatti Lakes finding the collectables.
The Artist
Go through the paint booth
Located in the spawn area of each free roam map.
Car Wash
Go through the car wash
Located in the spawn area of each free roam map.
Please click the link above to view mrjodicow’s fantastic guide for the location of all collectable items if you need any help finding them. Go show him some love if his guide helps you out!
Find all collectables in Korkatti Lakes
Find all collectables in San Pietro Island
Find all collectables in Kanto Mountains
Find all collectables in Gimsøymyrene
Find all collectables in Mannebach
Damage Achievements
Keep It Tidy
Complete a stage without damaging the car
Just cruise through the stage and make sure not to hit anything. Make sure to choose a short stage to get it over with quicker.
Barely Keeping It Together
Complete a stage with a near totalled car
All you need to do is keep crashing a car as much as you can throughout the stage. It is more down to luck whether you get across the line with near total damage or not.
Get terminal damage
Set damage to severe before starting a stage. You have to kill the car on the first impact to get this. You can’t have multiple crashes and then end up with terminal as the car will not be able to get enough speed to receive terminal damage.
How I Got The Achievement
Custom Rally -> Germany -> Farschweiler R -> Il Gorilla 4S
Drive through a short section of bales at the start. Once you get to the long straight just go flat out into one of the Hinkelstones and you should get terminal damage. If not restart and try again!
This achievement is a reference to the famous YouTube video ‘Samir….You’re breaking the car!!!’
Group B
Finish a race while on fire
Set damage to severe before starting a stage. Crash until your vehicle sets on fire. Then carefully drive to the end of the stage and cross the line. Note: it doesn’t have to be a Group B vehicle, however they are easiest to catch on fire.
Win a rally against master AI with severe damage simulation
I’ve got some good news for ya! You don’t actually have to win to unlock this, just complete a rally with master AI and severe damage and it’ll unlock.
Weather Achievements
You can complete 3 of these achievements back to back if you wish. Set up a custom rally with 3 stages and change the weather of each stage to get 3 of the achievements. You cannot do all 4 because Norway has snow instead of rain.
Night Ride
Finish a stage at night
Finish a stage during rain
Where Is The Stage?
Finish a stage during fog
Finish a stage while it’s snowing
Miscellaneous Achievements
These have no specific category. Some can be very easy and others are long and require more of a grind to complete.
Light Attack
Reach 100 km/h
If you haven’t unlocked this have you even played the game?
Medium Attack
Reach 150 km/h
Maximum Attack
Reach 200 km/h
The first 2 are easy to achieve but this last one is a little trickier. The way I did it was jumping in the Fujin on the German stage Gonnesweiler. There is a really long, fast section at the start of the stage that you can go flat out on. For those racing in MPH the speed needed to unlock the achievement is 125MPH
If In Doubt, Flat Out!
Hold the accelerator for 60 seconds
Go to custom rally and select any stage in Germany. Drive along the stage until you come across some hay bales. Slowing rest the car head first into a bale and then hold the accelerator. The achievement will unlock once you have reached 60 seconds.
Good Drivers Have Dead Flies On The Side Windows
Spend 5 minutes sliding
This is one of the achievements that will unlock the more you play the game.
Spend 5 minutes airborne
This is one of the achievements that will unlock the more you play the game.
You Can’t Treat A Car Like A Human Being. A Car Require Love
Roll 30 times
You can unlock this over time, but if you want to get it out of the way then you can go into free roam and just keep crashing the car so it barrel rolls. You can see your progress on the achievements page.
Bicycle Race
Drive on 2 wheels for 3 seconds
This is actually harder than it may seem. Similar to the 60 seconds accelerator achievement you need to create a scenario to unlock it. Below I have linked a quick guide by Sierra on the quickest way to go about this achievement. Show them some love if it helped you out!
Link To Guide
To Finish First, First You Must Finish
Complete 20 rallies
Just work your way through career mode and this will eventually unlock. You can check your progress of this achievement on the achievement page.
Absolute Drift
Finish a stage driving the original at night in Japan
This relates to Funselektor’s other title ‘Absolute Drift’. If you haven’t tried it out I highly recommend it!
[link]Food Tour: Pasta
Drive an Italian car in Italy
In custom rally or time attack select Sardinia and chose one of these cars
Italian Cars
La Regina
Il Nonno 313
La Wedge
Il Cavallo 803
La Longana
Il Gorilla 4S
Il Monster
Il Cavallo 882
Il Gorilla E1
Il Gorilla E2
Il Gorillona
Little Monkey
Food Tour: Pretzel
Drive a German car in Germany
In custom rally or time attack select Germany and chose one of these cars
German Cars
Das 220
Das 119i
Das 119e
Das Whip
Das Uberwhip
Das Hammer V1
Das Hammer V2
Das Hammer V3
Das Uberspeedvan
Das Eibenhammer
Das Suberbaus
Das Speedvan
Das Hi-Speedvan
Das Cube Van
Comfy Seats
Drive 500km with one vehicle
Complete this achievement with the one below. Whenever you do free roam make sure you drive the Fujin. When you get to the Group A seasons only use the Fujin. You can track how many kilometres you are clocking in the car selection menu.
You’re Here For A Good Time, Not A Long Time
Drive the Fujin for 555km
Same as above, just make sure you use this vehicle at every available opportunity.
If Everything Seems Under Control, You’re Not Going Fast Enough
Complete 1000 stages
By far the hardest achievement to get. Not because it’s difficult, because it’s not, it’s just so looooooooooooooong long. Sorry about that. At the time of writing this only 0.4% of players have achieved this, so good luck! Edit: I have completed all other achievements and am only 25% through this one. It’s a long haul people, get comfy in your seat.