Alien Swarm: Reactive Drop Guide

ASRD easy guide for BRUTAL in 8 player (outdated) for Alien Swarm: Reactive Drop

ASRD easy guide for BRUTAL in 8 player (outdated)


A simple guide on how to select weapons and equimentsand gives you some basic ideas before your first time joining a burtal room


Contents outdated since I haven’t played the game for over 2 years, and there seems to be more weapons added into the game so definitely outdated, still appreciated for viewing this guide :3

I’m not a English native speaker
so i will try to use simple sentences to make everyone understand what I mean
pls~ dont be picky on my grammar as long as you can understand thx

This is a guide partially based on my experience
and Some Very Useful Advices down in the comments
questions and suggestions are welcomed 😀

Brutal is not that hard as long as all 8 players work together.
But the pace of the gameplay is prettly fast, if you can’t follow up, i suggest you not play it then.

You need to at least be Lv 27 to play Brutal.
If you really want to play it at a low Lv, i suggest you be Lv 8 in order to bring freeze grenade.
Medic can bring a telsa with them too !
Tech can use telsa or rifle to help the team


Remove some words because I stop updating Chinese ver.


  • corret some spellings
  • change description :
    grenade launcher
    Medical gun
    Marksman rifle
  • change description
    trip mines
    Incendiary mines
    Damage amplifier


  • change the title of the guide ,and remove the normal chpater


  • makes telsa 5 stars and change description
    also the flame thrower down to 4 stars, and description
  • change some suggestions in the intro

Brutal equipment selection

If a weapon is not in this list , that means that weapon is not good Brutal

There’s no ranking between same rating weapons

  • Telsa ★★★★★
    It stuns multiple enemies, and it does not hurt any of your teammates.
    give team time to react and deal with small group or mobs
    If you only have a telsa, you better stay with teammates with some fire power

  • Minigun ★★★★★
    You will be sorry for your teammates for not bringing a minigun
    the only downside is that you have to spin up before shooting
    SW has piercing bullets ability, which means each bullet has a chance to hit multiple aliens
    ammo conserving (not really) high stopping power V.S. mobs

  • Devastator ★★★★★
    The shotgun itself has over 70 dmg each shot and the fire rate is crazy
    Its a close contact weapon, so people using it may require some skills.
    to me it slows character more than minigun does when holding it
    remember not to carry it when running.
    Ammo may be consumed easily and cannot use minigun ammo box in the map.
    Good V.S. mobs, but may require more ammo and many shots
    and it’s great when you subscribe the AA-12 skin

  • Grenade Launcher ★★★★★
    Recommanded Characters: Crash and Jaeger Sarge
    This gun requires aiming skill and the skills of teammates not blocking you.
    Three characters have explosive boost, which makes the gun more more powerful

    Only Crash has reload bonus, officers using this gun better find safe place to reload

    OP vs mobs, can kill mobs in a sec(not shield bug, it has so much health that you’re just wasting ammo)

  • Medical gun ★★★★★
    I do not recommand amplifier because “damage boost or healing status” is easily confusing
    and the damage boost is not much and a waste of medical ammo.
    If your teammates are moron, this gun won’t last long.
    People suggest that medic can use amplifier in replace of damage aura to help teammate blast the door though

  • Sentry Gun ★★★★★
    Although I give it 5 stars, it is not suitable for a map which has no defense point.
    Try not to let it face toward where the alien spawn
    they are invincible for few seconds before they come out and the turret will just keep shooing.
    Good at defending, useless when running all the time

    Here are reasons why other turrets are not good
    Freeze: cannot freeze mobs of aliens instantly
    Flame: cannot burn mobs of aliens to death instantly, there’s telsa and flame thrower…..
    Cannon: fire rate is slow af V.S. mobs of aliens

  • Chainsaw ★★★★★
    Recommanded Character: Vegas
    only for highest melee boost vegas
    If you burn some aliens first, you can kill them easily with chainsaw.
    OP V.S. small group or burning mobs and tearing down doors

  • Vindicator ★★★★★
    Fire rate not bad, and the damage pretty high (duh)
    Five incendiary grenades, stops aliens for 1~2 seconds on explosion (just like flame thrower)
    but if incendiary grenads did not hit any target when firing, it won’t explode.
    requires high skills to control
    High Damage V.S. small group or tough enemies, not mobs

  • Autogun ★★★★
    Has auto aim, damage is good, not enough stopping power
    This weapon is only recommended for low Lv players
    Good V.S. small group , not mobs

  • Pump Shotgun ★★★★
    Recommanded Character: Crash
    Very high damage, but low fire rate and capacity.
    Crash has damage and reload boost
    you don’t need to do the quick reload and have some high damage.
    Good V.S. 2~3 aliens , not group or mobs

  • Flame thrower ★★★★
    It makes aliens stop for 1~2 seconds, after that they will still punch you
    stop mobs in secs, but not effective, can kill teammates.

  • Marksman Rifle ★★★
    The feature is to pierce through doors to shoot barrel or eggs.
    and it is said to be good if its in the right person.
    I may try it out

  • Ammo Satchel ★★★
    Recommanded Class: Special Weapon
    Just for your minigun or Devastator.

  • Heal Beacon ★★★
    Group heal, good and bad.
    If aliens keep coming, and players don’t run for objective, just wasting ammo.
    Medic using beacon must use it at a right time.
    Group healing, but may just wasting time and ammo if not the right place

  • Combat Rifle ★★★
    A sad weapon, base damage very low for a weapon required Lv 30
    Although the alternate is changed to shotgun, i would rather use assault rifle to kill mobs

  • Prototype ★★★
    Auto aim, Alternate stun grenade, can help team clear some bugs, ammo drys too fast.

  • Assault ★★★
    Just nothing , with a grenade launcher, requires aiming skill, ammo drys too fast.

  • Freeze Grenade ★★★★★
    when surprised by mobs, give them one, or help teammates.
    Not really useful when defending, but good when running toward the door.

  • Adrenaline ★★★★★
    Can save teammates’ struck by alien mobs phobia
    Bastille has drug boost

  • Electric Armor ★★★★★
    immune to infection when active.
    Slows infection when already bitten, but it still hurts.
    Stuns all nearby aliens when active.

  • Incendiary Mines ★★★★★
    The damage of fire wall is so high that it kills an alien instantly on normal,but not burtal.
    it still slows down mobs and does a lot of damage to them though.
    Using it at a wrong time, wrong place may result in severe TK.

  • Trip Mines ★★★★
    Recommanded Characters: Jaeger, Sarge and Crash
    Explosive boost
    Jaeger throws 3 at a time ,while Crash and Sarge does 2
    In brutal, there are too many aliens, so it will be used up too fast

  • Telsa Coil ★★★
    Stuns every alien trying to get through
    but only has 3 and low ammo capacity.

  • Horret Barrage ★★★
    may be used under an urgent situation to kill some bugs
    using it when too close to doors, walls or aliens will get you exploded.
    also only has 3 times to use.

  • Damage Amplifier ★★★
    Can used to tear down door quicker.

Some Ideas you need to know when playing Brutal

The ideal team is to let SW handle both front and behind.
An officer can handle aliens from behind too if his skill is pretty good.
But teammates still need to be on the look out for him in case anything happens

Basically, officer need to stay in the middle or help both sides.
Like, when SW is out of ammo, and mobs are coming at the same time.

Officers need to take care of those burned aliens, they are not dead yet.

Dealing with Situations
  • What if aliens come out from the left and right side.
    Medics and Techs in the middle should burn and tase them and run
    If you can’t, just throw a freeze grenade and quickly pass them.
    SW behind should pass them quickly and keep covering teammates.

    If there are more, keep throwing, the point of equipment is to let you clear the map.

    SW in the front should not turn back unless aliens appear on the left and right.
    and he should know where would spawn mobs.

  • When defending, if there’s a spawn point
    tech with chainsaw or officer with vindicator should take care of it.

  • If you find yourself lost or alone, and mobs coming toward you
    throw a freeze or use flame thrower to burn them all and get back to team.

Things that are forbidden
  • Never be alone, always sitck with your team, its better to stay with a sometimes tk teammate
    than a bunch of aliens squeezing you off

  • Don’t think you’re smart and tough and go first. You’re just wasting Medical gun.
  • Aliens must be killed, don’t leave them there burning and keep running.
    It’s ok when there’s not many of them, but if it’s mobs, pls kill them all and go on.

    But, you CANNOT waste your ammo on some infinite spawn point, once mobs are killed
    player with high fire power should cover teammates, not just shooting endlessly.

  • Typing is forbidden, their speed is fast, and almost every map has a infinite spawn point
    there’s no time to rest.
    Mic is ok though lel