X Rebirth Guide

Asteroid Mining Guide for X Rebirth

Asteroid Mining Guide


Asteroid Miningstep by step

Getting to a shipyard and shipdealer

You needd to head for
Albion » Ascendary » Shadyfault (PMC)
DeVries » Glaring Truth » Darned Hot Air (CT)

and look for this kind of dealer

he sells sometimes Cargodrones too

Buying the right ship and drones

You need a Fedhelm and drones to gather resources
Note Fedhelms don`t need a Player bought Crew

important is that you buy the needed drones too wich are Surface Miner Mk1-2

Mining and drone controll

You will need to get near an Asteroid and hit:
enter » 1 » 3 for mining mode (don`t forget the ship needs to be in a Squad with you)

Then you will need to use rockets or the mininglaser to split the
asteroids into little parts and Tag them.

Select the object you want recovered from the drones and double klick it.
A Little projectile should now start and you shouldnt be able to select that
same debris again.Then drones will come and pick the parts up.
This will take time so buy enough collector drones
