Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Guide

♝Bannerlord largest modifications | Сreated by the community - all links can be found here | 30.03.2021 - last update | (WiP) for Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord

♝Bannerlord largest modifications | Сreated by the community – all links can be found here | 30.03.2021 – last update | (WiP)


A list of largest mods being developed by M&B community devs teams for M&B II: Bannerlord.Last update – 30/03/2021 | Added 4 new mods – 24 total.- 21/12/2020 | Added 4 new mods – 20 total. – 18/12/2020 | Added 8 New Mods – 16 total.The main task of the guide is to tell about projects and to help our community players find modifications of interest to them and links to modifications resources.This is a list of mods planning a total conversion of the game, not a list of mods for changing in native BL version. Modifications for native Bannerlord version – not included!These developers have already proven themselves to be the best among game fans, and thousands of people are expecting the release of their modifications. As a result, the mods will be full-fledged, independent games based on Bannerlord.WiP – Work in Progress.CAT – Closed Alpha Test OAT – Open Alpha Test CBT – Closed Beta Test OBT – Open Beta Test EA – Early AccessRelease – 😉


“Commercial projects” were not (and will not be) added to the list – mods implemented by people, who is not not related to M&B games, to make profit from the game based on Bannerlord.

Not all major modifications, worthy of attention, included in the list, if you want to see your favorite mod in this list – write in the comments.

Main criterions:
Active development. There are not only concepts, but also examples of ongoing work, for example: armor models and textures, maps.
The involvement of the community in the process. Development is not carried out behind 7 doors under 7 locks, and community regularly receives new information on development and “fresh” screenshots/videos.
Availability of resources for obtaining information by the community.

The guide will be supplemented. Small projects from small teams, will be added, as well as new previously unknown concepts.

(Again, this is not a list of native modifications. These are separately developed modifications, which not changes main version of the game, they are built from the ground up, I will delete all questions about it).

List of included modifications

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  • Sword & Musket [Napoleonic wars follower] {WiP}
  • Bannerlord Online [Action/RPG/MMO] {OAT}
  • AWOIAF 2 [AWOIAF successor] {WiP}
  • cRPG 2 [cRPG successor] {WiP}
  • Full Invasion 3 [Full Invasion 2 successor] {WiP}
  • In the Name of Jerusalem 2 [ITNOJ successor] {WiP}
  • Kingdoms [Persistent Kingdoms successor]{WiP}
  • Kingdoms of Arda {WiP}
  • Shokuhō [Gekokujo successor] {WiP}
  • Separatist Crisis [Star wars mod] {WiP}

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M&B II: Bannerlord – Sword & Musket [Napoleonic wars follower]

Sword & Musket is a developing singleplayer and multiplayer mod for Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord which is set in French Revolution, Revolutionary Wars and Napoleonic Wars. There will be a multiplayer section addition to the single player and our first goal is to release the mod with multiplayer.
People in the community have dreamt of and alternative of Napoleonic Wars in bannerlord for sometime now. We wish to maket his dream true with our professional team.


– How’s the project is going?
+ We are preparing some new materials, props, uniforms, models and lately scenes.

– Do you have an estimated for release?
+ We plan to complete it asap but the Bannerlord itself is still in EA, so it will take time. Additionally we have limitations due to some lacks on the modding tools (Lots of crashes everyday). Some needs to be completed by TW so we can finish things properly.

– What time period is S&M set in?
+ 1798-1815

– What nations will be in this mod?
+ United Kingdom, France, Russia, Austria, Prussia – Potentially more.

– Will foreign units be added to major countries?
+ Now this question is under work, at this stage of development it is impossible to give an affirmative answer

– Is there a single-player campaign planned?
+ Yes, however it will be through storyline scenes, not on a world map.

Steam group

M&B II: Bannerlord – Bannerlord Online [Action/RPG/MMO]

Bannerlord Online not only provides a multiplayer experience but provides a complete sandbox experience that is as close to the original as possible.

Complete online experience on the global map

Every squad, battle, bandit hideouts and other events are fully synchronized.
Time doesn’t stop during battles – move around the world, visit cities, trade and fight in the arena while other players participate in battles.
Join existing battles to turn the tide of battle.

Player progression

Starting to play as an unknown character, you will gradually find allies and opponents in this world.
However, each hero now has a real player behind it, not a scripted AI.
Unique perks specially designed for multiplayer, as well as a redesigned experience bar for each skill.

Player controlled economy

The players themselves produce raw materials and deliver them to the workshops while working in the villages.
Workshop owners produce food, weapons and armor, and then deliver a finished product to the market.
The finished product is in demand by military units and serves as an aid in military campaigns.

Of course, the combat system!

Already 1000+ players per each server!
The game cannot be imagined without battles! Now there is support for 100×100 battles, and in the future, the limit will increase to 200×200!
Almost all weapons that are in the original game are supported.
Fight in the arena in cities or engage in real, bloody battles!

Steam group

M&B II: Bannerlord – AWOIAF 2: The Known World [AWOIAF successor]

“A World of Ice and Fire was originally created for Mount and Blade: Warband.
Being developed over a period of 7+ years and with more than 500k unique downloads, we are now bringing the same Game of Thrones universe to Bannerlord”.

Steam group

M&B II: Bannerlord – cRPG II [cRPG successor]

“cRPG was one the most popular multiplayer mod for Mount & Blade Warband. It added a persistent character leveling where you would start as a peasant and develop your unique character with different stats and items.
The first version of cRPG for Bannerlord will feature battles with experience, gold, stats, and the ability to manage your character’s stats and equipment on the website.

Once that is done, we’ll have to prioritize ideas between:

  • Strategus: a multiplayer campaign mode for cRPG (more info here
  • The ability to manage your character’s stats and equipment in-game rather than having to do so on the website.
  • Alternate game modes: Cooperative wave defense vs bots (Defend The Virgin), duels, siege, competitive 4v4 battles, …
  • Custom combat mechanics.
  • Integrate Elindor’s mockups for the website (Elindor who made the banner)”.

(Mod will not be updated on Moddb)

M&B II: Bannerlord – Full Invasion III [Full Invasion 2 successor]

“After spending 4.5 years improving Full Invasion 2, the team responsible for Full Invasion 2: Amber, Full Invasion 2: Amber 2.0, and Full Invasion: Osiris is planning to bring the Invasion experience to Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord with Full Invasion 3!

While making previous versions of the mod, we were always severely restricted by what was possible within Warband. Especially Osiris, for which we started over from scratch, ran into a lot of issues with Warband’s boundaries, restricting us to a smaller set of factions, a limited amount of bots, design limitations, and more such issues. The way things are looking, Bannerlord will allow us to really get our creative juices flowing, so we have some rather radical ideas, which I’ll explain further in this post! I’ll start with the headlines:

  • Two gamemodes rather than one: Siege and Survival. While Survival plays much like the tried and tested Full Invasion experience, Siege offers more of a mix between the standard siege mode, that sees players cooperate against a continuous assault of bots trying to capture a defended location with siege equipment.
  • Return of the equipment system without gold: players will be able to pick their own equipment with a set budget, and can unlock stronger classes either individually or as a team.
  • Individual skills: players can improve their weapon skills, much like in singleplayer, by fighting bots or helping the team. Better skills allow players to unlock stronger classes, and improve their performance on the field.
  • Hero classes return: divided among the tiers of troops, heroes are a different way of playing that focus more on excelling at certain skills without being able to improve them.
  • Defender faction-less servers: Servers only choose the gamemode, map, and invasion. Players can pick classes from any faction to join a server with (and can change while playing). Servers can optionally limit the faction and class selection for immersion/event purposes.

These are just the quick headlines of the design we have in mind for Full Invasion 3. We have thought out each of these ideas into quite a lot of detail, which we will elaborate on in the future.

Steam group

M&B II: Bannerlord – In the Name of Jerusalem II

“It has been a hundred years since Crusaders took over Jerusalem. As time passed, grievances and struggles aroseupon the Eastern Mediterranean.

Two kings of Jerusalem died soon and after. Guy of Lusignan took the throne through royal marriage and was crowned King of Jerusalem. Meanwhile, Saladin in Egypt and Syria rises up as he prepares to reclaim the sacred city of Jerusalem. The Frankish domain in the Holy Land is at stake; while another Crusader state, Principality of Antioch, decided to stand aside from this conflict.

Wallowed in his power, Guy was blinded by personal greed. He could not tame powerful houses under his command due to lack of prestige and strategic mind compared to King Baldwin IV. As the head of warlike lords, Raynald of Châtillon, who thirsts for renown from war; started carrying out provocation. At the end of A.D. 1186 (A.H. 581), he led an army from Castle Karak and assaulted Saladin’s caravan, murdered guards and looted valuable goods. Such action led to the end of the truce, as Saladin got an excellent excuse to wage a new war against the Kingdom of Jerusalem.

In the North, the geo-political order of the past begins disintegrates. Since the death of Basileus Manual I, the hegemony of Imperium Romanum started to collapse. In the Balkans, Serbians began leaving the subjection from the Empire and moved towards independence; Bulgarians rose up again with Cumans and started raiding in the region of Thrace. In Anatolia, the threat from Seljuks has been weakened because of internal struggle among maliks over the sultanate. But Turkmens from the East are still harassing the imperial borders constantly. Furthermore, the favor of luck starts shifting toward the Principality of Cilicia Armenia in the corner of Anatolia.

It is the year A.D. 1187 (A.H. 582). A new era is about to break the interminable night before dawn. Who can ever determine their fate?”

Steam group

M&B II: Bannerlord – Kingdoms [Persistent Kingdoms successor]

“Following the release of Persistent Kingdoms, an open-world Warband mod that was designed to improve the PW experience, our team decided to undertake the next project of bringing that type of a mod to Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord. With new designs in mind and the changed structure of our team, we’ve only thought it be appropriate that we deviate away from the “Persistent” name and focus on bringing a mod to life that will answer our wishes and the wishes of our community without the restrictions the “Persistent” name would put us under in terms of expectations.

We have the “Persistent” type of module in our minds but with many new design & gameplay changes. The increased moddability & modding tools will open up a world of possibilities for us which we intend to utilize as much as possible.

What is Kingdoms?

  • Kingdoms is an upcoming multiplayer mod for Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord. It is our intention to create a medieval open world with:
  • Different classes that allow for further customization.
  • Factions, wars and sieges.
  • An intertwined economy that influences the turn of events in the world.​
  • A resource gathering & crafting system.​
  • An array of optional immersion systems to allow for extensive roleplay scenarios.​

We realize that this is a very shallow description of the features but it is all that we can offer at this point. Stay tuned for more updates!

Steam group

M&B II: Bannerlord – Kingdoms of Arda

Kingdoms of Arda is a Singleplayer & Multiplayer total conversion of Mount & Blade II Bannerlord, that brings the world of Tolkien into the game. This includes: characters, locations, weapons etc. from The Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, Silmarillion and other works by Tolkien and media made for his universe.

Planned Features:

  • Middle Earth Campaign Map
  • Multiplayer
  • Story Mode: Play as your favourite characters in scenes from the books and films
  • Many New Factions
  • Custom Map Icons & Custom Scenes
  • Known Lords and Characters from LOTR, The Hobbit and other works of Tolkien
  • New playable races: Elves, Dwarves, Dúnedain, Orcs, Hobbits, Goblins, Uruks
  • New creatures: Trolls, Ents, Mumakils, Wargs and many more
  • New Music and Audio
  • Many New Troop Trees and Mercenaries
  • New Weapons, Armours and Mounts
  • LOTR related Banners
  • New Companions
  • New Quests
  • Custom LOTR locations
  • New siege equipment
  • Many new features not seen in the native game”

Steam group

M&B II: Bannerlord – Shokuhō [Gekokujo successor]

The year is 1568. In the far aftermath of the disastrous Onin War and the in-fighting of feuding clans across Japan, turmoil is rife and has turned the lands into bountiful prey for all rungs of society from the likes of Uesugi Kenshin right down to the masses. Common mobs have flocked to the banners of the Ikko-Ikki, a rebellious movement opposing the rule of daimyo. Yet in Owari, Oda Nobunaga marches on Kyoto, threatening the Shogunate and bringing the Ashikaga to its knees. From abroad the distant seas, the Portuguese nanban, barbarians from the west, have brought the spread of Christianity and new technologies from afar.

You have been thrown into the Sengoku Jidai, the Warring States era of Japan. In your hands lies the power to craft your own destiny. Whether you take up a sword or brush in hand, it is up to you to carve your own path in Japan’s history and make a name for yourself, be that through cunning foxery or brute force.

The age of the Country at War beckons to you; will you answer her call?

Steam group

M&B II: Bannerlord – Separatist Crisis (Star wars mod)

A single-player experience, paired with coooperative play and multiplayer. This mod aims to be the standard-setting Star Wars mod for Mount and Blade II: Bannerlord. Featuring six unique storylines, 100 diverse planets, and a massive amount of equipment will keep you intrigued your entire playthrough of the mod. We don’t aim to re-create the Star Wars mods for previous Mount and Blade games, we fully intend to surpass them, in terms of scale, features, and overall quality!

Steam group

List of modifications from the 18/12/2020

  • M&B II: Bannerlord – Burning Empires {WiP}
  • M&B II: Bannerlord – IMPERIUM {WiP}
  • M&B II: Bannerlord – La Commune de Paris {WiP}
  • M&B II: Bannerlord – North&South: First Manassas {WiP}
  • M&B II: Bannerlord – Project: Korea {WiP}
  • M&B II: Bannerlord – Silmarillion {WiP}
  • M&B II: Bannerlord – The Old World {WiP}
  • M&B II: Bannerlord – Three Kingdoms {WiP}
  • M&B II: Bannerlord – 1217 AD {WiP}
  • M&B II: Bannerlord – Jedi Knight – Legends From The New Republic {WiP}

M&B II: Bannerlord – Burning Empires

“It has been over a millennia since the birth of Rome.
As the city grew from a collective to a republic and finally into an empire, its reach is vast and territory expansive. However, it all threatens to come undone by chaos inside and outside its borders. Civil war is not a strange occurrence to Rome, but the Empire has grown too large for one man to fully govern it, so it is ruled by two brothers: the nervous Valens in the Eastern provinces and the volatile Valentinian the Great in the West. Barbarians continue to threaten Rome’s stability and future. Saxon raiders have reached Britannia’s shores in search of plunder and glory whilst the Picts cross Hadrian’s Wall and the Scots depart Hibernia to pillage Roman lands. The Alemanni cross into Gaul and the Goths have reached Thrace in search of safety. Leading his Berber supporters, Firmus the Usurper revolts in the rich province of Mauretania against Imperial authority, eager to control it’s resources and populace. Discord and mistrust with Quadian tribes culminates in the death of their King, leading enraged hordes to cross the Danube to devastate Pannonia. As more and more Goths pour into Thrace, they bring with them tales of an unknown horde coming from Asia…
Will Rome weather these crises, or will she crumble?”.

Steam group

M&B II: Bannerlord – IMPERIUM

“Imperium is a single & multiplayer mod set during the reign of Claudius been a total conversion”.

Steam group

M&B II: Bannerlord – La Commune de Paris

“As the Prussians enveloped the city of Paris, the French government moved its capital to Tours. Due to the retreat of the French army the only defenders left were members of the largely socialist Garde Nationale. When peace with the Prussians was reached the French were forced to disarm their army. However, the Garde Nationale remained. On the 18th of March, 1871 the working people of Paris, with the help of the Garde Nationale, established the Commune de Paris. What will become of these revolutionaries? Will they’re candle of freedom be snuffed out by the overwhelming might of the French government, or will the echoes of socialism turn all of France red?”.

Steam group

M&B II: Bannerlord – North&South: First Manassas

“The United States of America – in the Year 1861. The Union and the Confederate States of America are at War.
Both sides fight in the biggest war on the american continent: The American Civil War 1861-1865!

The modification tries to features most of the Regiments that participated during the war.
The Unit list for the first Release will contain the same Units that are available in the Warband Version of this modifaction”.

Steam group

M&B II: Bannerlord – Project: Korea

“Project Korea aims to complete item packs and multiplayer mode from the Three Kingdoms Period to the Joseon Dynasty, at least as many items as those from the Joseon Dynasty. This is aimed at at at least using our mode to ease the burden if domestic or overseas users attempt to create a mode of our country’s background or a mode of our country’s emergence in future generations”.

Steam group

M&B II: Bannerlord – Silmarillion

“Silmarillion is a total conversion modification for the game, Mount&Blade; II: Bannerlord. It is going to be based on the famous books of J.R.R Tolkien, Children of Hurin, Beren & Luthien and Silmarillion. Project will feature events, characters and locations from the lore within. It is being developed by the maker of Sevenheart and a veteran modder who worked in countless projects. Mod will feature the entire world book takes place in and will feature unique gameplay mechanics, creatures and races alike”.

Steam group

M&B II: Bannerlord – The Old World

It’s a group of new modders, streamers and youtubers, who are currently working on creating a Warhammer mod for Mount and Blade Bannerlord 2. “Our goal is to recreate the Warhammer world at the time of Karl Franz’s ascension to the throne of the Empire. This is done to allow you, the player, to encounter as many lords and heroes as possible!

The factions that we are planning to have available to you on release are the Empire of Men, Dwarfs, and the Vampire Counts. This will be our starting point for the mod from which we will continue to expand and include more parts of the Old World and its related factions.”

Steam group

M&B II: Bannerlord – Three Kingdoms

“A Singleplayer & Multiplayer Mod for Mount & Blade II Bannerlord, which brings the world of the Three Kingdoms Period in Ancient China”.

Steam group

M&B II: Bannerlord – 1217 AD

“This mod is inspired by the mod Anno Domini 1257, but will have several important differences:

1. The mod will be more focused on North Western Europe
2. The mod will go into large levels of detail for the settlements (England alone may have 300+ settlements if the game can handle it)
3. The mod will focus on making a more interactive and immersive environment for the player (Not to discredit 1257 AD)”.

Steam group

M&B II: Bannerlord – Jedi Knight, Legends From The New Republic

Jedi Knight – Legends From The New Republic is an upcoming MP mod. It is planned to take advantage of Bannerlord’s modding capabilities in order to create a captivating MMORPG. Inspired by the older titles of this series and Quake, it will be a character centric hardcore open world combat experience (quite a stretch). Uh, imagine Battlefront, 2xJedi Knight and The Old Republic in a mixer.
Players can create their own custom characters via a variety of options such as species and background.
While everyone could potentially learn Force abilities, it will be a drag. And not the only option of gameplay.
Become a Bounty Hunter, an Imperial Agent, a New Republic Mechanic… it will be up to the players to shape their destiny.
Each game will reward players possibly with super-rare gear out of a huge selection, which they can use to further develop their personal character.
Bannerlord’s features such as crafting and skill development will be adjusted accordingly”.

Steam group

List of modifications from the 30/03/2021

  • M&B II: Bannerlord – Lands of Agrios {WiP}
  • M&B II: Bannerlord – True Troy Project {WiP}
  • M&B II: Bannerlord – Mare Nostrum {WiP}
  • M&B II: Bannerlord – SOON {WiP}

M&B II: Bannerlord – Lands of Argios

Is an pre-early stage total conversion in development. Bringing an all new map, factions, races, armor, weapons, and all other kinds of new and original content to Bannerlord. Currently managed by a small team of three. We are always looking to expand the team, otherwise, we’ll be releasing contently slowly, and hope you enjoy.

Steam group

M&B II: Bannerlord – True Troy Project

True Troy is a highly ambitious historical total conversion mod for mount and blade bannerlord. This mod will be adding a new world map, units, cooperative multiplayer campaign with new stories and dialogue more advanced economic structuring. This is all set back in ancient Greece and will contain a story mode where you can play an abounded of character sucks as ajax Hector of troy Paris of troy Helen of spartan and Achilles feel free to check out our discord and twitter, for more info.

Steam group

M&B II: Bannerlord – Mare Nostrum

Mare Nostrum is a total conversion of Mount & Blade II : Bannerlord
inspired by the ancient times of our history, mixing ancient Egypt,
classical antiquity and early to late middle ages.

This mod is not historically accurate and will include low fantasy items/architectures/characters.

– Discord?
– Coming soon.

– What are you working on right now ? Are you working on models?
– I’m mostly working on general background, 2D artworks, maps, concept arts, troop trees, encyclopedia, character names, clan and city names… Actually making some models for practice but waiting TaleWorlds to release modding tools and information about their process (so I’m sure I’m doing everything right and not wasting my time).

– Can you explain the chronology gaps between your factions?
The mod goal is to mix different great eras, from 1500BC to 1000AD. Obviously, it won’t be timeline accurate.

Steam group

Huge and major modifications for native Bannerlord (Section In-work)

  • M&B II: Bannerlord – Coop Campaign {WiP}
  • Soon

M&B II: Bannerlord – Coop Campaign

The Bannerlord Coop Campaign will bring you a truly sandbox campaign, allowing every player to be on their own and act on their own. Wanna team up and conquer Calradia under one banner? Sure! Wanna get a bunch of friends together and see who can defeat the other and have Calradia all to themselves? Sure! Maybe just have a complete sandbox game and let your actions and impulses drive the story your creating with your friends? Of course! Your campaign, your way, and now with your friends.

Steam group


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