Nioh 2 – The Complete Edition Guide

Bare-Hand High DPS Build Setting for Nioh 2 – The Complete Edition

Bare-Hand High DPS Build Setting


There’s an option that you can play with Bare-Hand.You need a proper setting and spells. I’ll show you how to do this without being a meme.

1. Introduction

If you’re interested in most efficient build, I’d like to recommend to find another guide about “Splitstaff” or “Fist”. Those weapons are great weapons. This guide is showing how to use the bare-hand as a practical way. Also this build is for the expert users. I don’t recommend this as an easy and efficient cheese build.

Bare-hand build is one of the most late contents. It’s a strong build and also quite funny to play with it. You will need a lot of skill points and items to play properly. Playing as a bare-handed need a lot of knowledge of this game, especially the enemy’s attack patterns. Not like “Fist” weapon, the Bare-handed has nearly zero block property. You must dodge, not block. You could block a single attack but it will cost a lot of your HP and stamina. You need to cast a spell to use your bare-hand. Without this spell your attack is nearly nothing. Also you need a specific grace equipment. I’ll show you how I use, even in the multiplayer game.

2. Showcase video

This video shows DPS of the bare-handed build and a special moveset.

3. What you need

– Equipment

6x Tajikarao’s Grace ( 1x Weapon(Fist) 2x Range 2x Acc )
4x Onmyo Warrior’s Armour Set ( without Helmet )
1x Wild Boar Crest helmet
1x Accessary with “-1 set requirement”

– Transfer Equipment

1~5 Glove with a Transfer Option “35% Bare-Handed Attack Damage” ( on Max Familiarity )

– Scroll

Constitution 150
Magic 150
Anti Yokai
Anti Human
Way of Ruthless ( If you want to play safely, Ravenous )

– Good to have

Melee Damage Vs Zero Ki
Melee Damage Vs ( Purified / Corrupted / Any element )
Melee Ki Damage
Sloth on Onmyo Hit ( Accessary )

– Stat

Constitution 150
Magic 150
Stamina 50
Heart/Strength/Dexterity for your preference ( in my case, I use the Fist weapon )
Skill 100+

– Skills

Samurai – Hand of the Death `~3 , Fatal Fist ( up to 100 probably )
Onmyo – Talisman of the Fist

* “Bare-Handed Attack Damage” option and “Melee or Active skill Damage” can’t co-exist on same equipment.
* You can apply Bare-Handed Attack Damage Up to 735%+ with 7x Tajikarao’s Grace and 5x Armor piece and Samurai skills

4. What to do

1. Fist on your main weapon slot / bare-handed on your secondary weapon slot
2. Cast the Talisman of the Fist, then debuff your target.
3. Block and Dodge with your main weapon until you find the right attacking moment.
4. On your target’s recovery or vulnerable moment, swap to the Bare-hand and attack your target.
5. Switch back to Fist for a better block and dodge property.
( Sloth on Onmyo magic is good option with lightning debuff. )

You must cast “Talismas of the Fist”. Without this your bare-handed attack will nearly apply no damage on your target.


1. Kick has faster motion than the fully charged Iai quickdraw, but it has a higher dps than it.
2. If you stop the punch attack before the next combo, you can persistantly attack your high dps jab on your target.
3. I don’t often use the one-two punch. I rather use the kick instead of it. Choose wisely your type of attack. If enemy’s recovery is short, just punch it single time. If you’re not sure, just perform single punch until you find the right moment to kick it.
4. Not like another High DPS weapon, you can stop your attack immediatly and dodge anytime you want. Trying to find a proper moment that you can kick your enemy.
5. Counter attack time is not same as “Timely Guard” it’s almost exactly right before your enemy’s hitbox touches your hand.
6. Ultimate Skill with Mid-Stance may allow you guard safely with “Ki Pulse : Man”. it’s an optional but not that much practical to spend 150 stat point.
7. Skill / Strength stat increases bare-hand base attack.

5. Good luck

With Bare-handed attack, you can push your limit much harder. It’s another type of the high risk high return like critical build. ( Also you can mix with the critical build if you would like to die often. I’d recommend to be more realistic. You’re already bare-handed. ) Good luck!