In this guide i will attempt to show you all the item and collectible locations between all the maps.I do suggest trying to find everything yourself, but if you’re stuck or can’t find the item, feel free to look at whatever you need.The game still has a bit of a problem with item counts, so some numbers might not match.As of one of the patches this is now easier to do since you get the chicken locator but sometimes it’s still hard to find something so here is where you can look.
First section i will explore will be the Pawn shop itself.
Right away, when you wake up you can look in your cabinet above your bed and find a part of the comic:
In the back of the shop you can find a wall skin in the trash container:
Behind the garage, you can find a floor skin:
You can find a golden toilet paper on top of the pawn shop, to get to it you need to jump on the storage container, where all your items are after you finish a level, you jump on top of it and then sprint to the small roof, then you get to the top of the roof and grab your golden toilet paper:
As of patch 2 there have been added 2 dig up sites at the pawn shop:
1. Morg racket – can be dug up behind the garage:
2. Blues crow (guitar) – can be dug up by the fence at the front of the pawn shop:
Story related items:
You can find a key in the drawer in the room to the left from the main entrance near Mr. gustav:
1.Right as you go in the barn, you can turn to the left and find the first item – Mr. Gustav:
2.,3.From the entrance to the right you can find 2 more items – A TV(Pony 14) and a chair(Roydaver chair):
4.Through the next door on a shelf you can see a statue of a cat(Sunny cat):
5. In the corner of the big back room you can find a yamaha body:
6.On the shelf next to the body, you can find a black magic manual (I have seen 2 spawns for the book on my playthroughs if you can’t find it there then it may be on a shelf left from the main entrance):
7.Next item can be found when you take the board off the back door, and then to the right, behind some boxes you will find a high five wolf:
8.If you turn back you will see a ladder, which you can climb on and find a Sherly love(the doll):
9.If you turn around you will see the naughty stag, which you just have to jump across to get:
10.Last item can be found outside the barn, near the windmill, right from the main entrance:
To get the golden toilet paper, you have to do a little bit of parkour, to get on top of the silo you can jump on the hay bales already set up, right to the roof(If you have destroyed them, you can try to build up a platform for youself). After you get on the roof all you have to do i jump to the silo and you got the TP:
If you don’t have any more things to climb up on you can do a bit harder of a jump on the side of the barn, you need to jump on the white cupboard then on the shelf then on the roof:
1. The wall skin can be found behind the windmill, right from the main entrance:
2. The wall skin can be found at the back of the barn on the bottom of a shelf
3. You can find moonshine at the back of the barn on top of a shelf, from that you will get a poster:
4. You can find a poster at the back room of the barn, after removing a curtain(trash):
5. You can find another poster in the small room left from the main entrance, after removing the curtain(trash):
6. You can find a comic book page Nr 3 on the 2nd floor, right next to the bed:
Story related items: you can find a fuse in the trash can between the cabinet and the table in the first room, which you later place in the fuse box and enter the next area:
1,2. Right at the start you can see 2 items on the table – a Yamaha engine and a levy benz(tire):
3,4,5,6. On the 2nd floor down, you can find a shelf with 3 items and 1 more item close to it, on the shelves you can find 1 coilover (H.TED), 2 rims (gunmental rzx) and close to the shelf a tire (levy benz):
7. Big car(hard to miss):
8,9,10. You can find 2 of these items on the shelf after the car – 1 wheel (dog leak) and 1 radio (Einner radio) and you can find 1 more item on the table – a front bumper (Jack 7)
11,12. You can find these in the corner, besides the car, there is a Yamaha front wheel and a fuel pump (kolonial):
13. You can find a tire on the 3rd bottom floor, next to a poster:
14,15,16. You can find 3 items in the last room – a frog (Amadeus), a broken TV (Mikkon TV) and an engine (Daemon V8):
To get the golden toilet paper, you have to have an axe, first you go to the end of the map, opposite of the truck, it is located behind 2 dumpsters, where you need to clear 1 trash curtain and destory wood:
1. Floor skin – This is located between a cabinet and a shelf on the 1st floor:
2. Poster 1 – Right next to the floor skin, on the wall you can see a poster of a horse:
3. Wall skin – You can find this on the 2nd bottom floor in a corner:
4. Poster 2 – You can find this on the 3rd bottom floor, and it is right next to a tire:
5. Comic book page Nr.7 – You can find this in the last room, on the shelf:
Story related items:
First, you go into the first house and go up the ladder , across the platform and you will see a key:
After that, you can find one part of the puzzle in a tollbox in the garage:
Next part will be in the 2nd house, left of the 1st house, the 2nd puzzle part will be an engine, which will be under the table:
Then you go out the back and put them both in the elevator and claim your prize:
1. Painting (Pawel, the wise), in the 1st house, on the wall above the bed:
2. Stove (Lukefire stove) located on the 2nd floor of the 1st house:
3. Computer (Lemon Buck) located in the 1st house on the 2nd floor, oposite side of the stove:
4. Helmet (Gjerbunga Elm), located in the garage, on a shelf, behind some trash:
5. Book (My husband is a horse), located in the 1st house, between the house and the toilet, through a cracked plank:
6. Oil lamp (Wild oil), can be found left of the 1st house, near the agent and the fireplace, besides a barrel:
7. Toilet (Johnier flush), can be dug up, on the path from the 1st house to the 2nd one, on the path, doesn’t count to the progress, but can be picked up:
8. Mikko console, located in the 2nd house, right from the entrance, behind a curtain, inside the cage:
9. Deko box, located left from the entrance in the 2nd house, behind some trash aswell:
10. Mister fox, located in the 2nd house, in a cage:
11. Cofee machine? ( – ), can be found on the table in the 2nd house:
12. Microwave (Bring waves), on the 2nd floor of the 2nd house:
13. Butch the champion (Mission item), found on the 2nd floor in the 2nd house:
14. Chair (Red passion), found on the little dock, behind the 2nd house:
15. Film stand (Bobek stand), can be found on the path, right from the 1st house, in the middle of the path:
16. Golden pitchfork (Mighty hand) can be found behind the toilet near the 1st house, needs to be dug up, doesn’t count to the progress:
To get the golden toilet paper, you need to go left from the 2nd house and you will see a small tree parkour course, on top of which is a golden toilet paper:
1. Comic book page Nr.5 – can be found in the garage, on a shelf in the 1st house:
2. Poster 1 – can be found in the 1st house, in the garage, near the electric box, behind some trash, on a wall:
3. Poster 2 – can be found in the 2nd house, in a closet:
4. Floor skin – can be found near the film stand, near a stairway up:
5. Wall skin – can also be found near a stairway up, just the other one:
6. Moonshine – Gives a poster – can be found on the little deck behind the 2nd house:
Story related items:
To get to the backyard you need to get the keys, and to get the keys, you need to go up to the 2nd floor, lockpick the door and take down the luna the dog painting and behind it you will find the keys:
After that you can go outside to the seesaw, get it to where the topside is facing the house and then jump on the ladder and get the clock:
1. Pet family – found on the kitchen counter:
2. Book (Living among pigs) – found in the bathroom:
3. Car (The roadtoaster) = found in the garage, behind a tarp, need to buy a lockpick to get all the items in the garage:
4. Red cyclone – found in the corner of the garage:
5. Galebo trumpet – found inside the white cabinet in the garage:
6. San harry – found in the other corner of the garage:
7. Topsky taste – found in the garage on the table:
8. Raven leader – found on the 2nd floor, in the hallway:
9,10. – Zauder january (cabinet) and Luna the dog, found on the 2nd floor, in the room:
11,12. – Lemon white and lemon arc, found in the closet:
13. – Xenix 9mm (gun) – can be found in the backyard, on the box:
14. Hot foot – found in the backyard, on the right side:
15, 16. – Scarlet boar(necklace) and final fish (vase), can be dug up from 2 piles in the backyard, don’t count as progress:
17, 18. – Housewife manequen and insomnium bang (clock), can be found in the attic of the house:
To get the golden toilet paper, you have to go up to the 2nd floor and pull down a level, which is located on the side of the white cabinet in the room, then the closet door will open and you can go inside and claim your tp:
Poster – The poster is located in the batchroom, above the toilet:
Wall skin – The wall skin can be found in the garage, on the other side of the car:
Floor skin – The floor skin is in the dumpster, behind the auctioneer:
Story related items:
At the start of the map, when you go to the big house, you need to unlock the door, and the key is under the carpet:
Next key can be found in the 2nd floor, in the 2nd room, in the white cabinet:
Big house basement: if you go around the big house you will see a basement entrance, you just break the lock with your axe, go down, jump on the box, and turn off the electricity:
Once you get to the 2nd island you need to find 3 parts of a totem, you can get the 1st piece by walking down the path to the left and sticking to it, you will see a chest, which you have to unlock and inside will be your 1st totem part:
To find the 2nd totem part, you have to walk down the left path a bit more untill you reach a stone pathway, which is to the right, you go on it untill you see a hole covered in vines, you break the vines and you will see the totem piece in the box inside:
To find the 3rd piece, you stick to the same normal path and you will see a cave to your right, you need to enter it, look up and you will see a totem above you:
Then you go back and place all the totem parts down and you enter the big cave, where you just parkour across and you now have your mission item
1, 2, 3. – In the living room of the big house you can find a globe(Other world), keyboard(Lemon magic) and a vase(Black Sea):
4, 5. – In the same room you can find a plant status and a chair (Jacobean wood):
6. – You can find a fertility mask inside a container under the stairs:
7. – You can find a 9 fingers knife set on the kitchen counter:
8. – In the bathroom, you can find a washing machine:
9. – On the 2nd floor in the 1st room to the left you can find a globe (Planet ameryka):
10. – In the 2nd floor hallway, you can find a painting (A stinky house) behind some trash:
11. – On the 2nd floor, in the 2nd room to the left you can find my ball in a closet:
12, 13. – If you go around the house you can enter a basement, where you just have to break the lock with your axe, jump on the cardboard box and turn off the electricity, then you can grab 2 more items – A vase (Golden destiny) and a film roll (Bobek tapes):
14. – If you go all the way right on the 1st island, you can find a circus base:
15, 16. – On the dock, near sebastian, you can find a fishing pole (Ducky spin) and a chair (Roydaver chair):
17. In the boathouse, on the 2nd floor, behind some trash, you can find a blue joystick:
18. – 2nd island —– When walking down the left path, taking a right from the totem pole, you can see 2 tents, after which you can find a small hole with a vase (Perfect day)
19. – Frog fire – can be dug up in the start of the big cave, doesn’t count as progress:
20. – Warriors mask – can be dug up, left of the big cave, doesn’t count as progress:
21. – Rubek locator (Main mission item) can be found in the middle of the big cave:
22. – The ostrich (axe) can be found behind the waterfall in the big cave:
23. – James Fuerte (hat), can be found on the lever switch, where you exit the big cave:
To get the golden toilet paper you have to get into the big house and open the 1st door on the 2nd floor, where there are 2 windows – 1 normal and 1 boarded, you can break the boarded window, crouch through the window and get up on the roof and get the golden TP:
Poster 1 – Can be found on the 2nd floor of the boathouse, behind some trash:
Moonshine – Gives you a poster, can be found on the balcony of the boathouse, on a table:
Wall skin – Can be found on the 1st floor of the boathouse, in a corner:
Floor skin and comic book page Nr.2 – Can be found on the 2nd island, walking from the pole straight, to 2 tents, where in each is a floor skin and 1 comic book page Nr.2:
Story related items:
To progress all you have to do is parkour across to the bridge and 2 croc taxis, get into the 3rd house and grab the key in the extra room:
The tree house is found a little bit to the left of the main door of the 3rd house, you will see a ladder, which you can climb up, then you can go inside and grab the main item
1. Hellstorm preasure tank – can be found in the 1st house on a shelf:
2. Pet family – can be found in the kitchen in the 1st house:
3. Florentino brothers – can be found in the kitchen, on a little shelf in the 1st house:
4, 5. The honor (crossbow) and morg racket, found in the room to the right in the 1st house, the crossbow is under a bed:
6. Blues crow (guitar) can also be found in the room to the right in the 1st house:
7, 8. Dog leak (wheel) and kosmo helmet can be found in the 2nd house, on shelves:
9. Iron rhino body – found in the 2nd house on a table:
10, 11, 12. Fugio dagger, goat sacrifice(bowl) and jessica(doll), found in the 3rd house on the table:
13. Jacobean chair – found in the 3rd house:
14, 15, 16, 17. – Can be found in the tree house, left from the 3rd house main entrance, in the treehouse you will find these items – Moses(crocodile)(main objective), table(rulander), statue(Sir phillipson) and a cup (goblin courpse):
18. If you go around the house you will find a door that’s covered in vines, you need to destroy the vines, open the door, break more vines, and you will get a fat king coin:
19, 20. Around the 3rd house you can find a 3rd croc taxi, which you can take to a small island with a campfire, you go there, then jump across to the next small island and then you will see 2 more items – a ducky spin(fishing rod) and a big machine – thief of ganja:
21. My ball – Can be dug up by the car, doesn’t count as progress:
To get the golden toilet paper, you have to get to the small island with only a campfire, if this is your 1st time in scary swamp, if you are returning then you can go to the other small island with a tent and hop on the croc there, you just have to wait for a croc to swim past, jump on him, and he will lead you to the golden TP:
Floor skin – Can be found in the 1st house’s bathroom, where you need to activate a switch:
Poster – Can be found on a wall in the 2nd house:
Wall skin – Can be found in the 3rd house:
Story related items:
To get to the main item, first you have to get in the small castle like building and turn the statue like shown on the little statues near the big one, once you turn it right, the chest will open and you can find a key inside, then you proceed to the vined gate, break the vines, open the gate and jump across to the next area, then you need to find 3 pieces of the statue – the head(in a cage) and both the arms( 1 on a table[I had a problem with the right arm where i had not seen it and just destroyed everything around it and it just disapeared somehow, so be careful about that and pick it up in advance] and the other one needs to be dug up), then you place them on the statues, turn them as shown in the small statues, then the big chest will open and you can claim your prize:
1. Right from the start, you can turn left and see a shack, in which you will find the party killer(megaphone):
2, 3. In the main building, you can find a goblin corpse(cup) on the table and a battery(bobek body) on the floor:
4. Jumbo and Marcello can be found on a small shelf on the 2nd floor of the main building:
5. Umbrella kit, can be found on the 2nd floor in the 1st house:
6. From the left gate, going straight, you can find a grave, which you need to destroy the top of and you will find a cinema action:
7. Levy benz (tire) can be dug up near the right gate, doesn’t count as progress:
8. Tammatus, can be found near some studio equipment and chairs, when coming from the left gate, turn right and go straight to some graves:
9. Tony bunny, can be found coming from the gate, straight, can be dug up, doesn’t count as progress:
10. Zomkie arm 1 – can be found in a small building near the bunny, behind some trash:
11. Zomkie arm 2 – can be found in the small castle , on the left:
12. Guitar (blues crow), can be found in the small castle . on the right ,behind some trash:
13. Spotlight (Crystal spot), can be found on the left from the gate, in a small building, near the green screen:
14. A bit more forward from the spotlight, you can find LED 1000 , behind some trash:
15. Axe (The icon), can be found at the side of the castle, near the back entrance:
16. Zomkie arm 3 – Can be dug up, near the back entrance of the castle, doesn’t count as progress:
17. Sword (The Terror), can be found on the backside of the map, in a corpse:
18. Director chair (Top Nose), can be found on the backside, up the little ladder:
19. Red joystick, can be found in the castle, from the back entrance to the left:
20. Umbrella kit, on the right side:
21. Right side, from the main castle room, you can find LED 1000:
22. On the right side as well, you can find a megaphone(Party killer), behind some trash:
23. Iron rhino door, can be found on the left side from the main castle room, behind some trash:
24. Shirley love – You can find the doll behind a cracked wall, in the castle:
25. Horseman armor(Main story item), found inside the last grave, after competing the puzzle:
To get the golden toilet paper, you have to go to the backside of the map, where you can find 2 graves on the left side, you need to jump on one of them, then on the other one, destroy the grave top and some planks, and you got it:
POSTER – Can be found in the shed, left from the spawn point:
Moonshine – Gives a poster, can be found on the 2nd floor in the main building:
Wall skin – Can be found in a small building going left from the gate:
Comic book page Nr.9 – Can be found in the backside of the map, on the platform with a ladder:
Floor skin – Can be found in the small area with the 2 statues, on the left side, behind a grave:
To start the story line you can go to the right of the barn, up to a path where you need to destroy some rocks to get into the bunker:
Then as you go along the bunker, you will find a bunch of keycards, which i will post here:
Orange keycard, behind a wall:
Blue keycard in a box inside the orange keycard room, need to jump on a pipe to get to it:
White keycard in a container in the blue keycard room:
Yellow keycard under the sofa:
Green keycard in one of the no keycard needed rooms in a vent:
Red keycard in the yellow keycard room. on a shelf:
Pink keycard in the green keycard room(kitchen), in 1 of the cabinets:
After all that, you can use the red keycard to exit the bunker, then you can find a key in a container, behind some trash, to exit the mineshaft:
1. Roydaver chair – Can be found in the front of the barn, outside:
2. XT 100 guy – Can be dug up in the backyard, in the gated area, doesn’t count as progress:
3. The Mccorn tractor – Can be found in the backyard:
4. Jacobean wood(chair) – Found in one of the open stalls:
5. Hat (Adventurous) – Found on the skeleton, in the barn:
6. CFJ mixer – Found in one of the stalls with a sliding door:
7. Mixter fox – Found on the balcony, chilling:
8. —–BUNKER—– Jackal sanders – found on the shelf, near the entrance:
9. Bobek lens – found on a shelf, in orange keycard room:
10. Nikita cutter – found on a shelf in orange keycard room:
11. H2O booster – found on the floor in orange keycard room:
12, 13 – zebaroo, found on a shelf and hellstorm backpack, found on the floor in the orange keycard room:
14. – Judgement day – Found in the blue keycard room, in a corner, behind some trash:
15. – Whitehill table – Found in the white key room, near the sofas:
16, 17. – Coca cola stand and a vase (samurai turtle), found in a corner in the white keycard room:
18. – Fiu Fiu (guitar), can be found in a vent in one of the no keycard rooms:
19. – Overwood memories(typewriter), in the same room as the fiu fiu, on a table:
20, 21, 22. – Found in the kitchen room – 9 fingers knife set, break style (toaster) and coffe machine (black saviour):
23. – Hyperman (Main mission item), found in the toilet (Pink keycard room), in the 3rd stall:
24. – Kosmo backpack, found in the mineshaft, in the minecart:
25. – H2O booster – can be dug up near the mineshaft exit, doesn’t count as progress:
26. E5O Hyper – can be dug up on a path from the mineshaft, doesn’t count as progress:
To get the golden toilet paper, you have to get to the end of the level, in the mineshaft, opposite direction of the exit from it, where you break the planks and parkour to the golden toilet paper:
Comic book page Nr. 6 can be found in an opening at the electrified room at the start, just gotta destroy the lid:
Floor skin can be found in the orange keycard room, on a bottom shelf:
Poster can be found in the shower room in the bunker:
Wall skin can be found in the green keycard room(kitchen):
To get to the actual ship, you first need to step into the bathroom and press on the toilet paper:
Start of the 1st floor, on the 1st room to the left you will find a keycard on the table, which you later use to pull one of the levers:
On the 2nd floor, you can climb up on a ladder, then turn off the electic box and the electricity will go down. There is a switch on each floor, just gotta turn them all off:
Then you can go down and a stairway down will open:
Then you gotta press the switches in the right order to turn off the forcefield:
Then you get the mission item and you can leave:
1. First aid kid – On the right on the bottom floor, in small pods:
2. Lilka pad – In one of the closets on the 1st floor, 1st room to the left:
3. Zippo and ming – On the table in the same room:
4. Death ray body – On a shelf in the same room:
5, 6. – You can press a switch right from the door and some items will drop – a Nikita cutter and an H2O booster:
7. Zebaroo- on a shelf inside a box on the 1st floor:
8. Iron rhino handle – On the table on the 1st floor:
9. Red cyclone – In the bathroom on the 1st floor:
10. High Phillipson – Hard to see, but it’s in a pod on the 1st floor:
11. Nikita cutter – 1st floor, up the ladder, on the side:
12. Nitro hercules – 1st floor, up the ladder, all the way at the end of the walkway:
13, 14 – 2nd floor, 1st room to the left, you can find a bring waves microwave and a kawa stand:
15. – Smart boozer – 2nd floor, near the table:
16. H2O booster – found in one of the pods on the 2nd floor:
17. Mikko tank – When you turn all the switches, you open the basement floor, where it can be found:
18. Buguswood chair – On the basement level, by the console:
19. Fusion 6 (Mission item) – In the basement level, after rescuing the alien:
20. Lilika pad – Basement level, left from the alien’s chair, in a small pod:
21. Nitro Hercules – Can be dug up outside on the top right side, doesn’t count as progress:
You can get the golden toilet paper, you need to turn all 3 switches off so the basement stairway opens, then you just go to the 1st floor, turn a switch and grab it:
Comic book page Nr. 8, in the toilet on the 1st floor, need to go to the further stall then break the trash and go through the vents:
Floor skin – Behind some trash on the 1st floor, up the ladder to the left:
Moonshine – gives a poster, can be found on the 1st floor, 1st room to the left, on a table:
Poster 1 – 1st floor, room to the left, on a wall:
Poster 2 – gotta turn off the force field, go to the 2nd floor, jump to the middle, then down the wires and grab the poster:
Wall skin – basement floor, behind the aliens chair:
At the start, you have to turn off an alarm with a switch found on the pillar:
Then you can press a button to go either up or down:
After you get to the 2nd floor, you need to find keys to get into the kitchen, which are located in a clostet, flip a switch and then you can go to agent agent’s office:
When you get to his office, you can find a keycard under some trash on the table, which you then put in the scanner and then it opens the water pump staion door:
Then you go into the water pump station and flip switches, if you can’t get all of them green, then try to get all the switches to the start position which is this:
Then you can switch the levers in this order : 3 4 5 :
After you get the water pumps done, you go outside the room and go into the next pipe, on the same floor, in the middle, then you go down it and you will find the taste station, where you need to put 3 ingredients in the right tanks, and then it’s done:
After this you can go back to the moonshine door and then you gotta do this puzzle:
You just flip the switch so it stays in the middle, while pressing the button, which is said and shown on the screen, when you’re done you will see the moonshine, you can grab it and leave:
NOTE – There is a small area in the 2nd floor, where you can get up with some tricky parkour, but all you will find up there is some tables, chairs and some trash:
1, 2, 3, 4. – 1 Yellow gut (helm) , 2 Blue X (helm) and 1 Iron arden:
5. 1 more yellow gut(helm) outside the container, between cement and boxes:
6. Electrip cooker – Found in the kitchen:
7. Black savior – Found on the counter in the kitchen:
8. Juice me machine found outside the kitchen:
9. 3TPU chair, found inside agent agent’s office:
10. Another Iron arden opposite of agent agent’s office:
11, 12. – Death ray tank in the closet and a Kosmo suit in the middle:
13, 14. – 3TPU chair and KJ30 laptop, in the VIP AREA A living room:
15, 16, 17. – Milky Ocean(vase), Whitehil table and The legalizer(plant) in the VIP AREA A:
18. – Johnler flush – In the VIP AREA A toilet:
19. – Green medicine(plant) – In the VIP AREA A bedroom:
20. – Hellstorm Trigger – In the water pump staion on a shelf:
21. – Another Johnler flush in the VIP AREA B toilet:
22. – Guindong lamp in the VIP AREA B bedroom:
23, 24, 25. – Alpha eye (tv), black sugar(table) and light bright (lamp) in the VIP AREA B living room:
26. – Tony bunny – can be dug up on the 3rd floor, doesn’t count as progress:
27. – Jessica – Can be dug up on the 3rd floor, doesn’t count as progress:
28. Priest of Jayna – Found on the 3rd floor, on a table:
29. Moonshine ( Mission item) found in the moonshine section of the map, after you’ve brewed it:
You can get the golden tp on the 3rd floor, where there are already boxes set up, on which you can jump on and get across and get it:
Wall skin – can be found in the container at the start of the level:
Poster 1 – Agent agent’s office on the table:
Floor skin – can be found in the VIP AREA 1 in the living room:
Comic book page Nr.3 – can be found on the 3rd floor under a bench:
Story related items:
So when you start the mission, you gotta buy the barn and then you can enter it, first thing you can do is break some boxes right from the main entrance and you will find a room, where you can find a key inside, which unlocks another door to the basement:
All you gotta do now is click on the electric spark and enter the ship, then you can just go in a straight line to the main objective, which is to give the aliens their moonshine, and after that you need to find the mission item, which is on the left side door in the 2nd room, all the way down and to the other side of the room, up a ladder, and you will find it on a table:
1. You can find my ball in the backside, outside the barn:
2. 202 Tasio, can be found in the room right from the main entrance, on a table:
3. VU TV, found on the 2nd floor of the barn, on a shelf:
4. The final dance(painting), can be found in the basement, on a shelf:
5. A Perfect day(vase) can be dug up behind the red container, outside:
6. —-THE SHIP—The sabertooth(sword), is found in the spaceship, 1st room, right side in a closet:
7. God Barney – Found on a table at the start of the ship[Added in patch1?][Randomly appeared in my 3rd playthrough][Also there seems to be a globe which i haven’t noticed on the table to the left]:
8. Joe manure , found on the left side of the 2nd room:
9. Blues crow(guitar) found by an alien in the middle top part of the 2nd room:
10. Iron arden, found on the right middle side in the 2nd room:
11. The mad dog(axe), found on a shelf on the right side in the 2nd room:
12. XT 100 guy, found on a shelf in the left side room in the 2nd room, at the end of the hallway:
13. KJ 30 laptop – found on a table in the 3rd room:
14, 15. – Einner radio and Pony 14(tv) – found in the 3rd room, one on the shelf ,one on a table:
16. Hellstorm tanks – found in the 3rd room on a table:
17. H.TED found in the 3rd room on a shelf:
18. CAR – space ship – found in the middle of the 3rd room:
19. Dimension slicer (main objective) – found in the 3rd room, up a ladder, on a table:
The golden toilet paper is located in the barn, to get to it you need to parkour up to a plank and then up to the toilet paper, to do this you can jump on the already arranged boxes on the 2nd floor or if you’ve destroyed them, you can just jump from the shelf:
[WARNING] Try to leave atleast something so you can climb on the ledge since it is possible but hard to do the jumps neseccary. If you have no objects left then just jump and crouch when your in the air.
Wall skin – found in a container, behind the barn:
Floor skin – found in the ship, on the top right side of the 2nd room, near a pillar:
Comic book page Nr.4 – found in the disco room, behind the table:
Poster- found in the 3rd room, behind a shelf where you found the radio:
To progress the story you first need to lockpick the main barn door, then you can go to the right, open the sliding door and you will see a key in the pigs mouth:Then you can open the door to the right of the pigs room, and go up and get the vacation tickets:
Then you can go outside, go to the lake, jump over to the furthest platform, break the ice and get the thicc boi:
1. Ornolf horns – can be dug up, right side of the barn, doesn’t count as progress:
2, 3. – Tony bunny and party maker(keg) can be found on the left side of the barn behind some trash:
4. Super mantanza (candelabra), can be found on the shelf in the middle of the barn, behind some trash:
5, 6, 7, 8. – Jack 7 (front bumper), 2 tires (Levy benz) and sugar rush (car) on the right side of the barn:
9. The ostrich (axe), can be found in the right side of the barn behind the sliding door room with the pig, on a box:
10. Pet family can be found in the same room ,behind some trash:
11, 12, 13. – Death ray cannon, shirley love and vacation tickets(Don’t count), on the 2nd floor of the barn, up the ladder:
14. Einner radio, on the 2nd floor, inside the locked container:
15. Gunmental rzx – can be found on the 2nd floor:
16. Dark knight. found on the left side behind the sliding door, can jump in from the outside:
17. Thicc boi (corgi)(main objective) – found on the furthest platform in the lake, under some ice:
18. Bheng shield, can be dug up near the lake, doesn’t count as progress:
19. [Last one] God complex (drill), found on the top shelf, left side of the barn:
To get the golden toilet paper, you first need to get 3 keys – a red one, a blue one and a silver one, of which you can find the red one on the roof, besides the dancing alien, inside a box:
You can find the silver key inside the snowman, outside:
And you can find the blue key on a dead body on one of the lake platforms:
Then you gotta jump down the well, insert all the keys in the container and you got it:
Wall skin can be found behind the blue box inside the barn:
Floor skin can be found on the 2nd floor of the barn, behind some trash:
Comic book page Nr. 10 can be found inside one of the bathrooms outside:
The poster needs some tricky parkour, so i will include a video on this one:
TO UNLOCK THE DLCS – You have to talk to the guy sitting on the auction table outside your pawn shop and he will say that you need to find some moonshine. To get the moonshine you just buy the
bee smoker (NEW EQUIPMENT) and pacify the bees on the top side by the big silo, and then inside you can find the moonshine, then you just need to talk to the guy and a cutscene will appear.
The location of the moonshine, there will be a treasure chest there:
To just complete the story you have to do the music box puzzle, which is easily done by looking at the records on the walls. BEWARE THIS COSTS 1$ The answer is here if needed:
Then just enter the portal right from the music box:
Then just pick up the book and you can leave:
There are keys to the right container on the kitchen table, not really for the story but they are there for one of the items:
Yellow: in the toilets in the sink
Red : in the portal room on a shelf
Starting from outside
1. Mikkonom (triangle shaped object) left side outside on a table:
2, 3. Collonial (gas tankers) outisde in front of the diner:
4. DG drum kit outside on the right side by some speakers:
5. Mikkonom DIGGABLE BUT COUNTS on the right bottom side of the map:
6. DG bass guitar outside behind the barn by some crates:
7. Pet family behind the barn between the containers:
8. Judgement day (gas container) behind in the caged area behind boxes:
9. MIKKO electric piano inside the right hangar (key in the kitchen):
10. MIKKO trombone right side from entrance on the table:
11, 12. Cawa stand and cola cola stand right side from the entrance:
13. DG bass guitar in the leftmost toilet:
14. MIKKO’S cat home left side from entrance:
15. MIKKO electric guitar on a pillar on the left side from entrance:
16. Express coffee machine on the counter inside:
17, 18. Gimme your money (cash register) and gum ball dude (gumball machine) on the counter inside:
19. XT 100 GUY (vacuum) on the shelf in thje kitchen:
20. Toy bunny inside the fridge in the kitchen:
21. Mikkonom inside on the table:
22. MIKKO burger recepie (book) right in front of the spawn location in the portal room:
23. Topsky taste (record player) on the left side of the teleporter to the outside behind some boxes:
24. MIKKO synth on the talbe on the left side room:
25. MIKKO mic on the shelf in the portal left room:
jump from the big sign to the roof:
OR behind the barn you can do a little parkour:
26. DG bass guitar on the right side of the roof from the front:
27. Galebo trumpet on the little roof at the front:
GOLDEN TP is located on the big sign outside, just climb the ladder then grab it:
Wall skin is located on the roof on the big sign in the middle:
Floor skin is in a garbage bin outside behind the barn:
1. Left container outside behind the barn:
2. Behind the barn on the wall inside the caged area:
3. Front side of barn by the entrance:
4. Inside the leftmost toilet by the guitar:
5. On a pillar inside:
6. Inside behind the counter on the wall:
7, 8, 9. Inside the left room in the portal room on the wall:
To get the story item you need to find 3 blood oranges which can be located on the island where you need to build a bridge to [need 50 wood], the blood oranges are located at the end of the island, at the top of the island and at the bottom of it, you can identify them by the bees flying around them:
Then you can go to the right side bridge and take honeycombs from 3 bee hives:
After you get all 6 items you can return to the leftside hut and do the puzzle, first do the blood orange puzzle and peel them:
Then insert the 3 honey combs in the barrel and press the button and the honey will be done:
1. Super maracas outside the left hut:
2,3,4. Morg racket, stinky house and beekeepers guide book in the hut on the 1st floor:
5,6,7 Break waves (microwave), camping grill and break style (toaster) in the hut in the kitchen area:
8. Toy bunny in the toilet in the hut:
9,10 Beekeeping suit hat and green medicine (plant) on the 2nd floor in the hut:
11. Light bright on the 2nd floor in the hut:
12. Morg racket under the bed on the 2nd floor:
13. Golden destiny (vase) behind the hut in a patio:
14. Deko box diggable behind the hut:
15. Samurai turtle (vase) digable at the start on the island:
16. E05 Hyper inside the box on the island:
17, 18. Ducky spin and beekeeping suit body on the island:
19. Joe manure on the island behind a bush:
20. E05 Hyper on the island digable on the top part:
21. E05 Hyper in the walkway on the island:
22. Levy banz (tire) right side from entrance near the hut:
23, 24. Levy benz (tire) and H.TED on the left side of the right hut outside:
25, 26. Nikita cutter and zebaroo inside the right hut:
27, 28. Beekeeper suit gloves and party maker on the right side building after the bridge [NEED KEY]:
29. Party maker (keg) right side of the right hut after the bridge:
30, 31. Samurai turtle (vase) and Original Djembe (drum) at the end of the right side island:
32. Beekeeping suit boots near the beehives:
33. Honey jar [MISSION OBJECTIVE]:
GOLDEN TP: Can be found on the left side island where you need to build a bridge, at the right side of the island, inside a tree, where you need to destroy some wood planks:
POSTER: inside the left side hut on the 2nd floor:
Floor skin – under the left stone bridge:
Wall skin – inside the left hut after the right side bridge, you need to break some planks blocking the window and then jump inside:
MOONSHINE – in the right side hut after the right bridge [NEED KEY]:
Story: To get the story item you need to find 3 horseshoe schemetics and then use them in the windmill to get the horseshoes it selves, then you go to the top floor of the house and do the puzzle [ I don’t know if it’s bugged or what but i could open the case and grab the mission item itself by not doing anything]
Horseshoe shematic locations:
1. In the broken barn on the 1st floor:
2. In the normal barn on the 2nd floor:
3. On the 2nd floor of the windmill:
Then you go down to the 1st floor of the windmill insert all the schematics and put in the right cogs, the one closest to the machine is small, the next one is medium and the furthest one is large:
Then you need to go and complete the puzzle SOMEHOW.
1,2 Party maker and MIKKO’S cat home on the 1st floor of the broken barn:
3. MIKKO unicorns breeches on the 2nd floor left side:
4,5 San Harry (table) and gunmetal rzx (disk) in the big circle field DIGGABLES:
6. Joe manure top left room:
7. Lightning MIKKO’S saddle 2nd room on the left:
8. Joe manure 3rd room on the left:
9, 10. MIKKO unicorns vest and gunmetal rzx on the 4th room on the left:
11. Gunmetal rzx in the field DIGGABLE on the right:
12. Lightning MIKKO’S saddle 2nd floor of the normal barn:
13. Unicorn in the big circle building:
14. MIKKO unicorns shoes in the dumpster in the parking space:
15, 16. Samurai turtle and golden destiny (vases) on the opposite side of the lake:
17. Levy benz (tire) behind the windmill:
18. Mikko unicorns gloves on the shelf in the house:
19. Stylish lamp in the billiard room on the left:
20. Sir phillipson in the bathtub:
21, 22. Iron iron and quickshot machine in the laundry room:
23-28. Too good for you (chair), caffine table, Unicorn TV, lazy lamp, toy bunny and let’s rock (chair) in the living room:
29, 30. My husband is a horse (book) and family table near the kitchen:
31, 32. Break style (microwave) and black saviour (coffee machine) in the kitchen:
33 – 37 Gold dude, red passion (chair), rulander (table), my husband is a horse (book) and living with pigs (book) in the main objective room:
38, 39, 40. Steve Koskins painting, caffine table and too good for you (chair) in the same room:
41. Mikko unicorns helmet 1st room to the left:
42, 43. Rocking horse, my little horse toy in the 2nd room to the left:
44, 45. Too good for you (chair) and steve koskins painting in the middle room on the 2nd floor:
46. Xenix 9mm gun behind the house under the steps:
47. MIKKO’S cat house in the windmill top floor:
48. Horse rider trpohy main objective after completing the puzzle:
GOLDEN TP – To get the golden tp you have to pass through the hedge maze, i will tell you the dirrections, they should be – ahead-right-left-right-go to bees-ahead:
floor skin – can be found in the pony barnhouse, in the 1st room on the left:
wall skin – inside the big house, 1st floor in the room wihich is in the billiard room, planked up:
moonshine – in the middle of the horse runway:
1. Room opposite of the stairs in the house:
2. In the kitchen:
3. 2nd floor of the house, on a wall:
4. 2nd floor 1st room to the left in a closet:
5. 2nd floor 1st room to the left on the wall:
6, 7. 2nd room to the left:
7,8,9,10. In the middle room on the 2nd floor:
THE ONLY UNIQUE THING IN THE BID WARS IS THE CAR but you can’t get it since the game doesn’t register the fact that you have bought all the auction places so you just can’t get it.
I’ve retried this many times but still nothing.
There is a secret room behind the closet if you can’t find it.
Also in the bee auction place there are usually items in the walls and in the floor.
As far as i am aware, these are random, so all of the the loot is random as well. The only similar thing is the storage container placement and the grand prize – the car/boat. The golden toilet paper that you see when you try to leave is obtainable in later storage wars, not in the first one.
I suggest buying all the cointainers on all the storage wars anyway.
As far as i am aware, these are random, so all of the the loot is random as well. The only similar thing is the storage container placement and the grand prize – the car/boat. The golden toilet paper that you see when you try to leave is obtainable in later storage wars, not in the second one as well.
I suggest buying all the containers on all the storage wars anyway.
In storage wars 3 you can finally get the golden toilet paper, it is located in the storage auction closest to the basketball court, you just gotta buy it, go inside, go down the ladder, break the vent, and it’s yours:
You can unlock this level by looking at the hawaii cutscene. Most likely added after the publishers announced thir next game – Summer Camp. Would’ve done this faster but didn’t know that it was released.
Story – to get the item you must get 3 scouts badges – atletics, camp managment and bigfoot sightings.
There is a key on the table in the shack to the right, didn’t really notice where i used it but it’s used for one of the shacks:
Now for the badges, the first one is the athletic where you just need to beat the obstacle course:
2nd badge is the tent building one, where you need to build the tents in order like this:
3rd badge is for taking 3 pics of bigfoot, to do this you need the camera part, which can be found in the warehouse shack, in a corner behind some boxes:
The first camera is on top of the scouts house:
Second camera is located right side from the lakeside, on a path, on a tower:
Third camera is on the left side of the riverside:
Then you can go to mr grey and get all 3 badges and then you can turn them in in the middle and grab the packback:
1. Roy chair – on the side of mr greys shack:
2,3,4. [MR GREY’S OFFICE] Mikkotalkie on the shelf, typewriter (Overwood memories) on the table, VU TV on the shelf :
5. Scout mannequin trousers – behind the stands by the track:
6. Scout mannequin torso – in the obstacle course by the clear wood pole (accidentaly picked up):
7. Mikkotalkie – on the tower, right side from the lakeside:
8. Camping grill – on the dock by the woman:
9. Blues crow (guitar) on a bench by the tents:
10,11. [WAREHOUSE] Medkit on the shelf, gunmetal rzx (rim) on a shelf aswell:
12, 13. colacola stand in the cave under warehouse, topsky taste (disk player) in the same cave:
14,15,16. [SCOUTS HOUSE][/b ]Scout bungle (trumpet) in the locker. yellow guts (helmet) on a bunk bed, black magic manual (book) on a shelf):
17,18. [DINING HALL] Candlebra (Super Montaza) on the table, camping grill on a shelf:
19. [BATH HOUSE] Scouts mannequin legs in one of the stalls:
20. Scout mannequin head – top of the pillar by the start:
21. Tuckers scout backpack – story item:
22, 23. Don’t count [diggable], right side from the tower (compass), right side from the spawn (canteen):
Golden toilet paper – in the cave in the warehouse building:
Poster – in the dining hall:
Wall skin – by the dock, at the end behind some planks:
Floor skin – behind the bath house:
When completed you can find another poster in the main place (pawn shop) by the side of your bedroom, outside:
If you have any suggestions, tips or anything that can help others find all the items and/or collectibles or anything i missed, fell free to comment about it.
I’ve done 4 full playthroughs now and i think i’ve gotten everything there is to find, if you see something that needs to be there then feel free to comment down and i’l look into it!
I will do the dlc aswell, once it comes out.