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When you start this game you get 3 days free premium this gives you:
PORTAL SKILL (This allows you to save 5 places and teleport to it at any time including Maidens (Rogues/Assassin/Thief get a skill called Secret Lair which allows you to save only one spot but its free!)).
FREE TELEPORTATION BETWEEN MAIDENS (Even without premium it doesn’t cost that much)
+10 QUESTS IN QUEST LOG (I have never needed 30 quest slots even at low levels where I had 18 quests at one time, even with dailies (I will go more in depth into the dailies later on).
Pets are utility centric as in they do nothing but pick up drops for you they do require you buy SIlver/Gold Magnet Collars from Cash Shop, they have a durability called Charge, 1 Charge = 1 drop picked up (Pets are not worth the trouble having other than aesthetics you can easily just pick up the drops yourself with spacebar).
Mounts again are utility centric they offer increased movespeed as well as various stat boost such as attack or health, they require Mount Feed from Cash Shop, Crusader/Dark Knight can get Mounts that do not require food for 300G from Ricker in Varlone City he is in the centre square off to the top right and from Ronda in Iris out of the South Gate of Varlone, these Mounts only give movespeed bonus (Mounts are semi useful for all classes as the buffs from them last for 1 hour even if you dismount, only the classes I mentioned can do mounted combat). You can also use Grass Chewing Gum which gives you 20% Runspeed for 15 minutes, you can get it from a daily quest or dropped from monsters (its rare to get a drop), you can also buy it from the Market fairly cheap.
A Mount and a Pet can be bought from an NPC (Head of the Merchant Guild) to the south of city square in Varlone City.
Reales can be bought from Market for 10-14k gold per Reale, 10x Mount Feed is 29 Reales and last for 1 hour each (290-406k for 10 hours of extra buffs, which you totally dont need if you are just PVMing although it would be useful), Silver Collar 2000 Charge is the same 29 Reales. You can get 100x Mount Feed for 269 Reales and Gold Collar 9000 Charge for 99 Reales. This is on the EU Maragorne Server.
You have 14 slots for each type of item they are split into Equipment, Expendables, Loot and Crafting Items. You can store excess/rare items in your Warehouse which has 27 slots available accessible at any Maiden. The 2 Bags that get full fairly quickly are Expendables and Loot but once you learn what you should keep and what should be sold to NPC or put on the Market you won’t have too many bag problems.
ALL Equipment in the game can either be bought from NPCs, Crafted, Dropped from Monsters, Found in Dungeons (Marked by a Cross Shaped Grave Stone with Blue particle effects, these are mostly personal so you will not be able to sell them on the Market) or bought from Players via the Market.
Item improvement is done through Alchemists you will know the NPC is an Alchemist because they will have an Alchemical Cauldron next to them which is used to craft recipes. Philosopher Stone Chips are used to upgrade C Class Equipments only, Philosopher Stone Shards are used to upgrade B and A Class Equipments. Ashkalot Cubes can be used to upgrade any item while reducing its cost and protecting it from breaking (there is a daily to get these cubes), Cash Shop items can help in your upgrading but if you start using those before level 40 you are just wasting your money.
Sealing is EXPENSIVE, this allows your equipment to gain extra stats quality of seal is as follows from worst to best Green/Blue/Purple/Orange. Emeralds are used to seal C Class Equipments, Sapphires for B Class Equipments and Morions for A Class Equipments. Crystal Vessels can be obtained through a daily quest, this item can be used to grant you Blood Crystal which can be used to place a new seal on an already sealed item (The current seal will be DELETED and a NEW seal put on). Emerald, Sapphire, Morion and Crystal Vessels can be purchased from Master of Enchantment outside of Academy of Magic Varlone City bottom right of map. Cash Shop items only help to alter the seals already on the equipment or to allow the lowest quality of Blue to be added.
There will be many dailies but the two worth mentioning are Caustic Acid (This nets you 3 Ashkolot Cubes for 50 Caustic Acid) and Green Slime (This nets you 2 Crystal Vessels for 50 Green Slimes), you can take these quests soon after you hit level 20 from the Message Board in Varlone City centre to the bottom right. You can also get a free Emerald along with 2 Potions from Protecting the Vegetable Garden from Pests taken from Connor Barr in Elgore. You can bring up available quests by hitting the M or Q key and clicking the Available Quests tab top right (You will need to bring up the map and click this tab and quest to see where to go for it each time you lose your way).
You will gain resting bonus experience if you are not on your character for more than 8 hours to a max of 20 hours this works on all quests and monsters you gain experience from will be doubled till it is depleted.
Cards are rare drops from monsters which can be given to Bella for Insignia’s of Distinction or sold on the Market. Various items can be bought from Sella for Insignia’s of Distinction including PREMIUM TIME as well as a few things that can be bought in Cash Shop which includes Decorations that give +5% Health. They are both located in centre court of Varlone City to the northwest. You can also gain Insignia’s of Distinction by PVPing in PVM/PVP areas Rewards are given monthly and you must be in the top 20 PVPers.
Most loots are used for crafting, C Class Equipments are 100%, B Class 80% and A Class 60%. Flax is important in crafting you find this randomly by digging up plants. Ores are also found scattered around areas and as you progress through the game you will find the higher quality ores, digging ores also gets you Anthricite. Elum is obtained through Equipment that you put in the Splitter, the higher level the Equipment the more Elum you will get, Red Elum comes from Weapons, Blue Elum comes from Clothing (Armor, Headgear etc), Green Elum comes from Accessories (Rings, Amulets etc). So keep those Equipment drops! if you plan on crafting (Crafting gets you personal gear with slots, the same as Dungeons). WARNING keep all Gem drops if you do plan on crafting as they drop rarely and are used in recipes at high levels. Some Crafting Recipes can be bought from NPCs inside of PVM/PVP areas, they require you gather Elenium nodes which will give you Alchemical Runes with which to buy the Recipes. Recipes also drop from monsters. You can find all the machines necessary for crafting/splitting at the east side of Varlone City, SPECIAL NOTE the Elenium Converter requires Alchemical Runes to change 1 material to another.
Pushing A on your keyboard brings up a Menu with Battleground, Arena and Store (in the Center, Blue button), You can join Arena 5 times a day to earn Blood Tokens which in turn can be used to buy from the Arena Store to improve your prowess vs other players, there is also a Mount and Pet as well as various potions.