Battle Chess Guide

Basic control and menu options for Battle Chess

Basic control and menu options


About the basic game control and all menu options.

Basic control

First, you need to press ESC key on title screen in order to enter the game.

Then you will see a 3D chessboard.

Click your left mouse button (LMB) to select the chess piece and move it.

Click the same chess piece again to deselect it (or click RMB) .

Hold your right mouse button (RMB) to open the game menu.

Move the cursor on these options, release RMB to select them.

Disk menu

It includes five options:

Load Game

Load your saved games.

Select a name from list, then press ENTER key.

Save Game

Save your current game.

Type the name of game, then press ENTER key or click the Done button.

New Game

Open a new game.

You will receive a confirm message.

Setup Board

Setup the chessboard to your preference.

When you are done, hold RMB to open a sub-menu.

Clear Board: Clear all pieces on the chessboard.
Restore Board: Return to default.
Done: Save your work and return to current game.


Quit the game. You will receive a confirm message.

Move menu

It includes four options:

Force Move
Force your rival to move quickly if you are waiting too long.

Take Back
Take back your last move. Need to click it twice.

Repeat your last move.

Suggest Move
The computer’s AI will tell you how to move in the next step.

Settings menu

It includes three options:

Toggle the game’s music (only in title screen) and SFX on/off.

Select 3D or 2D chessboard mode.

This is a 3D chessboard:

(A major problem in 3D mode is the move speed of pieces. They are too slow, especially for castle)

This is a 2D chessboard:

Red and Blue
Select the color type of you and rival.

Human: Select a human player. It means you or another person in the same room.
I.B.M: Select a computer (AI) player.
Modem: Select a network human player (via modem). Sorry I don’t know how to set it.

Level menu

You can set the difficulty and limit time of game.