Rome: Total War™ – Collection Guide

Basic Cwb Rome Guide for Rome: Total War

Basic Cwb Rome Guide


Now That I sucker’d you into clicking My Guide. I am gonna be talking about the basic Cwb Rules.. And how to improve slightly your fighting style from realistic expectations. So you never fall back on your sword and let your opponent walk all over you.


Now That I sucker’d you into clicking my Guide. My Name is EmperorWolf. I Recently just got my 301st Victory,To celebrate, I thought I’ll make a small guide on how to be succesful uisng a Roman Army in a Regular Cwb battle. First off let’s lay down the foundation. We all know that a Real army was comprised of mostly infantry and archers and 1/8 cavalry.. throw out all the realistic ideals out the window. We are playing a simulation of acient history not direct correlation between real life and the fantasy.

The Basics Of Cwb.

So now we have that out of the way. Let’s talk about cwb basic rules.
only 6 of a single unit “Type” meaning only 6 urbans or 6 legionaires “Doesnt mean only 6 urbans and you cant have any other infantry”. max 8 cav but 6 of a single cavalry type, so you can have 6 praetorians and 2 legionaire cav or 5 praetorians with 3 legionaire cav. Max 2 Horse Archers doesnt count Jav Cav. No Art so no onagers.. No Elephants Except if the host allows numadia to have some. 2 Bersekers Max.. and 8 archers max. again same type rules for cav. Jav skrimishers dont count as archers. Well thats all for basic rules for Cwb. Which is the most popular game type.

Army Comp

Now i must stress this idea into your head bring archers. They are very important to any strategy you may have planned. They are the back bone, They do most of the early killing and may serve you well in the late end of a prolonged battle. They are cheap and cost effective. I suggest you give your archers either bronze or silver attack. Bring as many Archers as possible but, Follow the rules of the match. Now the main killing power of your army is your Cavalry selection and what you can afford. in a 10k Match bring 4 Praetorians Cav “Gold attack,Gold Armor”.. but in a 15k match bring 6 Praetorians cav “Gold Attack,Gold Armor”..Now my Favorite unit Urbans bring always atleast 3 gold or silver is fine. Keep them always in defensive to protect your archers until you get rid of enemy Cav.

Art of War

Never commit to a fight if its disfavors you. Never fight up hill..Never fight if youre men are tired. So its okay to use the acient method of “Tatical Retreat”.
Never have Cavalry Battles without your infantry involved, if you are out numbered or out classed.
Such as Praetorians Vs Cataphracts.. Dont commit to that fight without your Trusty infantry to back you up. Always use your infantry in fire at will mode. It will decimate a army before it reaches you.
Dont underestimate the power of Alt attack. With Praetorians, they use the good ol Gladius “Unrealistic” as they use the Spartha “Just a longer version of the gladius for cavalry” which decimates all other cavs in hand to hand other then “Headhunters and Catapharacts”.
Use Urbans as defesively as possible as they are Tanks of the acient world. until you are winning then use them all offensive as they will dominate any other unit other then bersekers and Elephants.
Always protect your archers from enemy cavalry, use them to hand to hand if being charged so your Cavalry can come and kill the enemy Cav. Last but the argueable the most important lesson Always and i mean Always put your general in infantry never use them on cavalry. As Cavalry are the ones in the thick of battle off the bat and are your opponents main objective is to kill your cav. The battle below isnt Cwb other then No rules but with a mostly Cwb army.

Battle Tips

So now we’ve gotten the basics. During a conflict you may feel worried, that you may lose. Which is some cases you will no matter what. Don’t fret there is 2 ways to play reactionary- “Defensive” just reacting to whatever your opponent throws at you. Then Proactive “Offensive” Which you lead the battle feild forcing you enemy to play defensive. Both have there pros and cons. Defensive Pros is you can move your troops to the most ideal location to defend such as a hill or a small mound. you can get first volly of arrows off and you can see where you are weak and where you are strong in your formation. The cons however are you are reacting to whatever your opponent is doing meaning he can out flank and out wit you such as surrond you. Pros of Offensive is you are doing all the work meaning doing all the skrimish that you see you will win and out witting your opponent.

With that being said in battle try to use hills and severe drops to subdue your enemy.if you cant get the hill dont even bother attacking play defensive. until you can get the advantage. Learning to control your cavalry is very important.When to charge and when to flee.Sometimes even using your cavalry as bait to lure in enemy cavalry into traps and ambushes.

Formations are very important sometimes using the long ass line to attack or defend becomes you biggest flaw. if having more then 6 infantry using lines of 2 of 3 deep keeps your troops from all becoming tired as reinforcements when they are needed.

Archers should be used to kill enemy archers and enemy cavalry. Not suppose to be killing infantry til the archer or cav threat is gone.

Protect your general.. try to not let him get killed or the battle might be lost. Dont fight a enemy cav force if out numbered unless having something to turn the tide of battle to your side.

Same with infantry dont fight a larger infantry force if out classed or out numbered “Unless low teir troops” as i like having my infantry being engage then ram my cav into their backs “Hammer and anvil” or if not hoplites ram stright into them with your infantry they should route “From shock” leading to your victory.

Numbers isnt everything a skilled player can win any engagement even if the odds are stacked against them.

Ideal Enemy

As Rome your Ideal Enemy is one who use pikes or barbarian in nature.
Rome will beat every nation one on one. But Rome Favors fights with Slow or Argueably the weakest Factions such As Gual,Britiania,Germania, Spain,Greeks.
Greeks are gonna be your favorite enemy. They have bad cav so you wont need to spend alot of money into your cav. Their infantry are slow and with weak armor other then Spartans. Making them easy pickings for Urbans.. Most people who use greeks will “Noob Square focus on one point Mainly the corner and then crash your army into it and break and route their army.

Gual and spain and germania and britiania will all fight in generally the same way throw tons of low teir infantry at you with a few good cav..All you Do is route the General or Kill.. then the army instant breaks. Use archers to kill bersekers or chariots. use cav to shell Shock the army it will route.

Nations like Macedon and Carthage are also Romes Easy victims As they have ♥♥♥♥ teir troops or generally super slow. Carthage only good part is elephants which they cant use. Or their slingers.
Maceon only good feature against a rome army is their Companion Cav and creten Archers. Both easy to deal with using praetorians and urbans combination.

Nations like Egypt will be harder to beat if they Chariots spam.. you would be wise to use infantry to bog down their chariots to lock them inplace then charge your cav to route them.

Selucia and Pontus and Armenaia and Parthia all play generally the same way use urbans against their cav and use your cav to chase any fleeing cataphracts.

These Tatics work for me always. If they dont work for you Tell me.. and i will see how i can help you improve your Roman Game experience.


Hope my Experience with the Game With my over 200 Wins with Rome,Can help you in anyway.
if i made a mistake or dont want to be in a screenshot. I have down below message me or tell me below. See Ya one Last Screenshot As it May Be my proudest Even tho it was not cwb it was 31k With Tweaked Rules.