Old School RuneScape Guide

Basic Guide for OSRS for Old School RuneScape

Basic Guide for OSRS


This Guide is:- Intended for members accounts but may be useful to f2ps too.- Designed for people who already know some basics.- Not in depth so you may need to research further.

Useful Links:

Wiki the best tool if you want to know something or research an item:

The optimal route to take when questing that will minimise grinding skills via earning xp from quest:

List of achievment diaries and their requirments to complete:

Slayer Master List and the tasks they give out:

YouTubers Worth Checking out:

– Youtubers worth checking out for guides, news and other content:

SmallEXPLamp – http://youtube.com/c/RunescapeExpLamp

Theoatrix – http://youtube.com/c/Theoatrix

Surg1n – http://youtube.com/channel/UCYdxWBBtfKlmwbnxKu2iUjQ

AndrewAJT – http://youtube.com/c/AndrewAJT

MrNoSleep – http://youtube.com/c/MrNoSleepOSRS

FlippingOldSchool – http://youtube.com/c/FlippingOldschool

Colonello – http://youtube.com/c/ColonelloRS

Scams and Security:

– Authenticator and bank pins
You should make sure to set up an authenticator on your mobile and a bank pin in game straight away.


– Scams
Theoatrix did a really good video highlighting all the modern scamming methods check it out here and stay up to date.

– Phishing
Never click links from unknown sources and never log in on anything other than the official client or a trusted 3rd party client like RuneLite.
OSRS WILL NEVER HAVE DOUBLE XP DO NOT FALL FOR IT! It is a scam they will take your account!

– Botting
You will see a lot of bots playing or advertising, do not engage with them they are designed to scam you (gambling / doubling bots are rigged).
Don’t be tempted to bot, Jagex is quite good at detecting bots and will ban you. Even players with custom scripts get banned eventually. Botting also includes auto clickers and macros dont waste your time and get banned to save yourself a few hours work that can be done at a later date if your bored or annoyed at training a skill.


F2P vs Members
Memebers offers many extra features to those playing as a F2P including but not limited to; Additional Skills, more regions, many more quests, minigames, much more and better gear,
More and better training methods, more worlds to choose from (including skill total worlds and content specific worlds).

Buying membership vs earning membership
Bonds can be bought on the Grand Exchange and can be redeemed for membership, for new players this is incredibly difficult to earn and maintain so its recommended to buy
memebership for cash if possible at least till you start reliable money makers (high level slayer, high level gathering skills etc).


You should buy a glory and Combat Bracelet as soon as you are able from the GE:

Amulet of Glory – Cheap amulet that offers really good combat bonuses.

Combat bracelet – Good combat bonuses till you earn better gloves from Recipe for Disaster.

Untradable Gear to work towards:

Void Knight Armour – Obtained from the pest control minigame that can be started from combat level 40+, you will need 1250 points to unlock the full armour set but it can be used at all levels due to its great bonus

Prayer Armour – Initiate (Rewarded from Recruitment Drive quest) and Proselyte armour (From The Slug Menace quest) offers massive prayer bonuses that are commonly uses on slayer tasks that require protection prayers and will save you food, pots and banking allowing you
to stay longer on a task. Other worthwhile prayer gear includes; Holy / Unholy Symbol, Explorers Ring, Monk robes and Helm of Neitiznot

God Books – Obtained from Horror from the Deep quest, mainly the book of Darkness, Law and Unholy offer good combat and prayer bonuses for an offhand item.

God Capes – Got from Mage Training Arena offer really good magic defence and attack bonus plus really easy to get once you have the requirments for the quest.

Defenders – Earned in the warriors guild buy killing cyclopes, offer great attack bonuses at the loss of defence.

Recipe for disaster – Unlocks increasinly better gloves till finishing the quest where you will unlock barrows gloves which are arguably the best gloves only outclassed by really expensive alternatives though if you can’t get Dragon or Barrows quests done rune gloves are still really good.

Account upgrades to work towards

43 Prayer – At 43 Prayer you will have unlocked all 3 combat protection prayers which are vital for all levels of mid and high level combat and pvp

Bones to Peaches – can be unlocked from the Mage Training Minigame and will provide you with a spell to turn monster bones dropped from dead monsters
into peaches that heal HP this will allow you to stay at tasks and areas for longer without banking for food.

Fairy Rings – Obtained during the Fairy Tale 2 quest (you dont need to complete the quest) arguably offer one of the best teleportation methods in the game.

Fossil Island – Offers one of the easiest passive hunter training methods in the game, bird house runs. You can also net a fair bit of profit too.

Achievment Diaries – While they are all worth doing some of them are better worked on sooner than others maninly; Ardougne (Cape; prayer bonus, teleport and decent stats), Falador (Shield; only if you plan on farming the giant mole though), Lumbridge&Draynor (Explorers Ring; prayer bonus ring), Morytania (bone crusher; only when you have the requirments for the hard and elite diaries though), Varrock (Daily staffs, GE teleport swap; great profit and time saver) and Kourend & Kebos Diaries (1/2 Xeric Talisman drop rate, Rada’s Blessing 2+; massively increases XT drop and RB gives a prayer bonus for your ammo slot).

Preserve Prayer – can come in handy when boosing skills as it increases the duration of your buffs. Unlocked via the Torn prayer scroll can be bought on the GE.


99s / 200 mil
99 is the level in which a skill is “complete”, you will have unlocked all the content that skill provides via level restrictions and are eligable to buy a skill cape that has an effect related to that skill. 200Mil is the xp level that you will stop gaining xp for that skill, at 200mil there is no reason to continue leveling other than for profit. 200 Mil should only be attempted by the most hardcore players and is massively time consuming to do.

Leveling Curve “99 / 2 = 92
The leveling curve is how experience scales when leveling up, each level requires more than the last (around 10%), this results in 92 being around half way to 99, a skill takes around 13 Mil xp to get from 1-99.

Training methods
Some of the best guides to follow is “Theoatrix 1-99 Guides” found here:

Important skills
Magic skill unlocks Teleports on all of the spellbooks and allow players to instantly teleport to places all around the map, this will increase you mobility massively saving you a lot of time.
Your magic skill unlocks portals in your Player House as well.

Construction allows players to build their own house, as you level you unlock more and more items ranging from pools that restore run energy and lowered stats, portals that act as teleports without the rune cost (magic skill required), Mounted and boxed jewellery that provide infinite teleports of their respecive item (eg amulet of glory, ring of dueling, games necklace,
digsite pendant, Xerics Talisman to name a few) and facilties to store armour and outfits to free up bank space.

Combat Skills, as your skills in combat increase so does you accuracy, damage and defence. All styles benefit from defence, as well as magic due to the way the game uses your magic level when determining magic defence (70% of the player’s Magic level, + 30% is the player’s Defence level).
For Melee players, attack affect your accuracy and strength effect your max hit, as for magic and ranged players they will see higher accuracy as they increase their respecive levels. Magic damage is calculated from the spell you use, and max hit will always stay the same no matter your level, there are only a handful of items that can boost your max hit for magic (eg Occult Necklace).
Hit points Increases your health points, all players start on 10 points, some potions and items can boost you above your max health.

Agility gives access to shortcuts that let you skip areas and dangerous monsters especially early on, you can also unlock gracefull armour that gives negative weight increasing your run duration helping in daily gathering runs and when having to cover long distances on foot.

Prayer should be leveled to at least to level 43 asap as mentioned further above, as well as unlocking boosts to you skills (ranged, magic, strength, attack etc). Medium to High end players should aim to get at least 70-77 prayer and those looking to move to end game content should continue to level as long as they can afford it.

Pures are players who have purposly trained their skills to be optimal for pvp / pking, these are called combat pures. There are also skill pures that only develop none combat skills.
There are many types of pures for different situations but pures are mainly effective in pvp or to challege a players playstyle.

Optimal vs profit vs inefficient or money saving
There are many ways to level your skills optimal ways are often click intensive and require a lot of focus but give the best xp rates , profit methods are often done at the detriment of xp but earn gp, this will most likely be the bestroute to go down for newer players midway through skills (50-80+) earning enough gp to use more expensive methods in the much more grindy levels mid 80s to 92-99, inefficient and money saving methods can describe many different methods, these can be
fun but low xp or methods that interlink with profit methods but offer so little xp it would be impossble to reach high levels with in a decent time eg making cannonballs or gold bracelets which would be incredibly profitable but take months if not
years to level for the average player.


Low level Easy Quests:

Waterfall Quest – Is a short quest that can be done almost straight away and rewards enough xp to level your Strength and Attack from 1 to 30 instantly.

The Dwarf Cannon – Another short quest that will unlock the dwaft multicannon that is used a lot in the mid and high level game for slayer and ranged leveling.

Holy Grail – Can be done pretty early on after completing “Merlins Crystal” and will reward 15k Defence and 11k Prayer xp.

Preist in Peril – Unlocks the Morytania region.

Rune Mysteries – Access to rune essence mine for runecrafting.

Druidic Ritual – Unlocks herblore skill.

Client of Kourend – Unlocks Kourend region.

Tree Gnome Village – Unlocks Spirit Tree transport + 11k attack xp.

Low and Midlevel Quest:

The Grand Tree – Unlocks Gnome Gliders transport.

Eyes of Glouphrie – Unlocks Crystal Saw that give a +3 boost to Construction when making objects (wont work on rooms, spirit tree or fairy ring) that stacks with food buffs

Enlightened Journey – Unlocks Hot Air Baloon Transport.

Tears of Guthix – Is a low to mid level quest, the biggest requirements being 43 Quest points and 49 Firemaking, that will reward you with easy xp to your lowest skill each week

Dragon Slayer I – Unlocks Rune / Dragon Platebodies as well as Green D’hide body, staple gear of mid leveled players as well as being required for Heroes Quest.

Mid to High level Quests:

The Freminik Trials – Unlocks the islands; Miscellania, Etceteria, Neitiznot and Jatizso.

The Freminik Isles – Unlocks the Helm of Neitiznot one of the BEST helms for mid to high level player

Lunar Diplomacy – Lunar Spell Book

Desert Treasure – Ancient Magicks and Ancient Staff

Legends Quest – Is a good quest to work up to, as it will have you training skills and completing pre quests that offer many different rewards that vary in value.


Put simply skilling is the act of leveling skills, this can be done to get a place on the highscores (200Mil), to get a cape of acomplishment (lv99) or to gain access to new content; quests,
new slayer monsters or accessing raids etc.

Player Killing or PvP can be done through minigames including Duel Arena and Last Man Standing, the wilderness or pvp worlds. Pking outside of safe games will result in lossing gear and other items so should only be done by experienced players. Safe games like castle wars, LMS and clan wars can be played without fear of losing any items where as the wilderness can lose you everything you have and the duel arena relies on staking or gambling gold on the outcome of your match.

PvM aka PvE can be broken down into a few different catagories:

Is a skill given by slayer masters to kill a set number of a monster, upon competion you will earn points that can be spent on upgrades, gear and unlocks.

Bossing can include slayer as higher level players can unlock bosses as slayer tasks, but can be done without there is a large number of bosses to fight for many different levels.
Bosses are generally high HP, hard hitting monsters that often have a “special mechanic” they generally drop expensive and rare items and can be quite profitable to farm.

Are high level group areas that scale with combat level. They can be undertaken by high level players and require high skill levels in many different skills not just combat.

Fight Caves / Inferno
Solo areas fighting waves of monsters and eventually a boss. Incredibly hard and a big accomplishment for all accounts to complete, the fire and Infernal cape are badges of honor for all players.

Collection Log is a book that you can fill by farming monsters for their rare drops, completing clue scrolls, unlocking rewards from minigames and finding pets.
Generally it is done seriously later on in the game but can be started almost immedietly.

Achievment Diaries are a set of tasks that can be completed to unlock various rewards and benefits. They are broken up by area and range from easy to elite difficulty,
early on players should work towards unlocking at least easy in all diaries (not including wilderness unless you intend to pk alot), as players progress they will unlock medium / hard tasks and
endgame players can work on elite levels. Many of the diaries offer really good rewards though some only offer minor rewards and others are game changing.

Quest Cape is earned by completing ALL quests the game has to offer, it is a big accomplishment for any account as to complete all quest the account must have high level stats and spent a lot
of time to finish them all.
Rewards for completing quests can range from quest to quest though generally the higher the requirments for the quest the better the rewards will be.

All minigames offer rewards for playing. These can be anything from outfits that boost xp to crates of random items to sell. Some minigames are worth playing more than others and its down to the player todecide what they do and dont want to do.

General Tips:

When farming once a plant grows it will no longer die, you can plant profitable plants to harvest several times a day for easy profit; eg Palm, cactus, whiteberry etc.

Rather than chopping a tree down you can pay the patch protector to chop it down for 200 coins if your lazy or lack the skill

Tool leprechorn’s share inventory so give one several of each item encase you forget a tool in the future, you can also use him for noting fruit and berries by using one on him.

Seed vault located in the farming guild can store all your seeds and saplings freeing up bank space.

Only some construction is worth doing at early levels and for those without much money. For example the Ornate Jewelry box (lv3) isnt much better than the Fancy Jewelry Box because level 3 only offers a glory teleport when you can have one mounted in a hall and a
ring of wealth that can be got by doing the varrock medium diary and having a varrock portal configured to the GE, this would save tens of millions of gp required to level from 85 to 91. The portal nexus is convinient but only at higher levels, to make the most
of one you need to have the Crystalline Nexus that requires lv92, vs having 3 or 4 portal chambers in conjunction with jewelry boxes and mounted talismans saving you tens of millions again.

You can boost most skills with potions or food designed for that skill, most none combat boosts have up to a +3 bonus, however you can unlock spicy stew that will give up to a +5, this is often not the case as the boost can offer anywhere from a -5 to a +5 boost
randomly often resulting in an undesired outcome. Generally it is far easier to level the skill till you can use a +3 boost (for construction remember the crystal saw gives a stackable +3 boost on items (not rooms) for a +6 when used with tea), then repeatably have to farm out the none tradable spice
required to make stews.

If you dont want to level a house you can visit one of the house party worlds and use people who are advertisings house for free who often have everything unlocked.

Getting into daily or hourly runs for things like farming, birdhouses, diary rewards etc can bring in large amounts of cash for doing very little, for example all these tasks take minutes sometimes a few seconds to complete;

Bird houses:
Investment – 4k
Birds nests 5k-40k gp per run hourly runs
Clockworks 2k per run hourly runs
Seeds 0-100k per run hourly runs
Rings 0-5k hourly runs

Palm trees, cactus and whitberry Investment: 120k (1 cactus, 1 whiteberry, 4 Palm)
Coconuts 40k Daily Runs = x2
White Berries 4k Daily Runs = x2-4
Cactus 17-40k Daily Runs = x2-4

Dairy Daily: Battlestaffs Daily runs = x1
Easy – 105k
Medium – 210k
Hard – 420k
Elite – 840k

Output profit:
Easy – 19k
Medium – 39k
Hard – 78k
Elite – 157k

Example of a days profit from doing nothing but logging on every hour or so on mobile or pc for this example I logged in 6 times in a day which is less than I normally do:

Hard Diary Staffs – 70k
6 Bird House runs – 300k
4-6 Trips Farming – 172k

542k / day from loggin in for 5 minutes every hour or so.
