Black Squad Guide

Basic guide [newcomers..] Black Squad for Black Squad

Basic guide [newcomers..] Black Squad


In this guide i will explain the basics about Black Squad.Don’t mind the bad English, i’m a Dutch person doing hes best to help most people out.IT WILL BE UPDATED!!

Know the game

The game.
Knowing the game a little

When you launched Black Squad you see a menu with lots of things happening.
Just take a look around.. See what you can do.. Take a look in the shop.. inventory.. option menu..
Get to know the game a little. Play the tutorial to see how the game looks like and how the game plays like.. if you have a good FPS and stuff.

Most people just instantly starts playing matches without knowing how to actually play the game.
They die.. die.. and die.. and they don’t understand why.
Wanna know why? Just look around in the game menu etc. for a few minutes and play the tutorial..

My small story on instantly playing a game without tutorial and stuff
A few months ago i founded a game that looks like this one a little bit. I liked it so much that i didn’t wanted to play the tutorial… or just looking around a bit in the menu.
I instantly clicked ‘Search Match’.. I went into a game.. and i ran around a little bit and trying to know the game a little. But every 5/10 seconds i died cause of people. They were running around.. bombs flying around my ears.. Boom!! Kappowww!! pew pew pew!! .. And i was like.. F*ck it i ragequit.

How to get started..


You want a smooth running game.
For most people the quality of the game will be set automaticly to the best performance your pc can handle. If you have a bad pc.. the quality of the game (graphics).. will be set to low. And if you have a pretty good pc.. the quality (graphics).. will be set to maximum.
Ofcourse you can change the settings of the quality to your liking!!!

Background applications running? Turn them off to get more FPS. (A smoother running game)

Best weapon to start with

Weapon to start with

The best weapon to start with is the TAR-21. (my oppinion)

Good recoil and good damage.
It feels good to play with that weapon. A few shots and the enemy is dead.
Reload speed is also great! It has a scope..
It’s one of the best weapons i’ve played with so far.

The pistol everyone gets is also a great pistol.
If you are out of ammo then quickly grab the pistol and smash the shoot button.
It’s like a small uzi pistol ish thing XD.
Great damage as well and the recoil is very good at close range.

I also recommend you to buy or use grenades. Big damage and very cheap.

How to kill very quickly

Quickly killing enemy’s

– Use the TAR-21.
– Press T for laser and also put on the Silencer (forgot the key)
– Aim for heads if possible.
– On close range just shoot without aiming but aim for head.
– When out of ammo and enemy is close switch to pistol and smash the shoot button.
– Or pick up another weapon from the ground 🙂

Play the game mode with 32 max players.
Choose the COMMAND Class that has the ATV Rocket in it.
Very useful and funny! And quickly getting kills.

Don’t rush to far in the map (near their spawn). They have spawnprotection so you can’t kill them.
Just hide behind corners and objects and peek.