From the Depths Guide

Basic NPC Guide / NPC Spawner Guide for From The Depths

Basic NPC Guide / NPC Spawner Guide


Everythings you need to know about the NPC Spawner / NPCs

What are NPCs

That Guy is an NPC

The Block is located at the misc tab

They are armed with 2 Guns kinda like the Pistol with a firerate of 1/s. Right now they placed on some new/reupdated Vehicles and Buildings and they dont need an AI to work and also wont fall of the Vehicle itself.

They try to take control of Turrets ( they use every guntype they can find ) and also Vehicle Controller but sometimes struggle to get to the weapon itself and they cant use the failsave. You can see on what team they fighting by look at the NPC itself, it wears a little Flag.

To kill one of them you have to kill the NPC, destroying the Spawner/Spawnpoint wont kill them.
The Only way of Respawn them is to force the vehicle in play.

Take care if you wanna fight them because they use the same aimsystem like the AI so they will most of the time hit you. The best chance you got is on long range.
They got the same health as the player so 1 big canon shell or a rocket can oneshot them.

One little hint for the end … never shot your own NPC they dont like it and maybe try to kill you 😉