If you’re looking to hunt down the collectibles available in Battlefield: 4 SP campaign then this guide is for you!
Introduction & Notes
Associated Achievements
Mission #01 – Baku
After the cutscene ends you’ll find yourself on a basement floor that has a flooded hallway. Make your way down the hallway and up the set of stairs and eventually you’ll make it to a higher floor and another hallway. There you can spot a locker that has been knocked over and is, as a result, partially blocking your path (as seen on image one). Right before that there’s a door to the right which you can open by pressing E (default key for interaction). Open the door and you’ll see the pair of dog tags sticking out of a bulletin board on the wall (as I collected mine by accident, they’re not visible – pointing at the location on image two).
As you continue to fight your way through the school, you’ll come across a large open room with a broken ceiling. There, on the left side, is a partially collapsed balcony where the weapon in question is located. Make your way up there by using the collapsed part of the balcony (aiming at on image one) and then jump across the gap to reach the weapon hidden away in a wooden box (as seen on image two).
Right after leaving the location previously described you’ll come across a smaller room with red walls. The second pair of dog tags of this mission can be found in the back of this room, sticking out of a wall (visible on image one, collected by accident once again on image one but still aiming at the exact location).
Having made your way out of the building, you’ll reach a large construction site. There’s a weapon box immediately before you drop down into the construction site and a second one in the middle of the construction site. Go to the second weapon box and look in the rightward direction (as seen on image one). You’ll see several concrete tubes and the weapon in question is in one of them.
Continuing on from the previous location you’ll be fighting your way to enter the factory. There’s going to be two metal frames between the pipes and the last collectible weapon of the mission is on the first one (aiming at it on image one). This can be accessed by a set of stairs on both sides of the places where the pipes enter the ground.
The last pair of dog tags can be found towards the end of the mission in a crashed and burning helicopter. They’re located on the passenger side of the helicopter.
Mission #02 – Shanghai
Once you get control of your character, take a right at the red sign into the ally way until you reach an area that is illuminated by another red light – there take a left and you’ll find the dog tags attached to the second door.
After taking the elevator up to the floor where you can actually exit, immediately turn around and you’ll find dog tags above the elevator doors.
Proceeding on from the elevator, you’ll encounter an enemy opening a door on the left side and walking out – the weapon is in that room between some cardboard boxes and lockers.
It’ll take some time until you reach your next available collectible, this one is going to be reachable once you’ve made your way back down to the first floor lobby after all the action on the roof top. It’s going to be under the statue that has a weapons box behind it.
This is the part in the mission where you’ve entered the ally ways again and end up being chased by a tank. After running over a broken fence continue down the ally ways until you reach an area with a parked scooter and a tree that is once again illuminated by some red light. The dog tags are behind a locked gate behind the tree (aiming at the precise location on the second image).
Mission #03 – South China Sea
These are at the start of the mission, when you wake up take a right towards a couple of sailors working in the corridor. Before them is a set of cabins and the dog tags are in the cabin to the right attached to a wall above a bunk bed.
After you’ve departed from the Valkyrie and boarded the vessel in distress, agent Kovic will order you to find a hatch after which he proceeds to a side room on the left past the stairs to chill until you find it. Follow Kovic into that room and the P90 can be found there on top of a box.
In the swimming part of the mission you’ll eventually reach a room that has a greenish light illuminating it, the dog tags are in that submerged room left of a hatch.
After some dramatic scenes you’ll end up outside on a heavily damaged deck. Directly left from the ammo box there’s a large gap that leads down to a lower deck. Make your way to the end of the hallway and the weapon in question will be there.
Now you’ve arrived back on the Valkyrie and fought your way to a hangar bay that has couple of Ospreys parked in it – one of which has its’ back door open. The weapon in question is inside the open Osprey.
The final dog tags of the mission are on the flight deck of the Valkyrie. As you enter the flight deck, take a right and you’ll spot a wrecked helicopter. The dog tags are on the passenger side of that helicopter.
Mission #04 – Singapore
Once you’ve landed on the beach, walk over to the beached yacht. The dog tags are on the other side (facing the water) of the yacht attached to the hull.
As you fight your way through the street, you’ll eventually come across with this large bridge with scaffoldings under it. The weapon is on the first floor of the scaffoldings, you’ll have to jump over a large gap to get to it. I was having a hard time jumping across the gap on the same level so I went on to the 2nd level of the scaffoldings and jumped down onto the first level and over the gap.
Once in the parking garage, go onto the second floor and on the left side of the 2nd level there’s a group of greenish boxes. Jump onto them and then onto the building edge right next to them. Then walk around the nearest corner (going left) which then should see you facing the water. Then go around another left corner and the weapon is on a larger outward edge. It’s quite easy to fall down on the more narrower bits so be careful. I’m not sure if it was useful but I aimed down the sights of my weapon at the narrow places to guide myself through.
After killing some enemies, you’ll descend into this room that appears to be a bar. The second dog tags of the mission are located behind the counter.
Right after you exit the room with the weapons and gadgets crate into the smaller hangar with fighter jet(s) in it, enter the room immediately to your left. There’s a bunch of boxes on a pallet and the weapon is hidden away behind them. You’re going to have to blow up the boxes with explosives.
Soon afterwards from the last location you’re going to be arriving at the large hangar with a passanger jet in it. The dog tags are attached to a door on the right side of the plane (when looking towards it, left side if considering the planes own orientation).
Mission #05 – Kunlun Mountains
Once you’ve done some rescuing, your allies are going to be gathered at a doorway to make the next move. In that room, face them as seen on the image and then just look to your right – the dog tags are in the pitch dark on the wall but they do occasionally glow so pinpointing them shouldn’t be much of an issue.
After you’ve taken the elevator up and went through a smaller room first, you’ll eventually be arriving at this large room. Take the ladder next to the B3 pillar as seen on the image and then proceed East on the catwalk. The dog tags are going to be attached to a circuit box on the wall, left of the container that is hanging in mid air.
This mission only has one collectible weapon and that is directly under the bridge seen on the first image. You can go there by using a set of stairs on either side of the bridge.
The last set of dog tags are under the platform that hosts the cable car. Just go to the edge and you’ll see them sticking out of the concrete.
Mission #06 – Tashgar
There’s going to be a blue house on the left as you fight your way towards the large gate in the background. Go into the blue house, make your way up the stairs and onto the roof, then jump onto the roof of the white building next to it (aiming at the building in question on first image) where you’ll find the weapon in question.
Once through the gates, you’ll arrive at a park that has a blue truck parked on a road. The weapon is towards the left of the blue truck near bunch of wrecked cars.
Emerging from the tunnel, you’ll come across this building which has a wrecked APC in front of it and another parked blue truck. The weapon here can be found on the roof of this building.
The same blue truck also has the first dog tags of the mission in it. In order to access to it, you’re going to have to blow up the truck.
The last pair of dog tags are located on the dam, make your way onto the dam and there’s going to be a bit a upward ramp leading to a building. Take the stairs to the roof of the building and continue East until you come across some plywood panel to which the dog tags are attached to.
Mission #07 – Suez
There’s a damaged Osprey plane on the left side of the deck and in front of it there’s some pile of debris. The gun is on the deck at the far edge of the debris.
The first pair of dog tags are attached to one of the stabilizers of the damaged Osprey. I climbed the plane from the nose area and then made my way to the back of the plane to grab the dog tags.
As you progress through the mission, you’ll eventually make it to the medical room where some of your allies are located. Enter the room and on the right there’s a bunch of beds hidden away behind curtains. The dog tags are attached to one of those beds.
Good luck Marines!