This is guide for the random events this will contain spoilers for the possible outcomes of these events. That i have came across and documented. Note some of this events might have more then one outcome possible for that choice, and i haven’t gotten all the other positive or negative event outcomes that could occur for that choice. This is work in progress but i will update as i get more events and different outcomes to the events. This is the only guide I know of that is about events, so far made. This has been made after the Urban Warfare update so this is current with all new content. To use this guide just find the event and you can read the story by clicking on the pictures i have uploaded and then go to the choices and read the info in the pictures. Hope this help those looking to see what are the outcomes of each choice.( This is just to help give you informed decision on the outcomes there can be other outcomes on the choice you choose that i have not got listed yet. Always look at all options on listed events and choose the best for your situation, and keep in mind the still a possibility for a unknown outcome i don’t got listed yet.)
A Black Market Invitation
A Black Market Invitation
Invitation Pay the Membership Fee
Make do with what you have.
Hire the best you can afford.
See what you can get for a mimimum rate.
Take advantage of local connections.
Access Privileges
Access Privileges
Buy the antivirals for the Argo instead
Agromechs? Really?
Resist the lure of AgroMechs.
Indulge Yang and send some MechTechs.
Albatross (Attributes Jinxed)
Release Pilot from his contract
Confine him to the Barracks
Build temporary quarters in an unfinished part of the Argo
Ask yang for one on your ‘Mech too
Bump in the Night (Attributes Klutz)
Bump in the Night
Take it out of Mockingbird’s pay
Enforce strict discipline
Use your company’s fund and train (Pilot)
Carlyle’s Bid
Carlyle’s Bid
Encourage (Pilot) to keep the kickback if he leaves
Class Warfare
Class Warfare
Confine pilot to quarters for fighting
Corridor Bocce
Let Darius’ decision stand
Reverse Darius’ decision
Host one last public game.
Visit Pilot in MedBay
Instruct the doctors to relax their rules
Discipline (Pilot) and confine him to Medbay
Drawing Straws
Drawing Straws
Send in the medical team
Send in the MechTechs
Ask for volunteers
Engaging in some light smuggling
Engaging in some light smuggling
Reject the proposal
Task her with negotiating a better deal
Pay the Fine
Festival of Lights
Festival of Lights
Celebrate the Festival of Lights
Friend of a Friend
Friend of a Friend
Refuse to hire the recruit
Hands in the Cookie Jar
Hands in the Cookie Jar
Tell them nothing and pay the fine
Sell the information for $100,000
Work your connections higher up the food chain
Happy accidents
Destroy the meat
Give the crates of meat to Yang
Task Darius with selling them on the market
Recreate an authentic Triple F Burger
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday
Throw a party in the Lounge
Commit all your resources to help Dr. Murad.
Partially commit your resources to help Dr. Murad.
Give Murad your support, but not your resources.
Order Dr. Murad to refuse Kell’s request.
Light in Darkness
Light In Darkness
View the shower from the observation deck
View the shower from the surface
Send Pilot to mount a telescopic camera
Medical Expenses
Medical Expenses
Direct Darius to find special discounts
Meeting Archangel (Kickstarter Pilot Archangel)
Meeting Archangel
Join Yang in buying the pilot a drink
Meeting Test9 (Kickstarter Pilot Test9)
Meeting Test9
Warn the Gunslinger to keep his distance
Melee in the Mech Bay
Melee in the Mech Bay
Order Pilot to stand down
Wait to see how it resolves
Send them to settle things in the simulators
MoonLighting with a/an Autocannon, Medium Laser, LRM
MoonLighting with a/an Autocannon, Medium Laser
Remind him that’s not a Mechwarrior’s Job
Let him keep working on it
Result Positive
Result No Consequences
New Holovids
New Holovids
Circulate the Holovids chips among the crew
Host a mass viewing in the mess
Noble Bonds
Noble Bonds
Sympathize with Pilot, but don’t get involved
Tell him to send Pilot to you
Tell him to deal with it himself
Organized Chaos
Organized Chaos
Fill every last corner
Pay them off
Stall until the Leopard is ready
Broadcast for help from the system authorities
Persuade the pirates that you’re just like them
Phantom Pain
Poker Night
Poker Night
Pass on the game
Play Casually
Power Interlock
Power Interlock
Leave the power system alone
Ask Dr Murad to test (Pilots) idea
Power Spike
Power Spike
Power down the Argo to replace the Relay
Repair MedBay without a shipwide power shutdown
Restocking the Kitchen
Restocking the Kitchen
Applaud (pilot’s) generosity and welcome the treat
Rumble Seat
Rumble Seat
Tell everyone to live with it
Ask Dr. Murad to try again to fix it
Give Pilot military histories to read
Solaris Championship
Solaris Championship
Decline, but send your compliments
Accept the invitation
Target Practice
Target Practice
Deny the request
Temporary Improvements
Temporary Improvements
Draft some Pilots to Help
The Barracks Workout
The Barracks Workout
Develop an exercise regimen for the MechWarriors
Let it slide for now
The Catapult
Ignore them
Put a stop to it
The Last Cup
The Last Cup
Split the Coffee between them
The Warning
The Warning
Talk to Pilot about the warning
Fire Pilot
Tournament Madness
Tournament Madness
Advise him to replace Pilot
Suggest Pilot hold extra practice
Travelers in Need
Travelers in Need
Give them some medical supplies
Tying up Loose Ends
Tying up loose Ends
Kill Stranger where he stands
Scare him by introducing yourself
Let the past go
Ventilation Trouble
Ventilation Trouble
Replace the Fan Controllers
When we get knocked down
When we get knocked down
Order Pilot back to MedBay
Offer a shoulder to cry on