This is a video walkthrough that should help a player who is new to this game get a handle on what to do.
The First Expedition
The video at right is the beginning of my play through that seeks to help new players figure out what to do. Pull up a chair, and play along with me. If I missed anything in the video let me know and I will address it.
We will be playing on the classic difficulty. The higher difficulty setting requires very tight play, and attention to very small details. If you want an easier experience, play on Discovery mode for your first time.
Here are some tips to remember as you play through your first expedition:
1. I am convinced that almost any team can win at this game, but for your teams early on, keep their skills diverse but their attacks focused. You should know what kind of team you are (aggressive, devious, or friendly) from the start.
2. Pay attention to the way the attitude of your team changes based on the way you attack the enemy. Observe how your attacks change both your team’s mood and the result of the battle.
3. Pay attention to how your attacks change the mood of the target. The buffs and debuffs applied by these moods will become important later.
4. Be sure to always explore as much as you can. You gain nothing by finishing an expedition early.
5. Learn to love battle!!!! You gain experience and valuable tokens in battle, so head towards these locations when possible.
6. When you make it back to town, purchase entourage before spending insight to gain tokens. The rule to remember is to boost the power of the tokens before you gain them.
7. Decide after the first expedition what kind of token you want to specialize in. Doing this will allow you to focus your research and adventures on that one kind of token.
8. The first research paper is very good early on. Be sure to purchase as much of it as you can after your first expedition.
9. Armor will save your life!! Be sure to upgrade when you can…without it, one wrong move can mean your death.
Thanks to user Liort for the following corrections.
Time stamps are approximate:
14:50: They gain a speech damage buff from excited, not attack damage (that’s confident).
16:55: 5 pips to switch to friendly from aggressive, not 6.
17:55: You get 2 encounter tokens regardless how you finish, doesn’t have to be aggressive. (The one I was talking about in the video is a bonus one. You always get at least two).
37:05: You are 42 more study short, not 50 😛 (getting it confused with the total unlock cost.) Around that time you mention preparations buffing insight jobs – the opener only buffs study jobs, not all of them.
39:00: Scientists will always give more from study jobs, there’s no maybe involved. Class matching in general will give better yields (more status from status jobs with a speaker for example.)
The Second Expedition
Check out the video to the right which is the second part of my video walkthrough. In this episode, we will challenge the second expedition, capturing a raging King Kong and camping in the jungle in the process.
Here are some tips to remember as you watch:
1) Again, pay attention to how attacks change the mood of your party, the mood of the individual characters, and the result of the battle.
2) It is important to optimize your exploration by using the maximum amount of supply that you can. I always attempt to see the entire area if I can to make sure that I go to as many of the most valuable locations as I can.
3) If you see a strange marker near a location you can explore (like the skull representing an “epic challenge” in the video), then you may want to check that location out. Usually there will be great rewards in those places.
4) During the final battle and when spending my resources near the end of the video, I pause a couple of times in order to think. This is a deep game, so make sure you think through what you are doing. Randomly clicking will not win the game for you.
5) By the end of the video I have invested a bit in diversifying the bonus I get from tokens and abilities. I can afford to do this because I have been pretty successful so far. If you have fewer resources, be sure to specialize in a certain resource. I have recommended going with research, but you may also choose encounter tokens or collect tokens based on which specialists are available to you.
6) I do make several mistakes in battles during this video and even had a couple of characters go down. It is important to remember that a character losing all of his or her spirit is not the end of the world. You can still win the battle or even revive the character if you need to. Resolve like most other things in the game is a resource.
The Third Expedition
It is time for the third leg of this epic journey. This time we will take on the desert area, searching for supplies and battleing an angry band of exporler-haters.
1. Pay attention this time around to how the overall mood of the battle shifts based on the attacks I make.
2. It is becoming even more important to pay attention to the mood of each individual character. Some moods will allow you to deal a great amount of damage to the opponent, while others could result in your being killed in one or two hits.
3. Drawing aggro on particular characters can result in their death (like it did for me in the first video). Watch how the enemies pick out certain characters to attack.
4. When you get back to the world screen and are about to spend your resources, it is the same as usual. Get tokens only after you have upgraded your token-getting abilities.
Good luck, and I will see you soon in part 5….which is actully part 4…I’m confused.
The Fourth Expedition
Time for part four of our walkthrough. This time around we will cut our way through the Emerged Island, which seemed entirely too easy.
Keep in mind the same pointers that accompanied the last few videos.
The Final Expedition
The final leg of our journey!!!!
I decided not to go to Shangri-La, instead doing the other four star area in order to avoid completely spoiling the game. If you are following this guide, you may be able to conquer the final area instead of visiting Transylvania. That is entirely up to you.
By now you know the drill. This area is a little difficult and I made a few mistakes, but my earlier decisions carried me through to victory.
I hope that you have enjoyed this guide. May all your expeditions be a success!!