Dungeon Defenders II Guide

How to redeem '3rd Echelon' map - [DEPRECATED; GAMESPOT REMOVED THE PAGE] for Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Conviction

Beginners guide 2017 edition (chaos progression and builds)


This guide is made in hope that would help new players understand a little bit the new system update builds and progression.This is still an work in progress there will be new things added in adition to the current ones.

Tower builds and Shards

Builds shard location:

  • Defensive critical damage-Campaign (Damage Increases the Defense Crit Damage of the affected tower by 2-34%)
  • Fortification-Campaign (Increases Defense Health of the affected tower by 2-34%)
  • Deadly strike-Chaos 3 (Increases the Defense Range of the affected tower by 4-40%)
  • Defense rate-Chaos 4 (Increases the Attack Rate of the affected tower by 1-33%)
  • Power transfer-Chaos 4 (Increases the Defense Crit Damage of the affected tower by 4-60% of its Defense Power)
  • Explosive poison-Chaos 5 (If an enemy poisoned by the Poison Dart Tower is killed , it detonates dealing 10%-150% of the tower’s damage stat as damage in a small area around the enemy)
  • Frosty beams-Chaos 5 (5% chance for Proton Node to freeze all enemies it touches for 1-5 seconds)
  • Enhanced poison-Chaos 6 (Modifies the poison proc rate of the Poison Dart Tower’s poison by 1-25%)
  • Power Pylon-Chaos 7 (Increases the Defense Power of nearby defenses to 102-120%. Note: Requires a Blockade but this shard does not buff the Blockade that equips this shard)

  • Series Ev2
  • Proton Beam
  • Weapon Manufacturer
  • Squire Blockades
  • Monk flame aura/sky tower

  • Huntress
  • Poison Dart Tower (Lane/air/bosses)

Ascension points

This kind of build can be applied to any tower defense with few exceptions like sky tower wich has slow aswell,proton beam etc…
For all the builders i recomend upgrading:
-defense speed
-crit chance
-defense power
-crit damage

This builds can apply to any defense they are all similar.

Flame aura and skytower first 20/50 (ascension level:210) points in each category:

Dps Builds

There are lot of different builds and not alot of people will agree with mine they are basic not hard to achieve and highly usable.
Builds and Shard location:Ev2 Hybrid,Monk hybrid,Apprentice,Squire Hybrid
This are just some of the builds i use.

Enduring Tornado-Campaign (Increases the knockup duration of Tornado by 1-6 seconds)

Drenching Strike-Campaign (Your primary attacks have a 2-30% chance on hit to drench enemies for 3-10 seconds.)

Enhanced Decoy-Campaign (EV2s decoy deals and extra 20-420% damage to enemies.)

Speed Boost-Campaign (Increases your movement speed by 100-500.)

Bulwark-Chaos 1 (Increases armor by 4-40%.)

Harbinger’s Slam Pow-Chaos 2 (During Provoke, Seismic Slam damage increased by 130-410% of your Ability Power stat.)

Inspiration-Chaos 2 (Reduces the cooldown of your abilities by 4-40%.)

Beacon of the Storm-Chaos 4 (Once per second your primary attack spawns a lightning ball that deals 10-50% of your Hero Damage as storm damage. Bounces up to 3 times.)

Betsy’s Empowered Beam-Chaos 4 (Primary attacks now fire a sonic projectile that deals 105-150% of your Hero Damage stat as damage.)

Manabomb’s Aid-Chaos 4 (Manabomb places a shield on you that absorbs 150-750% of your ability power Stat. Enemies that hit the shield are burned for 150-550% of your ability power over 3 secon)

Smashing Fists-Chaos 4 (Pole smash spawns a Fist dealing 20-220% Ability Power as damage. After a short delay, another Fist emerges dealing 20-420% Ability Power as damage)

Burning Strikes-Chaos 5 (2-20% chance on hit to burn target for 20-180% of your Hero Damage stat as magical fire damage each second for 1-5 seconds.)

Empowered Beam-Chaos 5 (After the Sword Beam collides with 5 targets, it spawns an additional Sword Beam that travels in the same direction as the first dealing 125-425% of your

Ability Power stat as damage to each target hit. After colliding with 5 targets it returns to the Squire dealing 125-425% of your Ability Power stat as damage in an area around Squire.)

Manabomb Power-Chaos 5 (Increases the damage of Manabomb by 4-40%.)

Meteor Rain-Chaos 5 (Manabomb opens a portal overhead that spawns meteor that deal 30-550% of your Ability Power stat as damage to enemies they affect.)

Brain Of Confusion-Chaos 6 (When you take damage you have a 3-15% chance to confuse nearby enemies for 3 seconds. This effect has a 15 second cooldown.)

Pole Power-Chaos 6 (Increases the damage of Pole Smash by 4-40%.)

Power Of Storms-Chaos 6 (You have a x-10% chance on hit to restore x-20 mana per second for 3 seconds. 10 seconds cooldown.)

Unholy Fire-Chaos 6 (Blocking unleashes flames that deal 150-750% of your ability power stat as damage to enemies in a cone in front of the hero at a rate of twice per second.)

Charged Shot-Chaos 7 (Your primary attacks have a 5-15% chance to fire a fully charged secondary attack.)

Enduring Slam-Chaos 7 (Seismic Slam stun duration increased by 0.5-5 seconds)

Fiery Brimstone-Chaos 7 (Adds 4-12% Hero Damage to Your Attacks as Magical Fire Damage.)

Mana Capacitor-Chaos 7 (Increases your maximum ability resource by 10-100.)

Power Gambit-Chaos 7 (Increases your Hero Damage by 10-50%, but increase damage taken from enemies by 60-20%.)

Chaos progression

This Build includes some of the items that youl get during progression.To progress during chaos tiers you will need to upgrade your current equipments and relics also in adition i added the gambit range of each chaos so ppl will know exactly wich chaos they belong too in this moment.

  • Chaos 1 max by selling value

  • Chaos 2 max by selling value

    • Chaos 3 max by selling value

    • Chaos 4 max by selling value

  • Chaos 5 max by selling value

    • Chaos 6 max by selling value

    • Chaos 7 max by selling value

    Originally posted by author:


Grinding equipment

To be simple with it its based on your most powerful champion equipped in deck even if you have 4 heroes during a match aslong as your most powerful is equipped youl get the items withing your champion gear range.

Lets say i wanna make my huntress a new dps but i dont have any items from c7 just some c1 items and even if i have no equipment il still get an c7 weapon,aslong as my other character has c7 items equipped my huntress will receive weapons equipments and relics from c7.
