ENDLESS™ Space 2 Guide

Behemoths: terraforming, reducing anomalies, restoring planets and reconstruction for ENDLESS™ Space 2

Behemoths: terraforming, reducing anomalies, restoring planets and reconstruction


A guide to special behemoths abilities related to terraforming and restoring planets. In case you don’t know why your behemoth is not terraforming as desired…



Read lots of doubts about this options after Behemoths. Made a game with settings to give a little test at this. It was with patch 1.3.9, so not sure if it will be changed, but sounds a definitive version. Don’t blame me if something changes ;D

Heres the link[www.games2gether.com] to G2G forums if you want to read in Amplitude official web.

You can also found this guide in video here:


Actually there are two behemoth techs in science tree, that allows you to unlock modules related to terraforming, reducing anomalies and fixing depleted or destroyed planets. Here the techs and the modules tooltip:

As you see, both gives modules to behemoths, that you can put into behemots in ship desing screen, as usual:

The difference from basic to advanced versions, is that the basic version only allows you to terraform and reduce anomalies, while the advanced does it better and also allows you to fix destroyed and depleted planets.

Both have industry values. Essentially it works like putting the option in your queue: every turn the industry piles, and when you got enough the planet is terraformed, or whatever you were doing. Here have in mind that industry is cumulative, both from putting various modules in one behemoth and from putting various behemoths over a system, so all behemoths over same system will do the same action (I wasn’t able to terraform one planet with a behemoth and another with a second one at same time, suspect this is intended, wich is not a problem for me, as it really may be in your advantage: you terraform quickly).


Essentially you can terraform any planet you have the tech unlocked. Have in mind that to terraform with a behemoth you’ll need at least two techs:

  • The one that unlocks terraformation modules.
  • The one that you would use habitually to terraform the planet.

There are also some limitation to planets that you can terraform:

  • You cannot terraform planets in other player’s systems. If you’re asking about player having an outpost in same system, I could never test,
  • You cannot terraform colonized planets, even in your own system.

Said in the other way, you can terraform:

  • Any planet on neutral system.
  • Non-colonized planets in your own systems.

Here I’ll go with some screenshots:

In this one you can see the options to terraform (orange square), reduce anomalies and reconstruction. they’re all on the upper row (yellow square).

If you close up to the system, you’ll find the option to terraform (sorry, the screenshot is from another system, but makes the idea very clear):

Just click over the option you want and terraformation will start.

Reason why this option can be greyed out, are (consistent with said previously):

  • Colonized planets on your own systems.
  • Planets in other player’s system.
  • You don’t have the tech to terraform the planet.

About the terraforming chart, this is the same as you would use in a “normal” terraformation from system view.

And lastly, to terraform your own colonized planets:

Anomaly reduction

Here is almost the same as terraformation. you’ll need to unlock the necessary tech to reduce the anomaly, and the behemoth module. Here to make things easyer, you can reduce anomalies on your own colonized planets too.

Here a vision of the option to reduce an anomaly:

Reasons why this button can be greyed out are:

  • You don’t have the needed tech to reduce the anomaly.
  • Anomaly is in another player’s system

Just to put a mixed example of anomaly reduction and terraformation:

Here you can see that you can terraform non-colonized planets, but the colonized one has the option greyed out. Also you can reduce anomalies everywhere (sadly no anomalies on the colonized one, only in the previous screenshot :..( )

Cancelling depletion points

Well, essentially this allows you to get rid of noxious Cravers effects on planets. Her you only need the behemoth module and tech, this is a passive action and doesn’t have an specific button.

As you can see in this screenshot, I just captured a system with a planet depleted by Cravers. It has FIDSI penaties. Then I parked two behemoths over it, just look:

As the tooltip says the planet will be restored in 3 turns, so cancelling all nosious Cravers effects.

Some things to have in mind:

  • When a behemoth is parked it will passively restore all planets in the system at once.
  • As long as you don’t get rid of Cravers, they’ll continue to deplete the planet, so undoing the behemoth work. Depending on how much modules you have and how much Cravers pop is, it can only slow the depletion.
  • Normally is lonmger than 3 turns. As told before, this game have settings created sepcifically to test this.

If you’re playing with Cravers, have in mind what @Groo pointed about @LordYanaek discussion in G2G forums[www.games2gether.com]. Cravers have an special terraformation module, that instead of restoring planets, gives you 0.5 science per depletion point. This module is also the one you get if you build a custom faction with Cravers “slave divers” affinity. so, no restoration for Cravers, with IMO makes sense, as it will be like cheating. here the module description in its specific tech:

Planetary reconstruction

Oh, look:

Some ********* hit my system Placidus with an obliterator shot and destroyed everything. How sad…

But wait, after the destruction two behemoths come here…

And they got an option to restore the destroyed planets.

Have in mind that it also piles industry like terraforming and reducing anomalies. And in same way stacked modules in same behemoth or various behemoths in same node will sum their industry.

Add to this that this is an active action and you’ll have to restore planets one by one.

To do this basically you only need the tehc to unlock the module plus a propeerly equipped behemoth.

This way you can restore destroyed planets in your own systems or in neutral ones. AFAIK you cannot restore planets in other player’s systems.

Let’s click the button…

And Placidus II is restored.

Have in mind that all restored planets will be lave ones, so if you don’t like you probably want to terraform them (wich lucky can be done with same behemoth).

One important note, if you look at this screenshot:

Yes, unique planets like Harrow, Auriga, home planets, cannot be reconstructed.

Think that’s all for now. If you found any mistake or test something I didn’t think of, please post here.
