SimCity™ 4 Deluxe Edition Guide

Best mods experience , play like a boss and more ! for SimCity 4 Deluxe

Best mods experience , play like a boss and more !


Original Simcity4 is too much boring ? You search for something new ?You are new in simcity and whant to use cool mods ?If it is – me guide is for you ;D

For newbies (install mods)

Simcity 4 use special folders for mods which located in documents
For MODS (Lots , bats and other models and houses)
The way to that folder is C:/Users/USER_NAME/My Documents/Simcity4/Plugins
(remember №1 when you had downloaded something you shoud always read readme file)
(remember №2 you shoudnt move zips and rars in plugins folder , mods are always need to unzip)
For REGIONS (maps you need to move map folder to My Documents/Simcity4/Regions)

Where i can download MODS ? (list of sites)

There a lot of lists and sites where you can download a lot of cool stuff !
Look at this :

1.[link], (STEX) – great community for start use mods !
A lot of new mods every day and good download speed

2. [link] – Different, mainly european styled downloads can be found here

3.SimPeg, (PLEX)[] SimPeg (PEG) provides several interesting mainly american-styled downloads.
The main creators are Pegasus, Paeng, Murimk, Blunder, NBVC, SHK, RLM,
NightOwl, and the Pegrod-Team.
Considerable are harbor-sets, farms, and downloads for detailed landscaping.
The high-quality BATs are tested.

4.[link] Great site with amazing projects
and nice Mod search[]
List of nice buildings[]

List of most popular mods and my choices

Basic MUST HAVE mods
1. NAM (Network addon mod) Download it ![]
NAM is beautifull mod combines all transportation network-related fixes, additions and new creations that have been released so far. It will add countless new features to the existing network tools, such as new overpasses, highway onramps, intersections, ped-malls, a ground light rail network, roundabouts and turning lanes.

2.The SimPeg Agricultural Mod (SPAM) is an absolute, total and complete replacement for the game-default farming system. (Important ! it can conflict with other farm changing mods !) Download ![]
(Important this mod need PEG MTP SUPER PACK[]

3.Colossus Addon Mod (CAM) is a plugin for SimCity 4 that changes the game by adding additional growth stages to all of the development types found in the game.
It also have a lot of nice additional buildings and more addons that can be downloaded manualy.
20% or 30% of players use this mod but YOU NEED TO READ THIS FIRST
This mod is really intresting in gameplay changing , BUT :
1)Not every player will like gameplay changings of this mod
2)This mod have a LOT OF CONFLICTS WITH OTHERS MODS it not always mean that the game will crash but you can brake you gamplay !

Originally posted by Ilja:

It does not explode your computer, but it might explode your head. They were not designed to work together and both peoples behind CAM and SPAM consider these mods incompatible with each other.

That said, I am using this combination. It works for me, but I have the advantage of knowing both mods well. I played CAM long time, before moving to SPAM. I know how they change the game, so effects do not come to me as surprise.

If you are not comfortable with both mods, then CAM+SPAM combination is likely to cause unemployment issues in your cities. While farming no longer dies away during IQ development, you will have to pay a lot of attention to your farms. Key factor here is that farms do not redevelop themselves like other zoned do, so you will literally have to manually work with farms, when education goes further.

I prefer this option, but I am a bit nutty anyway. This combination works, but numbers around them do not exactly match, so you will have to often work with experience and intuition with CAM+SPAM combination.

Unless you are comfortable with both mods as separate modifications, I can not honestly recommend combining them together.

If you wish to do so anyway (kind of willing to learn it, without having to unlearn what you already knew), then start from small regions and remember that connected tiles share their demand.

See ? You need to be really carefully with gamplay mods !

Download awesome seaports[]
Marinas and Waterfronts[]

How to make you game more intresting?

Some players found this game boring after a few days , thats because they didnt have any plan of a city , build randomly , just farming money and dont think about other thinks like appearance of city.
For play with interest try to :
1.Install mods of corse
2.Draw a plan (Scratch) of you future city , look more carefull of you transport system
3.If you alredy have a city try to fix some city problems with unusual ways (use you logic)
4.Share you cityes and discuss it
5.Be more originative (play with map editor and draw some intresting terrain projects)
Look at this video for example there no much mods , but men make really beautifull city

Help me finish guide! Add you ideas / mods !

Have nice ideas ? mods ? and more ? tell me on steam or mail me [email protected]
i speak Russian and English