A guide drafted from multiple opinions and experiences. Just an opinion, but highly recommended.
The Mystery Box
The mystery box is the most useful tool in the game mode “Zombies”. It gives you a weapon to start with and allow you to keep killing zombies, and gain points. The first thing on your list should be to get a decent weapon from the box. Here are some basic standards to the box:
– Give other players a turn. Box hogging is often the downfall to a team in low rounds. One player keeps hitting the box, picking up decent weapons (Ex: Galil, MTAR, etc.) but puts them back in the box in hope to gain a HAMR. Do not do this. It increases the chance of a teddy bear when you are the only one with a decent weapon. The preferred option is using the mystery box twice then letting others have a turn.
– Ensuring a good weapon. If you ever see a video on Youtube showing you how to get a HAMR or RPD from the box every time, it’s absolute garbage. There is no way to ensure a good weapon from the mystery box.
– Bad Luck Box. You hit the box twice, and everyone else on your team has hit the box. You pay the 950 points, and the box cycles. But you get the teddy bear. If worse comes to worse, and you are stuck with EMPs and a Balistic Knife, do not be afraid to buy a weapon off the wall. The MP5 is a great weapon, aside from the low ammo pool. These weapons have ammo that can be bought.
What weapons are classified as “good”? The key factors are the AMMO CLIP, AMMO POOL, RELOAD SPEED, RATE OF FIRE, DAMAGE, ACCURACY, and RECOIL. If you have a gun that has 3 clips, but a high rate of fire and no way to buy ammo, you will be a sitting duck. If you have a gun that is strong but you need to go right up to the zombies just to hit 3 bullets, it isn’t a well rounded weapon. Some weapons have the added bonus of penetration, which is amazing. My personal favourites are:
1. HAMR – High rate of fire. Lots of ammo. Fastest reload speed out of all the LMGs. High damage output. Low mobility.
2. Galil – High rate of fire. Decent ammo. Quick reload speed. Above average damage output. High mobility.
3. RPD – High rate of fire. Lots of ammo. Slow reload speed. High damage output. Low mobility.
4. Ray Gun Mark II – 3 Round Burst. Penetrates zombies. Decent ammo. Decent reload speed. Extreme damage output. Very high mobility. [ONLY FOR VENGEANCE DLC CARRIERS]
5. Python – Medium rate of fire. Below average ammo. Slow reload speed (High reload speed upon pack a punching). Extreme damage output. High mobility.
RAY GUN MARK I: The Ray Gun is a fan favourite. It has decent ammo, high damage, decent rate of fire, fast reload, and high mobility. But it is unreliable. If you are getting over run and need to switch to your ray gun, this is how it will plan out. You will get hit, and kill yourself with the splash damage. The ray gun is NOT the God weapon everyone thinks it is. Only recommended for expert trainers, should not be used as a primary weapon.
Finding the Mystery Box should not be hard, as it emits a ray of blue light, visible outdoors through the fog.
Pack-A-Punch is a weapon upgrade. For 5000 points, you put your weapon in the machine, and a couple of seconds later, you go back to the machine to retrieve your upgraded weapon. This can make weapons explosive, increase the clip size, increase the ammo pool, increase the damage, increase the fire rate, and the reload speed. It is recommended that you get your weapons pack a punched after achieving all the perks.
Teddy Perma-Perk
The first thing you must do to achieve this perk is to take every single weapon you get from the box. Every one, regardless of how bad it is. And after a random number of times you pick up every weapon from the box you will see a green flash, and a teddy bear will be sitting on the box. This means you have done this perma-perk right. The perma-perk resets itself at round 10. This perma-perk will give you a better chance at getting “good” weapons such as HAMR, RPD, Galil, Ray Gun (even though I do not classify Ray Gun as “good”), etc. You still may get “bad weapons” such as the FAL and SMR, and you may also get the teddy bear, but it decreases the chances.
Which Perks are the Most Benefitting?
Juggernog should be the first thing you buy after getting a weapon. It is a necessary perk to survival. It will allow you to withstand hits and make hasty escapes if needed. It is the best perk, as it doubles the amount of hits you can take from zombies by 2, making your health “4”.
Tombstone is the second perk to buy. It is cheaper then rebuying juggernog upon going down by 500 points. Once you start buying more perks like speed cola and double tap, it will be easier just to rebuy tombstone. It is also quite useful because if you go down and no one can get you, all you need to do is reset and not only do you keep your perks, but your weapons too. The thing about tombstone is that if your team is in trouble on round 33, and you go down, activating tombstone might not be the best thing to do. Although without perks you will be useless, you will be worthless if you die. At the end of the round you can go run and get your perks back. It will be hard for the other player(s) to survive the round without you if they were in trouble already.
Speed Cola
Speed cola is a must. The number one cause for people getting overrun is a wave of zombies coming in while they are reloading. With speed cola, the reload speed of your weapon is half of what it was.
Double Tap Rootbeer II
Double Tap Rootbeer II is benefitting to nearly all weapons. Considering the fact that LMGs, SMGs, and Assault Rifles are the most important weapons in Zombies, it is a great addition to the line of perks. As well, Double Tap Rootbeer II splits all bullet weapons into two bullets, effectively doubling the damage. This is very useful.
Mule Kick
Mule Kick is the best perk, however, it is not on all maps. With the ability to carry a third weapon, it gives you more options for ammo and different ways to control situations. However, your third weapon is lost upon losing the perk. If this perk is in the map, it is a must.
The five perks above are the five main perks I would recommend getting. An exception is in the map, Die Rise, Who’s Who would be a good choice. With the ability of reviving yourself and others without comitting suicide, it is a much more viable option then Tombstone.
In the map Mob of the Dead, the recommended perks are Juggernog, Double Tap Rootbeer, Speed Cola, and Electric Cherry.
Character “Roles”
Who’s What?
Often in a game, each player is in charge of one thing. Players have more then one role, and roles can be passed along or outgrown. Here is a list of the common roles:
Money Slave: Often, people think this is the richest player. However, often people are wrong. This may be the case some of the times, but mainly the money slave is the person who is a step ahead of the other players (better weapon, more perks, etc.). This person’s job is to open the doors for the players who have not had their luck.
The Skilled One: This is the person who has map knowledge. Who knows where to go, what to do, and what to get. They are a valuable asset to the team.
The “Lone Ranger”: This is the person who packs up as soon as they get good weapons and their perks and heads off to a choke point. This person is not an ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ for abandoning the group. However, this player must be able to handle themself. If they are far from the group and go down with no Tombstone, they are in major trouble. This person attracts zombies away from the rest of the group and often will prefer to be alone. The player will pull their weight with no trouble.
The Liabillity: This role is most likely to be outgrown, and is given to the player with bad luck in the beginning. Getting no good weapons from the box, losing Juggernog right after buying it, and running out of ammo quick, this player will often need to leech and will need help.
The Helper: This player is often the one who will revive the “Liability”, will let the players leech, and will protect the lesser players in a choke point.
Best Strategies
One of the most useful strategies in the beginning of the game is leeching. It is when a player with a low power gun teams up with the strongest player and leeches points off the zombies by getting a couple of shots off each zombie, while the stronger player keeps the “leech” out of danger.
Training is an important strategy that will preserve your ammo and rip through zombies. Training is when you let all the zombies spawn in the map, then running in a certain way so the zombies follow you in a straight line. After all the zombies spawn in and are in a single file line, you shoot all them, aiming for the head unless using an explosive weapon (whereas you should be aiming for the feet).
Choke Point
A choke point is often a narrow spot with only a couple of places for the zombies to spawn and/or appear from. However, this often means only one or two viable emergency exits, which often can be swarmed with zombies that are running towards the choke point (you landing on them). Some of the best ones are the Church in Buried, the Bar in Town/Tranzit, the Appartment (where Juggernog is) in Town/Tranzit, the Warden’s Office (where Speed Cola is) in Mob of the Dead, the room with red pillars near AN-94 in Die Rise, the Barn in Farm, and the Pack-A-Punch Room in Tranzit.
Crawler Keeping
This is one of the best strategies if you or your team has taken a hit during the round. You must keep one zombie alive, and make it a crawler. A crawler is made by throwing a grenade at a zombie, and taking off only it’s legs. On lower rounds, it is best not to risk killing the zombie, as you are still faster then a sprinting zombie when you are walking with an RPG. One person keeps the crawler (or zombie) in a circle – running a one zombie train. The rest of the team then goes to get traps, perks, weapons, or to go put money in the bank. This is best for when someone decides not to use their Tombstone perk for the better of the team. It is also in the map “Buried” due to the fact that there are plenty of traps to set up and sometimes every person needs to get a new one due to their old one being destroyed.
This is the key strategy. You and your team must communicate. Where you’re going, what you want to do next, etc. If you’re team can communicate it will be able to function better. Microphones are the best way to go – typing can take too long. If you’re reloading, going to hit the box, if you want to stay in a certain choke point, or wanna keep a crawler so you can get a couple of perks – tell your team.