Call of Duty: Black Ops III Guide

BO3 Zombies; restarting instantly with the press of a button for Call of Duty: Black Ops III

BO3 Zombies; restarting instantly with the press of a button


No, this is not a joke guide. Do you want to keep all LD, EXP, AND your Gobblegums, WHILE not having to sit through the frozen forest or the game booting up again from alt + f4? This is a guide on how to set up your game to quickly restart, or “fast_restart” in a game of Zombies without having to sit through the long loading screen with only the press of a key of your choice, all while keeping everything you earned from the last game AND Gobblegums.

Getting to BO3’s install directory

The first thing you need to do is to get to the install directory of the game.
The easiest way to do this is to do the following:

  • Right click the BO3 icon in your steam library.
  • Go to manage, and click browse local files.

then you should be in.

What do i do in this directory???

  • You’ll need to find the “players” folder.
  • Find the files “bindings_0.cfg” and “bindings_1.cfg”.
  • Open “bindings_0.cfg” with a text editor like Notepad, and find the end of the text. There, put in the line:

    bind L fast_restart

  • Before you close “bindings_0.cfg”, save it by clicking “file” and clicking the “save” tab.
    Once you’ve done that, go to “bindings_1.cfg”, and put in the same text mentioned earlier and save it.

  • After all of that is done, right click the “bindings_0.cfg” file and click “properties”.
  • Click the checkbox next to “read only”, and hit “Apply”.
  • When that’s done, do the same with “bindings_1.cfg”.
  • Keep in mind that the “L” in the line “bind L fast_restart” will be the key you press to restart the game. You can replace it with any other key you want, but this is the one i use.
  • if you want to edit your binding, you’ll have to go back into properties, uncheck the Read Only box and click apply again, then change the key to the one of your choosing, then go back and recheck Read Only and click apply once more.

It’s done! But how does it even work? (FAQ+Extras)

If everything was done right and worked out, the next time you boot up the game, you can press the key you’ve binded fast_restart to (in the case i showed, L) to restart any game of zombies.

Here’s a short FAQ:

  • How do Gobblegums work with fast_restarting?
    • Gobblegums you used in your last game are NOT LOST if you fast_restart before you die and see the game over screen.
    • The Gums will say that they are used up, but will not have been.
    • However, You must Alt+F4 after you’re done with fast_restarting in the map you’re on in order to keep the gums.

  • How do LD/EXPs/Lobbies/everything else work with it?
    • LD, and EXP from the last game is KEPT when you fast restart.
    • It works in private/solo games.
    • It does not work in public games.
    • Only the host can fast_restart.
    • It works on custom maps, but may break some. (eg; Sepukku breaks when doing this, you have to use the in-level map_restart)
    • it does NOT save high rounds to your combat record.

  • help!!! the game isn’t fast restarting and keeps resetting both files!!!!
    • You probably forgot to check read only in the properties of both bindings_1.cfg and bindings_0.cfg, or you forgot to hit apply after checking read only in the same menu. The game won’t edit those files so long as you have read only both checked AND applied.
    • If that wasn’t the problem, setting the file to read only in your text editor and not in file properties doesn’t seem to work. You’ll have to set it to read only SPECIFICALLY in the file properties, and not with your text editor.

  • I fast_restarted, but now the map is acting up. how do i fix?
    • map_restart! just follow the same directions in this guide, except replace “fast” in fast_restart with map! It may restart slower but will fully reload the map, without the frozen forest. I would have both restarts binded to something, so when fast_restart acts up, you can use map_restart!

  • Is there a way to keep GGs while not having to restart the game with alt+f4 or having to play on the same map?
    • There is! You can make another bind for “disconnect”, alongside your fast_restart bind, doing the exact same thing but typing “disconnect” instead of “fast_restart”. Doing this will disconnect you from the level, you won’t have to sit through the frozen forest, and you’ll keep GGs!

Also, make sure you’ve binded it to somewhere your hands are never near; i lost an entire gorod krovi easter egg run because i hit “L” when i tried to type in chat. Don’t take the L like i did, haha.

Another thing interesting to note was that this mechanic is already in the campaign and works fine. Treyarch likely was going to put this into zombies, until they realized it let you keep gobblegums or something similar after you fast_restarted.

Besides that, thanks for reading, and a special thanks to these people for their findings in the comments: Every little bit helps, thanks guys =)

  • RudySPG
  • Soro Hanosh
  • Wes
  • Some Random Dude
  • kennedy
  • crustySenpai
  • whoever else i may have forgotten :p