Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes Guide

Bomb Defusal Crib Sheet for v1 Rev 2 (Spoilers?) for Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes

Bomb Defusal Crib Sheet for v1 Rev 2 (Spoilers?)


This Experts’ cribsheet is for Version 1, Revision 2 ONLY.This is probably considered spoilers, so forwarning before looking. This was originally ment for my family and friends who had trouble trying to put words on certain probing questions to advance in the game, some of which who speak English as a second language. They are fine talking normally in English, but when trying to put the questions to words in a high stress situation … well … it falls apart. So I made this for them originally. However, eh. Why not, I’ll publish it, see if someone wants it.I would consider this cribsheet part of the Bomb Defusal Manual and should be treated as such. Your defuser should not have this.

Printable Version?

Printable Version here[]

(This is a Microsoft Word file. However, when clicking it, it is viewable without word, printable, and you can save it for yourself as docx OR pdf. This just makes it easier for me to edit if I missed something or need to make a correction.)


Alice here. As sometimes my family and friends in expert role sometimes botch the job (especially Bob!) but want to try to get faster and better, I have created a cribsheet that could either be printed out separately or written in your Bomb Defuser Manuals as notes. This is especially with defusers and experts that put themselves in trouble many a time because they did not have the right words to say or the right questions to ask. (In my case, I have written them wherever blank space is AND printed out the cribsheet).

One should play without the crib sheet first, that is, playing this blind (as in not know what the modules are.) This is intended to be a guide in the event that your experts and defuser cannot get the correct wording out, this is what this guide is for. I written these out originally on one expert’s sheet (aunt) as although she can talk English normally but under stress, it kind of fell apart.

I found keeping track of these probing questions helped me greatly — my family and friends sometimes have a little trouble remember how to do things at times. I am also doing this to save some relationships. (But I know I can’t save them all!)

This is of course, for the game Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes.[]
Bomb Defusal Manuals for the experts are on [link] .
Credit to as I based some strategy of their run to this guide.
Credit to FENNEKINS of DA[] for the Alice Margatroid icon, because Alice, Bob, Eve, and Mallory. Also gratuitous Touhou reference.
Credit to Heinrich Apfelmus’s Morse Code Guide[] for the chart.
Credit to draeath for the Morse Code section (which for here, is shortened as to be considered a crib sheet). Please consult their guide for in-depth information on how to use it.

Please let me know if there’s any errors or corrections to be done with the cribsheet. I am, of course, not responsible for any death, dismemberment, or injury for any incorrect information transmitted. Experts should be double checking the cribsheet in case Eve intercepted and Mallory modified this information.

(Also, you are now on a list and the NSA is now watching you)

Preparation at Start

Ask your defuser the following on the bomb (or if you are the defuser, it may be a good idea to at least remember these things to give at least).

  • Complicated Wires Module (Ask to describe ASAP, especially if there is more than one expert– they can work on it while other modules can be worked on)
  • Any Needy Modules (to allow yourself to remind a defuser in case they forget).
  • A Needy Knob Module (see On the Subject of Knobs) so one can keep that handy.
  • Optionally if wanted to give right away: Complete Serial Number, lit [CAR], lit [FRK], number of batteries, and a parallel port (See Appendix C)

Currently for v1 Rev 2, all other details can be ignored.

Regular Modules

On the Subject of Wires

  • Check or ask if the last digit of the serial number is odd/even.

On the Subject of The Button

  • Ask for color of button and its text
  • Check or ask if [CAR] and [FRK] are present and lit.
  • For held buttons: Blue – 4 | Yellow – 5 | ANY OTHER COLOR is 1

On the Subject of Keypads

No special notes other than have a system.

On the Subject of Simon Says

  • Check or ask if there is a vowel (A, E, I, O, U) in Serial Number
  • Check or ask number of Strikes (if applicable)
  • Keep track of colors that have been LIT. Your defuser will probably not remember this.

On the Subject of Who’s on First

This particular one is where my family, friends, and I had extreme trouble with processing so …

  • Rehearse this and be very clear.
  • Enunciate your words and spell it out.
  • Ensure that your defuser is not seeing an empty [ ] screen.
  • When possible, avoid using the module’s keywords while working on this module.

On the Subject of Memory

  • If you get it wrong, the module will start over.
  • No other special notes other than keep track of both button position and label per stage. Your defuser will probably not remember this.

On the Subject of Morse Code

  • Draeath’s Morse Code Guide WILL help! Look below for dot and dash chart. This isn’t a Morse guide, so check out their guide for more in-depth information.
  • For dots, just say “dit”. For dashes, just say “dah.”
  • Otherwise, follow as directed.

On the Subject of Complicated Wires

  • If you have more than one person as an expert, information of this module should be given ASAP to be worked on.
  • Check or ask if last digit of serial number is even.
  • Check or ask if bomb has parallel port (See Appendix C)
  • Check or ask if bomb has two or more batteries
  • Might be a good idea to color and mark your Venn Diagram, especially if it is hard to read for you.

Easy DO/DO NOT Cuts

  • DO Cuts – white wire star | red wire star | white wire only
  • DO NOT Cuts – lit white wire only | lit redblue wire star | blue wire star

On the Subject of Wire Sequences

No special notes other than keep track of how many times a wire has been used.

On the Subject of Mazes

  • Recommend to use coordinates, like 0,0 = the bottom top, 3,5 = three right, five down, etc.(Draeath suggested this! This is better)
  • One could say column x, row y (replace them with your numbers needed.)
  • Ask for the circle locations FIRST!
  • The red triangle is the destination for your defuser.
  • The white dot is the dot your defuser is at.
  • You may say the coordinate the person needs to go to OR say what direction + steps. (Go right 3 times, go up 1, etc)

On the Subject of Passwords
No special notes, follow as directed

Needy Modules

On the Subject of Venting Gas and Capacitor Discharge

  • No special notes, follow as directed.
  • Might be a good idea to remind them once in a while.

On the Subject of Knobs

  • Note:This is based on s system as mentioned earlier
  • Remind your defuser that the position is relative to the UP label.
  • You can use the top row lights for almost every LED configuration as binary, with exception of the 101010 configurations.
  • For Patterns that uses 101010, ask if the third bottom light is lit.

Knob Binary Patterns

  • Up Position – 001011 or 101010 (3rd bottom light IS lit)
  • Down Position – 011001 or 101010 (3rd bottom light NOT lit)
  • Left Position – 000010
  • Right Position – 101111 or 101100