Are you still playing Commandos 2 in 2021 and are unable to find all Bonus books, however hard you try? Well … not anymore :)I will be providing a detailed explanation (with in-game screenshots) as to where each bonus book is. I am not suggesting that my way is the best, or the only one, but for me, this is the quickest way to find all bonus pieces. If at any point you have a question, or a comment you wish to post, then please let me know so that I can get back to you asap to make things hopefully a bit clearer.
Linking my other Guides
If for some reason, you may want to check out my other guides, these can be found here:
1) for all the locations of the keys (in the main maps that contain them):
2) for a guide on the secondary achievements/clues on all main missions:
3) for all the useful guns / boxes that you can access in all the main missions
Some bonus books and secondary objectives/clues are slightly hard to find/achieve (like to rescue the 50 allied prisoners in colditz castle, for instance). For this reason, I have created these 3 guides, to help you slightly more in your missions 🙂
What happens when you collect the bonus books?
Well, nothing happens if you do not collect all of them in each main mission. However, if you collect all of them in a main mission, then you will unlock the bonus mission for that main mission. Then, if you end up winning that mission, then you get a medal for it.
Mission 1 – Night of the Wolves
This mission has 5 bonus books.
The first book is in the building where you meet with Natasha:
The second book can be found at the building next to the building where the assistant with the keys is:
The third book is at the building where the assistant is with the keys:
To access the last two books you have to be cautious: You have to enter the building where the patrol enemies are with Natasha (from the right door – see picture). She has to wear her german uniform so that the lieutenants there do not recognise her:
Mission 2 – Das Boot, Silent Killers
This mission has 11 bonus books.
For the most part, to collect most bonus books in Mission 2, you can simply take the officer uniform (of the officer near the truck), and then walk to the bonus books.
As soon as you kill the three enemies (rifleman, officer with cigarette and soldier) near the truck, use your spy to take the enemy officer uniform.
Then, the first bonus book should be here:
Be careful! To get to the second book, you have to be mindful of the enemy officer, who can detect the spy. In this case, make a quick save, and then use 2 of your syringe to neutralise him (and then hold shift to tie him up and take his uniform). Remember, as soon as you enter this room, close the door immediately, so the other soldier will not see you or the enemy officer on the floor. The lieutenant’s visibility is quite limited, so he shouldn’t be able to see you as you neutralise the officer.
The second book is here:
To get to the third book, you should walk (with the officer uniform) to the next building of where you are (left building – see image):
Next, to access the fourth bonus book, you have to either 1) raise the alarm multiple times (if you are perhaps playing on the normal difficulty), so that the patrol groups inside this building will have exited and hopefully died by your grenades OR 2) you can just throw 2 grenades inside this building with your sapper (if you have killed most of the other patrol enemies.
The fourth book is here:
The next building has two bonus books (numbers 5 and 6):
You can simply enter the building with your spy (with the officer uniform on) and distract the soldier. If you have already reached the radio (and brought the green beret, you can then use your knife to eliminate this enemy. Alternatively, you can use the diver to throw a knife.
Then, to eliminate the two enemy officers, you can use your diver again to throw a knife towards one of the two officers and then the green beret to finish off the last one.
Bonus Books 5 & 6 are here:
The next bonus book (#7), is located south, to the big building you have to blow up. Obviously, you should take this bonus book before blowing up the building, if you want to try out bonus mission 2 featuring the diver:
Now, you have done well up to this point. There are not any other bonus books outside. The rest can be found in the submarine, and in the place where the captain is held. The principle is the same, simply walk in with your spy (dressed up as the officer) and you should be able to take all of them without any trouble.
Bonus Books 8 & 9 are here:
The last two bonus books are found in the building where the captain is:
Mission 3 – White Death
This mission has 6 bonus books in total.
You can find the first two bonus books in the submarine (from where you start the mission).
The first bonus book is in the exact same room where you start.
The second book is in a container in the next room (to the right).
The third bonus book can be found in the radio camp (where you have to use the radio – once you have found the 3 enigma machine pieces):
The fourth book can be found in one of the upper decks of the large ship:
To access the fifth bonus book, you will have to raise the alarm, and kill this patrol group (and the one in the opposite way). This can be found here, near where the captain is held:
To access the last one (#6) just continue to the next door (but quick save before you enter, because there is a sub-machine gun enemy there, with some very explosive barrels:
Mission 4 – Target: Burma
This mission has 9 bonus books.
The first two bonus books can be located at the building just near the radio tower building:
The next bonus book (#3) can be found at the radio building:
The fourth book can be found at the building south of the radio tower (enter from that particular door, perhaps with the sniper, to quickly eliminate the enemies / or with a cigarette to remove an enemy from the wall):
The fifth bonus book is at the top floor of the building where the rifleman is standing (roof):
Bonus Books 6 & 7 are located at the building just next to this building where bonus book 5 is:
Bonus Book 8 can be found in the middle building (with some sniper ammo as well from enemies):
You can find the last bonus piece at the building near where the ghurkas are located:
Mission 5 – Bridge over the River Kwai
This mission has 7 bonus books in total.
The bonus books are quite easy to find in this mission.
The first one is located at the first building that you go through:
The second book is inside the second building:
The third book is right in the middle of the bridge (on the right column, where you should place the explosives for the main objective):
The fourth bonus book can be found at the top left building in the northwest sector. There are some enemies close to each other inside this house, so if you go with the green beret, do not use the knife if you want to be stealthy:
The fifth bonus book can be found in the house just right from the building of the fourth bonus book:
To access the sixth bonus book be careful. There is a rifleman and an officer in that building – if you do not have much health and you play on very hard difficulty, you may want to switch to another commando:
For the final bonus piece, just enter the building where Guinness explains the plan of how to blow up the bridge:
Mission 6 – The Guns of Savo Island
This mission has 10 bonus books.
The first bonus book of this mission can be found in the room where you can equip Sapper with the two remote control bombs:
The next three (#2, #3, #4) bonus books can be found in the tunnels where you have to steal the key to destroy the big guns:
Now, for the fifth bonus book, I go to the northern area – the door to this house is not easily visible (so it is easy to miss this one):
For the sixth book, go to the middle building in this area (but be mindful of the enemy sniper in the top floor of the building where bonus book 7 is located):
Bonus Book 7 should be at the house where the enemy sniper is at:
Bonus Books 8, 9, and 10 are located in the west tunnels (near where the Sapper must blow up the three gigantic cannons):
Bonus Books 9 and 10 are in the room where the three cannons are:
For bonus books 6, 8, 9 and 10, be careful of the patrol groups that are stationed in these areas; especially in the extra hard difficulty, as they can catch you off-guard.
Mission 7 – The Giant of Haiphong
This mission has 14 bonus books.
The first book is in the second building right in front of you when you start the mission:
The next two bonus books (#2, 3) are in the top floor of the building where the rifleman is standing:
The next two bonus books (#4, 5) are located in the shopkeeper’s building (where you talk to the shopkeeper and he gives you a box with Natasha’s sniper and German uniform):
Note: to access #5 bonus book, you have to use the ladder to the upper floor.
Bonus Book #6 can be found in the building behind the shopkeeper’s building (with the 3 officers and one or two soldiers):
Then, you can find bonus book #7 here:
The next couple of bonus books (#8, 9) can be found to the next building from book #7:
Next, bonus book #10 can be found on the ground floor of the white building (where natasha is):
You can access bonus book #11 at the southwest building of the map (the lowest building near the enemy truck and an (almost) sleeping enemy) – 1st floor; near the door:
Now, books 12 and 13 are inside the building where the Sapper and Thief are:
Finally, for the last bonus book (#14) you should be aware of the patrol groups (and also the patrol group in that building – the left building from the first (smaller) oil tanks):
Mission 8 – Saving Private Smith
This mission has 6 bonus books.
Bonus Books #1, 2 are located in the first house where the Green Beret is captured (they are on the middle floor):
1) if you play on Normal difficulty, you can shoot somewhere with the Green beret’s gun, and then put the automatic fire on (so that when the 3 enemies come, he will shoot them automatically).
2) if you play on very hard difficulty, you can give the thief one of the two rifles (that you took on the upper floors) and leave your green beret with the other rifle and the pistol. That way, when the 3 enemies come, you can kill the lieutenant with one bullet, the sub-machine gun enemy with another, and then the soldier with a knife.
It is necessary to go into this much trouble because of the contents of the inventory of the soldier:
You see, he carries the blowtorch (which you have to take and give it to the Sapper, in order to open the door to the last bonus book (#6)). More on this later.
Bonus book 3 is in the house where the Sapper is captured:
At this point, it might be useful to also examine the inventory of the soldier in this house as well (as he carries the mine detector and the anti-tank mine (which is very useful for the invasion).
Now, bonus books 4, 5 are in the house where the sniper is:
Like I mentioned above, after you have collected these 5 bonus books, you have to use your Sapper with the blowtorch (hotkey: L) to open the door of the fallen aeroplane. At the same time, it is really useful to do a quick save (or a normal save), because if your Sapper dies because of a mine, it is game over in very hard mode.
Now, if Smith operates the radio, you will be able to access the cutscene (where the main commandos commanding officer debriefs you for the incoming invasion) and you will be able to prepare for the invasion.
Otherwise, if you do not find the 6 bonus pieces, you will not be able to unlock the invasion part (which, technically, also counts as the bonus mission for this main mission 8).
Mission 9 – Castle Colditz
This mission has 30 Bonus books, and some of them are hard to find. So, if you miss one or two, do not worry, you are not the only one.
The first two bonus books in this mission can be found in the first big factory that you encounter (with the two soldiers and one officer inside):
Next, bonus books #3-17 are located in the buildings in the north (near the church where the Spy is located). For these books, be extra cautious of the enemy snipers located on the left side as you are coming there with the green beret and the sniper, as they can catch you off-guard. Also, it would be useful to take the enemy patrol officer’s uniform for the Spy.
More specifically, bonus books #3-5 can be found here:
Now, books 6 and 7 can be accessed from the next building (see image):
The next three books (#8,9, and 10) can be found in exactly the next building from where you are. The door of this building is not visible from every camera angle, so make sure to be on the same camera angle as shown in the picture:
To locate the next books (#11 – 17) you should find the red building (see image below). In this building, for the most books (apart from 1), you can just use your spy with an enemy officer uniform (maybe the patrol officer that you previously took care of):
For number 17 book, you can use your spy to distract the lieutenant (make him look towards the wall), and maybe use your Green beret to throw a cigarette (so that the rifleman goes to pick it up).
After this, to kill the enemy officer (who cannot be controlled by your Spy), you could throw a cigarette directly outside the door (so that when you open the door, he will immediately see it). For this technique though, you should ideally move your green beret fast after you open the door.
Do not forget to take bonus book 17.
You can also check how many bonus books you currently have by clicking on the bonus book icon on the top sidebar (near where your mini map is located).
Good! You have done well up to this point. There are not any other bonus books in the outter part of this map. The next books (18-30) are located in the inner part of the castle:
More specifically, books #18-20 can be found in the third building to the right (as you enter from these big doors:
Now, to access numbers #19 and 20, you have to go down the stairs:
Finally, bonus books #21-30 can be found in the building left from where you are:
NB: bonus book number 29 in my list is REALLY hard to miss. Hopefully though, you will not miss it now 🙂
Mission 10 – Is Paris Burning?
This mission has 17 Bonus books in total and is the last mission from the main story missions.
In terms of bonus books, it does not have that many (compared to Castle Colditz for instance).
The first bonus book is inside the furniture in the room where you start the mission:
Now, for books #2,3, and 4, you should go to the building next to the tank that you can steal (with your Driver and Sapper – to be able to shoot with it and move). It is the building where the Sapper must cut the power to the explosives:
Bonus books #2 and 3 are located in the 2nd floor:
Be careful not to miss bonus book #3, because it is not very easily noticeable.
Next, to find bonus book #4, you should visit the 3rd floor:
The next few bonus books (#5-12) are located in the adjacent building:
Furthermore, #5 and 6, are located in the ground floor:
To easily distract the lieutenant and the officer, you could try using the thief’s mouse (to make them look towards the wall, or let whiskey (your dog) bark towards the wall.
Bonus Book #7 is located at the 1st floor:
Now, books #8-11 are in the 2nd floor, and you should be careful not to miss bonus book #8 in my list:
Next, bonus book #12 is on the 3rd floor. In general, in this building you can collect most books with your spy dressed as an officer, and you should also do this for this bonus book in particular, as there are several sub-machine gun men there, and you do not want to disturb them much..
Finally, bonus books #13-17 are located at the last building (where Natasha is supposed to be rescued at:
More specifically, #13 is found on the ground floor:
You can use your spy to distract the sub machine gun enemy while the green beret goes to knife him and the soldier as well. In terms of the lieutenant, I do not think he poses much of a threat, if you do not run.
Bonus books #14,15 are located on the 1st floor:
The last two books (#16, 17) can be found on the 2nd floor:
Last but not least, to rescue Natasha, you should visit the 3rd floor.
Well done! You have now hopefully found all bonus pieces, and have unlocked all bonus missions!
Again, please let me know if this guide helped you. If it did not, then leave a comment in the comments section, so that I can check it and maybe update my guide accordingly.
Oh, and please remember to rate this guide.
For now, have a nice day 🙂