Made it to be able to acces those information directly from the games, but i guess it could be usefull to anyone using the bonus packTo avoid making this guides to long i’ve split it into 2 guides:1. Trade script2. Combat script* Script are presented in the order you would usualy need them in a usual gamethe Bonus pack download and the list of all script included and information relayed here can all be found there:http://forum.egosoft.com/viewtopic.php?t=55445Enjoy
Manual Trade Commands v1.5
The Manual Trade Commands(MTC), by Xai Corporation, provides 3 trade commands to facilitate easier control of remote trading ships.
The Commands are provided by the Trading System Extension and Trade Software MK1, so each ship you want to run the commands on requires one of these. In addition the best sell and best buy commands require the Best Selling Price Locator and Best Price Locator respectively.
The MTC is similar to the Trade Command Software Mk3 in that it does not operate out of a Homebase, however, the MTC has no “brains” of it’s own. It relies on you to make any decisions on what to trade.
1. Manual Trade Run
– Select the ware and station to purchase at, then select the station to sell at.
– The ship will complete the run once.
– The ship will not complete the sale if it cannot make a profit.
– requires the Trading System Extension
2. Best Buy
– Select a ware from a station’s list, and enter the maximum number of sectors to travel.
– The ship will buy that ware for the best price found in range.
– requires the ship have a Trading System Extension and Best Buys Locator
3. Best Sell
– Select a ware from the ship’s cargohold, and enter the maximum number of sectors to travel.
– The ship will sell the ware for the best price possible in range.
– requires the ship have a Trading System Extension and Best Selling Price Locator
If an MTC command encounters a problem it will contact you, then land the ship at the nearest possible station and wait for you to sort out the problem.
Unlike many more advanced scripts, it has no ability to correct for a problem, indeed it has very little brains aside from what it requires to perform the commands. That is left for you to provide.
The MTC commands are sensitive to the ship’s Friend/Foe settings. It will refuse to trade at Argon stations if the ship has the Argon set as an Enemy, for example.
1. Provide the ship with a jumpdrive and enough energy cells and the ship will use the jumpdrive for journeys over 2 sector.
2. Navigation Relay Satellites in sectors will allow the ship to check prices in remote sectors, that have no other player property, when using the Best Buy and Best Sell Commands
3. The keywords for this script are “no brains”. It does next to no thinking, just does what you tell it. If it has a problem, it will tell you and set the ship down at the nearest station to wait for help.
Exchange Freight v1.1
Transfer between ships does exist, but you have to dock at a station, then check landed ships in the station, select your ship, and an option is there to exchange items with your ship.
As the name suggests, the script allows you to exchange freight between ships owned by the player. The player no longer needs to be in either of the ships or even in the same sector to transfer freight from one ship to another.
Attention: Executing this order on a ship cancels all other orders. So you have to issue new orders to your ship afterwards.
As stated, it transfers freight from one player owned ship to any other player owned ship within transporter range. Therefore both ships have to be in space and in the same sector. Naturally at least one of the ships has to be equipped with a transporter device. If you are transferring shields, they will be installed on the targeted ship automatically if they are better than the currently installed shields. Weapons will not be automatically installed. They just get transferred into the cargo hold of the target ship and have to be installed manually via the ships menu, if desired.
Because of limitations of the script editor, you cannot choose a docked ship as a target, so both ships have to be in space to make the transport work. If a ship is docked, the command is not available. It is not possible to transfer ship upgrades or extensions (like the transporter device itself, freight scanner, or anything else like this). If the player ship is one of the two ships involved in the exchange, then it is possible to transfer command extensions using this command.
The script editor doesn’t know if the command was executed successfully, so you always get the “Command Accepted” message when the command is run, but this doesn’t necessarily mean that the freight really got transferred. If the transport failed for any reason, you will get an error message written to the player log (see Error messages). If the script successfully transferred the freight, no message is written (there’s already enough spam within the log book). Another limitation of the script is that it can’t check if there is a third ship equipped with a transporter device in range, so at least one of the ships taking part in the transfer has to be equipped with a transporter device. Otherwise, the transport will fail and an error message will show up in your log.
There are some fictional and logical limitations to the script.
As stated already, to transport the freight there has to be a transporter device installed in one of the ships involved.
The transfer will only be successful within the normal transporter range of the transporter device. The range is five km, and both ships must be within the same sector. If the ships are flying around when you try to transport cargo, it might occur that they leave transporter range, so it’s best to stop them before you command them to exchange their cargo.
Only player owned ships can be targeted for transport.
Negative amounts of freight are not allowed. If you want to transfer a ware back, you must execute the command from the other ship.
You cannot transfer freight to the same ship.
To keep it simple (I’m not a good scripter, this is just the result of playing around to get familiar with the script editor Wink ) the script will only transfer the exact amount of goods given during the command routine. If this is not possible for any reason (cargo limitations or not enough wares), no freight will be transferred and an error message will be created. This is true even if the transport of a smaller amount of wares would have been possible.
The script will not transfer any freight which is currently installed on the source ship (e.g shields and lasers). So you’ll have to uninstall them first if you want to transport them. ATTENTION: Missiles are handled differently, they will always get transfered even if they are the currently selected missile. Keep this in mind, or else the source ship may suddenly have no more missiles installed.
Finally, even if it would be possible, the script will not tranfer wares to “non-ships” like Squash Mines, Navigation Relay Satellites, Advanced Satellites, Lasertowers, and Fighterdrones. (ATTENTION: In modifed universes, targets might exist which are not specifically excluded by the script routine and so freight might get transfered without the chance to transport it back. This could cause the loss of the freight. The script should be adjusted for these mods or used with caution.)
As said, every failed attempt to transfer freight creates an error message in the player log. Here is an overview of the possible messages and their meaning (though I hope they are self explanatory in most cases)
– “ships are the same.” – The source ship is identical to the targeted ship.
– “ships are in different sectors.” – The source ship is not in the same sector as the targeted ship. This might be caused by movement of both ships (docking somewhere or jumping away) or you might have accidentally switched to another sector in the galaxy map.
– “ships are not in transporter range of each other.” – The ships are within the same sector, but the distance between them is bigger than 5km.
– “transporter device needed.” – At least one of the ships must have a transporter device installed.
– “not enough freight to transfer.” – The specified amount of goods is higher than the amount of this ware in the cargo hold. This may mean that you are trying to transfer installed equipment (e.g. shields or lasers). – See: 4. What won’t it do?
– “not enough free cargo space.” – The target ship has insufficient room in its cargo hold. This might mean that you are trying to transfer too much freight or it might mean that the target ship is not capable of carrying the freight’s transport class.
– “negative amount.” – The amount of freight you are trying to transfer is 0 or below, which is pretty senseless Wink To transport freight from the target ship to the source ship, just execute the command from the other ship.
– “target is not a ship.” – The target is not a real ship (like Navigation Satellites, Lasertowers, Squash Mines or Fighterdrones). ATTENTION: Modified universes may define other objects as player owned, which might not be recognized as invalid targets by the script. The command might then be executed and the freight may get lost.
After installing the script, you will see on every player owned ship a new command “Transfer freight …” in the “Special…” command category.
After selecting the command, choose the ware you want to transfer from the cargo hold of the executing ship. Then enter the amount of goods you want to transfer (only positive integers will work). Next, the galaxy map opens and you select the target ship to transfer the wares to. Hit enter to confirm your inputs or “Esc” to cancel the command. After you choose the target ship and confirm your selection by hitting enter you’re brought back to the ship command menu. The freight Should be transferred. If not, an error message should be shown in your player log (see 5. Error Messages)
Step -> What to do
1 -> Select command
2 -> Choose freight
3 -> Enter amount
4 -> Select target ship
5 -> done
Trade Command Software MK3
1) The Sector Trader, which remains within one sector.
2) The Universe Trader which will look in other sectors over increasing distances for wares to trade.
The Trade Command Software MK3 is a software upgrade that allows a hired pilot to automatically look for good prices and trade. The pilot is ordered automatically from the local jobcenter once the software is run for the first time. (A jobcenter where you can hire experienced pilots is in preparation.)
The pilot learns to interpret the output from the MK3 software and earns experience. Every 50,000 earned credits the pilot advances by one level.
Firstly he learns to trade better.
From level 4 onwards he is intelligent enough to check the product of the station he is located in before flying to other stations to trade, avoiding empty trade runs.
From level 7 onwards he will recognise the chance to make a profit if the selling price is above the buying price. Before he only bought wares where the selling price was above average price.
From level 9 onwards the pilot will steer his ship to the closest shipyard if it has been damaged.
Additionally from level 8 onwards the pilot is able to check neighbouring sectors for good trade opportunities. This requires you to start the “Universe Trader” command though. The downside is that this also means higher upkeep. The pilot demands better payment and a well-equipped ship as his journeys can be rather dangerous.
1) at least one 25MW shield or the maximum shield strength the current ship supports.
2) Fight Software Mk1 and MK 2
Level 8 allows the trader to use the jump drive, if the ship is not equipped with a jump drive the pilot will simply order one as soon as he reaches level 12. If the pilot order the jumps drive the price is 10% higher than the normal price as the drive will be delivered to the trader. You may take this literally as there is an actual ship that delivers the drive to your trader. Of course the risk for the ordered ware is on the buyers’ side, so if that delivery service goes “boom” it’s your problem. Additionally the trader will order up to 12 Fighter Drones over time which he will use in emergencies to distract attackers.
In such emergencies the pilot will try to escape to the nearest station or use the jump drive for an emergency jump to get away from the danger zone. A Universe Trader will never head for systems that have Khaak present – so you’ll have to make sure the Khaak don’t block all the trade routes of your ships. Xenon and Pirates are NOT considered lethal enemies which makes them the most common threat for your Traders obviously.
If a Trader is attacked he will tell you the ID of the attacker so you know who to look for should you feel the need for revenge.
The jump distance for buying and selling increases with the Trader achieving higher levels until the ship covers nearly the whole universe. For reasons of rationality the buying-range is limited to a max. of 5 jumps (level 21+) otherwise the ship would require too much jump energy.
Up to level 12 the selling-range is 1 sector – the pilot is learning to check his neighbourhood.
Level 13+: 5 sectors
Level 17+: 15 sectors
Level 21+: 25 sectors
As said before, the buying-range is smaller.
Up to level 15: 1 sector
Level 16+: 3 sectors
Level 17+: 5 sectors
The pilot will refuse to do trade runs that only bring minimal profit. There is no point doing a trade run to make a profit of 300 credits when the cost for fuel (energy cells) is some 1900 credits! He’ll leave such trade runs to the Sector Traders, the “newbies”. Only under extreme circumstances and with no good trade options at all he might do such “lower work” so he doesn’t have to fly with empty pockets.
Extremely high-level Traders (level 23+) will additionally co-ordinate their trade runs with each other to avoid multiple Traders heading for the same stations.
The jumping Trader will get the necessary energy cells from the surrounding stations. This includes player-owned SPPs. If there are no energy cells available anywhere near these will be ordered from the delivery service – causing extra costs of course.
A Trader will always reserve at least 20 per cent of his cargo space for fuel. The exact amount depends on the distance between start and target system and includes an additional 110 energy cells as reserve. A Trader will ALWAYS restock his reserve to be able to do emergency jumps in case of attacks. If there is enough energy available and the target system is close by the Trader won’t refuel.
Every 50.000 credits profit that he makes the pilot receives a fee of 4.500Cr at max. (level 25) following this formula:
(level * 100) + 2000
Over time a pilot would be able to afford his own ship this way….
With the new version it is possible to transfer the pilot into another ship. To do this, a special menu a script is available, where you have to fill in the start and target ship as well as the station where the ships should meet. Because of the limitations of the script engine, both ships have to be in space. *Grumble*. Also, both ships should be in the same sector to prevent accidents (crossing enemy sectors).
The new ship, which has to be “empty”, i.e. no pilot must be on board, gets the name of the old ship, all important items are transferred, and the pilot is placed into the new ship with all his experience. After this the trader can be started as normal and resumes at the current level. It is not possible to preserve the experience level of the pilot through simple transferring of the MK3 software. If you transfer the MK3 in the normal way, the pilot stays and you take on a new inexperienced pilot when you start the MK3 software.
The old ship gets the name ‘—‘.
The traders, especially the Universe Trader take care of crisis regions, ensuring that they are provided with all products. Since they deliver resources everywhere very fast, the following effects have been observed.
1) The AI gradually stops running its own transports. If a Sector Trader works in a sector, then you will only see external transports after a while. If you out 10 Universe Trader there as well, even these will get rarer. This effect is only noticeable over a long time.
a) This results in the player being attacked more frequently, just because of simple probability
b) The game performance will become better, because fewer objects are underway.
2) The maximum profit in the universe is limited by time. In some cases it wouldn’t make sense to take on more traders, because they wouldn’t be able to make any more money and would spend most of their time waiting.
3) Al; AI factories always have enough goods to produce, and almost no-one trades. This boosts industry in general, but it at the same time worsens your ability to sell your own products. The traders spoil their own business eventually.
Station Management System V3.1a
The “Station Management System” (SMS) offers enhanced administration of your own stations through the following options:
– The prices are automatically adjusted depending on the stock
– Excess money will be automatically transferred to the player’s account, or to a player owned trading station’s account, in the sector.
– It adds an overview over debited sums and other useful information about the station
When you load a game or start a new game after Installing SMS, you get new commands in the command slots of all own stations:
– SMS Mini/Standard
– SMS Deluxe
– Configure SMS
– SMS local log generation
– SMS global log generation*
– Advanced SMS options*
– Stop SMS
* These commands are only available on Trading Stations
If you want to use an additional SMS command (e.g.: Configuration, Logging) while another is already running, you MUST choose another command slot, otherwise SMS will be stopped (it will overwrite the SMS command).
There are two or three modes of operation of the SMS: “Mini” / “Standard” and “Deluxe”. Both require 2 different settings at startup:
– ‘max Credits at Station’ is the maximum amount of money the station keeps for itself;
– ‘Warning when Credits below’ warns if the station’s money falls below this limit (detailed explanation below).
Abilities: it controls the resource prices and transfers money the station doesn’t need automatically. For the latter a fixed maximum value must be set manually.
When you start the Mini/Standard version, it does not instantly begin its work. Only the money the station doesn’t need will be transferred. This is free of charge.
To change from the “Mini” version to the “Standard” operating mode you have to set the prices of the resources. To do this you use the “Configure SMS” command: first you choose the station, then the wares and finally you set the maximum and minimum price limits. (If both values are the same, the price is fixed and won’t be adjusted to the available stock level).
If you do this for all resources needed by the station, another 20,000Cr will be debited and the Mini/Standard version takes effect within some.
Abilities: it controls the prices of all wares of the station and transfers money the station doesn’t need automatically; the threshold value can be calculated automatically.
Once started, the Deluxe version begins its work. The range of prices is adjusted to the prices set. The product’s price range will be between the price set by you (the lower boundary) and the maximum possible price. Conversely the resources’ price ranges will be between the price set by you (the upper boundary) and the minimum price possible.
If you want to change the range, you do so as in the Mini/Standard version using the “Configure SMS” Menu, i.e. choose the station, the ware and the price limit.
If you want to disable administration by SMS, you should use the “Stop SMS” command.
If you accidentally end it using the “none” command, you should still use the “Stop SMS” command, otherwise there may be problems when restarting the Management System.
In addition, this also resets the settings.
Advanced Options (only available in a Trading Stations)
0 = disable; 1 = activate
Two additional options are available. These settings act globally, so they are not only active in the sector the Trading Station is in:
‘rename Stations’: If activated a short tag will be added in front of the stations’ running SMS names:
– adds “(SMS Dlx)”, “(SMS Std)” or “(SMS Min)” to the station name
– ‘silent Mode’: when activated only a minimum of notes are sent to the player
Note: “low money” warnings are not considered as particularly important and are not sent in silent mode.
The different versions of SMS have a certain start fee which is debited from the player’s account immediately after the software is started:
Mini: free
Standard: 20,000cr (Upgrade from Mini)
Deluxe: 100,000cr
In addition to these fees there are ongoing costs, which are directly debited from the station’s account and which depend on the station’s ‘level’ (description follows):
Mini: 100cr per hour
Standard: 300-100cr per hour
Deluxe: 600-200cr per hour
Note: the amounts are not debited once per hour, but are deducted in smaller amounts which then add up to the total above.
If a station does not have enough money to cover the expenses, wares are impounded to pay the station’s expenses.
Even if there are no more wares to impound, SMS doesn’t stop working. The outstanding ‘arrears’ fees are recorded by the system. When a certain amount is reached, the balance due can be paid through the special commands-menu of the player’s ship (in this case you get a note).
Each station can level up to a maximum of 100. At level 100: SMS’s fees are only 33% of those of level “0”. This “discount price” is financed by the people living in the station’s sector. For this a police license is required.
You own a station in Argon Prime and you have an Argon police license. The station in Argon Prime gradually achieves higher levels, and its fees go down.
If you loose your police license, the station loses a few levels too!
As long as you don’t own a police license, you will pay full fees for the SMS’s actions.
If you own a trading station it is, as mentioned above, possible to generate a global log. All SMS stations in the same sector will then transfer the money they don’t need to the trading station, instead of to the player’s account.
If the station’s money is less than the amount set, the designated trading station transfers some money to the station. The same happens if money is required for the station SMS dues.
‘Max Credits at Station’: Enter one of the following:
-2 -> Maximum amount is calculated automatically (Deluxe only)
-1 -> Money Transfer disabled
>= 0 -> Enter the maximum value manually
‘Warning when Credits below’:
0 -> Warning disabled
> 0 -> Warn me when amount of money below this amount
If you want to use an additional SMS command (e.g.: Configuration, Logging) while another is already running, you MUST choose another command slot, otherwise SMS will be stopped (it will overwrite the SMS command).
– Standard checks only the prices of the resources
– Deluxe checks the prices of all wares
– Standard only allows a fixed “Maximum Credits” value
– Deluxe calculates this value automatically
– Standard doesn’t change the prices when stopping it; they stay the same as just before ending SMS
– Deluxe resets the prices to the amount they had before starting SMS
– Deluxe adapts prices and transfers money more frequently than Standard
BPH Upgrade Kit Mk1
1) Less freighters have to be bought (eg a Mosquito Missile factory will go from using 3-4 to 1-2)
2) All freighters will stay in optimal condition ( No freighter flies around with 20% hull)
3) You always reach optimal profit! Because for example, now that the freighter can change destination mid-trip, EC’s are more often sold for maximum.
4) All factories in the vicinity are emptied consistently, remain well stocked and so the demand also stays well balanced.
1) Buy the BPH Upgrade Kit for your freighter,
2) Assign a homebase,
3) Open the trading menu,
4) Select (start) BPH extension,
5) Forget it.
1) Select the BPH – Goods Prohibited menu item.
2) Enter the total number of goods to prohibit this freighter from transporting (e.g. enter 2 if you want to stop the freighter from transporting both Ore and Energy Cells) The input help will read ‘Anzahl der zusperrenden Waren’ this is German for ‘Number of prohibited wares’.
3) Choose the first type of product to prohibit. (e.g. first select Ore) the help line will read ‘Gesperrte Ware’ this is german for ‘Prohibited ware’.
4) The command will finish, but you are not done yet!
5) Repeat several times to prohibit multiple wares (always enter the total number of prohibited wares first, and then choose the next ware to prohibit from the ware list)
6) After all wares to be prohibited are selected, Start the BPH extension
For a freighter assigned to a Mosquito missile factory, if we wanted to prohibit Ore and energy:
1) Select BPH – Goods Prohibited
2) Enter 2 to represent the total of two wares to be prohibited.
3) Select Ore as the first good to prohibit.
4) Reissue the BPH – Goods Prohibited command.
5) Again enter 2 to represent the total of two wares to be prohibited.
6) Select energy as the second and last good to prohibit.
7) Now issue the (start) BPH – extension command.
The freighter will now not attempt to transport ore or energy.
To clear the list of prohibited wares, and allow the freighter to trade all possible wares again:
1) Select the BPH – Goods Prohibited command.
2) Enter 0 to tell the freighter that 0 wares are to be prohibited.
3) Select any ware in the ware list that appears, it does not matter which.
Special Items:
BPH freighters may be assigned to trading stations / equipment docks once they reach experience level 4. They will never sell when working for a trading station / equipment dock, regardless of experience level.
It is advisable to pay attention to which sector the BPH has been activated in because different races pilots may behave differently when confronted with pirates and other enemy threats.
Your pilots are also quite particular about payment of pilots fees and expenses. If you don’t do so, your pilot will leave you after a period of time, which is understandable since he has to earn a living as much as you do.
Should you have no money in your factory account to pay the BPH Pilot, through lack of attention or simply lack of willingness to pay, your pilot will wait with his ship until funds have been deposited into the factory account, -ignoring any lucrative orders that may be available at that time. After payment your pilot will start immediately… well, he might finish drinking his coffee first, ok?
Pilots will not land in stations in sectors containing khaak fighters, except Khaak M5 vessels because these aren’t really a threat to either your pilot or your freighter.
– Because of the fact that player trading stations / equipment docks have only one price to set buying and selling prices, BPH frieghters will only purchase wares for (selected price – 1). For example, if you want your freighter to buy crystals for 1684, you must set the price on trading stations and equipment docks to 1685. This prevents the station from selling the goods for the same price that the freighter purchases them. This does not apply to regular factories.
– While in the process of a trading run to purchase a ware, the BPH freighter will find a new target station if the price of the ware at the current target rises more than 20% (even if it is still under the acceptable maximum price limit) This is done to insure that your BPH freighters are always seeking to purchase for the lowest possible prices.
– BPH Freighters will never target a factory that has no money or no free cargo space (when selling too that factory). This will usually apply to player owned Factories since stock levels and pricing works differently for the AI.
– BPH freighters will keep buying stock until the Factory has no credits left to buy goods with. At this time the Freighter will send the player a message informing him of the lack of credits in his factory. Once a factory is fully stocked the available credit ballance in the factory stabilizes and behaves normally.
10cr + level *2 = cost per transit through each gate ( 74cr at lv 8)
50cr + level *4 = cost for each trading run ( 4’146 cr at lv 8)
200cr = costs for each jump using the jumpdrive
- Level 1
The freighter checks all resources that he can buy. Before this, he only checks the resources which are running low in the factory. - Level 2
Prevents multiple BPH freighters with the same homebase from targeting and flying to the same station.
The cargo of all homebase freighters will be taken into account when determining how many wares are needed.
The pilot will respond to demand more urgently and hence a better supply will be provided when resources are rare. - Level 3
The freighter flies to the nearest shipyard if its hull is damaged and sends a message. - Level 4
The pilot will not land at stations in sectors where Khaak are currently active. (excluding M5s)
Can be assigned to a player owned Trading Station or Equipment Dock.
The freighter may make multiple purchases before returning to the homebase. - Level 5
On the way home, stations on the way are visited as well. - Level 6
The freighter will now also try to sell the station’s product.
Note: It is possible to use the goods prohibited command to prevent a level 6 BPH freighter from selling the station’s product. Simply select the station’s product as the ware to be prohibited. This may be useful if you are making weapons, etc. to supply your own fleet and do not want the BPH freighter to sell them! - Level 7
The pilot will respond to more urgent demands with the use of the jumpdrive (if installed). - Level 8
The Pilot will always use a Jump Drive (if installed) when he has to travel distances greater than 1 sector.
Please note: If you would prefer your freighters do not use a Jump Drive then please do not fit one to your freighters.
The cost to use a Jump drive may make some factories unprofitable.
Commodity Logistics Software MK1 (Kri’Me SDS Station Delivery Software)
This software supports the pilot in coordinating his internal production logistics. It will collect orders of the different consumers inside your enterprise and coordinate those with chosen suppliers. The software was originally developed by an Argon software engineer but has been acquired by the Paranid merchant fleet who now sell it.
Consumers will generally be sorted and supplied according to the urgency with which they need the wares. Stations will only be considered for a delivery if they have less than 90% of the storage space filled. The same principle applies to your producers which will only be allowed to ship wares if their storage is filled by 10% or more. Said a different way, stations will not receive wares if they are almost full, and suppliers will not send out wares if they are almost empty.
Over time the pilot will learn to use this software more efficiently, nobody starts out as an expert. Additionally he might participate in special training courses by utilizing his trading computer extension. Those training courses are offered in the pilots home base at specified time intervals.
- Apprentice
The apprentice is able to collect commodities from one supplier and to deliver those to up to three consumers (excluding equipment docks and trading stations). The apprentice is carrying out his probationary period in your enterprise and doesn’t get a salary during this time. - Auxiliary courier
The auxiliary courier is able to collect commodities from up to two suppliers and deliver them to up to five consumers. Additionally, he will be able to deliver commodities to equipment docks and trading stations. The auxiliary courier gets a wage of 10 credits per mizura flown, paid after completing each trip. - Courier
The courier is able to collect commodities from up to three suppliers and deliver them to up to five consumers. Additionally, he will use a modern jump drive to get around more quickly. The courier gets a wage of 15 credits per mizura flownm, payable upon completion of each trip. - Freighter Pilot 2nd class
The freighter pilot 2nd class is able to distribute commodities from five suppliers to ten consumers. Furthermore, he pays close attention to the commercial radio network and will not enter any sectors in which enemy ships have been reported. The freighter pilot 2nd class is paid a wage of 20 credits per mizura in flight, paid after each trip. - Freighter pilot 1st class
The freighter pilot 1st class is able to distribute commodities from five suppliers to ten consumers. Furthermore, he will repair his ship on his own by visiting a shipyard if necessary. The freighter pilot 2nd class is paid a wage of 25 credits per mizura in flight, paid after each trip. - Freighter pilot
The freighter pilot is able to distribute commodities from ten suppliers to twenty consumers. Additionally, he is qualified to supply TL class transports. The freighter pilot is paid a wage of 30 credits per flight-mizura, payable after each trip.
Prerequisites for TS or TP class ships (can be used to deliver between factories):
– Duplex- and Triplex-Scanner (optional: decreases the minimum jump range by one sector)
– Cargo scanner (optional: affects the collection-strategy)
– Trading computer extension (optional: needed to participate in training courses)
– Navigation Software MK1
– Jump drive (optional: can be utilized after a special training course)
– Commodities Logistics Software MK1
Set the home base of your TS/TP class ship to one of the stations that will be supplying wares to your group of stations you want to manage. The software will look for the product of your ships home base to deliver, so setting the correct home base is important. When starting the software for the first time there may be no products onboard except the home base commodity (to be delivered), installed weapons and shields, mosquito rockets, fighting drones, and energy cells (for the jump drive).
The main command is started from the trading menu. The command “Start commodities logistics” will be visible once the CLS MK1 and the Navigation Software MK1 are installed. After starting the software you need to supply a numerical parameter. This parameter defines the price at which the commodity will be transferred between stations. Entering a value of ‘0’ will result in no money being transferred. Entering a value of “-1” will result in using the current commodity price in each station.
Once you start the main command, your ship will just be sitting there. This is because you now need to define the list of stations that needed to be included in the delivery network.
The list of stations to deliver from/to is maintained using a seperate command in the ships additional commands menu. After selecting this command, you will select one of your stations or TL transports to include in the delivery network. The software will determine on its own if the selected station is a supplier or a consumer. If the pilot is experienced enough to accept more suppliers/consumers, the command is accepted, and this is indicated by an audio signal. Otherwise an error message is shown, letting you know that your station list is already as large as your pilot can currently handle. If you select a station or transport already contained in the list then this factory/transport will be removed from the list.
To show the ships current station list, select the command to add a new station to the list, and then select the ships home base or the ship itself. The station list will be displayed sorted alphabetically. To delete the whole list simply select any ship.
The input order of suppliers and consumers does not matter. The pilot will generally visit consumers based on how urgently they need the wares and suppliers in the order you entered them. If a cargo scanner installed onboard the ship then suppliers will be visited based on stock levels (with fuller stations being visited first).
Attention: Modifications to the station-list are possible in-flight but won’t be considered until the start of the next trip.
A few notes: When supplying a TL-transport no credits will be transferred. When using a jump drive the pilot will supply himself with energy cells from his home base. He may purchase energy-cells from an external source as long as he is not managing a cost-free loop.
Commodity Logistics Software MK1 (with M6 on Eq. Dock)
(M6) class ships (can be used to deliver between equipment docks):
– Pilot needs to be at least of level “Freighter pilot”
– Maximum shields and weapons (e.g. Argon Centaur, 2 x 125 MW shields, 2 x G-HEPT, 2 x B-HEPT)
– Duplex- and Triplex-Scanner (optional: decreases the minimum jump range by one sector)
– Cargo scanner (optional: affects the monitoring and waiting strategy)
– Navigation Software MK1
– Jump drive (optional: can be utilized after a special training course)
– Commodities Logistics Software MK1
Since a home base cannot be assigned to a corvette class ship, an extra command is present in the command menu. The command “Set home base” will be visible once the CLS MK1 and the Navigation Software MK1 are installed. After starting the command you just need to select an equipment dock. Afterwards, the trading menu will display the command “Start logistics”.
Once you have assigned an equipment dock as a home base, you can start the software with the “Start logistics” command. When you select this command, you will need to select another equipment dock to coordinate with.
Corvette class ships transferring wares between equipment docks may transfer many different types of wares. The commodities list is maintained using a seperate command in the additional commands menu. After starting the main command, before the ship will do anything, you will have to run the command to add a new commodity to transport. Upon running the command, select a commodity to transport first. Then you will enter a value to set the transfer price. Entering a value of ‘0’ results in no money being transferred. Supplying a price of “-1” tells the software to use the equipment docks current price. Entering a value of “-2” will delete the entire list of commodities. Entering a value of “-3” will display the current commodities list.
Attention: Modifications to the commodities list are possible in-flight but won’t be considered until start of the next trip.
A few notes: Only freighter pilots may use this software on a corvette. To do this you need to assign such a pilot to the chosen M6. When starting the software for the first time there may be no product onboard except the home base commodity, installed weapons and shields, any rockets, fighting drones and energy cells (for the jump drive). When using a jump drive the pilot will supply himself with energy cells from his home base. He will not buy energy cells from external sources.